Perl in command line: perl -p -i -e "some text" /path - perl

I am not familiar with perl. I am reading an installation guide atm and the following Linux command has come up:
perl -p -i -e "s/enforcing/disabled/" /etc/selinux/config
Now, I am trying to understand this. Here is my understanding so far:
-e simply allows for executing whatever follows
-p puts my commands that follow -e in a loop. Now this is strange to me, as to me this command seems to be trying to say: Write "s/enforcing/disabled/" into /etc/selinux/config. Then again, where is the "write" command? And what is this -i (inline) good for?

-p changes
to something equivalent to
while (<>) {
which is short for
while (defined( $_ = <ARGV> )) {
$_ =~ s/enforcing/disabled/;
What this does:
It reads a line from ARGV into $_. ARGV is a special file handle that reads from the each of the files specified as arguments (or STDIN if no files are provided).
If EOF has been reached, the loop and therefore the program exits.
It replaces the first occurrence of enforcing with disabled.
It prints out the modified line to the default output handle. Because of -i, this is a handle to a new file with the same name as the one from which the program is currently reading.*
For example,
$ cat a
bar enforcing the law
enforcing enforcing
$ perl -pe's/enforcing/disabled/' -i a
$ cat a
bar disabled the law
disabled enforcing
* — In old versions of Perl, the old file has already been deleted at this point, but it's still accessible as long as there's an open file handle to it. In very new versions of Perl, this writes to temporary file that will later overwrite the file from which the program is reading.

To find out exactly what Perl is going to do, you can use the O module
perl -MO=Deparse -p -i -e "s/enforcing/disabled/" file
BEGIN { $^I = ""; }
LINE: while (defined($_ = readline ARGV)) {
continue {
die "-p destination: $!\n" unless print $_;
-e syntax OK


How to remove carriage return in Perl properly?

I have a code that looks like this
sub ConvertDosToUnix{
my $file = shift;
open my $dosFile, '>', $file or die "\nERROR: Cannot open $file";
select $dosFile;
print("Converting Dos To Unix");
`perl -p -i -e "s/\r//g" $dosFile`;
close $dosFile;
Also, the perl command works when I used that outside the subroutine or in the main function. But when I created a separate subroutine for converting dos to unix, I got an error that says:
sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
//g" GLOB(0x148b990)' -p -i -e "s/
In which I don't understand.
Also, I also tried dos2unix but for some reason, it doesn't totally remove all the carriage returns like the perl command.
Honestly, you seem a little confused.
The code you have inside backticks is a command that is run by the shell. It needs to be passed a filename. You have your filename in the variable $file, but you pass it the variable $dosFile which contains a file handle (which stringifies to "GLOB(0x148b990)" - hence your error message).
So all your work opening the file is wasted. Really, all you wanted was:
`perl -p -i -e "s/\r//g" $file`
But your system almost certainly has dos2unix installed.
`dos2unix $file`
I should also point out that using backticks is only necessary if you want to capture the output from the command. If, as in this case, you don't need the output, then you should use system() instead.
system('dos2unix', $file);

How can I force perl to process args ONLY from stdin and not from a file on command line?

If I have this inline command:
perl -pi -e 's/([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})\s?/\\x$1\\x$2\t/g'
Which is simply to substitute four-digit hex, and add it a 'x' in front. -i used with no filenames on the command line, reading from STDIN. So for params: 0000 0776, results are \x00\x00\x07\x76
I know, that if -n or -p (with printing) called, perl takes <> diamond. But I want to pass args only AFTER command, but perl assumes it as files to read. So how do I force -n or -p to regard args after command to be regular args for <> in program, and not args as files to read?
Also, I do not understand the role of i here. If i would not include it, then I would be adding args line after line (as does <>), but with i, it takes all my args at once?
If there are no arguments (i.e., if #ARGV is empty), then your one-line script (which implicitly uses <>) will read input from STDIN. So the solution is to clear #ARGV at compile time.
perl -pi -e 'BEGIN{#ARGV=()}
Another solution: Force ARGV (the implicit file handle that the base <> operator reads from) to point to STDIN. This solution doesn't clobber your #ARGV, if any.
perl -pi -e 'BEGIN{*ARGV=*STDIN}
The -p option is equivalent to the following code:
while (<>) {
... # your program goes here
} continue {
print or die "-p destination: $!\n";
-n is the same without the continue block. There's no way to change what it reads from (which is unfortunate, since <<>> and <STDIN> are both safer options), but it's pretty easy to replicate it with your modification (the error checking is rarely necessary here):
perl -e 'while (<STDIN>) { s/([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})\s?/\\x$1\\x$2\t/g } continue { print }'

perl what is the difference between the two scripts

echo ab cd ef | perl -pe 'if($.==1){#L=split;foreach(#L)
echo ab cd ef | perl -pe 'if($.==1){#L=split;foreach(#L)
ab cd ef
What is $_="#L\n" doing? What does it mean? I suppose the first output is the output I want, but why can't I get it using the second code?
The -p flag to perl wraps your script in a loop:
LINE: while (<>) {
… your script …
continue {
die "-p destination: $!\n" unless print $_;
In other words: it reads each line into $_, runs your script, and prints $_ afterwards. This is what your first script snippet is depending on.
Your second script prints something on its own, but that doesn't make Perl skip its own print, so it ends up printing the original value of $_ afterwards. You can bypass this by using the -n flag instead of -p -- this behaves the same way, except without the automatic print.

Perl deleting "blank" lines from a csv file

I'm looking to delete blank lines in a CSV file, using Perl.
I'm not too sure how to do this, as these lines aren't exactly "blank" (they're just a bunch of commas).
I'd also like to save the output as a file of the same name, overwriting the original.
How could I go about doing this?
edit: I can't use modules or any source code due to network restrictions...
You can do this using a simple Perl one-liner:
perl -i -ne 'print unless /^[,\s]*$/' <filename>
The -n flag assumes this loop around your program:
while(<>) {
print unless /^[,\s]*$/;
and the -i flag means inplace and modifies your input file.
Note: If you are worried about losing your data with -i, you can specify -i.bak and perl will automatically write the original file to your <filename>.bak
More of a command line hack,
perl -i -ne 'print if /[^,\r\n]/' file.csv
If you want to put it inside a shell script you can do this ...
$(perl -i -n -e 'print $_ unless ($_ =~ /^\,+$/);' $*)

Perl command line search and replace with multiple expressions

I am using Perl to search and replace multiple regular expressions:
When I execute the following command, I get an error:
prompt> find "*.cpp" | xargs perl -i -pe 's/##(\W)/\1/g' -pe 's/(\W)##/\1/g'
syntax error at -e line 2, near "s/(\W)##/\1/g"
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.
xargs: perl: exited with status 255; aborting
Having multiple -e is valid in Perl, then why is this not working? Is there a solution to this?
Several -e's are allowed.
You are missing the ';'
find "*.cpp" | xargs perl -i -pe 's/##(\W)/\1/g;' -pe 's/(\W)##/\1/g;'
Perl statements has to end with ;.
Final statement in a block doesn't need a terminating semicolon.
So a single -e without ; will work, but you will have to add ; when you have multiple -e statements.
Having multiple -e values are valid, but is it useful? The values from the multiple -e are merely combined into one program, and it's up to you to ensure that together they make a syntactically correct program. The B::Deparse program can show you what perl thinks the program is:
$ perl -MO=Deparse -e 'print' -e 'q(Hello' -e ')'
print "Hello\n";
-e syntax OK
A curious thing to note is that a newline snuck in there. Think about how it got there to see what else perl is doing to combine multiple -e values.
In your program, you are substituting on the current line, then taking the modified line and substituting again. That's better written as:
prompt> find "*.cpp" | xargs perl -i -pe 's/##(\W)/\1/g; s/(\W)##/\1/g'
Now, if you are building up this command line by adding more and more -e through some automated process and you don't know ahead of time what you get, maybe those -e make sense. However, you might consider that you can do the same thing to build up the string you give to -e. I don't know what might be better because you didn't explain why you are doing it that way.
But, I suspect that in some cases, people are actually thinking about having only one substitution work. They want to try one and if its pattern doesn't work, try a different one until one succeeds. In that case you don't want to separate the substitutions by semicolons. Use the short-circuiting || instead. The s/// returns the number of substitutions it made and || will stop (short circuit) when it finds a true value:
prompt> find "*.cpp" | xargs perl -i -pe 's/##(\W)/\1/g || s/(\W)##/\1/g'
And note, you only need one -p. It only does its job once. Here's the program with multiple -p deparsed:
$ perl -MO=Deparse -i -pe 's/##(\W)/\1/g;' -pe 's/(\W)##/\1/g;'
BEGIN { $^I = ""; }
LINE: while (defined($_ = readline ARGV)) {
continue {
die "-p destination: $!\n" unless print $_;
-e syntax OK
It's the same thing as having only one -p:
$ perl -MO=Deparse -pi -e 's/##(\W)/\1/g;' -e 's/(\W)##/\1/g;'
BEGIN { $^I = ""; }
LINE: while (defined($_ = readline ARGV)) {
continue {
die "-p destination: $!\n" unless print $_;
-e syntax OK
Thanks so much! You helped me reduce my ascii / decimal / 8-bit binary table printer enough to fit in a tweet:
for i in {32..126};do printf "'\x$(printf %x $i)'(%3i) = " $i; printf '%03o\n' $i | perl \
-pe 's#0#000#g;' -pe 's#1#001#g;' -pe 's#2#010#g;' -pe 's#3#011#g;' \
-pe 's#4#100#g;' -pe 's#5#101#g;' -pe 's#6#110#g;' -pe 's#7#111#g' ; done | \
perl -pe 's#= 0#= #'