Trouble with WebSockets in Flutter - flutter

I am having some trouble implementing WebSockets in my flutter application.
Here is code my code:
void connectToWebSocket() {
print("trying to connect to websocket");
final Future futureChannel = establishConnection();
futureChannel.then((future) {
print("Connection established, registering interest now...");
channel = future;
webSocketConnected = true;
"action": "saveConnection",
"UserName": "",
"DeviceId": "1d0032000947363339343638"
}).catchError((error) {
channel = null;
webSocketConnected = false;
webSocketConnectionError = error.toString();
print("Connection failed \n $webSocketConnectionError");
Future<IOWebSocketChannel> establishConnection() async {
final IOWebSocketChannel channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect(
return channel;
Nothing seems to happen when this code runs. I can see the print messages saying "trying to connect to WebSocket" and "Connection established, registering interest now..." on the console.
The WebSocket is implemented using AWS API Gateway and I can see in the logs that the Flutter app has not connected to the WebSocket.
I have tested the WebSocket using wscat command-line tool and I know that it works.
I am not seeing any error in the console.
Let me know if you would like to see any more of my code.

Turns out you channel.sink.add accepts a string and not a Map.
"action": "saveConnection",
"UserName": "",
"DeviceId": "1d0032000947363339343638"
"action": "saveConnection",
"UserName": "",
"DeviceId": "1d0032000947363339343638"
and it should work.

I don't understand what you want. But If you want websocket, you can refer below one.
Add Dart Pub
Add class
class SignalServer {
static SignalServer _instatnce;
factory SignalServer() => _instatnce ?? new SignalServer._();
SocketIO socketIO;
int State = 0;
void ConnectServer() async {
this.socketIO = await SocketIOManager().createInstance("");
socketIO.onConnect((data) {
print("Signal server connected");
State = 1;
socketIO.onDisconnect((_) {
print("Signal Disconnected");
State = 0;
For Instance(main.dart)
static SignalServer signalServer;
signalServer = new SignalServer();
For use
In any widget
void initState() {
void setSocketEvent() async{
await MyApp.signalServer.socketIO.on("room-ready", (data) {
//enter your code
await MyApp.signalServer.socketIO.on("on-message", (data) {
//enter your code
I hope it will help you.


Razorpay payment gateway in flutter mobile app

I am trying to integrate Razorpay into my mobile app. I understand the implementation and am able to generate/complete test payments from my app. Now when I read here about the authorization of payment I am a bit confused about it, what I should or need to save in server (apart from paymentId,orderId and signature)for future reference. I can see a tab transaction in the Razorpay dashboard which is showing me the status of payment(authorized/failed) then what is the use of this part. How can I use webhook for authorization?
Anyone who has implemented it please help me with this.
install flutter pub add razorpay_flutter pubdev
import 'package:razorpay_flutter/razorpay_flutter.dart';
create a instance of Razorpay by _razorpay = Razorpay();
it uses event-based communication and emits events like
so we have to listen to these events with respective functions to handle the payments.
void initState() {
_razorpay = Razorpay();
_razorpay.on(Razorpay.EVENT_PAYMENT_SUCCESS, _handlePaymentSuccess);
_razorpay.on(Razorpay.EVENT_PAYMENT_ERROR, _handlePaymentError);
_razorpay.on(Razorpay.EVENT_EXTERNAL_WALLET, _handleExternalWallet);
void _handlePaymentSuccess(PaymentSuccessResponse response) {
var orderId = response.orderId;
var signature = response.signature;
var paymentId = response.paymentId;
//Do your stuff
void _handlePaymentError(PaymentFailureResponse response) {
var code= response.code;
var message = response.message ;
void _handleExternalWallet(ExternalWalletResponse response) {
void openCheckout() {
//create a Map which details
var options = {
"key": "Use Your API Key Id here",
"name": "test",
"description": "Test Payment",
"order_id": orderId.toString(),
"timeout": "60",
"theme.color": "#5eba7d",
"currency": "INR",
"prefill": {"contact": "546338833332", "email": ""},
try {;
} catch (e) {
in any click call openCheckout(); this function
at last, dispose of it
void dispose() {

Testing WebSocket connections

I'm using WebSocket from dart:io and IOWebSocketChannel ( to create a connection with channel subscriptions.
The code is largely working, I can connect to my server and subscribe to channels, receive data etc, but I'm struggling with an approach to writing tests.
Given this constructor:
SocketServer.Connect(this.url, {this.onConnect}) {
channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect(url);
_stream = {
final payload = jsonDecode(data);
print('Received: ');
}, onError: (_) {
I've tried variations on the following:
test("it should create a connection", () async {
final server = await HttpServer.bind('localhost', 0);
server.transform(WebSocketTransformer()).listen((WebSocket socket) async {
final channel = await IOWebSocketChannel(socket);
bool connected = false;
final websocketServer = SocketServer.Connect('ws://localhost:${server.port}/cable', onConnect: (SocketServer connection) {
connected = true;
expectLater(connected, true);
But I don't receive the 'connected' output, since my HttpServer isn't sending back the correct responses.
Would it be best to depend on a real server to handle the connections, or create one in the tests?

websocket automatic reconnect with flutter & riverpod?

I would like the connection between my custom WebSocket server (API) and my Flutter app, to be re-established automatically when encountering network issues or when the WebSocket server encounter issues.
Use case 1: the wifi stops and suddenly comes back.
Use case 2: the API is not started and restarts suddenly.
Constraint: I use Riverpod as a state management library (and I want to keep it :)).
I emphasize about the state management library because I create the WS connection in a StreamProvider (cf. Riverpod).
I created a StreamProvider as shown below:
final hostProvider =<Host, String>((ref, ip) async* {
final channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect('ws://$ip:$port/v1/path');
ref.onDispose(() {
return channel.sink.close();
await for (final json in {
final jsonStr = jsonDecode(json as String);
yield Host.fromJson(jsonStr as Map<String, dynamic>);
And I created a widget to consume the data:
data: (data) => show the result
loading: () => show progress bar
error: (error, _) => show error
This piece of code works great. However, there is no automatic reconnect mechanism.
I called a function connectWs in a try/catch whenever exceptions are caught:
final hostProvider =<Host, String>((ref, ip) async* {
// Open the connection
connectWs('ws://$ip:$port/v1/path').then((value) async* {
final channel = IOWebSocketChannel(value);
ref.onDispose(() {
return channel.sink.close();
await for (final json in {
final jsonStr = jsonDecode(json as String);
yield Host.fromJson(jsonStr as Map<String, dynamic>);
Future<WebSocket> connectWs(String path) async {
try {
return await WebSocket.connect(path);
} catch (e) {
print("Error! " + e.toString());
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 2000));
return await connectWs(path);
I created a connectProvider provider, as shown here below, I 'watched' in hostProvider in order to create a channel. Whenever there is an exception, I use the refresh function from the Riverpod library to recreate the channel:
// used in hostProvider
final connectProvider =<Host, String>((ref, ip) {
return IOWebSocketChannel.connect('ws://$ip:$port/v1/path');
Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks, #Dewey.
In the end, I found a workaround that works for my use case:
My providers: channelProvider & streamProvider
static final channelProvider = Provider.autoDispose
.family<IOWebSocketChannel, HttpParam>((ref, httpParam) {
log.i('channelProvider | Metrics - $httpParam');
return IOWebSocketChannel.connect(
static final streamProvider =<dynamic, HttpParam>((ref, httpParam) {
log.i('streamProvider | Metrics - $httpParam');
log.i('streamProvider | Metrics - socket ${httpParam.path} opened');
var bStream = ref
.asBroadcastStream(onCancel: (sub) => sub.cancel());
var isSubControlError = false;
final sub = bStream.listen(
(data) {
?.add('> sink add ${httpParam.path}');
onError: (_, stack) => null,
onDone: () async {
isSubControlError = true;
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 10));
ref.onDispose(() {
log.i('streamProvider | Metrics - socket ${httpParam.path} closed');
if (isSubControlError == false);
bStream = null;
return bStream;
I consume streamProvider that way in my widget:
return useProvider(MetricsWsRepository.streamProvider(HttpParam(
ip: ip,
path: 'dummy-path',
data: (data) => deserialize & doSomething1,
loading:() => doSomething2,
error: (_, stack) => doSomething3
I'm a bit of a beginner with riverpod but it seems to me you want to use a higher-level redux/bloc style flow to recreate the provider each time it fails ...
This higher level bloc creates the provider when the connection succeeds, and when the connection fails, you dispatch an event to the bloc that tells it to reconnect and recreate the provider ...
That's my thought, but again, I'm a beginner with this package.

How to get local IP in Flutter Web

I'm trying to get the local IP address in a Flutter Web app. Searching the internet I came around this package: get_ip 0.4.0 - it states it is working under web.
I have this function:
Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
String ipAddress;
// Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {
ipAddress = await GetIp.ipAddress;
} on PlatformException {
ipAddress = 'Failed to get ipAddress.';
} on Exception {
print("Ip: $ipAddress");
and I call it in initState of main.dart.
The console just has the output Test, it does not output the IP or Exception.
Has someone already used this package? Would there be an other way for a web app to get the local IP?
(I'm using MacOS)
The get_ip package states that it supports Android/iOS.
So,instead of using the package,you can directly interact with ipify endpoint.
Check out their API documentation for more!
Future<String> getIP() async {
try {
const url = '';
var response = await http.get(url);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return response.body;
} else {
return null;
} catch (exception) {
return null;
I'm Using ip_geolocation_api Package for getting an IP address and it is working as expected
String text = '';
GeolocationData geolocationData;
void initState() {
Future<void> getIp() async {
geolocationData = await GeolocationAPI.getData();
if (geolocationData != null) {
setState(() {
text = geolocationData.ip;
Now You have IP in the text Variable.

How to synchronize a call from the asynchronous function in dart

I am working on my first app in Flutter, I have a bit of experience with Java and js, but I never worked with flutter before so sorry if my question will seem ridiculous to you.
The app is the voice assistant chatbot, and it is supposed to perform text to speech on each new message that customer receives, my problem is that since I am using firebase messaging all of the requests that I receive are in the asynchronous call, but I need to synchronize the access to the text to speech service otherwise I run into problem of having one text interrupt another.
This is what my code looks like at the moment:
Firebase messaging:
onMessage: (Map<String, dynamic> message) {
return this.handleBotMessage(appState, message);
Method that desides how to handle each particular message:
Future handleBotMessage(
Store<AppState> store,
Map<String, dynamic> dataJson,
) {
#logic that convert the message into json and extracts the message type
if (type == MessageType.CHAT_MESSAGE) {
return handleChatMessage(store, subtype, messageMap);
The method that handles text messages:
Future<dynamic> handleChatMessage(
Store<AppState> store,
MessageSubtype subtype,
Map<String, dynamic> message,
) {
#Text to speach is build as a singleton and this always returns the same instance
TextToSpeech tts = TextToSpeech();
if (subtype == MessageSubtype.TEXT) {
TextMessage textMessage = TextMessage.fromJson(message);
return tts
.then((result) => store.dispatch(NewBotMessageAction(textMessage)));
} else if (subtype == MessageSubtype.QUICK_REPLY) {
QuickReplyMessage qrMessage = QuickReplyMessage.fromJson(message);
return tts
.then((result) => store.dispatch(NewQrOptionsAction(qrMessage)));
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected message subtype!');
The method that actually performs the text to speech
Future<dynamic> speak(String text) async {
return flutterTts.speak(text).then((resp) {
ttsRunning = false;
return resp;
}, onError: (obj, st) {
ttsRunning = false;
Text to speech initialization
Future init() async {
await flutterTts.setLanguage("en-US");
var res = await flutterTts.isLanguageAvailable("en-US");
return res;
Ok, I have found the solution, the issue was as frank06 pointed out with the fact that flutter tts completes the future immediately rather than after the whole phrase was spoken.
So here is my solution, it is not perfect, but it works:
Completer completer;
Future<dynamic> speak(String text) {
print('Started speeking');
if (TextToSpeech.lastRequest == null) {
lastRequest = _executeSpeech(text);
} else {
lastRequest = lastRequest.then((resp) {
return _executeSpeech(text);
return lastRequest;
Future<dynamic> _executeSpeech(String text) {
completer = Completer();
flutterTts.speak(text).then((resp) {
ttsRunning = false;
return resp;
}, onError: (obj, st) {
ttsRunning = false;
return completer.future;
flutterTts.setCompletionHandler(() {
print('Finished speeking');
ttsState = TtsState.stopped;
flutterTts.setErrorHandler((msg) {
ttsState = TtsState.stopped;
If you don't want new messages interrupting those being spoken, you can queue them up. This way the new messages will wait for the current message to finish. Check out this approach:
Queue of Future in dart