Cannot insert tilde in Eclipse for C/C++ - eclipse

In Eclipse for C/C++ on Windows 10, I cannot insert the tilde symbol '~' which works fine in other applications.
I'm on a french keyboard, so I type Alt Gr + '~' to access it ('~' key is also the one for 'é' and '2').
I saw similar problems with curly braces or asterisks, resolved by deactivating a given shortcut, but I saw none for tildes.
I searched in the shortcuts of eclipse, but found none using '~' key with alt gr (even none with '~' key and alt or ctrl or something else).
Thank you in advance

By typing Alt+keys 0 to 9 from numeric pad to compose values from 1 to 255 or 0128 to 0255 (list of codes and corresponding characters), it's possible to enter a few characters which are not available on the keyboard:
~ : use Alt+126
` : use Alt+96

I found a solution that works for me on my Turkish Q layout, in which AltGr+ü produces tilde. It is to create a new keyboard layout and remove the dead key attribute from this key, which has the added benefit of removing this annoying "feature" of requiring two key presses to get these symbols. A detailed solution is at:
Somehow the language tray icon displays the wrong language ("ENG") for the newly created layout even though the properties in the layout editor are correct, but I don't mind.


how do you select only the entire string in vscode?

I tried looking up this questions but they were for the entire line.
My question is for example let url = "";
here, is there any shortcut to select only the url or basically anything enclosed between "". Is it possible?
I just found a magical shortcut :)
For expand selection we can use shift + alt + ->
I had installed a stupid plugin before!
AFAIK this is not possible without an extension. You can download Quick and Simple Text Selection, the use ctrl+k " shortcut.
If you're familiar with Vim, you can use the vim extension, and then click v i " to enter visual mode, and choose everything between double quotes
For the sake of completeness, vscode also includes a smart select option, which has the keyboard shortcuts ctrl+shift+right_arrow and ctrl+shift+left_arrow (The shortcut has been changed to alt+shift+left/right_arrow). The problem with it is it doesn't specifically select everything between double quotes, and in the case of a URL, it doesn't simply work as intended. If it's only a simple string, it would also select the double quotes in addition to the string between them
There is actually another expansion called expand_region with the ability to
expand_region and undo_expand_region. The default keybindings are ctrl+w / shift+ctrl+w .
I find this one to be more convenient.
It stops before and after " and it will work for the url-fetch scenario.
What it doesn't do is to stop at a complete line (with and without indentation) which smart select seems to do. There are probably more differences that I don't know about.
Update: You have to press multiple times to expand further. For the example line in the original post this means 3 times.
ctrl+w, ctrl+w, ctrl+w
let url = "https://robo[cursor-here]";
3. ""

Re-enable right-Ctrl when using Canadian Multilingual Standard keyboard for my AutoHotkey function?

I have an Autohotkey function that lets me switch between tabs with "Control + left/right" as well as closing tabs (Ctrl-down) and going into the search bar (Ctrl-up). It helps me save clicks and use the mouse less.
However, I use the Canadian Multilingual Standard keyboard to type accents (éèçà) in French for some of my classes and this keyboard DISABLES the right control key (the one right beside my keyboard buttons) which is the most convenient to use with my right hand only.
Here is a source documenting this:
Is there any way I can override this? I very rarely use the letter œ for because I can just use ALT + 0156 instead.
Here is the very simple code for my hotkey!
^Left::SendInput, ^{PGUP}
^Right::SendInput, ^{PGDN}
^Up::SendInput, !d
^Down::SendInput, ^w
Using SciTE4AutoHotkey tool, on my UK hardware keyboard right ctrl is detected as expected (RControl)
When I switch to French (Canada) Canadian Multilingual keyboard,
the right ctrl key is not found, also Virtual Key is different: DF
(SC means scan code and VK means virtual key)
so if you remap, it should solve the problem
After remapping: not found is replaced by RControl with each keypress.
Even if above remapping does not work for your case, it is a matter of finding which key corresponds to relevant scan code and then you can remap it.
Double click on your ahk script on the taskbar, and then
View > Key history and script info (Ctrl + K) by pressing key and refresh(F5) you can see respective keyboard scan codes.

Eclipse shortcut keys do not work properly in Windows 10

When I try to comment out multiple lines by CTRL+ Shift + /, it started working as Collapse All feature in Eclipse. I restored the defaults setting as recommended in other websites but did not help.
For instance, when I do CTRL+ Shift + L, I can see the Add Block Comment option and when I click it, it works. However, the shortcut shown as CTRL+ Shift + / is not working.
Here is my list of available key bindings using CTRL+ Shift + L:
How can I fix this problem?
Edit: Here is the screenshot of the list of the key bindings in Window > Preferences > Keys:
Second Edit: I use Windows 10 and I downloaded the last version of Eclipse which is 2019-09. I created a new project and a new Java class. The shortcut still works as collapse all.
I realized that CTRL+ Shift + Numpad_Divide is defined as collapse all. For some reason, my computer consider / as Numpad_Divide and does not function as comment out.
Just throwing this for future users:
I had the same issue on my eclipse. I am using windows 10 as well.
Anyway before the commands CTRL+SHIFT+numpad... will work first you need to "enable" this mode by pressing CTRL+numpad_divide. You will notice that next to all functions little minus signs will apear. Once you do that you will be able to use colapse, colapse all, expand, expand all.
Pressing CTRL+numpad_divide again will disable this mode and you won't be able to use those shortcuts.
Most keyboards have two "/" keys, and the problem you experienced will arise if the incorrect "/" key is used when trying to Add Block Comment for selected code:
The "/" key on the number pad is the divide key, and this is the key that must be used with CTRL + Shift + / to Collapse All.
The "/" key to the immediate left of the Shift key is the forward slash key, and this is the key that must be used with CTRL + Shift + / to Add Block Comment for selected code.
You can see the distinction when viewing the Tools > Preferences > General > Keys screen, though it is not obvious at all:
For Collapse All, Eclipse helpfully describes the divide key as "Numpad_Divide" for the binding:
However, for Add Block Comment Eclipse only describes the forward slash key as "/" for the binding:
Eclipse could remove the ambiguity if it described the forward slash key as "Forward_Slash" instead of "/".

How do read DrRacket keybindings (and in general)

I have never been able to understand keybinding syntax well (bc it's hard to google if you don't know the name of a symbol to begin with!).
In DrRacket, I see bindings like "c:g" or "esc;g" .. I have tried hitting those keys in order to no avail. I have tried hitting them simultaneously. Nothing seems to work.
What do they mean? And, in general, how does one go about understanding this syntax?
A generic shortcut:
press both <modifier-key-1> and <key-1> (that is: start pressing the modifier key, and while it is pressed, press key-1, then release both),
then, immediately, perform the same operation for the remaining combinations of keys,
finally, press <key-n>
Where the standard modifier keys are:
c - the control key modifier
s - the shift key modifier
m - the meta key modifier (not present in many keyboards)
a - the alt key modifier (sometimes already used to insert special characters)
(actually there are other key modifiers in different keyboards).
So, c:x;c:g;s:t means the following combination: Control-X, followed by Control-g, followed by Shift T (this insert Σ, the greek uppercase letter sigma in DrRacket), while c:x;c:g;s means Control-X followed by Control-G followed by the key s (insert the greek letter ς). Finally, the combination m-c-right means press both the modifier keys Meta and Control with the right arrow key.
When the meta modifier key is not present, it is often replace by the ESC (escape) key. Since this is not a key modifier, but a regular key, in this case it must be pressed and released before the next character. In other words, esc:g means: press the ESC key, release it, then immediately press the regular G key. esc-c-right means: press ESC, release it, then press C-→.
Moreover, when the ALT key is already used by the operating system to insert special characters, like in Mac OS X, it can be used as regular modifier key in DrRacket by setting a special preference (in Preferences > Editing > General).
In DrRacket you can find the current keybinding with the menu item: Edit > Keybindings > Show Active Keybindings, and you can find the relevant documentation here.

Monodevelop curly braces (or brackets) and ALT keypad numbers

Good day all,
I realize this is an ugly subject, but I'm desperate to find a solution since this bug is barring me from using javascript in the editor.
Basically, the only way I can type the curly braces { and } is to use their corresponding numeric keypad codes, ALT + 1 2 3 and ALT + 1 2 5, however when I press ALT and a number, monodevelop will just jump to the open script in the current window, where ALT 1 switches to the leftmost script.
To add insult to injury, code templates don't work either. If I right click the editor area and select 'insert template' from the context menu, nothing happens! Additionally, the shortcuts window doesn't even have an "ALT + number" combination, so I can't get rid of it to see if that's the cause of the problem!
I am thus practically unable to use monodevelop to code with javascript, so I am here hoping that anybody knowledgeable with monodevelop can explain what's the problem, or propose a workaround (I've read about code snippets or other advanced functions, but without more insight can't tell if they can help me or not).
I am using monodevelop 2.8.2, but I've tried 2.6 and the problem is the same.
Thanks in advance.
Through much indirect searching, I've found out that there's an additional 'special key' combination, consisting in
Specifically, ALT GR + SHIFT + [ or ] will output { or }.
Hopefully this might help some of you with a similar issue.