How to create Azure DevOps Service Connection scoped to multiple Resource Groups - azure-devops

I have a project whose resources spanned across 3 resource groups. I want to create a Service connection scoped to all those resource groups so that i can manage access at one place through that service connection. Currently i created 3 service connections scoped to each resource group. I don't want to scope it to subscription since there are other teams handling projects in that subscription. It will give me maintenance and audit issues in the future.
If i create a service principal and assign it to 3 resource groups and then attach this service principal to service connection then would it be good design?
Is there any better way to achieve this ?

When you create a new Service Connection in the Azure DevOps, it will create an Azure AD app registration, and a new service principal will be created for the Resource Group you choose.
So you can just go to any resource group and then add a principal using the Access control (IAM). Select the Add role assignment option and then select the role as a contributor in the role grid, press next. From the next screen, select user, group, or service principal as the option for Assign access to. Click on the + Select members, search for our AD Registered app name, the display name and then select the same from the result, click on the select button. Finally, click the Review + assign button.
I have written a detailed article to explain the steps, you can read that here.

You don't have to create the service principal manually. You can use the interface to create the service principal, grant permissions on the first resource group and configure the connection automatically for you.
Then once it's done, look at the service connection to identify the service principal in use, and give it permissions on the other resource groups.
And yes it is a good design, the only drawback compared to 3 service principals is that you have less granularity over who in Azure DevOps has access to each of these 3 resource groups via permissions on the service service connection(s) (as you only have one and not 3)


How do I move a service between teams?

I have setup two teams in pagerduty (that have their own escalation policy and roster). One team owns a service, but the ownership is changing within our organisation and the other team is now to be oncall for the service. I can't find anything in the documentation about how to edit the team that owns a service. How do I do this?
Or do I need to create another service within the second team and re-route all my alerting to that new service?
Team ownership of a service is determined by the team the service's escalation policy is associated with. In this scenario, by changing the service's escalation policy to point to the team that is going to take over the service will cause the service to be tied to that new team.

Service Fabric Explorer: Limit Access to Single Applications

Is there the possibility to limit the access to Service Fabric Explorer to certain services or specific users?
We have a scenario where we host multiple services on the same cluster. The log information of the Explorer shall be only visible for the 'owner' of each service.
You can use access control to limit access to certain cluster
operations for different groups of users. This helps make the cluster
more secure. Two access control types are supported for clients that
connect to a cluster: Administrator role and User role.
Users who are assigned the Administrator role have full access to
management capabilities, including read and write capabilities. Users
who are assigned the User role, by default, have only read access to
management capabilities (for example, query capabilities). They also
can resolve applications and services.
You can assign different roles to groups, but you cannot scope a role to a service, so basically its all or nothing, you cannot give granular control

Access denied. Needs Use permissions for pool Default to perform the action

I get following error when trying to save a release pipeline on Azure dev. What exact permissions do I need to ask from my administrator?
Access denied. <<user id>> needs Use permissions for pool Default to perform the action. For more information, contact the Azure DevOps Server administrator.
I found granting Admin to a pool very confusing (and time-consuming to resolve) but I think I can explain how I got it to work for my org. This is a further explanation, based upon what #Leo Lui-MSFT said, as that was not quite clear enough for me.
My problem: I wanted to give a user access to update a pool that the user had not created (ie, was not an Owner).
Attempted solution: Making the user Admin on the pool did not let the user do that.
Successful solution: I had to go to > Security > Add . I then added the user and assigned the Admin role.
This has the side effect of giving the user Admin on every pool in the org (which was not what I wanted to do). If this is not your desire then go into the pool you do not wish to grant Admin access to, set Inheritance off and then remove the user from that pool.
This feels wrong, to me. I should have been able to make a user an Admin of a single pool without granting org-wide Admin over all pools.
Also as all pools seem to be created with Inheritance defaulted to true then to remove that user as an Admin from all other pools could be time-consuming and when more pools are created then I would need to remember to turn inheritance off.
That is my experience. If I have missed something please let me know.
What exact permissions do I need to ask from my administrator?
You need ask the User permissions from administrator.
When we go to Project Settings->Agent pools->The Agent Name->Security:
Check the document Security of agent pools for some more details.
Roles are also defined on each organization agent pool, and
memberships in these roles govern what operations you can perform on
an agent pool.
The All agent pools node in the Agent pools tab is used to control the
security of all project agent pools in a project. Role memberships for
individual project agent pools are automatically inherited from those
of the 'All agent pools' node. By default, the following groups are
added to the Administrator role of 'All agent pools': Build
Administrators, Release Administrators, Project Administrators.
So, you should ask User permissions from your administrator, or add your account to one of the groups mentioned above, then try it again.
I used -e AZP_POOL=XXX parameter when docker run to solve the same issue, even my account is an administrator.
Check if you are entering the pool name correctly. If you pressed 'Enter' to keep the default name for the pool, it does not work, you need to specify the correct name for the agent pool
I had similar problem with a Pipeline:
Error: Access Denied: 0000000d-0000-8888-8000-000000000000 needs the following permission(s) on the resource /Organizations to perform this action: Read Organization resources
I created again service connections and change this in the pipeline:
I think this user was delete from active directory.
(I realize this question is regarding DevOps but DevOps Server / TFS may have different interface but encounter the same issue)
In TFS or DevOps Server, you have to be added to Team Foundation Administrators group through TFS Admin Console only. To do that:
Access Team Foundation Server Administration Console via Server > Application Tier > Group Membership > Team Foundation Administrators > Properties > Add user.
You should have an organization level access to get rid of the error message you are getting.
If you've created the organization you will be the owner of the organization, you should have all the admin access to do whatever your pipeline need.
otherwise, Select the organization -> Go to organization settings -> agent pool [left plane] -> security [right top] -> add a new user with your name with admin role
Try the same with project level settings.

Azure DevOps, what are the default role assignments for the Resource Group?

I have an Azure DevOps release pipeline which deploys a resource group. I have switched the service connection that is assigned to the Create Resource Group task to a different service principal, and now deploying the resource group (after deleting it) succeeds, but I can no longer see it in the portal. Previously, the RG made me a Contributor implicitly without me having to do anything. I am the owner of the release pipeline.
Why does changing the service principal that deploys the resource group give the resource group a different set of role assignments and how do I control the set of role assignments applied to the resource group when it is created so that I am made an Owner? I don't inherit any Owner permissions from the susbcription because I'm not an admin user, any permissions I have - which I still have against an identical resource group - were assigned directly to the RG on its creation, but I can't see how that happens.
you dont have enough permissions. it doesnt have to do anything with Azure Devops. Azure Devops doesnt assign any permissions to the created resource group to the pipeline owner (or anybody else).
one reason why that might happen - you filtered out the subscription the resource group is in. (like tom mentioned in the comment)

Can't create resource group in lite account

For some reason I cannot create a resource group for IBM cloud. The error says I can only create one resource group in a lite account. But unfortunately I do not have any group in there
Could someone give some advice how I should deal with that challenge?
When you open and activate your account, a resource group named "default" is created automatically. You cannot create another one while on lite/free plan. You would need to upgrade.
You can verify the default resource group under : Manage -> Account -> Resource groups