Unable to connect to PostgreSQL from Power BI - postgresql

I have downloaded Power BI Desktop in my local machine. When trying to connect to PostgreSQL it is throwing an error.
For this I have downloaded and installed NpgSQL version 3.2.7 and restarted my machine. Even after that I am unable to connect to PostgreSQL connector.

Try copying SSL certificate for the PostgreSQL server to the machine running Power BI Desktop and import it to Windows certificate store.
Go to the configuration folder for the PostgreSQL server in postgresql.conf file, search for SSL settings, there is one with the location of the SSL certificate.
Take a look at the server name when you import the SSL certificate and connect from Power BI Desktop using the same server name.
You can find a similar thread here :Unable to connect to PostgreSql database using Power BI


Unable to connect Tableau Desktop to remote Mongo Server

I am trying to connect a Tableau desktop to a remote MongoDB server using ODBC connector. I have followed the steps mentioned in this page https://docs.mongodb.com/bi-connector/current/connect/tableau-auth/#std-label-connect-tableau-auth
But I am getting the below error
[MySQL][ODBC 1.4(w) Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (64)
Generic ODBC requires additional configuration. The driver and DSN (data source name) must be installed and configured to match the connection.
Unable to connect using the DSN named "test new". Check that the DSN exists and is a valid connection.
Please help me in resolving the issue.
This error occurs when a running mongosqld instance cannot be found. Here are the steps to follow for a successful connection to mongoDB from Tableau desktop.
Install mongoDB connector for BI on your machine.
In command prompt, navigate to mongosqld file location.
Use the below command to provide host and connection details
mongosqld --mongo-uri --auth --mongo-username --mongo-password --mongo-authenticationSource
The above command will create a live connection on localhost.
Create a system DSN with host/server IP as localhost or and the same DB credentials.
On Tableau Desktop, select connect via Other Databases (ODBC).
Select the system DSN created and click on connect.

Connecting to Amazon RDS from local machine through an ec2-instance bridge

Hello all
I have a dabase seted up in RDS. Right now there is a ec-instance which is my test enviroment which connects to that RDS and working on a particular DB.
Now something with a migration might have messed up the data in that database.
What I am trying to do is connect to that database using pgAdmin 3 to check what's going on.
What I did is used the connect to a new server of pgAdmin
and used the SSH Tunnel tab.
In the properties I used the credentials of the RDS and in the SSH Tunnel(tab)
I used the ssh files I am using to connect to the testing instance I already know has access to the RDS.
Problem is I am getting
Error: SSH error: Error when starting up SSH session with error code
-8 [Unable to exchange encryption keys]
Does my logic make sense ?
Meaning to use the SSH tunnel to configure a connection to an ec2 instance and assume that throught this tunnel the pgAdmin is going to be able to connect to the actuall RDS hosted database ?
Any direction on how to proceed further are greatly appriciated !

Connect remote MongoDB server without SSH

Hi I want to connect to remote MongoDB server without using SSH tunneling(Both the client and server systems will run on windows OS). Is there any way to connect.

pgAdmin can't connect to database server

Database server os = Ubuntu 16.04
client machine= Windows os 8.
we are not able to connect database server from pagAdmin which I have installed on my laptop (while its prompting for password).
Have you configured "pg_hba.conf" file in the server for remote access? IF not, you need to add following in the file
# vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
host all all trust is just an example, you need to write clients IP and port.

Cant Connect to MongoDB server from Client

I am trying to connect from my machine (client) to server, and it says I cant connect to server.
My machine is Windows 10 and Server machine is Windows Server 2016.
And I tried to connect from cmd and it gives me this error.
Help me with this problem please.
You should check the following items on the server running MongoDB.
You should also verify basic network communication using something like ping from the client to the server.
I will comment regarding Robomongo, seems like you are trying to connect to MongoDB 3.4 DB which only supported starting from the latest beta: Robomongo 1.1 - Beta version with MongoDB 3.4 Support