How can I achieve SQL groupby and where in PowerBI? - group-by

SELECT COUNT([Table].[CustomerID]), AVERAGE([Table].[Values])
FROM [Table]
GROUP BY [Table].[Country]
Where Max([Table].[Date]) < PowerBI_Max_Date_Slicer and Min([Table].[Date]) > PowerBI_Min_Date_Slicer
I would like to apply time slicing first then do the groupby in PowerBI with filtered data.

Go to Edit Queries > Home > Group By and group your table like you need it with the Max(), Min(), Count() and Average() aggregation. Now you can filter the grouped table after your slicer and show the corresponding values.


Getting the total number of records in a single knexjs query when using the limit() method

I use knexjs and postgresql. Is it possible in knexjs to get the total of records from the same query in which the limit is used?
For example:'project').limit(50)
Is it possible to somehow get the total number of records in the same query if there are more than 50?
The question arose due to the fact that my query is much more complex, which uses a lot of subqueries and conditions, and I would not like to make this query twice to get the data in one query and the total number of records (I use the .count() method) from another.
I do not know your obscurification manager (knexjs?) but I would think you should be able to add the window version of the count() function to your select list. In plain SQL something like: Where ... represents your current select list. (see demo)
select ..., count(*) over() total_rows
from project
limit 5;
This works because the window count function counts all rows selected, after all rows selected, but before the LIMIT clause is applied. Note: This adds a column to the result set with the same value in every row.

Azure Data Flow filter distinct rows

What I want to achieve is that I have sources which sending me some data, but before saving that data in sink I want to filter that distinct with respect to columns I am not able to find Distinct function in expression functions. Can anyone tell me how to achieve this
Not sure if you still have this problem, I suggest to use the 'Aggregate' component in dataflow, I did a test like below:
in 'Aggregate Settings' we define all the 'Group by' columns and 'Aggregates' columns, the source table have 9 columns in total, and 900 rows in total containing 450 distinct rows plus 450 duplicated rows.
I use max to aggregate the 'ModifiedDate' column, and in sink table there's only 450 distinct rows.
This can be done by manually editing the script (and then linking it together on the UI).
The following snippet does a distinct filtering using all columns:
aggregate(groupBy(mycols = sha2(256,columns())),
each(match(true()), $$ = first($$))) ~> DistinctRows

SSRS sum of distinct values

I want sum of only unique values in SSRS report.Is there any logic to achieve this.
this is what something like this sum(distinct value)
Supposed you have a column named value in your query, you could do the following:
Add an additional column to the query of the dataset:
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [value] ORDER BY [value]) AS valueNr
Then, if you already have created a Sum field in the table, change the expression of the textbox to
=Sum(Iif(Fields!valueNr.Value=1, Fields!value.Value, 0))
Repeat this for every "distinct sum" calculation.
Yes. You use groups. At the top click the insert menu, then table, then Table Wizard. Pick your dataset and hit next. Now drag the column for the different types of items you want a distinct sum of into the Row Groups section. Drag your count column into the Values section. This should automatically turn it into Sum(ColumnName). You can click the down arrow to change the aggregate type (if desired). Press next and next and finish. Viola. You have a distinct sum for each specified field.

kdb/q: use function in a select from partitioned table

I'm trying to get max drawdown from a partitioned table across multiple dates. The query works fine when run with a date constrained to a specific day. E.g.
select {max neg x-maxs x} pnl from trades where date=last date
It's getting map-reduced over multiple dates so the above query no longer works. I can make the query run over multiple dates by adding another aggregation:
select max {max neg x-maxs x} pnl from trades
but it's not getting the max drawdown from continuous sequence of trades but a maximum of daily drawdowns.
I wonder if there's a way to make it work with a single select without chaining selects like
select {max neg x-maxs x} pnl from select pnl from trades
I've got a rather big query to pull a lot of various metrics on the trades where max drawdown is just one of them. Using chained select means that I need to break the big query into two queries, map-reduced and non-map-reduced, and then join them back which would make the query look ugly.
Select query runs on each date in partition db and apply function to each date values and finally aggregates them depending upon the call (user defined function behaves differently than plain 'q' functions).
So I don't think you can combine that into one query. But there are ways you can look for to make your query more generalized and reusable for different scenarios.
For ex. convert your query to functional form and use variables in that query for column name and user function. Put this in one function which will accept column name and user function. Now you can call this function with different set of (column ;function). Something like :
runF:{[col;usrfunc] funtional_query_uses_col_userfunc }
All this depends on your use cases. Also check for memory usage as you'll be taking lot of data into memory.

Is it possible to create a filter that filters out distinct values in a dataset?

I'm trying to create a report that will contain two pie charts. I get the data for the report from SQL.
Currently, I created a dataset for the first chart which holds records with the following fields: Import ID, Date, Status. This dataset contains duplicate records.
For the second chart, I need the same data I have in the first dataset, only without duplications and aggregated differently.
I realize that I can create another dataset that will get the distinct values from the SQL database, but I was wondering if there was a way to use the built-in filtering functionality to filter out the dataset I already have to return only distinct values (based on ID field).
Looking at the options in the following filtering dialog, I see no obvious way to do this:
If ID is not unique and your 1st query looks like this:
select ImportID, Date, Status
from YourTableSource
WHERE YourConditions
Then you probably should use for your 2nd query form like this:
select DISTINCT ImportID, Status
from YourTableSource
WHERE YourConditions
If changing the query is not an option ,then you may create the Group in ssrs with invisible DETAIL pane and place the ID and Status fiels in int Group pane