Filter changed files view - gitkraken

Is there a way to filter the changed files view in gitkraken by supplying a filter string?
So for example if I were to enter the string "*.xml", the changed files view would only show .xml files.

No, it is not possible to provide a string to filter the changed files view.
The only option to change the shown files is to switch between the path view, showing a list of all files with their full paths, and the tree view, which shows the directory structure of changed files as a tree.
If you look at older commits (not the current changes), you can tick the "View all files" box. This will show all files, and also provide a search box (saying "Filter files"), which will allow you to search for strings like .xml in the repositorys state at the selected commit, and filter the files shown accordingly.


How to view inline diff of multiple files at once in VS Code?

In VS Code, for a given commit I would like to see inline diffs from all files in one view or page, so that I would not have to click to see diffs for each file separately.
I can't find any extension that would do this.
Basically I'm looking for a feature like there is in Bitbucket when you click on a given commit, and you see all the differences in one page. Something like in the picture below.
in the SCM bar you have a COMMITS view
context click a commit and Select for Compare
context click another commit and Compare with Selected
Now in SEARCH & COMPARE view you can click a changed file and see a diff

VS Code - Search in Source Control View

Is there a search feature that we can use to search the files in the Source Control View (in the Activity Bar)? Let's say we have tens of files changed and when we go to the Source Control view, how do I find and add a specific file to the Staged state by using the UI?
Just pick any of files and start to type filename you want to find. Then typed text appear in the right upper corner of SCM View and you can filter out searched files.
See how it looks:
Also this way works in the Explorer view.
Upd. Official description of feature:

eclipse hide a item entirely from processing

My requirement: To hide specific file/folder from the project explorer.
Following the steps given on below link, i am able to successfully do so,
But, I want to hide them entirely from the processing, e.g. If I do a search for some word in *.java files, results show up from the hidden folder as well. Any way to exclude it from search results (or from entire processing of what eclipse looks for) ?
Resources marked as 'derived' are ignored by most things.
You can set the derived flag on the 'Resource' tab of the file or folder Properties.
You can use the IResource.setDerived method to set the flag programatically.

Eclipse: Hide files excluded from source folder

I have multiple files of different types in a source folder in my Eclipse project (not a Java project). I know how to hide files from the Project Explorer view (using view filters). But I did not find a way to hide (not exclude) a file from the source folder. Is that possible to achieve?
Say my project has a folder: src, which contains three files:, and config1.xml, config2.xml.
Once I add src as a source folder, it along with its file children show up as source folder (see upper balloon in image) and also a simple folder (separately) (see lower balloon in image) under the same project in Project Explorer.
I know that I can set an inclusion filter so that I build only the java file, and not the xml. But how can I set a view filter so that the config1.xml file is hidden, but not config2.xml? (Clearly, I do not want to set a filter on *.xml, because that would hide both xml files.
UPDATE: When I attempt to add a resource filter according to Simon's solution, the file gets hidden from both the source folder and the folder view. I want to hide it only from the source folder view (upper balloon) and not the simple folder view (lower balloon). That way we know about the existence of config1.xml, but its exclusion from source.
If you want the file to be hidden from the view, then do the following
Open the context menu on the "src" folder and select Properties
Choose Resource > Resource Filters page
Click the "Add" button.
In the dialog, select "Exclude all" filter type option, "Files" applies
to option, and type in the file name config1.xml (Name matches)
Close all the dialogs and refresh your project in the Project Explorer
The file config1.xml should no longer be visible

How to exclude files/folder from Markers view in eclipse?

Is there a way in eclipse to stop markers from showing in the Markers view for files in a certain folder? I.e. I imported a Javascript library that I didn't write myself but it is going to be part of my project and I don't want to have to look at all the "TODO" and "FIXME" markers in those files and would just want to see my markers only... Is there a way to exclude certain folders or files form being scanned by the markers process?
Apparently, I was able to resolve this by adding the folders I wanted to exclude to the exclusion list under Project->Properties->Validation. (Click settings beside each validation, Add Exclude Group button, Add Rule button, select folder option, browse for relative folder)
You can configure the content of the Markers view (the one displaying errors and warning in source code) and the content of the Tasks view (the one displaying "TODO" and "FIXME") by clicking on the "small down arrow" in the top right of the view (near the minimize and maximize buttons) and then clicking on Configure Contents ... entry.
Hope this can help,
By selecting Configure Contents like Manu said, there is also the option to list the tasks for a specific working set, using the Scope area at the right.
That worked for me, and I'm not annoyed anymore by all Zend Framework #todo.
Hope this helped, Stéphane
I'm doing a node app and wanted to exclude my node modules folder. I found the only way to do this is to create a working set that excludes that directory and set the Task -> configure contents to that working set.
How to exclude a folder that is producing warnings/errors in an Eclipse project?