I have a question.
How do I convert 100000000(as a 8 bit number) to decimal . Thanks for helping
The example given has nine bits, not eight: a "1" and eight "0"s.
First you must know what form of binary number it is, as there are several conventions, such as unsigned, signed, binary coded decimal, etc.
Assuming that this is a simple, unsigned binary number, the nine bits have the following values: 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1. To find the value in decimal, add up all the values that have a "1" in that position. In this case, the number in decimal is simply 256.
Another example might be: 010001001 In this case, you add 128, 8, and 1, to get 137. This can also be represented by an eight-bit number: 10001001
If, on the other hand, this is a signed number, it's more complicated. For a signed nine-bit number (which is not often encountered), the ninth bit on the left says whether it's negative or positive, with a "1" indicating negative. In the "twos complement" form, the remaining bits are inverted and then 1 is added. In this case, 00000000 is inverted to 11111111, then 1 is added, making it 100000000, or 256. Thus the number is -256.
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How do I convert a binary string to a number in Perl?
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I want to convert decimal number to exact same binary number.
Eg. Decimal (10) to Binary (10).
Dec(10000001110000110) to binary(10000001110000110).
I am new to perl. The Lame approach I can think of is to convert dec to string and string to binary but I am sure there has to be a better way to achieve it.
I am using a function to get an array of decimal numbers.
#Arr= {111110000,110100010,...}
Note this is decimal number since when I tried to subtract 1 from it's elements I got 11110000-1=11109999.
I need it in binary format so that I can do a logical AND operation on it.
Can someone please suggest on how to achieve it.
Converting the number 1000000111000011010 to the number 100000011100001102 is rather easy.
Obtain the decimal representation of the number. This is as simple as stringifying the number.
Pass the the decimal representation of the number to a routine that converts from binary to the represented number. oct('0b'.$_) does this.
my #bad = ( 111110000, 110100010, ... );
my #fixed = map { oct('0b'.$_) } #bad; # 496, 418, ...
If I understand you correctly you want this:
my $num = 101010;
print interpret_as_binary($num); # 42
You could go through the labor of dividing the number by 2 and so on. Or you can take advantage that oct will interpret a string starting with 0b as a binary number.
print oct("0b". $num);
I need to convert the following integers numbers
in to decimal format like
I tried already Data/ but
to_decimal(1, 2)
return 1.00
Perl does not have data types in the sense of integer, float or string. All you need to do is divide by 100. If you want an output with two decimals, use sprintf to format it.
printf '%.02d', 29900 / 100;
Will output 299.00. Note that printf is like sprintf, but with printing instead of returning.
You can read perldata to learn more about what kinds of data Perl has.
Under the hood at the XS and C layer, there are of course data types. You can learn about them in perlguts. But the whole point of a higher language is to abstract those things away. So if all you do is write Perl code, you never need to care that those exist or how they work.
I am packing an array of numbers to send via UDP to another piece of hardware using socket programming.
When I pack the number 12.2 and then unpack it, I get 12.199999892651. As I am working with numbers related to latitudes and longitudes, I cannot have such deviations.
This is the simple script I wrote:
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw (sleep);
#Data = ( 20.2, 30.23, 40.121, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. 4, 3.2, 9.9, 0.1, 12.2, 0.99, 7.8, 999, 12.3 );
$myArr = pack('f*', #Data);
print "$myArr\n\n";
#Dec = unpack('f*',$myArr);
print "#Dec";
The output is:
20.2000007629395 30.2299995422363 40.1209983825684 1 2 3 4 6.40000009536743 3.20 000004768372 9.89999961853027 0.100000001490116 12.1999998092651 0.9900000095367 43 7.80000019073486 999 12.3000001907349
Is there any way I can control the precision?
pack's f template is for single-precision floating point numbers, which on most platforms is good to 7 or so decimal places of accuracy. The d template offers double-precision and will be good enough for ~15 decimal places.
print unpack("f", pack("f",12.2)); # "12.1999998092651"
print unpack("d", pack("d",12.2)); # "12.2"
printf "%.20f",unpack("f", pack("f",12.2)); # "12.19999980926513671875"
printf "%.20f",unpack("d", pack("d",12.2)); # "12.19999999999999928946"
The short answer is: don't pack these numbers as floats. You will lose accuracy due to IEEE floating point representation. Instead, convert them to "character decimals" (i.e. strings), and pack them as strings. If you really need the accuracy, and don't need to perform math operations on them, you may want to store them as strings in Perl as well.
2/10 is a periodic number in binary just like 1/3 is a periodic number in decimal. It's impossible to store it exactly in a floating point number as it would take infinite storage.
As such, it's not pack that's introducing the error; it's faithfully storing precisely the number you provided it.
$ perl -E'say sprintf "%.20e", 12.2'
$ perl -E'say sprintf "%.20e", unpack "d", pack "d", 12.2'
As long as you use floating point numbers, you will not be able to store 12.2 exactly.
But as you can see above, you can store store precisely enough by using d (double-precision, almost 16 digits of precision) instead of f (single-precision, over 7 digits of precision). Perl uses double-precision, so you were actually introducing precision loss by using f instead of d.
So use d, and round your results (sprintf "%.10f").
I need to read some numbers in a database and write them into a text file using Perl.
In the table where are the numbers, the data format is defined as numeric (25,5) (it reads 25 digits, including 5 decimals).
I format the numbers in my file with a sprintf "%.5f", $myvalue to force 5 decimals and I just noticed that for greats values, there is a precision loss for numbers with more than 17 digits :
db = 123.12345
file = 123.12345 (OK)
db = 12345678901234891.12345
file = 12345678901234892.00000 (seems to be rounded to upper integer)
db = 12345678901234567890.12345
file = 12345678901234567000.00000 (truncation ?)
What is Perl's greatest precision for fixed decimal numbers?
I am aware of the concepts and limitations of floating point arithmetic in general, but I am not a Perl monk and I do not know the internals of Perl so I don't know if it is normal (or if it is related at all to floating point). I am not sure either if it is a internal limitation of Perl, or a problem related to the sprintf processing.
Is there a workaround or a dedicated module that could help with that problem?
Some notable points :
this is an additional feature of a system that already uses Perl, so using another tool is not an option
the data being crunched is financial so I need to keep every cent and I cannot cope with a +/- 10 000 units precision :^S
Once again, I am finding a solution right after asking SO. I am putting my solution here, to help a future visitor :
$myout = sprintf "%.5f", $myvalue;
use Math::BigFloat;
$myout = Math::BigFloat->new($myvalue)->ffround( -5 )->bstr;
Without modules like Math::BigFloat, everything above 16 digits is pure magic... e.g.
perl -e 'printf "*10^%02d: %-.50g\n", $_, log(42)*(10**$_) for (0..20)'
*10^00: 3.7376696182833684112267746968427672982215881347656
*10^01: 37.376696182833683224089327268302440643310546875
*10^02: 373.76696182833683224089327268302440643310546875
*10^03: 3737.6696182833684360957704484462738037109375
*10^04: 37376.6961828336861799471080303192138671875
*10^05: 373766.96182833681814372539520263671875
*10^06: 3737669.6182833681814372539520263671875
*10^07: 37376696.18283368647098541259765625
*10^08: 373766961.82833683490753173828125
*10^09: 3737669618.283368587493896484375
*10^10: 37376696182.83368682861328125
*10^11: 373766961828.33685302734375
*10^12: 3737669618283.36865234375
*10^13: 37376696182833.6875
*10^14: 373766961828336.8125
*10^15: 3737669618283368.5
*10^16: 37376696182833688
*10^17: 373766961828336832
*10^18: 3737669618283368448
*10^19: 37376696182833684480
*10^20: 373766961828336828416
What is Perl's greatest precision for fixed decimal numbers?
Perl doesn't have fixed point decimal numbers. Very few languages do, actually. You could use a module like Math::FixedPoint, though
Perl is storing your values as floating-point numbers internally.1 The precision is dependent on how your version of Perl is compiled, but it's probably a 64-bit double.
C:\>perl -MConfig -E "say $Config::Config{doublesize}"
A 64-bit double-precision float2 has a 53-bit significand (a.k.a. fraction or mantissa) which gives it approximately 16 decimal characters of precision. Your database is defined as storing 25 characters of precision. You'll be fine if you treat the data as a string but if you treat it as a number you'll lose precision.
Perl's bignum pragma provides transparent support for arbitrarily large numbers. It can slow things down considerably so limit its use to the smallest possible scope. If you want big floats only (without making other numeric types "big") use Math::BigFloat instead.
1. Internally, perl uses a datatype called an SV that can hold floats, ints, and/or strings simultaneously.
2. Assuming IEEE 754 format.
Alternatively, if you're just transferring the values from the database to a text file and not operating on them as numbers, then have the DB format them as strings. Then read and print them as strings (perhaps using "printf '%s'"). For example:
select Big_fixed_point_col(format '-Z(24)9.9(5)')(CHAR(32))