Featured images of shared links disappeared from FaceBook - facebook

The images of links shared from my website disappeared from my FaceBook business page.
I have a WordPress blog.
For about a year, there was no problem: if I shared a link from my website on FaceBook, the featured image was displayed.
A month ago, two problems arose:
Most of the images of links shared from my website disappeared from
one moment to another.
If I shared a new link from my website, the
image was displayed, but as soon as I posted something again, the
image belonging to the previous post disappeared.
I asked help from a developer (I am not skilled in programming), who fixed the problem for the future, so hopefully links I share in the future won't be affected by this problem. However: I still have 50 older posts the featured image of which are not diplayed.
This is my FaceBook Page: https://www.facebook.com/izekmentesen/ Please scroll down to see there is no image displayed for older posts.
This is a recipe blog, so older posts are just as important as new ones, they will not loose their relevance.
Could anyone help me fix this issue?
I already tried these:
I tried to deactivate all plugins one by one. After each deactivation, I refreshed the cache of my website, re-fetched one of the affected links with FaceBook Object Debugger and checked if the image was diplayed on my FaceBook page. Nothing happened.
I tried to change the image (then refreshed the cache of my website, and re-fetched the link of the post with Object Debugger). This did not solve the problem either.
I set my Open Graph plugin to use the first image in the post as an og:image. (By default, it would use the featured image.) No success.
Whenever I make Object Debugger fetch a link from my website, I got this warning:
Extraneous Property: Objects of this type do not allow properties named 'og:site_name'.
The same warning is given concerning to: 'og:title', 'og:url', 'og:type',
'og:description','og:image','og:image:url', 'og:image:secure_url','og:image:width', 'og:image:height', 'article:publisher' and 'fb:app_id'.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me.


Force Facebook to preview image from original link, not server side redirect

I hope someone can help - please bear with the explanation! I have 5 years of gallery photos, published here: https://www.girlsfly2.ca/past_events.html (redirects to https://www.girlsfly2.ca/past_events_2016.html).
Two main plugins are implemented - Packery bin-packs the photos into a gallery arrangement, LightGallery allows for individual slide-show and Facebook (and other social media) share.
The desired behavior is that a visitor is able to share a photo they like on their FB timeline - a preview of that specific photo, along with whatever comments they choose to make. Then, if one of their friends is interested by the photo, they can click on the photo - which is actually a link - and visit the source.
The initial problem I had was that FB would preview the source page, and not the individual photo. This is because the LG plugin uses a hash plugin to generate a "page" for sharing. The developer suggested a workaround was to pass an html link for each photo through the plugin, which worked and the photo previewed correctly.
This created a new problem in that when one clicked on the return link from FB one landed on the individual photo, with no way to navigate back to the main gallery since nothing else was loaded. This creates a frustration for the user, if they wanted to find out what the photo, and our initiative is all about.
The developer told me what I wanted was only possible if I created a complete HTML page for each photo (approximately 400 of them!). I had the bright idea to use server-side redirects in the interim - so that when one clicked on the image link it would redirect to the main gallery page of that particular year.
When I coded 2016 I tested functionality several times before implementing the redirects, and even though I didn't share each and every photo, FB seems to have cached the original links, not the redirects for all the photos.
I tackled 2013 and 2012 next but in this case the redirects were implemented in advance of publishing the respective pages and I discovered that FB is now previewing a default photo for all shares from each respective gallery. This is not ideal! I instantly had this problem when I created a batch folder redirect in 2016 which went away when I did individual redirects for all 207 photos, perhaps because some individual links were already cached.
Last night I played around with the FB scrape tool and disabled the 2013 redirects while I tested this. I'm wondering if I encourage FB to cache the individual photo links and then re-implement the server-side redirects if that will work?
Also, this is a very time consuming and cumbersome fix - and I'm guessing it won't be permanent either. Surely there is a better way through coding?
The bottom line question: Is there a way to force FB to preview the original html link, instead of it pinging the server, detecting the redirect and displaying a default image from the redirect gallery page?
Note that 2015 photos have not been redirected! The undesired preview behavior can be seen on the 2012 page, and at the time of writing the desired preview behavior is happening on the 2016 photos even the the coding style for both pages is the same. Also 2014 is not yet published so for the moment will yield a 404.
Sorry for the long explanation - I didn't see a way to shorten it. I really hope someone can help with this!

Sharing blogger post on Facebook not working properly anymore

I write a blog but now nothing about programming.
Until some time ago, whenever I shared a new post on FB it chooses the first image of the post and that was fine (although I'd prefer to control which one to share every time). And it also got the title of the post correctly.
Now it always chooses the header picture of the blog and inserts the blog's title and description instead. Also, if I try to share the blog itself it chooses not the header picture but some old one from one given post...
FB debugger gives me this:
"og:image was not defined, could not be downloaded or was not big enough. Please define a chosen image using the og:image meta tag, and use an image that's at least 200x200px and is accessible from Facebook. Image 'http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vVHBaAssg-E/VdiSUEICydI/AAAAAAAAApw/Tsmhu4ZefTk/s1600/dpca%2Bblog%2Bcover%2Bv3.png' will be used instead. Consult (...) for more troubleshooting tips.
To find the object, these are the redirects we had to follow"
But the pictures in the post (or the blog's header) are in fact larger than 200x200.
I've added code as suggested in FB and bloggers tutorials but still no juice...
What's wrong?
I'm using AddThis as the sharing "platform".
Example post: http://doportocomamor.blogspot.pt/2016/02/brincar-com-o-fogo.html
thanks a lot in advance

Facebook Tab App Sharing issue with Image

I'm having issues when a user tries to share the URL to a Facebook tab app that I have setup.
When they paste the URL to the tab in their share window and then post their status update, the tab image is shown when viewed on their profile, however there is no image shown on the newsfeed version of the same post.
I've tried adding open graph meta tags to the app, but I believe that it is being ignored since it is located inside of the iframe, and the facebook open graph meta overrides it.
Does anyone know how to ensure an image is maintained when the tab URL is shared directly?
I've burnt a lot of time trying to solve this issue as well. The best I've come up with is that Facebook is going to chose to display the 111x74 app icon. Sharing this on a page's news feed makes it very pixelated and oddly offset, as it should be using a 1200x630 minimum image size, as dictated by the OG tag best practices, but Facebook has not allowed us to have that option in the app configs. It may be that your app icon is being offset enough to not appear like it's visible in the news feed.
So, from my research, we're out of luck until Facebook decides to fix this issue. Until that time, I don't think it's even worth trying to get the any image to work.
Someone feel free to prove me wrong.

Facebook Sharer doesn't show all images for selection

I've got some image on our site where I included the Open Graph tag og:image.
For example the main company logo has such a tag as it should always be selectable and then there are some article pages or news and the lead image of those pages also has also the og:image tag.
When I test it using the sharer button on our page or browserbar-button (or any other way) the share dialog does only show me the image of the article page and not the company logo for selection.
You can test it here:
Funny thing is, that if I use the Facebook Debugger Tool the images (2 images) are all there:
Why is there a difference between the debug tool and the share dialog? (Btw, I know that I don't use og:url tag but I once added it to the page and there was no difference even after resetting the Cache with the FB debugger).
FB sharer bug oder am I doing something wrong?
One year later still no answer.
I just tried the same and it doesn't work neither in your nor in my testcase: http://mattweb.de/open-graph-multiple-images/
To me it seems Facebook changed this to one image only, but it's not documented anywhere.
I remember once it worked (even without Open Graph tags) but couldn't tell when that was. Now I know that it must have been more than a year. So thanks for your question.

Facebook post recently not showing image, og:image tags correct in debugger

Over the past few weeks we have been finding that facebook posts (not shares from the in-page FB button) have been failing to show the images tagged with og:image on our site. Our home page http://www.greatbritishchefs.com is an example. This seems to be a change in behaviour at Facebook's end because pages which were working a few weeks ago now do not. Also where a page is working currently, running it through the FB debugger causes it to immediately fail. Removing the og:image tag does not work. The images seem to be the right size, and the debugger results are free of errors regarding the image.
Would be grateful for help from anyone who is also experiencing this.
OK I found the resolution to this. What appears to have happened is that Facebook has become much more demanding about what kind of image urls it will work with in posts. The images on our site are sourced through a handler which preprocesses the image, putting a watermark on, resizing etc. and therefore the url might look like:
This will now not work. For some reason, the url has to be completely vanilla without any query strings and with a standard image extension. When I rewrite the url for og:image to follow those rules, the images reappear in posts.
Hope this helps someone