kubernetes: Proactively trigger nodes' upscaling before rollout - kubernetes

When performing a new Rollout via the Rolling Upgrade strategy, I have found out that the main bottleneck in terms of duration is the creation of new nodes (by the Cluster Autoscaler) needed to accommodate for the simultaneous presence of old and new pods.
Although tweaking a bit .spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable and .spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge values can mitigate the side effects a bit, I see that if I proactively (and manually for the time being) spin up new nodes, the time of the new rollout reduces dramatically.
Are there any off-the-self tools that perform this kind of Tasks?
If not, any recommended strategy to go about this would be highly appreciated.

If the cluster autoscaler is just acting on "simple" resource requests, such as CPU and memory, you could launch a couple of "warm-up" Pods at the beginning of your CI process, which will give the autoscaler a "head's up" that a new deployment is coming very soon.
Something like kubectl run expensive-sleep --image=busybox:latest --requests=memory=32Gi --restart=Never -- sleep 300 which would poke the autoscaler, then the placeholder Pod would exit, but the autoscaler usually does not scale Nodes down immediately, so you would have some freshly provisioned Nodes waiting for the actual rollout of your Deployment.
If the autoscaler is making more complicated decisions, such as GPUs, taints/tolerations, availability zones and whathaveyou, then the trick may require more than just a kubectl run, but I believe the underlying idea is plausible


what is the use of vertical pod autoscaler "auto" mode

As far as I understand from the VPA documentation the vertical pod autoscaler stop/restart the pod based-on the predicted request/limit's lower/upper bounds and target.
In the "auto" mode it says that the pod will be stopped and restarted, however, I don't get the point of doing a prediction and restarting the pod while it is still working because although we know that it might go out of resource eventually it is still working and we can wait to rescale it once it has really gone out of memory/cpu. Isn't it more efficient to just wait for the pod to go out of memory/cpu and then restart it with the new predicted request?
Is recovering from a dead container more costly than stopping and restarting the pod ourselves? If yes, in what ways?
Isn't it more efficient to just wait for the pod to go out of
memory/cpu and then restart it with the new predicted request?
In my opinion this is not the best solution. If the pod would try to use more CPU than available limits than the container's CPU use is being throttled, if the container is trying to use more memory than limits kubernetes OOM kills the container due to limit overcommit but limit on npods usually can be higher than sum of node capacity so this can lead to memory exhaust in the node and can case the death of other workload/pods.
Answering your question - VPA was designed to simplify those scenarios:
Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) frees the users from necessity of
setting up-to-date resource limits and requests for the containers in
their pods. When configured, it will set the requests automatically
based on usage and thus allow proper scheduling onto nodes so that
appropriate resource amount is available for each pod. It will also
maintain ratios between limits and requests that were specified in
initial containers configuration.
In addition VPA should is not only responsible for scaling up but also for scaling down:
it can both down-scale pods that are over-requesting resources, and also up-scale pods that are under-requesting resources based on their usage over time.
Is recovering from a dead container more costly than stopping and
restarting the pod ourselves? If yes, in what ways?
Talking about the cost of recovering from the dead container - the main possible cost might be requests that can eventually get lost during OOM killing process as per the official doc.
As per the official documentation VPAs operates in those mode:
"Auto": VPA assigns resource requests on pod creation as well as
updates them on existing pods using the preferred update mechanism
 Currently this is equivalent to "Recrete".
"Recreate": VPA assigns resource requests on pod creation as well as
updates them on existing pods by evicting them when the requested
resources differ significantly from the new recommendation (respecting
the Pod Disruption Budget, if defined).
"Initial": VPA only assigns resource requests on pod creation and
never changes them later.
"Off": VPA does not automatically change resource requirements of the
VPA Limitations
VPA recommendation might exceed available resources, such as you cluster capacity or your team’s quota. Not enough available resources may cause pods to go pending.
VPA in Auto or Recreate mode won’t evict pods with one replica as this would cause disruption.
Quick memory growth might cause the container to be out of memory killed. As out of memory killed pods aren’t rescheduled, VPA won’t apply new resource.
Please also take a look at some of the VPA Known limitations:
Updating running pods is an experimental feature of VPA. Whenever VPA updates the pod resources the pod is recreated, which causes all
running containers to be restarted. The pod may be recreated on a
different node.
VPA does not evict pods which are not run under a controller. For such pods Auto mode is currently equivalent to Initial.
VPA reacts to most out-of-memory events, but not in all situations.
Additional resources:

Will k8s scale a pod within HPA range to evict it and meet disruption budget?

excuse me for asking something that has much overlap with many specific questions about the same knowledge area. I am curious to know if kubernetes will scale a pod in order to evict it.
Given are the following facts at the time of eviction:
The pod is running one instance.
The pod has an HPA controlling it, with the following params:
minCount: 1
maxCount: 2
It has a PDB with params:
minAvailable: 1
I would expect the k8s controller to have enough information to safely scale up to 2 instances to meet the PDB, and until recently I was assuming it would indeed do so.
Why am I asking this? (The question behind the question ;)
Well, we run into auto-upgrade problems on AKS because it won't evict pods as described above, and the Azure team told me to change the params. But if no scaling happens, this means we have to set minAvailable to 2, effectively increasing pod amount only for future evictions. I want to get to the bottom of this before I file a feature request with k8s or a bug with AKS.
I believe these two parts are independent; the pod disruption budget doesn't look at the autoscaling capability, or otherwise realize that a pod is running as part of a deployment that could be temporarily upscaled.
If you have a deployment with replicas: 1, and a corresponding PDB with minAvailable: 1, this will prevent the node the pod is running on from being taken out of service. (I see this behavior in the system I work on professionally, using a different Kubernetes environment.)
The way this works normally (see also the PodDisruptionBudget example in the Kubernetes documentation):
Some command like kubectl drain or the cluster autoscaler marks a node as going out of service.
The pods on that node are terminated.
The replication controller sees that some replica sets have too few pods, and creates new ones.
The new pods get scheduled on in-service nodes.
The pod disruption budget only affects the first part of this sequence; it would keep kubectl drain from actually draining a node until the disruption budget could be satisfied, or cause the cluster autoscaler to pick a different node. HPA isn't considered at all, nor is it considered that it's "normal" to run extra copies of a deployment-managed pod during upgrades. (That is, this is a very reasonable question, it just doesn't work that way right now.)
My default setup for most deployments tends to be to use 3 replicas and to have a pod disruption budget requiring at least 1 of them to be available. That definitely adds some cost to operating the service, but it makes you tolerant of an involuntary node failure and it does allow you to consciously rotate nodes out. For things that read from message queues (Kafka or RabbitMQ-based workers) it could make sense to run only 1 replica with no PDB since the worker will be able to tolerate an outage.

Schedule as many pods as will fit in the cluster?

I've got a batch job to run: process a large number of media files. I have a Kubernetes cluster to run it on, but I don't want to change the size of the cluster. I want to run the processing as a low-priority job. Any time there are spare compute resources, they should work on media-processing. Any time there are other jobs that need resources, the media process should be suspended.
Currently, I'm running a Deployment with one replica for each node in my cluster. I defined a PriorityClass for the batch-job and a different PriorityClass (with higher priority) for everything else. That seems to be working to evict running batch-jobs when something else needs the resources.
I define a Affinity, specifically a WeightedPod(Anti)Affinity to discourage the batch-job from scheduling on the same machine.
The code itself is a queue-worker: it pulls one work-item off a shared queue and processes it and then goes back for the next. If it gets interrupted (because it's being evicted) the partial work is lost (which is fine).
This is working OK, but I'm leaving a lot of resources on the table, still. Is there some way to define my replica-count as "as many as you can schedule"? I could ask for far more replicas than the cluster can handle; would that be a good solution? Or are there problems with Kubernetes having 10 pods stuck "pending" for months at a time?
I think there's no harm in asking for more pods than the cluster can handle and keeping them pending forever. My only concern is whether the scheduler will be able to discern normal priority pending pods over low priority pending pods, and be able to give precedence to the more urgent ones.
The pro way to go about this issue, IMHO, is to leverage prometheus adapter and use an HPA to target the current capacity of your cluster using a prometheus query. This can give you continuous of the cluster capacity and the ability to autoscale accordingly. This medium article has a pretty good introduction to the concept.

In Kubernetes, can draining a node temporarily scale up a deployment?

Does kubernetes ever create pods as the result of draining a node? I'm not sure whether this is a feature I'm missing, or whether I just haven't found the right docs for it.
So here's the problem: I've got services that want to be always-on, but typically want to be a single container (for various stupid reasons having to do with them being more stateful than they should be). It's ok to run two containers temporarily during deployment or maintenance activities, though. So in ECS, I would say "desired capacity 1, maximumPercent 200%, minimumHealthPercent 100%". Then, if I need to replace a cluster node, ECS would automatically scale the service up, and once the new task was passing health checks, it would stop the old task and then the node could continue draining.
In kubernetes, the primitives seem to be less-flexible: I can set a pod disruption budget to prevent a pod from being evicted. But I don't see a way to get a deployment to temporarily scale up as a result of a node being drained. The pod disruption budget object in kubernetes, being mostly independent of a deployment or replica set, seems to mainly act as a blocker to draining a node, but not as a way to eagerly trigger scale-up.
In Kubernetes, deployments will only create new pods when current replicas are below desired replicas. In another word, the creation of a new Pod is triggered post disruption.
By design, deployments do not observe the disruption events(and probably it's not possible, as there are many voluntary actions) nither the eviction API directly. Hence the deployments never scale up automatically.
Probably you are looking for something like `horizontal pod autoscaler. However, this only scales based on resource consumption.
I would have deployed at least 2 replicas and use pod disruption budget as your service(application) is critical and should run 24/7/365. This is not only for nodes maintenance, but for many many other reasons(voluntary & involuntary) a pod can come down/rescheduled.

K8s - Schedule new pod before the old one is terminated

I have read up on the Kubernetes docs but I'm unable to get a clear answer on my question. I'm using the official cluster-autoscaler.
I have a deployment that specifies one replica should be running. When a pod is terminated (for example, was running on a node that is getting scaled-down) is the new pod scheduled before the termination begins or after the termination is done? The docs say that schedule happens when terminating, but don't mention at which phase.
To achieve seamless node scale-down without disruption to any services, I would expect k8 to scale up pods to N+1 replicas (at this point pods are scheduled only to nodes that are not scaling down) and then drain the node. Based on my testing, it first drains, and then schedules any missing pods based on configurations. Is it possible to configure this behaviour or this is currently not possible to do?
From what I understand, seamless updates are easy with RollingUpdate strategy. I have not find the same "Rolling" strategy to be possible for scale-down.
TL;DR I'm looking for HA on a) two+ replica deployment and b) one replica deployment
a) Can be achieved by using PDBs. Checkout Fritz's answer. If you need pods scheduled on different nodes, leverage anti-affinity (Marc's answer)
b) If you're okay with short disruption, PDB is the official way to go. If you need a workaround, my answer can be of inspiration.
The scale down behavior can be configured with what is called a Disruption Budget
In your Deployment Manifest you can define maxUnavailable and minAvailable number of Pods during voluntary disruptions like draining nodes.
For how to do it, check out the K8s Documentation.
Below are some insight, hope this will help :
If you use a deployment, then the scheduler checks that you always have the desired number of replicas running. No less, no more. So when you kill a node (which have one of your replicas), the new pod will be scheduled after the termination of one of your original replicas. It's up to you to anticipate if it's a planified maintenance.
If you have lots of nodes (meaning more than one) and want to achieve HA (high availability) for your deployments, then you should have a look at pod affinity/anti-affinity. You can find out more in the official doc
Hate to answer my own question, but an easy solution to high-availability service with only one pod (not wasting resources with running one idle replica) is to use PreStop hook (to make the action blocking if proper SIGTERM handling is not implemented) together with terminationGracePeriodSeconds with enough time for the other service to start.
Contradicting to what has been said here, the scheduling happens when pod is terminating. After quick testing (should have done that together with reading docs) where I created a busybox (sh sleep 3600) deployment with one replica and terminationGracePeriodSeconds set to 240 seconds.
By deleting the pod, it will enter the Terminating state and stay in that state for 240 seconds. Immediately after marking the pod as Terminating, new pod was scheduled instead of it.
So the previous pod has time to finish whatever it is doing and the other one can seamlessly take its place.
I haven't tested how will the networking behave since LB will stop sending new requests, but I assume the downtime will be much lower than without the terminationGracePeriodSeconds set to a higher amount than the default.
Beware that is not official by any means but serves as a workaround for my use case.