Populate kubernetes Configmap from hashicorp vault - kubernetes

i want to populate configmaps from data inside vault in kubernetes. I just complete setup of vault and auth method as kubernetes(Service account) and userpass.
Can someone suggest easy way to integrate variables for application ? what to add in yaml file ? if i can populate configmap then i can easily use it to yaml.
how to changes will be affected if variable change on vault.

you can try using Vault CRD, when you create a custom resource of type vault, it will create a secrets using a data from the vault

You can use Vault CRD as Xavier Adaickalam mentioned.
Regarding the subject of variable changes, you have 2 ways of exposing variables inside Pods, using volumes and using environment variables. Volumes are updated automatically when the secrets are modified. Unfortunately, environment variables do not receive updates even if you modify your secrets. You have to restart your container if the values are modified.


Kubernetes global variables (for all namespaces)

I need to create and mantain some global variables accessible for applications running in all namespaces, because some tools/apps are standard in my dev cluster.
For example:
APM User/pass
RabbitMQ endpoint
MongoDB endpoint
For any reason, when i change/migrate any global variable, i want to change one time for all running applications in cluster (just needed restart pod), and if a create an "global" configmap and read in envFrom, i need to change/update the configmap in all namespaces.
Someone have an idea to do this? I thinked to use Hashicorp vault with specific role for global environments, but i need to adapt all applications to use Vault, and maybe have better idea.
There is no in-built solution in Kubernetes for it except for creating a ConfigMap, and use envFrom to define all of the ConfigMap's data as Pod environment variables, which will indeed require to update them separately for each namespace. So using HashiCorp Vault is a better solution here; one more option here can be trying to customize env with Kubernetes addons like this.

How to merge a K8s Configmap to a Secret (or two secrets together)

I am using Helm w/ Kubernetes and am trying to add data that I have in an existing Configmap to an existing secret. The reason for this, is that there is a property on a CRD that I need to set which only takes in a single secret key ref. The existing secret is created by Vault, and the existing Configmap is configured in the Helm chart in plain text. For reasons that I won't get into, we cannot include the content of the configmap into the Vault secret entry, so I MUST be able to merge these two into a secret.
I've tried searching for this, but most answers I see involve creating an initContainer and setting up a volume, but unfortunately I don't think this will work for my situation. I just need a single secret that I can reference in a CRD and problem solved. Is this possible using Kubernetes/Helm?
My fallback plan is to create my own CRD and associated controller to merge the configmap data and the secret's data and basically create a new secret, but it seems like overkill.
As far as I am aware of there is not way to do this in kubernetes.
The only solution that I can see would be to implement some tool yourself. With something like kopf you could implement a simple operator that listen for the creation/update of a specific secret and configmap, get their data and merge it into a new secret.
Using an operator allows you to handle all the cases that might occur during the life of your resources, such as when your new secret is deleted or updated, etc.

Encrypting secrets in config maps

Is there any way to encrypt secrets in configmaps for kubernetes deployments? I'm using flux so I need all of my deployment files to be stored in git, I encrypt all the secrets' manifests using kubeseal but I haven't found a good solution for protecting secrets in configmaps (usually config files contain stuff like username/password).
There is no straightforward way to reference secrets in k8s.
You can use the workaround offered here to load a secret as an environment variable and reference it in your configmap, but keep in mind loading secrets as environment variable is not recommended.
Caution: ConfigMap does not provide secrecy or encryption. If the data you want to store are confidential, use a Secret rather than a ConfigMap, or use additional (third party) tools to keep your data private.
From: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/configmap/

How to write secrets to HashiCorp Valut or Azure Key Vault from Kubernetes?

I have come across injectors/drivers/et cetera for Kubernetes for most major secret providers, but the common theme with those solutions are that these only sync one-way, i.e., only from the vault to the cluster. I want to be able to update the secrets too, from my Kubernetes cluster.
What is the recommended pattern for doing this? (Apart from the obvious solution of writing a custom service that communicates with the vault)
I'd say that this is an anti pattern, meaning you shouldn't do that.
If you create your secret in k8s from file, that would mean you either have it in version control, something you should never do. Or you don't have it in version control or create it from literal, which is good, but than you neither have a change history/log nor a real documentation of your secret. I guess that would explain, why the major secret providers don't support that.
You should set up the secret using the key vault and apply it to your cluster using Terraform for example.
Terraform supports both azure key vault secret https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/r/key_vault_secret.html and Kubernetes secrets https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/kubernetes/r/secret.html
You can simply import the key vault secret and use it in the k8s secret. Every time you update the key vault secret, you apply the changes with Terraform.

How to execute shell commands from within a Kubernetes ConfigMap?

I am using Helm charts to create and deploy applications into my K8s cluster.
One of my pods requires a config file with a SDK key to start and function properly. This SDK key is considered a secret and is stored in AWS Secret Manager. I don't include the secret data in my Docker image. I want to be able to mount this config file at runtime. A ConfigMap seems to be a good option in this case, except that I have not been able to figure out how to obtain the SDK key from Secrets Manager during the chart installation. Part of my ConfigMap looks like this:
app.conf: |
[sdkkey] # I want to be able to retrieve sdk from aws secrets manager
I was looking at ways to write shell commands to use AWS CLI to get secrets, but have not seen a way to execute shell commands from within a ConfigMap.
Any ideas or alternative solutions?
tl;dr; You can't execute a ConfigMap, it is just a static manifest. Use an init container instead.
ConfigMaps are a static manifest that can be read from the Kubernetes API or injected into a container at runtime as a file or environment variables. There is no way to execute a ConfigMap.
Additionally, ConfigMaps should not be used for secret data, Kubernetes has a specific resource, called Secrets, to use for secret data. It can be used in similar ways to a ConfigMap, including being mounted as a volume or exposed as environment variables within the container.
Given your description it sounds like your best option would be to use an init container to retrieve the credentials and write them to a shared emptyDir Volume mounted into the container with the application that will use the credentials.