ionic 4 routerOutlet.canGoBack() returns false when navigating with navigateForward - ionic-framework

I have a button in my ionic application to open a article from the homepage. I want to enable my users to exit the app by pressing the device back button. But when they are at the article page I want it to just go back to the homepage when pressing the back button.
I created a custom backbutton event to handle the function of exiting the app. It can exit the app from the homepage. However when pressing the back button on the article page, it does not navigate back to the homepage and nothing happens. How can I make it goes back to the homepage from the article page when pressing the back button?
In app.component.ts
this.platform.backButton.subscribeWithPriority(99, async () => {
if (this.routerOutlet && this.routerOutlet.canGoBack()) {
} else if (this.router.url === '/home') {
I noticed that this.routerOutlet.canGoBack returns false when firing the event from the article page, so the routerOutlet.pop() is not fired. Not sure if this is to do with how I open the article page?
This is how i open the article page
viewArticle(articleId) {
let navigationExtras: NavigationExtras = {
state: {
articleId: articleId
this.navController.navigateForward(['/article'], navigationExtras);


ionic 4 deal with modal when users click phone back button

What should happen when users click over back button of phone? In case when modal opens.
Registered a back button:
// To prevent interference with ionic's own backbutton handling
// you can subscribe with a low priority instead
this.platform.backButton.subscribe(() => {
// code that is executed when the user pressed the back button
// and ionic doesn't already know what to do (close modals etc...)
The problem with the code:
It closes/dismiss modal is fine!
But it also pushed back the page from where the modal is opened. Means it pop the page behind modal.
This should not happen the page should not pop - only modal should close.
Check the image gif added ->
Click here to see the problem
You may consider using platform.backButton.subscribeWithPriority() with a high priority (ex: 9999).
Then checking if there is a opened modal with modalController.getTop().
constructor(private modalCtrl: ModalController, private nav: NavController) {
ngOnInit() {
this.platform.backButton.subscribeWithPriority(9999, () => {
async closeModalOrPage(){
let modal = await this.modalCtrl.getTop();
if (modal){
} else {

How to avoid multiple pages to open on quick taps of thumbnail on devices

I have an ionic application which has movies menu. On click of movies menu navigates to movies list in thumbnails. On click on any thumbnail navigates to its details page. But on quick taps opens multiple movie details pages equal to number of taps.
I tried adding a flag and a promise. But doesn't seem to work.
isTapped = false // by default
// Below code is executed
this.isTapped = true;
((msuMovieDetails) => {
headerDataTitle: this.headerData.title,
movieDetails: msuMovieDetails,
showEpisode: this.featureLayoutData.showEpisodes
).then(() => {
this.isTapped = false; // Reset flag
Expected : On tapping even multiple times page instance opened should be single
Actual : Multiple instances of page is opened on quick taps

Ionic 3: How make ionViewWillEnter only when back button pressed?

I have read Navigating Lifecycle Events
My use case here is. I had to refresh the content on page load as well as when back button pressed from another page.
this works fine but of course ionViewWillEnter runs on first page load as well. so two api requests triggered (ionViewDidLoad + ionViewWillEnter). Is there any way to restrict them like setting flag or something?
You can use events for this purpose. Whenever user clicks back button, publish the event like this:
subscribe to this event from the page where you want to refresh the data:
constructor(public events: Events) {
events.subscribe('backPressed', () => {
Refer this:
The problem with this issue is you have to publish the event from all the pages to which the navigation is possible from the current page.
use this:
this.navBar.backButtonClick = this.onClickBackButton.bind(this);

button back to my app in the background and when you resume it starts again

I am developing an app in Xamarin.Forms, before I was trying to make a master detail page to become my MainPage when I logged in to my app, this I have already achieved. Now I have the problem that when I use the button behind the phone my app is miimiza and goes to the background which is the behavior I hope, but when I return to my app does not continue showing my master detail page, but returns to my LginPage.
It is as if my app was running twice or at least there were two instances of LoginPage existing at the same time, this is because in my LoginPage I trigger some DisplayAlert according to some messages that my page is listening through the MessaginCenter and they are they shoot twice.
Can someone tell me how I can return the same to my app on the master detail page and not restart in the strange way described?
public partial class LogonView : ContentPage
LogonViewModel contexto = new LogonViewModel();
public LogonView ()
InitializeComponent ();
BindingContext = contexto;
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<LogonViewModel>(this, "ErrorCredentials", async (sender) =>
await DisplayAlert("Error", "Email or password is incorrect.", "Ok");
protected override void OnDisappearing()
MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<LogonViewModel>(this, "ErrorCredentials");
Part of my ViewModel:
if (Loged)
App.token = token;
Application.Current.MainPage = new RootView();
MessagingCenter.Send(this, "ErrorCredentials");
I hope this is in Android. All you can do is, you can override the backbuttonpressed method in MainActivity for not closing on back button pressed of the entry page. like below, you can add some conditions as well.
public override void OnBackPressed()
Page currentPage = Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.LastOrDefault();
if (currentPage != null)
if (currentPage.GetType().Name == "HomePage" || currentPage.GetType().Name == "LoginPage")
When you press the Home button, the application is paused and the
current state is saved, and finally the application is frozen in
whatever state it is. After this, when you start the app, it is
resumed from the last point it was saved with.
However, when you use the Back button, you keep traversing back in
the activity stack, closing one activity after another. in the end,
when you close the first activity that you opened, your application
exits. This is why whenever you close your application like this, it
gets restarted when you open it again.
Answer taken from this answer. The original question asks about the native Android platform, but it still applies here.
It means you have to Use Setting Plugin or save data in Application properties.
You have to add below code in App.xaml.cs file:
if (SettingClass.UserName == null)
MainPage = new LoginPage();
MainPage = new MasterDetailPage();
For Setting Plugin you can refer this link.

webworks blackberry 10 twitter facebook

i am just trying to implement facebook and twitter in my Webworks App and cannot get them work together.
I am using the FaceBook-OAuth-2 and the Twitter-OAuth-1 sample and i just put both stuff together and my problem is that only the first startOAuth() opens a window in the app to login the second doesn't so if i first clicked facebook it works after when i try twitter nothing happens.
function setClickHandlers() {
console.log('set click handlers');
var fb = document.getElementById('facebookOn');
fb.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// if the childWindow is already open, don't allow user to click the button
if(childWindow !== null) {
return false;
toast('Contacting Facebook...');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
console.log('set twitter click handlers');
var tw = document.getElementById('twitterOn');
tw.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// if the childWindow is already open, don't allow user to click the button
if(childWindow !== null) {
return false;
toast('Fetching access token...');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
I would start by adding some debug code in your click handler to see if that's getting called when you click the button in the first place.
If it is, then I recommended you use Web Inspector (console) to see if there are any errors. If there are, they'll show up there.
Good reference for Web Inspector here -
If the click handler is not being fired then perhaps you have the wrong element ID, or the setClickHandlers function is not being executed.