Cumulative function in spark scala - scala

I have tried this to calculate cumulate value but if the date field is same those values are added in the cumulative field, can someone suggestion solution Similar to this question
val windowval = (Window.partitionBy($"userID").orderBy($"lastModified")
.rangeBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, 0))
val df_w_cumsum = ms1_userlogRewards.withColumn("totalRewards", sum($"noOfJumps").over(windowval)).orderBy($"lastModified".asc)
df_w_cumsum.filter($"batchType".isNull).filter($"userID"==="355163").select($"userID", $"noOfJumps", $"totalRewards",$"lastModified").show()

Note that your very first totalRewards=147 is the sum of the previous value 49 + all the values with timestamp "2019-08-07 18:25:06": 49 + (36 + 0 + 60 + 2) = 147.
The first option would be to aggregate all the values with the same timestamp fist e.g. groupBy($"userId", $"lastModified").agg(sum($"noOfJumps").as("noOfJumps")) (or something like that) and then run your aggregate sum. This will remove duplicate timestamps altogether.
The second option is to use row_number to define an order among rows with the same lastModified field first and then run your aggregate sum with .orderBy($"lastModified, $"row_number") (or something like that). This should keep all records and give you partial sum up along the way: totalRewards = 49 -> 85 -> 85 -> 145 -> 147 (or something similar depending on the order defined by row_number)

I think you want to sum by userid and timestamp.
So, You need to partition by userid and date and use window function to sym like the following:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.sum
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val window = Window.partitionBy("userID", "lastModified")
df.withColumn("cumulativeSum", sum(col("noOfJumps").over(window))


groupBy Id and get multiple records for multiple columns in scala

I have a spark dataframe as below.
val df = Seq(("a",1,1400),("a",1,1250),("a",2,1200),("a",4,1250),("a",4,1200),("a",4,1100),("b",2,2500),("b",2,1250),("b",2,500),("b",4,250),("b",4,200),("b",4,100),("b",4,100),("b",5,800)).
I am working in scala language to make use of this data frame and trying to get result as shown below.
val df = Seq(("a",1,1400),("a",4,1250),("a",4,1200),("a",4,1100),("b",2,2500),("b",2,1250),("b",4,250),("b",4,200),("b",4,100),("b",5,800)).
Rules: Grouped by id, if min(hierarchy)==1 then I take the row with the highest amount and then I go on to analyze hierarchy >= 4 and take 3 of each of them in descending order of the amount. On the other hand, if min(hierarchy)==2 then I take two rows with the highest amount and then I go on to analyze hierarchy >= 4 and take 3 of each of them in descending order of the amount. And so on for all the id's in the data.
Thanks for the suggestions..
You may use window functions to generate the criteria which you will filter upon eg
val results = df.withColumn("minh",min("hierarchy").over(Window.partitionBy("id")))
when(col("hierarchy")>=4, row_number().over(
) ).otherwise(5)
.filter("rnk <= minh or rn4 <=3")
NB. More verbose filter .filter("(rnk <= minh or rn4 <=3) and (minh in (1,2))")
Above temporary columns generated by window functions to assist in the filtering criteria are
minh : used to determine the minimum hierarchy for a group id and subsequently select the top minh number of columns from the group .
rnk used to determine the rows with the highest amount in each group
rn4 used to determine the rows with the highest amount in each group with hierarchy >=4

How would I use an ANY condition to filter if any rows of a group have a 0 value?

Say I have this dataframe...
var df = Seq(("Steve",1),("Steve",0),("Michael",3),("Michael",2),("Katherine",4),("Katherine",0),("Devin",0),("Devin",0)).toDF("name","score")
I want to return the unique names where NONE of their scores are equals to zero. So in this case, the only name that would be returned would be Michael, since both of his scores above zero.
Thanks so much!
When you want a condition to apply on several rows, you need to use either groupBy or Window functions
In your case, you can group by column "name", aggregate the list of scores for each name and then filter out all the records where list of score contains 0. Your code would be:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, collect_set, array_contains, not}
.filter(not(array_contains(col("all_scores"), 0)))

Iterate through a dataframe and dynamically assign ID to records based on substring [Spark][Scala]

Currently I have an input file(millions of records) where all the records contain a 2 character Identifier. Multiple lines in this input file will be concatenated into only one record in the output file, and how this is determined is SOLELY based on the sequential order of the Identifier
For example, the records would begin as below
1A marks the beginning of a new record, so the output file would have 3 records in this case. Everything between the "1A"s will be combined into one record
The number of records between the "1A"s varies, so I have to iterate through and check the Identifier.
I am unsure how to approach this situation using scala/spark.
My strategy is to:
Load the Input file into the dataframe.
Create an Identifier column based on substring of record.
Create a new column, TempID and a variable, x that is set to 0
Iterate through the dataframe
if Identifier =1A, x = x+1
TempID= variable x
Then create a UDF to concat records with the same TempID.
To summarize my question:
How would I iterate through the dataframe, check the value of Identifier column, then assign a tempID(whose value increases by 1 if the value of identifier column is 1A)
This is dangerous. The issue is that spark is not guaranteed keep the same order among elements, especially since they might cross partition boundaries. So when you iterate over them you could get a different order back. This also has to happen entirely sequentially, so at that point why not just skip spark entirely and run it as regular scala code as a preproccessing step before getting to spark.
My recommendation would be to either look into writing a custom data inputformat/data source, or perhaps you could use "1A" as a record delimiter similar to this question.
First - usually "iterating" over a DataFrame (or Spark's other distributed collection abstractions like RDD and Dataset) is either wrong or impossible. The term simply does not apply. You should transform these collections using Spark's functions instead of trying to iterate over them.
You can achieve your goal (or - almost, details to follow) using Window Functions. The idea here would be to (1) add an "id" column to sort by, (2) use a Window function (based on that ordering) to count the number of previous instances of "1A", and then (3) using these "counts" as the "group id" that ties all records of each group together, and group by it:
import functions._
import spark.implicits._
// sample data:
val df = Seq("1A", "1B", "1C", "2A", "2B", "2C", "1A", "1C", "2B", "2C", "1A", "1B", "1C").toDF("val")
val result = df.withColumn("id", monotonically_increasing_id()) // add row ID
.withColumn("isDelimiter", when($"val" === "1A", 1).otherwise(0)) // add group "delimiter" indicator
.withColumn("groupId", sum("isDelimiter").over(Window.orderBy($"id"))) // add groupId using Window function
.groupBy($"groupId").agg(collect_list($"val") as "list") // NOTE: order of list might not be guaranteed!
.orderBy($"groupId").drop("groupId") // removing groupId
// +------------------------+
// |list |
// +------------------------+
// |[1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C]|
// |[1A, 1C, 2B, 2C] |
// |[1A, 1B, 1C] |
// +------------------------+
(if having the result as a list does not fit your needs, I'll leave it to you to transform this column to whatever you need)
The major caveat here is that collect_list does not necessarily guarantee preserving order - once you use groupBy, the order is potentially lost. So - the order within each resulting list might be wrong (the separation to groups, however, is necessarily correct). If that's important to you, it can be worked around by collecting a list of a column that also contains the "id" column and using it later to sort these lists.
EDIT: realizing this answer isn't complete without solving this caveat, and realizing it's not trivial - here's how you can solve it:
Define the following UDF:
val getSortedValues = udf { (input: mutable.Seq[Row]) => input
.map { case Row (id: Long, v: String) => (id, v) }
Then, replace the row .groupBy($"groupId").agg(collect_list($"val") as "list") in the suggested solution above with these rows:
.agg(collect_list(struct($"id" as "_1", $"val" as "_2")) as "list")
.withColumn("list", getSortedValues($"list"))
This way we necessarily preserve the order (with the price of sorting these small lists).

pyspark: get unique items in each column of a dataframe

I have a spark dataframe containing 1 million rows and 560 columns. I need to find the count of unique items in each column of the dataframe.
I have written the following code to achieve this but it is getting stuck and taking too much time to execute:
for j in range(len(cat_col)):
count_unique_items.append( r:r[0]).count())
cat_col contains the column names of all the categorical variables
Is there any way to optimize this?
Try using approxCountDistinct or countDistinct:
from pyspark.sql.functions import approxCountDistinct, countDistinct
counts = df.agg(approxCountDistinct("col1"), approxCountDistinct("col2")).first()
but counting distinct elements is expensive.
You can do something like this, but as stated above, distinct element counting is expensive. The single * passes in each value as an argument, so the return value will be 1 row X N columns. I frequently do a .toPandas() call to make it easier to manipulate later down the road.
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, approxCountDistinct
distvals = df.agg(*(approxCountDistinct(col(c), rsd = 0.01).alias(c) for c in
You can use get every different element of each column with
df.stats.freqItems([list with column names], [percentage of frequency (default = 1%)])
This returns you a dataframe with the different values, but if you want a dataframe with just the count distinct of each column, use this:
from pyspark.sql.functions import countDistinct [ countDistinct(cn).alias("c_{0}".format(cn)) for cn in df.columns ] ).show()
The part of the count, taken from here: check number of unique values in each column of a matrix in spark

Min value with GROUP BY in Power BI Desktop

id datetime new_column datetime_rankx
1 12.01.2015 18:10:10 12.01.2015 18:10:10 1
2 03.12.2014 14:44:57 03.12.2014 14:44:57 1
2 21.11.2015 11:11:11 03.12.2014 14:44:57 2
3 01.01.2011 12:12:12 01.01.2011 12:12:12 1
3 02.02.2012 13:13:13 01.01.2011 12:12:12 2
3 03.03.2013 14:14:14 01.01.2011 12:12:12 3
I want to make new column, which will have minimum datetime value for each row in group by id.
How could I do it in Power BI desktop using DAX query?
Use this expression:
NewColumn =
In Power BI using a table with your data it will produce this:
UPDATE: Explanation and EARLIER function usage.
Basically, EARLIER function will give you access to values of different row context.
When you use CALCULATE function it creates a row context of the whole table, theoretically it iterates over every table row. The same happens when you use FILTER function it will iterate on the whole table and evaluate every row against the filter condition.
So far we have two row contexts, the row context created by CALCULATE and the row context created by FILTER. Note FILTER use the EARLIER to get access to the CALCULATE's row context. Having said that, in our case for every row in the outer (CALCULATE's row context) the FILTER returns a set of rows that correspond to the current id in the outer context.
If you have a programming background it could give you some sense. It is similar to a nested loop.
Hope this Python code points the main idea behind this:
outer_context = ['row1','row2','row3','row4']
inner_context = ['row1','row2','row3','row4']
for outer_row in outer_context:
for inner_row in inner_context:
if inner_row == outer_row: #this line is what the FILTER and EARLIER do
#Calculate the min datetime using the filtered rows
UPDATE 2: Adding a ranking column.
To get the desired rank you can use this expression:
RankColumn =
This is the table with the rank column:
Let me know if this helps.