Firestore: Where query (==) on map field - google-cloud-firestore

I have a collection with shipments in them.
I want to filter on postalcode which is a part of the 'address_from' map.
Is this possible and are there extra steps required, indexes for example, to make this work?
query.where('address_from.postalcode', '==', shipment_code);

That query should just work. Any single field query should work without creating an index, as all fields are indexed by default. Queries that require an index will yield and error message telling you that one needs to be created, and provide a link to the console to automatically do that.


Firestore: get an Observable doc from another field which is not the Id

I want to get a single Observable from a collection, but I want to get it from a different field that is not the id. It is possible?
I do not want to do a query and limit to 1. I need to get a Single Observable not an array Observable.
this.afs.doc<Credit>('credits/uid/'+ uid).valueChanges();
Invalid document reference. Document references must have an even number of segments, but credits/uid/d1Zt8sozYqb6H27lhoJgF1Gx2Cc2 has 3
I am not sure if I understand correctly, but I guess that you want to get document with particular uid field value, not using document id.
This particular error is related with common feature of Firestore, that every document has to be in collection not in document. So path values for documents, (nested as well) are always checked, if the segments (devided by /) number is even ex. collection1/doc1/collection2/doc2/collection3/doc3
As results in your code we have 3 segments (like credits/uid/<uid_value>) so this is the error.
I am not very familiar with angularFire2 itself, but I have done it in JS. The approach is normally to query collection and than use method on the results, which in classic JS returns Query object on which the same methods can be used as on CollectionReference (which extends 'Query' btw - reference 1).
Combining this approach with those references: querying and collection I propose following solution:
this.afs.collection('credits', ref => ref.where('uid', '==', <uid_value>)).valueChanges()
If uid_value will be unique you should get your doc.
Unfortunately I do not have any playground to test the solution so please let me know how it works - or if there will be any additional errors.
I hope it will help! Good Luck!

Cloud Firestore: check if value exists without knowing field name

I would like to check if a certain value is present in my Cloud Firestore collection through all the present fields and have back the document ID that has at least one field whose value is the one searched.
In this example, the code should give back only 2 records when I look for "Peter": 8cyMJG7uNgVoenA63brG and fnk0kgW7gSBc3EdOYWxD.
I know how to do a search when the field name is known. But in this case, I cannot know the field name at prior.
If you don't know the name of a field, you can't perform any queries against its value. Firestore requires queries to use some index, and indexes always work with the names of fields in your documents.

How to check whether a certain field is indexed in mongodb or not?

I know db.collection.getIndexes() can return all the indexes in collection, but sometimes it will return a long result if collection has many indexes, and this will make it difficult for you to find whether a certain field is indexed.
So how can you check whether a certain field is indexed in mongodb?
Yes, you can easily view whether you field is indexed or not using below query:
In above query, use your own collection name and field name. If it returns some value on console, the field is indexed.
THIS will give you much indepth-knowhow

mongodb computed field based on another query

I have a mongodb query, and I want to add a computed field. The computed field is based on where or not the item is in the results of another query. So my query returns the columns a,b,c,d, and then column e should be based on whether or not the current row would be matched by another query.
Is there an efficient way to do this in mongo? I'm not really sure how to do this one...
There is no way currently to execute a function as you describe within the database when returning a document via standard functions such as find. It's been requested by the community, but the general request is to operate only on a single document.
There are calculated fields using $project in the aggregation framework. But, they only operate on the current document in the pipeline. So, they can't summarize other queries.
You'll need to likely build your e value as part of your data access layer.

The fastest way to show Documents with certain property first in MongoDB

I have collections with huge amount of Documents on which I need to do custom search with various different queries.
Each Document have boolean property. Let's call it "isInTop".
I need to show Documents which have this property first in all queries.
Yes. I can easy do sort in this field like:
.sort( { isInTop: -1 } );
And create proper index with field "isInTop" as last field in it. But this will be work slowly, as indexes in mongo works best with unique fields.
So is there is solution to show Documents with field "isInTop" on top of each query?
I see two solutions here.
First: set Documents wich need to be in top the _id from "future". As you know, ObjectId contains timestamp. So I can create ObjectId with timestamp from future and use natural order
Second: create separate collection for Ducuments wich need to be in top. And do queries in it first.
Is there is any other solutions for this problem? Which will work fater?
I have done this issue with sorting on custom field which represent rank.
Using the _id field trick you mention has the problem that at some point in time you will reach the special time, and you can't change the _id field (without inserting a new document and removing the old one).
Creating a special collection which just holds the ones you care about is probably the best option. It gives you the ability to logically (and to some extent, physically) separate the documents.
Newly introduced in mongodb there is also support for a "sparse" index which may fulfill your needs as well. You could only set the "isInTop" field when you want it to be special, and then create a sparse index on it which would not have the problems you would normally have with a single indexed boolean field (in btrees).