Combine two lists with one different element - scala

I'm new in Scala and Spark and i don't know how to do this.
I have preprocessed a CSV file, resulting in an RDD that contains lists with this format:
List("2014-01-01T23:56:06.0", NaN, 1, NaN)
List("2014-01-01T23:56:06.0", NaN, NaN, 2)
All lists have the same number of elements.
What I want to do is to combine the lists having the same first element (the timestamp). For example, I want this two example lists to produce only one List, with the following values:
List("2014-01-01T23:56:06.0", NaN, 1, 2)
Thanks for your help :)

# Below can help you in achieving your target
val input_rdd1 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(List(("2014-01-01T23:56:06.0", "NaN", "1", "NaN")))
val input_rdd2 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(List(("2014-01-01T23:56:06.0", "NaN", "NaN", "2")))
//added one more row for your data
val input_rdd3 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(List(("2014-01-01T23:56:06.0", "2", "NaN", "NaN")))
val input_df1 = input_rdd1.toDF("col1", "col2", "col3", "col4")
val input_df2 = input_rdd2.toDF("col1", "col2", "col3", "col4")
val input_df3 = input_rdd3.toDF("col1", "col2", "col3", "col4")
val output_df = input_df1.union(input_df2).union(input_df3).groupBy($"col1").agg(min($"col2").as("col2"), min($"col3").as("col3"), min($"col4").as("col4"))
| col1|col2|col3|col4|
|2014-01-01T23:56:...| 2| 1| 2|

If array tail values are doubles, can be implemented in this way (as sachav suggests):
val original = sparkContext.parallelize(
List("2014-01-01T23:56:06.0", NaN, 1.0, NaN),
List("2014-01-01T23:56:06.0", NaN, NaN, 2.0)
val result = original
.map(v => v.head -> v.tail)
(acc, curr) =>{ case (left, right) => if (left.asInstanceOf[Double].isNaN) right else left }))
.map(v => v._1 :: v._2)
Output is:
List(2014-01-01T23:56:06.0, NaN, 1.0, 2.0)


Compute the maximum length assigned to each element using scala

For example, this is the content in a file:
Desired output"
0-> 2
1-> 3
2-> 10
3-> 8
I want to find max-length assigned to each element.
It's possible to extend this to any number of columns. First read the file as a dataframe:
val df ="path")
Then create an SQL expression for each column and evaluate it with expr:
val cols = => s"max(length(cast($c as String)))").map(expr(_))
Select the new columns as an array and covert to Map:*)).as[Seq[Int]].collect()
This should give you the desired Map.
Map(0 -> 2, 1 -> 3, 2 -> 10, 3 -> 8)
OP's example suggests that they will be of equal lengths.
Using Spark-SQL and max(length()) on the DF columns is the idea that is being suggested in this answer.
You can do:
val xx = Seq(
).toDF("a", "b", "c", "d")
spark.sql("select max(length(a)), max(length(b)), max(length(c)), max(length(d)) from yy")
I would recommend using RDD's aggregate method:
val rdd = sc.textFile("/path/to/textfile").
// res1: Array[Array[String]] = Array(
// Array(20, 1, helloworld, alaaa), Array(2, 3, world, neww), Array(1, 223, ala, 12341234)
// )
val seqOp = (m: Array[Int], r: Array[String]) =>
(r zip m).map( t => Seq(t._1.length, t._2).max )
val combOp = (m1: Array[Int], m2: Array[Int]) =>
(m1 zip m2).map( t => Seq(t._1, t._2).max )
val size = rdd.collect.head.size
aggregate( Array.fill[Int](size)(0) )( seqOp, combOp ).
// res2: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(0 -> 2, 1 -> 3, 2 -> 10, 3 -> 8)
Note that aggregate takes:
an array of 0's (of size equal to rdd's row size) as the initial value,
a function seqOp for calculating maximum string lengths within a partition, and,
another function combOp to combine results across partitions for the final maximum values.

Add random elements to keyed RDD from the same RDD

Imagine we have a keyed RDD RDD[(Int, List[String])] with thousands of keys and thousands to millions of values:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(1, List("a")),
(2, List("a", "b")),
(3, List("b", "c", "d")),
(4, List("f"))))
For each key I need to add random values from other keys. Number of elements to add varies and depends on the number of elements in the key. So that the output could look like:
val rdd2: RDD[(Int, List[String])] = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(1, List("a", "c")),
(2, List("a", "b", "b", "c")),
(3, List("b", "c", "d", "a", "a", "f")),
(4, List("f", "d"))))
I came up with the following solution which is obviously not very efficient (note: flatten and aggregation is optional, I'm good with flatten data):
// flatten the input RDD
val rddFlat: RDD[(Int, String)] = rdd.flatMap(x => => (x._1, s)))
// calculate number of elements for each key
val count = rddFlat.countByKey().toSeq
// foreach key take samples from the input RDD, change the original key and union all RDDs
val rddRandom: RDD[(Int, String)] = { x =>
(x._1, rddFlat.sample(withReplacement = true, x._2.toDouble /, scala.util.Random.nextLong()))
}.map(x => => (x._1, t._2))).reduce(_.union(_))
// union the input RDD with the random RDD and aggregate
val rddWithRandomData: RDD[(Int, List[String])] = rddFlat
.aggregateByKey(List[String]())(_ :+ _, _ ++ _)
What's the most efficient and elegant way to achieve that?
I use Spark 1.4.1.
By looking at the current approach, and in order to ensure the scalability of the solution, probably the area of focus should be to come up with a sampling mechanism that can be done in a distributed fashion, removing the need for collecting the keys back to the driver.
In a nutshell, we need a distributed method to a weighted sample of all the values.
What I propose is to create a matrix keys x values where each cell is the probability of the value being chosen for that key. Then, we can randomly score that matrix and pick those values that fall within the probability.
Let's write a spark-based algo for that:
// sample data to guide us.
//Note that I'm using distinguishable data across keys to see how the sample data distributes over the keys
val data = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(1, List("A", "B")),
(2, List("x", "y", "z")),
(3, List("1", "2", "3", "4")),
(4, List("foo", "bar")),
(5, List("+")),
(6, List())))
val flattenedData = data.flatMap{case (k,vlist) =>> (k,v))}
val values = data.flatMap{case (k,list) => list}
val keysBySize ={case (k, list) => (k,list.size)}
val totalElements ={case (k,size) => size}.sum
val keysByProb = keysBySize.mapValues{size => size.toDouble/totalElements}
val probMatrix = keysByProb.cartesian(values)
val scoredSamples ={case ((key, prob),value) =>
((key,value),(prob, Random.nextDouble))}
ScoredSamples looks like this:
val samples = scoredSamples.collect{case (entry, (prob,score)) if (score<prob) => entry}
samples looks like this:
Now, we union our sampled data with the original and have our final result.
val result = (flattenedData union samples).groupByKey.mapValues(_.toList)
(1,List(A, B, B))
(2,List(x, y, z, B))
(3,List(1, 2, 3, 4, z, 1))
(4,List(foo, bar, B, 2))
(5,List(+, z))
Given that all the algorithm is written as a sequence of transformations on the original data (see DAG below), with minimal shuffling (only the last groupByKey, which is done over a minimal result set), it should be scalable. The only limitation would be the list of values per key in the groupByKey stage, which is only to comply with the representation used the question.

Dropping multiple columns from Spark dataframe by Iterating through the columns from a Scala List of Column names

I have a dataframe which has columns around 400, I want to drop 100 columns as per my requirement.
So i have created a Scala List of 100 column names.
And then i want to iterate through a for loop to actually drop the column in each for loop iteration.
Below is the code.
final val dropList: List[String] = List("Col1","Col2",...."Col100”)
def drpColsfunc(inputDF: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
for (i <- 0 to dropList.length - 1) {
val returnDF = inputDF.drop(dropList(i))
return returnDF
val test_df = drpColsfunc(input_dataframe)
If you just want to do nothing more complex than dropping several named columns, as opposed to selecting them by a particular condition, you can simply do the following:
df.drop("colA", "colB", "colC")
val colsToRemove = Seq("colA", "colB", "colC", etc)
val filteredDF = .filter(colName => !colsToRemove.contains(colName)) .map(colName => new Column(colName)): _*)
This should work fine :
val dropList : List[String] |
val df : DataFrame |
val test_df = df.drop(dropList : _*)
You can just do,
def dropColumns(inputDF: DataFrame, dropList: List[String]): DataFrame =
dropList.foldLeft(inputDF)((df, col) => df.drop(col))
It will return you the DataFrame without the columns passed in dropList.
As an example (of what's happening behind the scene), let me put it this way.
scala> val list = List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
list: List[Int] = List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
scala> val removeThese = List(0, 2, 3)
removeThese: List[Int] = List(0, 2, 3)
scala> removeThese.foldLeft(list)((l, r) => l.filterNot(_ == r))
res2: List[Int] = List(1, 4, 5, 6, 7)
The returned list (in our case, map it to your DataFrame) is the latest filtered. After each fold, the latest is passed to the next function (_, _) => _.
You can use the drop operation to drop multiple columns. If you are having column names in the list that you need to drop than you can pass that using :_* after the column list variable and it would drop all the columns in the list that you pass.
val df = Seq(("One","Two","Three"),("One","Two","Three"),("One","Two","Three")).toDF("Name","Name1","Name2")
val columnstoDrop = List("Name","Name1")
val df1 = df.drop(columnstoDrop:_*)
In python you can use the * operator to do the same stuff.
data = [("One", "Two","Three"), ("One", "Two","Three"), ("One", "Two","Three")]
columns = ["Name","Name1","Name2"]
df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF(columns)
columnstoDrop = ["Name","Name1"]
df1 = df.drop(*columnstoDrop)
Now in df1 you would get the dataframe with only one column i.e Name2.

Replacing the values of an RDD with another

I have two data sets like below. Each data set has "," separated numbers in each line.
Dataset 1
Dataset 2
I have to replace the zeroes of the first data set with the corresponding values from the data set 2.
So the result would look like this
I replaced the values with the code below.
val rdd1 = sc.textFile(dataset1).flatMap(l => l.split(","))
val rdd2 = sc.textFile(dataset2).flatMap(l => l.split(","))
val result = x => if(x._1 == "0") x._2 else x._1)
The output I got is of the format RDD[String]. But I need the output in the format RDD[Array[String]] as this format would be more suitable for my further transformations.
If you want an RDD[Array[String]], where each element of the array correspond to a line, don't flat map the values after splitting, just map them.
scala> val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(List("1,2,0,8,0", "2,0,9,0,3")).map(l => l.split(","))
rdd1: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Array[String]] = MapPartitionsRDD[1] at map at <console>:27
scala> val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(List("7,5,4,6,3", "4,9,2,1,8")).map(l => l.split(","))
rdd2: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Array[String]] = MapPartitionsRDD[3] at map at <console>:27
scala> val result ={case(arr1, arr2) =>{case(v1, v2) => if(v1 == "0") v2 else v1}}
result: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Array[String]] = MapPartitionsRDD[5] at map at <console>:31
scala> result.collect
res0: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(1, 2, 4, 8, 3), Array(2, 9, 9, 1, 3))
or maybe less verbose:
val result = => => if(x._1 == "0") x._2 else x._1))

Spark: How to transform values of some selected features in LabeledPoint?

I've got a LabeledPoint and a list of features that I want to transform:
scala> transformedData.collect()
res29: Array[org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint] = Array((0.0,(400036,[7744],[2.0])), (0.0,(400036,[7744,8608],[3.0,3.0])), (0.0,(400036,[7744],[2.0])), (0.0,(400036,[133,218,2162,7460,7744,9567],[1.0,1.0,2.0,1.0,42.0,21.0])), (0.0,(400036,[133,218,1589,2162,2784,2922,3274,6914,7008,7131,7460,8608,9437,9567,199999,200021,200035,200048,200051,200056,200058,200064,200070,200072,200075,200087,400008,400011],[4.0,1.0,6.0,53.0,6.0,1.0,1.0,2.0,11.0,17.0,48.0,3.0,4.0,113.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,28.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,4.0])), (0.0,(400036,[1589,3585,4830,6935,6936,7744,400008,400011],[2.0,6.0,3.0,52.0,4.0,3.0,1.0,2.0])), (0.0,(400036,[1589,2162,2784,2922,4123,7008,7131,7792,8608],[23.0,70.0,1.0,2.0,2.0,1.0,1.0,2.0,2.0])), (0.0,(400036,[4830,6935,6936,400008,400011],[1.0,36.0...
val toTransform = List(124,443,543,211,...
Transformation that I want to use looks like this :
Take the natural logarithm of (feature value+1): new_val=log(val+1)
Divide new values by maximum of new values: new_val/max(new_val) (if max not equal to 0)
How can perform this transformation for each feature from my toTransform list (I don't want to create new features, just transform old one)
It is possible but not exactly straightforward. If you can transform values before you assemble vectors and labeled points then answer provided by #eliasah should do the trick. Otherwise you have to do things the hard way. Lets assume your data looks like this
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors, SparseVector, DenseVector}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
val points = sc.parallelize(Seq(
LabeledPoint(1.0, Vectors.sparse(6, Array(1, 4, 5), Array(2.0, 6.0, 3.0))),
LabeledPoint(2.0, Vectors.sparse(6, Array(2, 3), Array(0.1, 1.0)))
Next lets define small helper:
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector => BDV, SparseVector => BSV, Vector => BV}
def toBreeze(v: Vector): BV[Double] = v match {
case DenseVector(values) => new BDV[Double](values)
case SparseVector(size, indices, values) => {
new BSV[Double](indices, values, size)
and disassemble LabeledPoints as follows:
val pairs = => (lp.label, toBreeze(lp.features)))
Now can define a transformation function:
def transform(indices: Seq[Int])(v: BV[Double]) = {
for(i <- indices) v(i) = breeze.numerics.log(v(i) + 1.0)
and transform pairs:
val indices = Array(2, 4)
val transformed = pairs.mapValues(transform(indices))
Finally lets find maximum values:
val maxV = transformed.values.reduce(breeze.linalg.max(_, _))
def divideByMax(m: BV[Double], indices: Seq[Int])(v: BV[Double]) = {
for (i <- indices) if(m(i) != 0) v(i) /= m(i)
val divided = transformed.mapValues(divideByMax(maxV, indices))
and map to LabelPoints:
def toSpark(v: BV[Double]) = v match {
case v: BDV[Double] => new DenseVector(v.toArray)
case v: BSV[Double] => new SparseVector(v.length, v.index,
}{case (l, v) => LabeledPoint(l, toSpark(v))}
#zero323 is right, you'd better flatten your LabeledPoints then you can do the following :
// create an UDF to transform
def transform(max: Double) = udf[Double,Double] { c => Math.log1p(c) / max}
// create dummy data
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)).toDF("feature")
// get the max value of the feature
val maxFeat = df.agg(max($"feature")) { case r: Row => r.getInt(0) }.max
// apply the transformation on your feature column
val newDf = df.withColumn("norm", transform(maxFeat)($"feature"))
// +-------+-------------------+
// |feature| norm|
// +-------+-------------------+
// | 1|0.13862943611198905|
// | 2|0.21972245773362192|
// | 3| 0.2772588722239781|
// | 4|0.32188758248682003|
// | 5| 0.358351893845611|
// | 4|0.32188758248682003|
// | 3| 0.2772588722239781|
// | 2|0.21972245773362192|
// | 1|0.13862943611198905|
// +-------+-------------------+