Execute gatling scenarios based on a boolean flag - scala

Is it possible in Gatling to execute scenarios based on a boolean flag from properties file
config {
isDummyTesting = true,
Test {
baseUrl = "testUrl"
userCount = 1
testUser {
CustomerLoginFeeder = "CustomerLogin.getLogin()"
Navigation = "Navigation.navigation"
performance {
baseUrl = "testUrl"
userCount = 100
testUser {
CustomerLoginFeeder = "CustomerLogin.getLogin()"
and in my simulation file
var flowToTest = ConfigFactory.load().getObject("config.performance.testUser").toConfig
if (ConfigFactory.load().getBoolean("config.isDummyTesting")) {
var flowToTest = ConfigFactory.load().getObject("config.Test.testUser").toConfig
while executing flow, i am running below code
scenario("Customer Login").exec(flowToTest)
and facing error
ERROR : io.gatling.core.structure.ScenarioBuilder
cannot be applied to (com.typesafe.config.Config)
I want if flag is true, it executes two scenarios else the other one.

I think you're making a mistake in trying to have to flow defined in the config, rather than just the flag. You can then load the value of the isDummyTesting flag and have that passed into a session variable. From there, you can use the standard gatling doIf construct to include Navigation.navigation if specified.
so in your simulation file, you can have
private val isDummyTesting = java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean("isDummyTesting")
and then in your scenario
.exec(session => session.set("isDummyTesting", isDummyTesting))
.doIf("${isDummyTesting}") {


crafting the body for request does not work concurrently

I would like to send simultaneous requests through gatlings for some duration
below is the snippet of my code where I am crafting the requests.
JSON file contents function which is used for crafting the json. its been used in the main request
the TestDevice_dev.csv has list of devices till 30 after 30 I will reuse it.
val dFeeder = csv("TestDevice_dev.csv").circular
val trip_dte_tunnel_1 = scenario("TripSimulation")
.exec(session => {
val key = conf.getString("config.env.sign_key")
var bodyTrip = CannedRequests.jsonFileContents("${deviceID}")
//deviceId comes from the feeder
session.set("trip_sign", SignatureGeneration.getSignature(key, bodyTrip))
the scenario is started as below
val scn_trip = scenario("trip simulation")
.repeat{1} {
setUp(scn_trip.inject(constantUsersPerSec(5) during (5 seconds))) ```
it runs fine if there is 1 user for 5 seconds but not simulatenous users.
the json request which is crafted looks like the below
`def jsonFileContents(deviceId: String): String= {
val fileName = "trip-data.json"
var stringBuilder=""
var timeStamp1:Long = ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("America/Chicago")).toInstant().toEpochMilli().toLong - 10000.toLong
for (line <- (Source fromFile fileName).getLines) {
if (line.contains("eventDateTime")) {
var lineReplace=line.replaceAll("<timeStamp>", timeStamp1.toString())
timeStamp1 = timeStamp1+1000.toLong
else if (line.contains("onTimeStamp")) {
var lineReplace1=line.replaceAll("<onTimeStamp>", timeStamp1.toString)
else if (line.contains("deviceID")){
var lineReplace2=line.replace("<deviceID>", deviceId)
else {
stringBuilder =stringBuilder+line
Best guess: your feeder contains one single entry and you're using the default queue strategy. Either add more entries in your feeder file to match the number of users, or use a different strategy.
This really is explained in the documentation, including the tutorials. I recommend you take some time to read the documentation before rushing into the code, you'll save lots of time in the end.
You don't need to do your own parameter substitution of values in the json file - Gatling supports passing en ELFileBody as the body where you can have a json file with gatling EL expressions like ${deviceId}.

How to provide the output result of a function as a PUT request in scala?

i have a scala code that converts a layer to a Geotiff file. Now i want this Geotiff file to be passed in a PUT request as a REST service. How can i do that?
Here is a section of code:
val labeled_layerstack =
//Labeled Layerstack
//val layers_input = Array(layer_dop) ++ layers_sat
val layers_labeled_input = Array(layer_label) ++ Array(output_layerstack) //++ layers_input
ManyLayersToMultibandLayer(layers_labeled_input, output_labeled_layerstack)
if (useCleanup) {
for( layer_x <- layers_sat)
else output_labeled_layerstack //if reusing existing layerstack ( processing steps w/o "layerstack")
if(processingSteps.isEmpty || processingSteps.get.steps.exists(step => step == "classification")) {
if (useRandomForest) {
ClusterTestRandomForest(labeled_layerstack, fileNameClassifier, layerResult, Some(output_layerstack))
if (useExportResult) {
LayerToGeotiff(layerResult, fileNameResult, useStitching = useExportStitching)
else if (useSVM) {
ClusterTestSVM(labeled_layerstack, fileNameClassifier, layerResult, Some(output_layerstack))
if (useExportResult) {
LayerToGeotiff(layerResult, fileNameResult, useStitching = useExportStitching)
The original code is quite long and is not shareable so i am sharing this which is relevant to the problem. The output of LayertoGeotiff should be passed as an PUT request. How can i create such a request?
I suggest to you the Play framework to send a PUT request

Specify Variable Initialization Order in Scala

I have a special class Model that needs to have its methods called in a very specific order.
I tried doing something like this:
val model = new Model
new MyWrappingClass {
val first = model.firstMethod()
val second = model.secondMethod()
val third = model.thirdMethod()
The methods should be called in the order listed, however I am seeing an apparently random order.
Is there any way to get the variable initialization methods to be called in a particular order?
I doubt your methods are called in the wrong order. But to be sure, you can try something like this:
val (first, second, third) = (
You likely have some other problem with your code.
I can run 100 million loops where it never gets the order wrong, as follows:
class Model {
var done = Array(false,false,false);
def firstMethod():Boolean = { done(0) = true; done(1) || done(2) };
def secondMethod():Boolean = { done(1) = true; !done(0) || done(2) };
def thirdMethod():Boolean = { done(2) = true; !done(0) || !done(1) };
Notice that these methods return a True if done out of order and false when called in order.
Here's your class:
class MyWrappingClass {
val model = new Model;
val first = model.firstMethod()
val second = model.secondMethod()
val third = model.thirdMethod()
Our function to check for bad behavior on each trial:
def isNaughty(w: MyWrappingClass):Boolean = { w.first || w.second || w.third };
A short program to test:
var i = 0
var b = false;
while( (i<100000000) && !b ){
b = isNaughty(new MyWrappingClass);
i += 1;
if (b){
println("out-of-order behavior occurred");
} else {
println("looks good");
Scala 2.11.7 on OpenJDK8 / Ubuntu 15.04
Of course this doesn't prove it impossible to have wrong order, only that correct behavior seems highly repeatable in a fairly simple case.

Programmatically creating an Assign in a Flowchart Workflow

I need to programmatically define a serializable flowchart Windows Workflow that accepts input arguments and returns a result. I understand how to create these workflows using a designer, but I need to do it in code and have the flowchart workflow be serializable (so no lambda expressions).
I'm having trouble getting the "To" field of the Assign. The code below creates a flowchart workflow of a WriteLine followed by an Assign.
var ab = new ActivityBuilder<string> {
Name = "ActivityBuilt",
Implementation = new Flowchart {
StartNode = new FlowStep {
Action = new WriteLine { Text = new VisualBasicValue<string>("greeting") },
Next = new FlowStep {
Action = new Assign {
DisplayName = "Set result",
To = new OutArgument<string>(new VisualBasicReference<string> {
ExpressionText = "results"}),
Value = new VisualBasicValue<string>("bye")
ab.Properties.Add(new DynamicActivityProperty {
Name = "greeting",
Type = typeof (InArgument<string>),
Value = "hello"});
ab.Properties.Add(new DynamicActivityProperty {
Name = "results",
Type = typeof (OutArgument<string>),
Value = "bye"});
// Convert the ActivityBuilder to a callable activity
using (var sw = new StringWriter()) {
using (var xw = ActivityXamlServices.CreateBuilderWriter(new XamlXmlWriter(sw, new XamlSchemaContext()))) {
XamlServices.Save(xw, LastCreated);
using (var sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString())) {
var wf = ActivityXamlServices.Load(sr);
return wf;
The above code fails when I try to convert from ActivityBuilder to Activity saying "Failed to create a 'OutArgument' from the text 'bye'." This works fine if I don't use the OutArgument and just pass things in.
My question is what to put in the To property? How do I reference the OutArgument I add to the ActivityBuilder.Properties? A VisualBasicReference isn't an OutArgument. Am I making this more difficult than it needs to be?
Thanks for any hints!
Edit: I want to create a workflow programmatically. The workflow needs to have input arguments and return results (output arguments).
I understand how to create the workflow and how to declare and use input arguments. I'm using an ActivityBuilder to create the workflow and to set the InArgument via the ActivityBuilder's properties. I create the workflow from the ActivityBuilder by serializing to XAML and then deserializing using ActivityXamlServices.Load.
What I don't understand is how to get a result from the workflow. I assume it involves an OutArgument. How/where do I add an OutArgument to the workflow? I thought the code snippet I gave would assign a value to an OutArgument, but the call to ActivityXamlServices.Load fails with a complaint that it is unable to create the OutArgument.
Is the approach of using ActivityBuilder correct?
Is the "To" field of the Assign action properly referencing an OutArgument?
How do I make the ActivityBuilder aware of the OutArgument and still be able to convert to an Activity / workflow?
Hope this clarifies my problem.
There are atleast 3 problems with the code:
The Value of the Assign needs to be an InArgument().
The value you are trying to read from is named "greeting" not "bye".
The OutArgument named "results" can't have a default value.
Try the following code:
var ab = new ActivityBuilder<string>
Name = "ActivityBuilt",
Implementation = new Flowchart
StartNode = new FlowStep
Action = new WriteLine { Text = new VisualBasicValue<string>("greeting") },
Next = new FlowStep
Action = new Assign
DisplayName = "Set result",
To = new OutArgument<string>(new VisualBasicReference<string>
ExpressionText = "results"
Value = new InArgument<string>(new VisualBasicValue<string>("greeting"))
ab.Properties.Add(new DynamicActivityProperty
Name = "greeting",
Type = typeof(InArgument<string>),
Value = "hello"
ab.Properties.Add(new DynamicActivityProperty
Name = "results",
Type = typeof(OutArgument<string>)
// Convert the ActivityBuilder to a callable activity
using (var sw = new StringWriter())
using (var xw = ActivityXamlServices.CreateBuilderWriter(new XamlXmlWriter(sw, new XamlSchemaContext())))
XamlServices.Save(xw, ab);
using (var sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString()))
var wf = ActivityXamlServices.Load(sr);

Using DynamicActivityProperty as OutArgument in ActivityBuilder

I'm trying to create a workflow using a ActivityBuilder, and then get the XAML.
This flow use a custom activity (WaitForInput) to handle bookmarks. This class inherits from NativeActivity.
I'm having a hard time finding a way to set 'Result' property of my WaitForInput activity, which expects a OutArgument.
Creating this same workflow by the VS designer, I could associate the boolean property 'MyResult' InOutArgument called 'wrapper'. Like this : [Wrapper.MyResult]
I would do this by code, and according to my research, I have to use DynamicActivityProperty.
The problem is that I don't know how to use my DynamicActivityProperty as OutArgument in this case.
This is an simplified version of the code:
var wrapper = new DynamicActivityProperty
Name = "Wrapper",
Type = typeof(InOutArgument<CommunicationWrapper>),
var activityBuilder = new ActivityBuilder();
var step1 = new FlowStep
//here's my problem
Action = new WaitForInput<bool> { BookmarkName = "step1", Result = ??? }
var flow = new Flowchart
StartNode = step1,
Nodes = { step1 }
I have founded a solution to my own problem
Result = new OutArgument<bool>(new VisualBasicReference<bool>
{ ExpressionText = "Wrapper.MyResult" }); }