can't loop through the whole thing to start at the beginning after it shows your results - perl

I am really new in perl and I am writing this program that gives you the unique words that are in a text file. however I don't know how to make it loop to ask the user for another file or to quit the program altogether.
I tried to put my whole code under a do until loop and it did not work
use 5.18.0;
use warnings;
use strict;
print "Enter the name of the file: ";
my %count;
my $userinput = <>; #the name of the text file the user wants to read
chomp($userinput); #take out the new line comand
my $linenumb = $ARGV[1];
my $uniqcount = 0;
#opens the file if is readeable
open(FH, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $userinput) or die "Could not open file '$userinput' $!";
print "Summary of file '$userinput': \n";
my ($lines, $wordnumber, $total) = (0, 0, 0);
my #words = ();
my $count =1;
while (my $line = <FH>) {
my #words = split (" ", $line);
$wordnumber = #words;
print "\n Line $lines : $wordnumber ";
$total = $total+$wordnumber;
print "\nTotal no. of words in file are $total \n";
#my #uniq = uniq #words;
#print "Unique Names: " .scalar #uniq . "\n";

It's often a good idea to put complicated pieces of your code into subroutines so that you can forget (temporarily) how the details work and concentrate on the bigger picture.
I'd suggest that you have two obvious subroutines here that might be called get_user_input() and process_file(). Putting the code into subroutines might look like this:
sub get_user_input {
print "Enter the name of the file: ";
my $userinput = <>; #the name of the text file the user wants to read
chomp($userinput); #take out the new line comand
return $userinput;
sub process_file {
my ($file) = #_;
#opens the file if is readeable
# Note: Changed to using a lexical filehandle.
# This will automatically be closed when the
# lexical variable goes out of scope (i.e. at
# the end of this subroutine).
open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file)
or die "Could not open file '$file' $!";
print "Summary of file '$file': \n";
# Removed $lines variable. We'll use the built-in
# variable $. instead.
# Moved declaration of $wordnumber inside the loop.
# Removed #words and $count variables that aren't used.
my $total = 0;
# Removed $line variable. We'll use $_ instead.
while (<$fh>) {
# With no arguments, split() defaults to
# behaving as split ' ', $_.
# When assigned to a scalar, split() returns
# the number of elements in the split list
# (which is what we want here - we never actually
# use the list of words).
my $wordnumber = split;
print "\n Line $. : $wordnumber ";
# $x += $y is a shortcut for $x = $x + $y.
$total += $wordnumber;
print "\nTotal no. of words in file are $total \n";
And then you can plug them together with code something like this:
# Get the first filename from the user
my $filename = get_user_input();
# While the user hasn't typed 'q' to quit
while ($filename ne 'q') {
# Process the file
# Get another filename from the user
$filename = get_user_input();
Update: I've cleaned up the process_file() subroutine a bit and added comments about the changes I've made.

Wrap everything in a neverending loop and conditionally jump out of it.
while () {
my $prompt = …
last if $prompt eq 'quit';
… # file handling goes here


how to count the specific word inputted in STDIN inside the text (PERL)

how to count the specific word inputted in STDIN inside the text (PERL)
my output just count all the owrds found inside the text . but i need the specific word i inputted inside the STDIN
open my($file), '<','C:\Users\yukari\Desktop\hi.txt' or die "not exist";
print "Search the word:";
$word = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
# print $line;
foreach $word (split(' ', $line)) {
foreach $word (sort keys %count) {
print "$word: $count{$word}\n";
I believe you want to get a word from the user and count the number of occurrences of that word in the entire text file.
You can try something like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
open(WRITE,'>','log.txt') or die "Unable to open the file";
my $string = <<END;
foo baz bar
baz bar bar foo
foo foo bar bar baz baz
baz baz baz
print WRITE $string;
close WRITE;
open(READ, '<','log.txt') or die "unable to open the file";
my $search = <STDIN>;
chomp $search;
my $count = 0;
while ( my $line = <READ> ) {
my #words = split(' ',$line);
foreach my $word(#words){
$count++ if($word eq $search);
close READ;
print "Search string: $search, Count: $count","\n";
You have a problem here. You are using the variable $word for three different things.
You are using it as the word that you are searching for:
$word = <STDIN>;
You are using it to store each word on a line read from your file:
foreach $word (split(' ', $line)) {
And you are using it to contain the keys you are reading from your hash at the end.
foreach $word (sort keys %count) {
In particular, the second use is interfering with the first. When you are reading data from your file, you have no way of knowing what word you are looking for.
If you are looking for a single word, there is no need for a hash to store the counts. I'd write your code like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
# Renamed your variable, it's a file handle, not a file.
# Also, include $! in error message so we know what really
# went wrong.
open my $fh, '<', 'C:\Users\yukari\Desktop\hi.txt'
or die "Can't open file: $!";
print "Search the word:";
my $search_word = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
# Scalar variable to store the count
my $count;
# Remove the $line variable and use Perl's default variable $_
# instead. This makes the code *far* cleaner.
while ( <$file> ) {
# By default, split splits $_ on whitespace
foreach $word (split) {
# Skip words we don't care about
next if $word ne $search_word;
# Increment the counter
say "$search_word appeared $word times";

How do I find the line a word is on when the user enters text in Perl?

I have a simple text file that includes all 50 states. I want the user to enter a word and have the program return the line the specific state is on in the file or otherwise display a "word not found" message. I do not know how to use find. Can someone assist with this? This is what I have so far.
#!/bin/perl -w
open(FILENAME,"<WordList.txt"); #opens WordList.txt
my(#list) = <FILENAME>; #read file into list
my($state); #create private "state" variable
print "Enter a US state to search for: \n"; #Print statement
$line = <STDIN>; #use of STDIN to read input from user
close (FILENAME);
An alternative solution that reads only the parts of the file until a result is found, or the file is exhausted:
use strict;
use warnings;
print "Enter a US state to search for: \n";
my $line = <STDIN>;
# open file with 3 argument open (safer)
open my $fh, '<', 'WordList.txt'
or die "Unable to open 'WordList.txt' for reading: $!";
# read the file until result is found or the file is exhausted
my $found = 0;
while ( my $row = <$fh> ) {
next unless $row eq $line;
# $. is a special variable representing the line number
# of the currently(most recently) accessed filehandle
print "Found '$line' on line# $.\n";
$found = 1; # indicate that you found a result
last; # stop searching
unless ( $found ) {
print "'$line' was not found\n";
General notes:
always use strict; and use warnings; they will save you from a wide range of bugs
3 argument open is generally preferred, as well as the or die ... statement. If you are unable to open the file, reading from the filehandle will fail
$. documentation can be found in perldoc perlvar
Tool for the job is grep.
chomp ( $line ); #remove linefeeds
print "$line is in list\n" if grep { m/^\Q$line\E$/g } #list;
You could also transform your #list into a hash, and test that, using map:
my %cities = map { $_ => 1 } #list;
if ( $cities{$line} ) { print "$line is in list\n";}
Note - the above, because of the presence of ^ and $ is an exact match (and case sensitive). You can easily adjust it to support fuzzier scenarios.

Perl - Read multiple files and read line by line of the text file

I am trying to read multiple .txt files in a folder. Each file should be read line by line, however, I failed to read multiple .txt files by using glob. Any advice on my code?
my %data;
#FILES = glob("*.txt");
$EmailMsg .= "EG. Folder(week) = Folder(CW01) --CW01 = Week 1 -- Number is week\n ";
$EmailMsg .= "=======================================================================================================\n";
# Try to Loop multiple files here
foreach my $file (#FILES) {
local $/ = undef;
open my $fh, '<', $file;
$data{$file} = <$fh>;
# Read the file one line at a time.
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($name, $date, $week) = split /\:/, $line;
if ($name eq "NoneFolder") {
$EmailMsg .= "Folder ($week) - No Folder created on the FTP! Failed to open folder!\n";
if ($name eq "EmptyFiles") {
$EmailMsg .= "Folder ($week) - No Files insides the folder! Failed download files!\n";
$EmailMsg .= "=======================================================================================================\n";
$EmailMsg .= "Please note that if you receive this email means that the script is running fine just that no folder is created or no files inside the folder for the week on the FTP.\n";
# close the file.
#close <$fh>;
Currently output:
EG. Folder(week) = Folder(CW01) --CW01 = Week 1 -- Number is week
Please note that if you receive this email means that the script is running fine just that no folder is created or no files inside the folder for the week on the FTP.
It failed to get any .txt files.
You are trying to read each file twice: firstly into the hash %data and then again line by line.
Once you have reached end of file, you have to either reopen the file or use seek to move the read pointer back to the beginning.
You also need to set $/ back to its original value, otherwise your loop will read the entire file instead of one line at a time.
It's not clear whether you really need the second copy of the file data in the hash, but you can avoid having to reset $/ by putting the change within a block, like this
open my $fh, '<', $file;
$data{$file} = do {
local $/ = undef;
and then reset the file pointer to the start again before the while loop.
seek $fh, 0, 0;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
my #files=('Read a','Read a single text','Read only one','Read the file using','Reading the');
foreach my $i(#files) {
open(FH, "<$i");
while (my $row = <FH>) {
chomp $row;
print "$row\n";
The file globbing works for me. You might want to specify scope for your #FILES variable and check that there actually are files matching the path you have specified,
#!/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
## glob on all files in home directory
## see:
use File::Glob ':globally';
my #configs = <~myname/project/etc/*.cfg>;
foreach my $fn (#configs) {
print "file $fn\n";
your code,
my %data;
#here are some .c files,
my #FILES = glob("../*.c");
foreach my $fn (#FILES) {
print "file $fn\n";
This way catches more garbage for about the same amount of code.
my $PATH = shift #ARGV ;
chomp $PATH ;
opendir(TXTFILE,$PATH) || die ("failed to opendir: $PATH") ;
my #file = readdir TXTFILE ;
closedir(TXTFILE) ;
foreach(#file) { #
next unless ($_ =~ /\.txt$/i) ; # Only get .txt files
$PATH =~ s/\/$//g ; $PATH =~ s/$/\// ; # Uniform trailing slash
my $thisfile = $PATH . $_ ; # now a fully qualified filename
unless (open(THISFILE,$thisfile)) { # Notify on busted files.
warn ("$thisfile failed to open") ;
next ;
while(<THISFILE>) {
# etc. etc.
close(THISFILE) ;

I can't output properly

I'm trying to print a character from a file each time I get a char as input.
My problem is that it prints the whole line. I know it's a logic problem, I just can't figure out how to fix it.
use Term::ReadKey;
$inputFile = "input.txt";
open IN, $inputFile or die "I can't open the file :$ \n";
while (<IN>) {
$line = <IN>;
$char = ReadKey();
foreach $i (split //, $line) {
print "$i" if ($char == 0);
Move the ReadKey call into the foreach loop.
use strictures;
use autodie qw(:all);
use Term::ReadKey qw(ReadKey ReadMode);
my $inputFile = 'input.txt';
open my $in, '<', $inputFile;
while (my $line = <$in>) {
foreach my $i (split //, $line) {
my $char = ReadKey;
print $i;
END { ReadMode('restore') }
Your original code has 3 problems:
You only read the character once (outside the for loop)
You read 1 line from input file when testing while (<IN>) { (LOSING that line!) and then another in $line = <IN>; - therefore, only read even #d lines in your logic
print "$i" prints 1 line with no newline, therefore, you don't see characters separated
My scrip reads all the files in a directory, puts then in a list, chooses a random file from the given list.
After that, each time it gets an input char from the user, it prints a char from the file.
use Term::ReadKey qw(ReadKey ReadMode);
use autodie qw(:all);
use IO::Handle qw();
use Fatal qw( open );
my $directory = "codes"; #directory's name
opendir (DIR, $directory) or die "I can't open the directory $directory :$ \n"; #open the dir
my #allFiles; #array of all the files
while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) { #read each file from the directory
next if ($file =~ m/^\./); #exclude it if it starts with '.'
push(#allFiles, $file); #add file to the array
closedir(DIR); #close the input directory
my $filesNr = scalar(grep {defined $_} #allFiles); #get the size of the files array
my $randomNr = int(rand($filesNr)); #generate a random number in the given range (size of array)
$file = #allFiles[$randomNr]; #get the file at given index
open IN, $file or die "I can't open the file :$ \n"; #read the given file
ReadMode('cbreak'); #don't print the user's input
while (my $line = <IN>) { #read each line from file
foreach my $i (split //, $line) { #split the line in characters (including \n & \t)
print "$i" if ReadKey(); #if keys are pressed, print the inexed char
ReadMode('restore') #deactivate 'cbreak' read mode

help merging perl code routines together for file processing

I need some perl help in putting these (2) processes/code to work together. I was able to get them working individually to test, but I need help bringing them together especially with using the loop constructs. I'm not sure if I should go with foreach..anyways the code is below.
Also, any best practices would be great too as I'm learning this language. Thanks for your help.
Here's the process flow I am looking for:
read a directory
look for a particular file
use the file name to strip out some key information to create a newly processed file
process the input file
create the newly processed file for each input file read (if i read in 10, I create 10 new files)
Part 1:
my $target_dir = "/backups/test/";
opendir my $dh, $target_dir or die "can't opendir $target_dir: $!";
while (defined(my $file = readdir($dh))) {
next if ($file =~ /^\.+$/);
#Get filename attributes
if ($file =~ /^foo(\d{3})\.name\.(\w{3})-foo_p(\d{1,4})\.\d+.csv$/) {
print "$1\n";
print "$2\n";
print "$3\n";
print "$file\n";
Part 2:
use strict;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
#Create new file
open (NEWFILE, ">/backups/processed/foo$$2-foo_p$3.out") || die "cannot create file";
my $data = '';
my $line1 = <>;
chomp $line1;
my #heading = split /,/, $line1;
my ($sep1, $sep2, $eorec) = ( "^A", "^E", "^D");
while (<>)
my $digest = md5_hex($data);
my (#values) = split /,/;
my $extra = "__mykey__$sep1$digest$sep2" ;
$extra .= "$heading[$_]$sep1$values[$_]$sep2" for (0..scalar(#values));
$data .= "$extra$eorec";
print NEWFILE "$data";
#print $data;
close (NEWFILE);
You are using an old-style of Perl programming. I recommend you to use functions and CPAN modules ( Perl pseudocode:
use Modern::Perl;
# use...
sub get_input_files {
# return an array of files (#)
sub extract_file_info {
# takes the file name and returs an array of values (filename attrs)
sub process_file {
# reads the input file, takes the previous attribs and build the output file
my #ifiles = get_input_files;
foreach my $ifile(#ifiles) {
my #attrs = extract_file_info($ifile);
process_file($ifile, #attrs);
Hope it helps
I've bashed your two code fragments together (making the second a sub that the first calls for each matching file) and, if I understood your description of the objective correctly, this should do what you want. Comments on style and syntax are inline:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# - Never forget these!
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $target_dir = "/backups/test/";
opendir my $dh, $target_dir or die "can't opendir $target_dir: $!";
while (defined(my $file = readdir($dh))) {
# Parens on postfix "if" are optional; I prefer to omit them
next if $file =~ /^\.+$/;
if ($file =~ /^foo(\d{3})\.name\.(\w{3})-foo_p(\d{1,4})\.\d+.csv$/) {
process_file($file, $1, $2, $3);
print "$file\n";
sub process_file {
my ($orig_name, $foo_x, $name_x, $p_x) = #_;
my $new_name = "/backups/processed/foo$$name_x-foo_p$p_x.out";
# - From your description of the task, it sounds like we actually want to
# read from the found file, not from <>, so opening it here to read
# - Better to use lexical ("my") filehandle and three-arg form of open
# - "or" has lower operator precedence than "||", so less chance of
# things being grouped in the wrong order (though either works here)
# - Including $! in the error will tell why the file open failed
open my $in_fh, '<', $orig_name or die "cannot read $orig_name: $!";
open(my $out_fh, '>', $new_name) or die "cannot create $new_name: $!";
my $data = '';
my $line1 = <$in_fh>;
chomp $line1;
my #heading = split /,/, $line1;
my ($sep1, $sep2, $eorec) = ("^A", "^E", "^D");
while (<$in_fh>) {
my $digest = md5_hex($data);
my (#values) = split /,/;
my $extra = "__mykey__$sep1$digest$sep2";
$extra .= "$heading[$_]$sep1$values[$_]$sep2"
for (0 .. scalar(#values));
# - Useless use of double quotes removed on next two lines
$data .= $extra . $eorec;
#print $out_fh $data;
# - Moved print to output file to here (where it will print the complete
# output all at once) rather than within the loop (where it will print
# all previous lines each time a new line is read in) to prevent
# duplicate output records. This could also be achieved by printing
# $extra inside the loop. Printing $data at the end will be slightly
# faster, but requires more memory; printing $extra within the loop and
# getting rid of $data entirely would require less memory, so that may
# be the better option if you find yourself needing to read huge input
# files.
print $out_fh $data;
# - $in_fh and $out_fh will be closed automatically when it goes out of
# scope at the end of the block/sub, so there's no real point to
# explicitly closing it unless you're going to check whether the close
# succeeded or failed (which can happen in odd cases usually involving
# full or failing disks when writing; I'm not aware of any way that
# closing a file open for reading can fail, so that's just being left
# implicit)
close $out_fh or die "Failed to close file: $!";
Disclaimer: perl -c reports that this code is syntactically valid, but it is otherwise untested.