How to call count operation of MongoDB query on JMeter using groovy? - mongodb

I have a query as below which is working on mongoDB
I need to execute this query in JMeter to get the objects count. Please note I am using Groovy script to execute the same.
db.getCollection('collectionName').find({ $or: [ {"Service" :"AAA"}, {ServerName : "BBB"} ],
"ConnectionID" : "AAAA445789",
"CDDval" : "AGB"
Below is the code i am running in groovy and not giving the expected result like Mongodb query is giving error javax.script.ScriptException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
try {
MongoCollection<Document> collection = vars.getObject("collectionName");
Document result = collection.find("uuid" ,"{$or : [
{"Service": "AAA"},
{ServerName : "BBB"}
"ConnectionID" : "AAAA445789",
"CDDval" : "AGB"
vars.put("uuid", result.get("uuid").toString());
return "uuid=" + result.get("uuid") + " found";
catch (Exception e) {
SampleResult.setResponseMessage("Exception: " + e);
I have tried the using JMeter Groovy 2.4.13 but not getting correct respose, below is the code


Spark/MongoDB connector with $or pipeline syntax

I'm trying to request a MongoDB collection using Spark with the mongo-spark-connector. Here is the code :
val document = Document.parse("{$or: [{key1:\"A\", key2:\"500\"}, {key1:\"A\", key2:\"100\"}] }")
val mongoDf = mongoCollectionRdd.withPipeline(Seq(document)).toDF(mongoCollectionSchema)
But I get the following error :
com.mongodb.MongoCommandException: Command failed with error 40324 (Location40324): 'Unrecognized pipeline stage name: '$or'' on server
I ran the query through the mongo shell and the execution is fine and I get the expected result. Here are the versions of the different components :
Scala : 2.12.11
Spark : 3.2.0
MongoDB : 4.2.17
Any ideas ?

Laravel mongoDB groupBy - ERROR: Unrecognized expression '$last'

My below code is producing an error. If the groupBy is removed it works fine. But I only need to get distinct values for common_id. How can i solve this issue?
MasterAffiliateProductMappingMongo::select('_id', 'our_product_id')
->where('top_deal', '=', 'true')
->orderBy('srp', 'asc')
Error: [MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException] Unrecognized
expression '$last'
MongoDocument Example:
"_id" : ObjectId("5911af8209ed4456d069b1d1"),
"product_id" : "MOBDRYWXFKNPZVG6",
"our_product_id" : "5948e0dca6bc725adb35af2e",
"mrp" : 0.0,
"srp" : 500.0,
"ID" : "5911af8209ed4456d069b1d1",
"common_id" : ObjectId("5911af8209ed4456d069b1d1"),
"top_deal" : "true"
Error Log:
[2017-06-28 12:19:46] lumen.ERROR: exception
'MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException' with message 'Unrecognized
expression '$last'' in
Refer to this link it works. We should remove '_id' from the select field.

Meteor MongoDB Error

I have this issue with my meteor app. When I run this query on my chrome console, It returns the expected data
Questions.find({}, {sort:{commentLength: -1}})
but when I run it in the console as db.questions.find({}, {sort:{commentLength: -1}})
it returns this error
error: {
"$err" : "Can't canonicalize query: BadValue Unsupported projection option: sort: { commentLength: -1.0 }",
"code" : 17287
Why does this error happen? Thanks
sort has a different syntax when executed in a mongodb shell. Try this instead:
db.questions.find().sort({commentLength: -1})

Json to csv in Mongodb

I know this question has been answered... using below
But I am facing issue while reading the records whose fields start with number.
Below is the O/P
db.Detail.find({"Comment": /ABCD/,"CreateDt": { "$gte" : ISODate("2015-12-03") }},{'Data.01-WaitQueue.EndTime':1}).limit().pretty()
"Data" : {
"01-WaitQueue" : {
"EndTime" : ISODate("2015-12-03T02:39:11Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("565fab4ea5c75a3c4f000000")
When I am using forEach to convert into CSV
db.Detail.find({"Comment": /ABCD/,"CreateDt": { "$gte" : ISODate("2015-12-03") }},{'Data.01-WaitQueue.EndTime':1}).limit().forEach(function(PD) {
print(PD.Data.01-WaitQueue.EndTime +":"+ PD._id);
I am getting below error
Fri Dec 4 07:11:38 SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list (shell):1
Can someone please help me in rectifying it?
The exception is thrown because of the print line has syntax error.
Instead of
print(PD.Data.01-WaitQueue.EndTime +":"+ PD._id);
Try this instead:
print(PD.Data['01-WaitQueue'].EndTime +":"+ PD._id);

Mongo.getDatabaseNames() occasionally throws CommandFailureException

We have been having some problems where our mongo connection fails to allow us to get the database names from the DB.
We call the method:
And 1 out of 100 times, it throws the following exception:
Caused by: com.mongodb.CommandFailureException: { "serverUsed" : "localhost:27017" ,
"errmsg" : "exception: can't open database in a read lock. if db was just closed, consider retrying the query. might otherwise indicate an internal error" , "code" : 15927 , "ok" : 0.0}
at com.mongodb.CommandResult.getException(
at com.mongodb.CommandResult.throwOnError(
at com.mongodb.Mongo.getDatabaseNames(
Looking at the mongo code, the database is the internal admin database
public List<String> getDatabaseNames(){
BasicDBObject cmd = new BasicDBObject();
cmd.put("listDatabases", 1);
>>CommandResult res = getDB(ADMIN_DATABASE_NAME).command(cmd, getOptions());
This database is not being deleted, but there are several other databases that could be deleted around this time.
Has anyone else had this problem?