cloudwatch alarm for redshift queryduration - amazon-redshift

I have below cloudwatch alarm defined in CF template for altering me on queries running for 30 mins or more.
Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
AlarmName: !Sub "awsredshift-${RSClusterName}-QueryDuration"
AlarmDescription: Redshift QueryDuration Alarm
Namespace: AWS/Redshift
MetricName: QueryDuration
- Name: ClusterIdentifier
Value: !Ref RSClusterName
- Name: latency
Value: long
ActionsEnabled: true
- !Ref TopicARN
- !Ref TopicARN
ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold
DatapointsToAlarm: 1
EvaluationPeriods: 1
Period: 300
Statistic: Average
Threshold: 1800000000
TreatMissingData: missing
But its activating the alarms when there are no queries running that long, am I missing something?
Also is there any way to customize the alarms to put logic in them, I would like to get the SQL text of the query which is running longer. Is there any way to do this via cloudwatch alarms? If not whats the best way to do it - probably lambda?

An alternative approach you could use is to implement a Query Monitoring Rule in Redshift for queries where query_execution_time exceeds 30 minutes and uses the log action to record the details of the query in the STL_WLM_RULE_ACTION table.
This captures all the info you might need about long running queries but doesn't create an alert. However, it's easy enough to set something up yourself to do that, Amazon provide an example solution using Lambda here.


Trying to understand the behavior of Jmx exporter blacklist with example from confluentic to monitor kafka components

I am trying to understand how the blacklist mechanism of the jmx exporter works.
I took an example from here
At the top of it we have the following blacklist
- "io.confluent.ksql.metrics:name=*"
- kafka.streams:type=kafka-metrics-count
# This will ignore the admin client metrics from KSQL server and will blacklist certain metrics
# that do not make sense for ingestion.
- "kafka.admin.client:*"
- "kafka.consumer:type=*,id=*"
- "kafka.consumer:type=*,client-id=*"
- "kafka.consumer:type=*,client-id=*,node-id=*"
- "kafka.producer:type=*,id=*"
- "kafka.producer:type=*,client-id=*"
- "kafka.producer:type=*,client-id=*,node-id=*"
- "kafka.streams:type=stream-processor-node-metrics,thread-id=*,task-id=*,processor-node-id=*"
- "kafka.*:type=kafka-metrics-count,*"
- "io.confluent.ksql.metrics:type=_confluent-ksql-rest-app-command-runner,*"
Yet in the rule pattern we have things like
# "kafka.consumer:type=app-info,client-id=*"
# "kafka.producer:type=app-info,client-id=*"
- pattern: "kafka.(.+)<type=app-info, client-id=(.+)><>(.+): (.+)"
value: 1
name: kafka_$1_app_info
client_type: $1
client_id: $2
$3: $4
Isn't that rule supposed to not work given
- "kafka.producer:type=*,client-id=*"

Do AWS-SAM templates support lifecycleconfiguration settings?

Does anyone know if SAM templates support Lifecycleconfigruation settings? I see within standard cloudformation definitions you can define the lifecycle of objects like:
BucketName: "Mys3Bucket"
- AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload:
DaysAfterInitiation: 7
Status: Enabled
- ExpirationInDays: 14
But this seems to fail when used in a SAM template. Am I doing something wrong or is this not part of the serverless application model definition?
It works for me using the SAM CLI 1.15.0, although documentation seems sparse (hence my landing on this question while trying to figure it out).
The SAM template snippet below successfully creates a bucket and sets an appropriate lifecycle rule.
Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
BucketName: !Sub "${BucketName}"
AccessControl: Private
Status: Enabled
- ExpirationInDays: 6
Status: Enabled

Logging for public hosted zone Route53

I'm trying to set up the logging for a public hosted zone on Route53 AWS. the template looks like this:
Type: AWS::Route53::HostedZone
Comment: !Join ['', ['Hosted zone for ', !Ref 'DomainNamePublic' ]]
Name: !Ref DomainNamePublic
CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn: !GetAtt Route531LogGroup.Arn
Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
LogGroupName: Route531-AWSLogGroup
RetentionInDays: 7
But when I try to launch the stack I'm getting the following message:
The ARN for the CloudWatch Logs log group is invalid. (Service: AmazonRoute53; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidInput; Request ID: 6c02db60-ef62-11e8-bce8-d14210c1b0cd)
Anybody an idea what could be wrong with this setup?
merci A
I encountered the same issue. The CloudWatch logs log group needs to be created in a specific region to be valid.
See following:
You must create the log group in the us-east-1 region.
You must use the same AWS account to create the log group and the hosted zone that you want to configure query logging for.
When you create log groups for query logging, we recommend that you use a consistent prefix.
You can find the full documentation here.

AWS CloudFormation function call fails: Fn::ImportValue must not depend on any resources, imported values, or Fn::GetAZs

I have a cloud formation template (mainVPC) that creates few Subnets in a VPC and exports the subnets with names "PrivateSubnetA", "PrivateSubnetB" ...
I have a different cloud formation template that creates DBSubnetGroup. I want to use "PrivateSubnetA", "PrivateSubnetB" as default values if user does not provide data. CloundFormation does not support imported values in parameters. So I put some default value (XXXX) and had a condition section to see if the user has provided some input
userNotProvidedSubnetA: !Equals
- !Ref PrivateSubnetA
userNotProvidedSubnetB: !Equals
- !Ref PrivateSubnetB
This helps me in figuring out if the user has provided data. Now I want to use default values, if the user has not provided values, else use user-provided values.
below is code for that
Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup'
DBSubnetGroupDescription: RDS Aurora Cluster Subnet Group
- !If
- userNotProvidedSubnetA
- Fn::ImportValue:
!Sub '${fmMainVpc}-PrivateSubnetA'
- !Ref PrivateSubnetA
- !If
- userNotProvidedSubnetB
- Fn::ImportValue:
!Sub '${fmMainVpc}-PrivateSubnetB'
- !Ref PrivateSubnetB
This fails with the error "Template error: the attribute in Fn::ImportValue must not depend on any resources, imported values, or Fn::GetAZs".
ImportValue is not used anywhere else in the template.
Is there a way for using exported values as default values ( the default values cannot be hardcoded, they come as exported values from a run of another stack), while providing an option for the users to provide their own values (to create resources).
This can also be caused by having a reference inside Fn::ImportValue to a parameter be misnamed. For example, if I have the following parameter NetworkStackName defined and I mis-reference it in the Fn::ImportValue statement (as NetworkName), I will get this error. I would need to change the NetworkName to match the value in Parameters, NetworkStackName to fix the error.
Type: String
Default: happy-network-topology
Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance
Engine: MySQL
!Sub "${NetworkName}-DBSubnetGroup"
I had a problem where I needed to get my artifact bucket name from my prerequisite stack, I tried this:
- 'arn:aws:s3:::${ArtifactStore}/*'
turns out you can do this and it will work. Hope his helps someone out one day!
- !Sub
- 'arn:aws:s3:::${BucketName}/*'
- BucketName : !ImportValue 'ArtifactStore'
Currently, Cloudformation didn't support dynamic default value. It's not possible to have a dynamic default value for CloudFormation. As the template has not executed at the time all parameters are being collected. However, you can use SSM parameter for as the workaround, something like below.
Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String>
Description: The Pagerduty url
Going back to your current cloudformation, I am thinking that value ${fmMainVpc} might not be initialized correctly.
I'm my case, I had the follow resource:
# removed for brevity
- !ImportValue: parent-stack-subnet-a
- !ImportValue: parent-stack-subnet-b
I forgot to remove the : when changing the syntax from Fn::ImportValue to the shorthand !ImportValue. Confusing error message, but removing the : resolved it because that was incorrect usage on my part.

How to collect more than 22 event ids with winlogbeat?

I've got a task to collect over 500 events from DC with winlogbeat. But windows got a limit 22 events to query. I'm using version 6.1.2. I've tried with processors like this:
- name: Security
- drop_event.when.not.or:
- equals.event_id: 4618
but with these settings client doesn't work, nothing in logs. If I run it from exe file it just starts and stops with no error.
If I try to do like it was written in the official manual:
- name: Security
event_id: ...
- drop_event.when.not.or:
- equals.event_id: 4618
client just crashes with "invalid event log key processors found". Also I've tried to create new custom view and take event from there, but apparently it also has query limit to 22 events.