MongoDB document setup and aggregation - mongodb

I'm pretty new to MongoDB and while preparing data to be consumed I got into Aggregation... what a powerful little thing this database has! I got really excited and started to test some things :)
I'm saving time entries for a companyId and employeeId ... that can have many entries... those are normally sorted by date, but one date can have several entries (multiple registrations in the same day)
I'm trying to come up with a good schema so I could easily get my data exactly how I need and as a newbie, I would rather ask for guidance and check if I'm in the right path
my output should be as
"company": "474A5D39-C87F-440C-BE99-D441371BF88C",
"employee": "BA75621E-5D46-4487-8C9F-C0CE0B2A7DE2",
"name": "Bruno Alexandre":
"registrations": [{
"id": 1448364,
"spanned": false,
"spannedDay": 0,
"date": "2019-01-17",
"timeStart": "09:00:00",
"timeEnd": "12:00:00",
"amount": {
"days": 0.4,
"hours": 2,
"km": null,
"unit": "days and hours",
"normHours": 5
"dateDetails": {
"week": 3,
"weekDay": 4,
"weekDayEnglish": "Thursday",
"holiday": false
"jobCode": {
"id": null,
"isPayroll": true,
"isFlex": false
"payroll": {
"guid": null
"type": "Sick",
"subType": "Sick",
"status": "APP",
"reason": "IS",
"group": "LeaveAndAbsence",
"note": null,
"createdTimeStamp": "2019-01-17T15:53:55.423Z"
}, /* more date entries */ ]
}, /* other employees */ ]
what is the best way to add the data into a collection?
Is it more efficient if I create a document per company/employee and add all registration entries inside that document (it could get really big as time passes)... or is it better to have one document per company/employee/date and add all daily events in that document instead?
regarding aggregation, I'm still new to all this, but I'm imagining I could simply call
$match: {
date: { $gte: new Date('2019-01-01'), $lte: new Date('2019-01-31') },
company: '474A5D39-C87F-440C-BE99-D441371BF88C'
$group: {
_id: '$employee',
name: { '$first': '$name' }
// ... get all registrations as an Array ...
$sort: {
'': -1
P.S. I'm taken the Aggregation course to start familiarized with all of it

Is it more efficient if I create a document per company/employee and
add all registration entries inside that document (it could get really
big as time passes)... or is it better to have one document per
company/employee/date and add all daily events in that document
From what I understand of document oriented databases, I would say the aim is to have all the data you need, in a specific context, grouped inside one document.
So what you need to do is identify what data you're going to need (getting close to the features you want to implement) and build your data structure according to that. Be sure to identify future features, cause the more you prepare your data structure to it, the less it will be tricky to scale your database to your needs.
Your aggregation query looks ok !


Search and update in array of objects MongoDB

I have a collection in MongoDB containing search history of a user where each document is stored like:
"_id": "user1"
searchHistory: {
"product1": [
"timestamp": 1623482432,
"query": {
"query": "chocolate",
"qty": 2
"timestamp": 1623481234,
"query": {
"query": "lindor",
"qty": 4
"product2": [
"timestamp": 1623473622,
"query": {
"query": "table",
"qty": 1
"timestamp": 1623438232,
"query": {
"query": "ike",
"qty": 1
Here _id of document acts like a foreign key to the user document in another collection.
I have backend running on nodejs and this function is used to store a new search history in the record.
exports.updateUserSearchCount = function (userId, productId, searchDetails) {
let addToSetData = {}
let key = `searchHistory.${productId}`
addToSetData[key] = { "timestamp": new Date().getTime(), "query": searchDetails }
return client.db("mydb").collection("userSearchHistory").updateOne({ "_id": userId }, { "$addToSet": addToSetData }, { upsert: true }, async (err, res) => {
Now, I want to get search history of a user based on query only using the db.find().
I want something like this:
db.find({"_id": "user1", "searchHistory.somewildcard.query": "some query"})
I need a wildcard which will replace ".somewildcard." to search in all products searched.
I saw a suggestion that we should store document like:
"_id": "user1"
searchHistory: [
"key": "product1",
"value": [
"timestamp": 1623482432,
"query": {
"query": "chocolate",
"qty": 2
However if I store document like this, then adding search history to existing document becomes a tideous and confusing task.
What should I do?
It's always a bad idea to save values are keys, for this exact reason you're facing. It heavily limits querying that field, obviously the trade off is that it makes updates much easier.
I personally recommend you do not save these searches in nested form at all, this will cause you scaling issues quite quickly, assuming these fields are indexed you will start seeing performance issues when the arrays get's too large ( few hundred searches ).
So my personal recommendation is for you to save it in a new collection like so:
"user_id": "1",
"key": "product1",
"timestamp": 1623482432,
"query": {
"query": "chocolate",
"qty": 2
Now querying a specific user or a specific product or even a query substring is all very easily supported by creating some basic indexes. an "update" in this case would just be to insert a new document which is also much faster.
If you still prefer to keep the nested structure, then I recommend you do switch to the recommended structure you posted, as you mentioned updates will become slightly more tedious, but you can still do it quite easily using arrayFilters for updating a specific element or just using $push for adding a new search

Update Array Children Sorted Order

I have a collection containing objects with the following structure
"dep_id": "some_id",
"departament": "dep name",
"employees": [{
"name": "emp1",
"age": 31
"name": "emp2",
"age": 35
I would like to sort and save the array of employees for the object with id "some_id", by employees.age, descending. The best outcome would be to do this atomically using mongodb's query language. Is this possible?
If not, how can I rearrange the subdocuments without affecting the parent's other data or the data of the subdocuments? In case I have to download the data from the database and save back the sorted array of children, what would happen if something else performs an update to one of the children or children are added or removed in the meantime?
In the end, the data should be persisted to the database like this:
"dep_id": "some_id",
"departament": "dep name",
"employees": [{
"name": "emp2",
"age": 35
"name": "emp1",
"age": 31
The best way to do this is to actually apply the $sort modifier as you add items to the array. As you say in your comment "My actual objects have a "rank" and 'created_at'", which means that you really should have asked that in your question instead of writing a "contrived" case ( don't know why people do that ).
So for "sorting" by multiple properties, the following reference would adjust like this:
{ },
{ "$push": { "employees": { "$each": [], "$sort": { "rank": -1, "created_at": -1 } } } },
{ "multi": true }
But to update all the data you presently have "as is shown in the question", then you would sort on "age" with:
{ },
{ "$push": { "employees": { "$each": [], "$sort": { "age": -1 } } } },
{ "multi": true }
Which oddly uses $push to actually "modify" an array? Yes it's true, since the $each modifier says we are not actually adding anything new yet the $sort modifier is actually going to apply to the array in place and "re-order" it.
Of course this would then explain how "new" updates to the array should be written in order to apply that $sort and ensure that the "largest age" is always "first" in the array:
{ "dep_id": "some_id" },
{ "$push": {
"employees": {
"$each": [{ "name": "emp": 3, "age": 32 }],
"$sort": { "age": -1 }
So what happens here is as you add the new entry to the array on update, the $sort modifier is applied and re-positions the new element between the two existing ones since that is where it would sort to.
This is a common pattern with MongoDB and is typically used in combination with the $slice modifier in order to keep arrays at a "maximum" length as new items are added, yet retain "ordered" results. And quite often "ranking" is the exact usage.
So overall, you can actually "update" your existing data and re-order it with "one simple atomic statement". No looping or collection renaming required. Furthermore, you now have a simple atomic method to "update" the data and maintain that order as you add new array items, or remove them.
In order to get what you want you can use the following query:
$unwind: "$employees" // flatten employees array
}, {
$sort: {
"": -1 // sort all documents by employee name (descending)
}, {
$group: { // restore the previous structure
_id: "$_id",
"dep_id": {
$first: "$dep_id"
"departament": {
$first: "$departament"
"employees": {
$push: "$employees"
}, {
$out: "output" // write everything out to a separate collection
After this step you would want to drop your source table and rename the "output" collection to match your source table name.
This solution will, however, not deal with the concurrency issue. So you should remove write access from the collection first so nobody modifies it during the process and then restore it once you're done with the migration.
You could alternatively query all data first, then sort the employees array on the client side and then use either single update queries or - faster but more complicated - a bulk write operation with all the individual update calls in order to update the existing documents. Here, you could use the entire document that you've initially read as a filter for the update operation. So if an individual update does not modify any document you'd know straight away, that some other change must have modified the document you read before. Those cases you'd need to retry later (or straight away until the update does actually modify a document).

How to get (or aggregate) distinct keys of array in MongoDB

I'm trying to get MongoDB to aggregate for me over an array with different key-value pairs, without knowing keys (Just a simple sum would be ok.)
Example docs:
{data: [{a: 3}, {b: 7}]}
{data: [{a: 5}, {c: 12}, {f: 25}]}
{data: [{f: 1}]}
{data: []}
So basically each doc (or it's array really) can have 0 or many entries, and I don't know the keys for those objects, but I want to sum and average the values over those keys.
Right now I'm just loading a bunch of docs and doing it myself in Node, but I'd like to offload that work to MongoDB.
I know I can unwind those first, but how to proceed from there? How to sum/avg/min/max the values if I don't know the keys?
If you do not know the keys or cannot make a reasonable educated guess then you are basically stuck from going any further with the aggregation framework. You could supply "all of the keys" for consideration, but I supect your acutal data looks more like this:
{ "data": [{ "film": 10 }, { "televsion": 5 },{ "boardGames": 1 }] }
So there would be little point here findin out all the "key names" and then throwing that at an aggregation statement.
For the record though, "this is why you do not structure your data storage like this". Information like "film" here should not be used as a "key" name, because it is useful "data" that could be searched upon and most importantly "indexed" in a database system.
So your data should really look like this:
"data": [
{ "type": "film", "value": 10 },
{ "type": "televsion", "valule": 5 },
{ "type": "boardGames", "value": 1 }
Then the aggregation statement is simple, as are many other things:
{ "$unwind": "$data" },
{ "$group": {
"_id": null,
"sum": { "$sum": "$data.value" },
"avg": { "$avg": "$data.value" }
But since the key names are constantly changing in documents and do not have a uniform structure, then you need JavaScript processing on the server to traverse the keys, and that meand mapReduce:
function() { {
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) {
emit(null,data[key]); // emit the value regardless of key name
function(key,values) {
return Array.sum(values); // Just summing for example
{ "out": { "inline": 1 } }
And of course the JavaScript execution here will work much more slowly than the native coded operators available to the aggregation framework.
So this should be an abject lesson as to why you don not use "data" as "key names" when storing data in a database. The aggregation framework works with standard structres and is fast, falling back to JavaScript processing is more flexible, but the cost is mostly in speed and other features.

How to multi-sort MongoDB entry with dynamic keys, on two suboptions?

I'm trying to sort this in MongoDB with mongojs on a find():
"songs": {
"bNppHOYIgRE": {
"id": "bNppHOYIgRE",
"title": "Kygo - ID (Ultra Music Festival Anthem)",
"votes": 1,
"added": 1428514707,
"guids": [
"izJzdDPH9yw": {
"id": "izJzdDPH9yw",
"title": "Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Atlas Hands (Samuraii Edit)",
"votes": 1,
"added": 1428514740,
"guids": [
"Yifz3X_i-F8": {
"id": "Yifz3X_i-F8",
"title": "M83 - Wait (Kygo Remix)",
"votes": 0,
"added": 1428494338,
"guids": []
"nDopn_p2wk4": {
"id": "nDopn_p2wk4",
"title": "Syn Cole - Miami 82 (Kygo Remix)",
"votes": 0,
"added": 1428494993,
"guids": []
and I want to sort the keys in the songs on votes ascending and added descending.
I have tried
db.collection(coll).find().sort({votes:1}, function(err, docs) {});
but that doesn't work.
If this is an operation that you're going to be doing often, I would strongly consider changing your schema. If you make songs an array instead of a map, then you can perform this query using aggregation.
db.coll.aggregate([{ "$unwind": "$songs" }, { "$sort": { "songs.votes": 1, "songs.added": -1 }}]);
And if you put each of these songs in a separate songs collection, then you could perform the query with a simple find() and sort().
db.songs.find().sort({ "votes": 1, "added": -1 });
With your current schema, however, all of this logic would need to be in your application and it would get messy. A possible solution would be to get all of the documents and while iterating through the cursor, for each document, iterate through the keys, adding them to an array. Once you have all of the subdocuments in the array, sorting the array according to votes and added.
It is possible, but unnecessarily complex. And, of course, you wouldn't be able to take advantage of indexes, which would have an impact on your performance.
You already include the key inside the subdocument, so I would really recommend you reconsider your schema.

How to return index of array item in Mongodb?

The document is like below.
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-05,
"score": 10,
"date": 2013-06-06,
"score": 21,
The daily active score is intended to increase once the book is opened by a reader. The first solution comes to mind is use "$" to find whether target date has a score or not, and deal with it.
err = bookCollection.Update(
{"title":"Book1", "": 2013-06-06},
{"$inc":{"dailyactivescore.$.score": 1}})
if err == ErrNotFound {
bookCollection.Update({"title":"Book1"}, {"$push":...})
But I cannot help to think is there any way to return the index of an item inside array? If so, I could use one query to do the job rather than two. Like this.
index = bookCollection.Find(
{"title":"Book1", "": 2013-06-06}).Select({"$index"})
if index != -1 {
incTarget = FormatString("dailyactivescore.%d.score", index)
bookCollection.Update(..., {"$inc": {incTarget: 1}})
} else {
//push here
Incrementing a field that's not present isn't the issue as doing $inc:1 on it will just create it and set it to 1 post-increment. The issue is when you don't have an array item corresponding to the date you want to increment.
There are several possible solutions here (that don't involve multiple steps to increment).
One is to pre-create all the dates in the array elements with scores:0 like so:
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-01,
"score": 0,
"date": 2013-06-02,
"score": 0,
"date": 2013-06-03,
"score": 0,
"date": 2013-06-04,
"score": 0,
"date": 2013-06-05,
"score": 0,
"date": 2013-06-06,
"score": 0
}, { etc ... }
But how far into the future to go? So one option here is to "bucket" - for example, have an activities document "per month" and before the start of a month have a job that creates the new documents for next month. Slightly yucky. But it'll work.
Other options involve slight changes in schema.
You can use a collection with book, date, activity_scores. Then you can use a simple upsert to increment a score:
db.books.update({title:"Book1", date:"2013-06-02", {$inc:{score:1}}, {upsert:true})
This will increment the score or insert new record with score:1 for this book and date and your collection will look like this:
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-01,
"score": 10,
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-02,
"score": 1,
}, ...
Depending on how much you simplified your example from your real use case, this might work well.
Another option is to stick with the array but switch to using the date string as a key that you increment:
"title": "Book1",
{ "2013-06-01":10},
{ "2013-06-02":8}
Note it's now a subdocument and not an array and you can do:
db.books.update({title:"Book1"}, {"dailyactivityscores.2013-06-03":{$inc:1}})
and it will add a new date into the subdocument and increment it resulting in:
"title": "Book1",
{ "2013-06-01":10},
{ "2013-06-02":8},
{ "2013-06-03":1}
Note it's now harder to "add-up" the scores for the book so you can atomically also update a "subtotal" in the same update statement whether it's for all time or just for the month.
But here it's once again problematic to keep adding days to this subdocument - what happens when you're still around in a few years and these book documents grow hugely?
I suspect that unless you will only be keeping activity scores for the last N days (which you can do with capped array feature in 2.4) it will be simpler to have a separate collection for book-activity-score tracking where each book-day is a separate document than to embed the scores for each day into the book in a collection of books.
According to the docs:
The $inc operator increments a value of a field by a specified amount.
If the field does not exist, $inc sets the field to the specified
So, if there won't be a score field in the array item, $inc will set it to 1 in your case, like this:
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-05,
"score": 10,
"date": 2013-06-06,
{"title":"Book1", "": 2013-06-06},
{"$inc":{"dailyactivescore.$.score": 1}})
will result into:
"title": "Book1",
"date": 2013-06-05,
"score": 10,
"date": 2013-06-06,
"score": 1
Hope that helps.