What is the expected Google home query request frequency for a device? - actions-on-google

I have a Google smart home app released that supports various light bulb brands. I have a user with 5 Phillip Hue light bulbs and there are approximately 1360 query state requests per day for the 5 bulbs. Is this frequency of query requests common and expected for all devices?
That's one query request every ~5 minutes.

It is normal for Google to periodically send QUERY intents to your service to ensure that the data in Home Graph is up to date. You can mitigate this process by making sure that you have implemented Report State to publish all relevant state changes to Google in real time, as this also directly updates the state in Home Graph.
The actual frequency is a bit more difficult to pin down as it relates to not only how often you report state for devices, but also user activity on those devices. Generally speaking, the more often you report state to Google the less you should see QUERY polling.
We are also actively working on ways to reduce the need for QUERY polling, so in the future you should see the frequency of this reduced so long as you have Report State implemented for all your users' devices.


Flutter: Show data in the real time

I'm developing an app that shows the score of sports-related matches in real-time. I'm using an API (JSON format) to fetch the score and to do this, I'm using a stream builder to stream the score and using a timer to call the API after every 5 seconds, so I can always show the updated score without user-initiated refresh
But I think this is not an efficient way from the perspective of the server and secondly, if I go with a paid API that provides limited no. of requests, then I would exceed the no. of API requests very shortly. So what is the better way to do it?
and one last question, this question may sound silly, so pardon me. If I go with a paid API that provides limited no. of request (Let's say 1000 API requests per hour)
and assume, 10 users are using my application to see the score, does that mean 10 API request would be deducted after a specified time period (5 seconds), or would it be considered only one?

Cant apply for next level rate limit Facebook marketing api

I have to create script to create adsets and ads for a facebook campaign and I have to do it for a lot of items. For now, i can create every needed entity but there is a big problem, the rate limit. I reach it pretty quick (I can create like 15 items before getting a rate limit exception) and this is very limitating, creating eveything by hand is actually much faster... I want to apply to the next level of rate limitation but I can't. One of my coworker contacted someone from facebook and we were told we did not make any API call using my app ID. Since I am able to create a campaigns, adsets, ads... and we can see those in power editor I don't understand what is going on.
What my dashboard looks like
We will need to be able to create everything using the API really soon so, after some research, I try asking the question here. Did I miss something when creating my app ?
You probably want to go through the official request to promote your app from a Basic level to a Standard level. The level for your app determines how heavily it is rate limited. Details here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/access
It sounds as if you have not make your official request in app dashboard. It's possible we evaluated your number of API calls before you reached the threshold, or the data we are able to see on your API calls was from an earlier time period when you did not consistently reach the boundary.
You could also be hitting rate limits due to your error rates.
You can apply here, and if needed, reapply: https://www.facebook.com/business/standardadsapi?attachment_canonical_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fbusiness%2Fstandardadsapi

Fetching 1 minute bars from Yahoo Finance

I'm trying to download 1 minute historical stock prices from Yahoo Finance, both for the current day and the previous ones.
Yahoo (just like Google) supports up to 15 days worth of data, using the following API query:
The thing is that data keeps on changing even when the markets are closed! Try refreshing every minute or so and some minute bars change, even from the beginning of the session.
Another interesting thing is that all of these queries return slightly different data for the same bars:
Replace the bold number with 100000 and it will still work but return slightly different data.
Does anyone understand this?
Is there a modern YQL query that can fetch historical minute data instead of this API?
Historical minute data is not as easily accessible as we all would like. I have found that the most affordable way to gather Intraday Stock Price data is to develop automated scripts that log price information for whenever the markets are open.
Similar to the Yahoo data URL that you shared, Bloomberg maintains 1-Day Intraday Price information in JSON format like this : https://www.bloomberg.com/markets/api/bulk-time-series/price/AAPL%3AUS?timeFrame=1_DAY
The URL convention appears easy to input on your own once you have a list of Ticker Symbols and an understanding of the consistent syntax.
To arrive at that URL initially though, without having any idea for guessing / reverse-engineering it, I simply went here https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/AAPL:US and used Developer Tools on my browser and tracked a background GET request which led me to that URL. I wouldn't be surprised if you could employ similar methods on other Price Data-related websites.
You can also write scripts to track price data as fast as your internet goes. One python package that I find pretty handy and is ystockquote
You can have it request price data every couple of seconds and log that into a daily time series database.
Yes there is other APIs.
I don't know if it can still help but if you need intraday data, there is a API on rapidapi called (Quotient) which allows to pull intraday (at 1-min level), EOD market (FX, Crypto, Stocks (US, CANADIAN, UK, AUSTRALIA, EUROPE), ETFs and Futures. It also provides earnings, dividends, splits and a lot others informations.

Realtime backend platform for reporting / dashboards?

I will build a dashboard system for my apps, where a page will have several widgets that draw charts, tables and glyphs representing potentially unrelated data.
The client will be HTML5 and I can push for only modern web browser.
My big problem is what backend use for this. I want to store "tables" for use in the charts and in real-time update the widgets.
For example, a invoicing widget will show how much $$ have been collected today. In the "table" will have a row for each total of the invoice:
inv = 1; total = 50
Total: 50
and the widget will draw that. When new data is pushed:
inv = 2; total = 100
Total: 150
The widget will show in realtime the total to the end-user.
The data is private for the user company. Eventually I will need to purge too old data (ie: I only need to keep as much data is necessary to proper evaluation of the info need for the end-user. For example, only keep 1 month of invoicing totals).
I'm thinking in use something like http://www.firebase.com/ or http://pusher.com/ but I suspect only solve the "notify in realtime" part of the equation. As far as I understand, they not let me get past data (ie: If the data is update in the weekend and the user open his dashboard to see what happened)
Then I see http://derbyjs.com/ and the possibility to use mongodb.
I wonder which backend/platform will bring me closer to the build of this system. I have experience with python/django/.net/postgress but could accept the use of something else if solve best this kind of app behavior.
Firebase offers both the "notify in relatime" part that you mention, as well as persistent data storage. Take a look at the tutorial, which walks you through building a real-time persisted chat app (the past chat messages are stored in Firebase and are sent back to the client every time you reload). And you can do much more complicated stuff like the real-time charts / widgets that you mention as well.
The big limitation with Firebase right now is that we're in closed beta and the data is currently unprotected (anybody can read and write your data). The security features are coming soon though.
Some other backend platforms you may want to evaluate are: Meteor and Simperium. Firebase and Simperium are cloud services where your data is stored in the cloud and you don't have to manage any servers of your own, while Meteor and DerbyJS are platforms that you have to install and run on your own server.
I would recommend signalR. It's amazing and you can literally do anything with it. Check it out: www.signalr.net and if you have any problems simply go to www.jabbr.net You will find a very helpful community there. I implemented a notification mechanism similar to facebook together with real time monitoring and a small chat in the same web site.

Mobile phone app event timing synchronization

I'm trying to coordinate a triggered event across many smartphones within as small a time-frame as possible (ideally have them start within half a second or less of each other).
The problem:
From my experience, the local time value on the devices cant be relied on, and additionally latency can contribute to issues with syncing a value for the current time (imagine trying to get the updated time from some remote source and eventually approaching a decently close idea of the current time locally based on that remote source, ideally within a fraction of a second of said source).
Are there any established techniques, mechanisms, or more accurate sources of some time value reference point that would allow for a planned event to be triggered on multiple devices within a fraction of a second of one another? The more I search, the more I realize this is not a trivial issue, however I thought it would be worth it to query the great minds of stackoverflow.
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
I've developed a technology that achieves synchronization of smartphones down to 10 milliseconds. Each devices takes the UTC time from many clocks and makes a non-trivial convolution.
I have applied this to a massive event (http://massivesymphony.org) and I'm now providing the technology for several corporate events.
In case you are interested in more details, my contact is
José I. Latorre
Dept. of Physics, U. Barcelona