replace column and get ltrim of the column value - scala

I want to replace an column in an dataframe. need to get the scala
syntax code for this
Controlling_Area = CC2
Hierarchy_Name = CC2HIDNE
Need to write as : HIDENE
ie: remove the Controlling_Area present in Hierarchy_Name .
val dfPC = ReadLatest("/Full", "parquet")
LRTIM( REPLACE(col("Hierarchy_Name"),col("Controlling_Area"),"") ),
notebook:3: error: not found: value REPLACE
Expecting to get the LTRIM and replace code in scala

You can use withColumnRenamed to achieve that:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions
val dfPC = ReadLatest("/Full", "parquet")


Is there any pyspark function or substitute for like in sql

I have a python list of all the columns of the dataframe as below.
I need to drop all the columns from the above list which ends with __i:nil and rename all the columns with __value to only it's prefix like ProductCode__VALUE should be renamed to ProductCode.
Try this:
column_list = ['Timestamp',
for element in column_list:
df = (
df.withColumnRenamed(element, element.split('__')[0])
df = df.drop(*[element for element in column_list if element.endswith('__i:nil')])

Spark / Scala / SparkSQL dataframes filter issue "data type mismatch"

My probleme is i have a code that gives filter column and values in a list as parameters
val vars = "age IN ('0')"
val ListPar = "entered_user,2014-05-05,2016-10-10;"
//val ListPar2 = "entered_user,2014-05-05,2016-10-10;revenue,0,5;"
val ListParser : List[String] = ListPar.split(";").map(_.trim).toList
val myInnerList : List[String] = ListParser(0).split(",").map(_.trim).toList
if (myInnerList(0) == "entered_user" || myInnerList(0) == "date" || myInnerList(0) == "dt_action"){
responses.filter(vars +" AND " + responses(myInnerList(0)).between(myInnerList(1), myInnerList(2)))
responses.filter(vars +" AND " + responses(myInnerList(0)).between(myInnerList(1).toInt, myInnerList(2).toInt))
well for all the fields except the one that contains date the functions works flawless but for fields that have date it throws an error
Note : I'm working with parquet files
here is the error
when i try to write it manually i get the same
here is how the query it sent to the sparkSQL
the first one where there is revenue it works but the second one doesn't work
and when i try to just filter with dates without the value of "vars" which contains other columns, it works
Well my issue is that i was mixing between sql and spark and when i tried to concatenate sql query which is my variable "vars" whith df.filter() and especially when i used between operator it was giving an output format unrocognised by sparksql which is
age IN ('0') AND ((entered_user >= 2015-01-01) AND (entered_user <= 2015-05-01))
it might seems correct but after looking in sql documentation it was missing parenthesese(in vars) it needed to be
(age IN ('0')) AND ((entered_user >= 2015-01-01) AND (entered_user <= 2015-05-01))
well the solution is i needed to concatenate those correctly so to do that i must to add " expr " to the variable vars which will result the desire syntaxe
responses.filter(expr(vars) && responses(myInnerList(0)).between(myInnerList(1), myInnerList(2)))

how to pass the case statements in to .selectExpr("*", "all case statements") spark code, from external file

I have below case statement in sql file
note - it is just a sample statement and i saved it as col_sql.sql
In spark scala code
Im getting the col_sql.sql as per below
val col_file = "dir/path/col_sql.sql"
val col_query = readFile(col_file) --- It is internal converted as string using .mkString
Then passing it to my select query in spark code
.selectExpr("*", col_query )
Expectation --
My expectation is when my spark job is running the case statement should be passed in .selectExpr() function as it is given in sql file, like below it should be passed.
When manually running in spark2-shell it is working correctly but in spark2-summit job it throwing parserDriver error .
Kindly assit me on this.
Each argument in selectExpr should resolve to one column (see examples in the doc). In this case you will have to split the expression read from the file, e.g.:
// Example given the complete string, you could split already when reading the file
val col_query = "\"CASE WHEN a = 1 THEN ONE END AS INT_VAL\", \"CASE WHEN a = 'DE' THEN 'APHABET' AS STR_VAL\""
val cols_queries = col_query.split(",").map(x => x.trim().stripPrefix("\"").stripSuffix("\""))
df.selectExpr("*", cols_queries: _*) // to expand the list into arguments

agg condition : keyword can't be an expression with Pyspark

I am using pyspark to reate a dataframe which calculates the sum of "montant" when the value of the column "isfraud" ==1 .
But I get this error :
File "", line 5
when(col("isFraud") =1, sum("montant"))
^ SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression
Here the code :
CNP_df_fraude= (tx_wd_df
#.filter("isFraude =='1'").filter("POS_Card_Presence =='CardNotPresent'")
when(col("isFraud") =1, sum("montant"))
Any idea please?
Just put when() inside sum():
CNP_df_fraude= (tx_wd_df
sum(when(col("isFraud")==1, col("montant")).otherwise(0))
You cannot use when() inside the .agg() function.
You could however try:
CNP_df_fraude= tx_wd_df.filter(F.col("isFraud") == 1)

SPARK SQL: Implement AND condition inside a CASE statement

I am aware of how to implement a simple CASE-WHEN-THEN clause in SPARK SQL using Scala. I am using Version 1.6.2. But, I need to specify AND condition on multiple columns inside the CASE-WHEN clause. How to achieve this in SPARK using Scala ?
Thanks in advance for your time and help!
Here's the SQL query that I have:
select sd.standardizationId,
case when sd.numberOfShares = 0 and
isnull(sd.derivatives,0) = 0 and
sd.holdingTypeId not in (3,10)
as holdingTypeId
from sd;
First read table as dataframe
val table = sqlContext.table("sd")
Then select with expression. There align syntaxt according to your database.
val result = table.selectExpr("standardizationId","case when numberOfShares = 0 and isnull(derivatives,0) = 0 and holdingTypeId not in (3,10) then 8 else holdingTypeId end as holdingTypeId")
And show result
An alternative option, if it's wanted to avoid using the full string expression, is the following:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val sd = sqlContext.table("sd")
val conditionedColumn: Column = when(
(sd("numberOfShares") === 0) and
(coalesce(sd("derivatives"), lit(0)) === 0) and
(!sd("holdingTypeId").isin(Seq(3,10): _*)), 8
val result ="standardizationId"), conditionedColumn)