Google Cloud AI Platform: I can't create a model version using the "--accelerator" parameter - gcloud

In order to get online predictions, I'm creating a model version on the ai-platform. It works fine unless I want to use the --accelerator parameter.
Here is the command that works:
gcloud alpha ai-platform versions create [...] --model [...] --origin=[...] --python-version=3.5 --runtime-version=1.14 --package-uris=[...] --machine-type=mls1-c4-m4 --prediction-class=[...]
Here is the parameter that makes it not work:
This is the error message I get:
ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: Request contains an invalid argument.
I expect it to work, since 1) the parameter exists and uses these two keys (count and type), 2) I use the correct syntax for the parameter, any other syntaxes would return a syntax error, and 3) the "nvidia-tesla-k80" value exists (it is described in --help) and is available in the region in which the model is deployed.

Make sure you are using a recent version of the Google Cloud SDK.
Then you can use the following command:
gcloud beta ai-platform versions create $VERSION_NAME \
--model $MODEL_NAME \
--origin gs://$MODEL_DIRECTORY_URI \
--runtime-version 1.15 \
--python-version 3.7 \
--framework tensorflow \
--machine-type n1-standard-4 \
--accelerator count=1,type=nvidia-tesla-t4
For reference you can enable logging during model creation:
gcloud beta ai-platform models create {MODEL_NAME} \
--regions {REGION}
--enable-logging \

The format for the --accelerator parameter as you can check in the official documentation is:
I think that might cause your issue, let me know.


How to decide Quarkus application arguments in Kubernetes at run-time?

I've built a Quarkus 2.7.1 console application using picocli that includes several subcommands. I'd like to be able to run this application within a Kubernetes cluster and decide its arguments at run-time. This is so that I can use the same container image to run the application in different modes within the cluster.
To get things started I added the JIB extension and tried setting the arguments using a configuration value quarkus.jib.jvm-arguments. Unfortunately it seems like this configuration value is locked at build-time so I'm unable to update this at run-time.
Next I tried setting quarkus.args while using default settings for JIB. The configuration value documentation makes it sound general enough for the job but it doesn't seem to have an affect when the application is run in the container. Since most references to this configuration value in documentation are in the context of Dev Mode I'm wondering if this may be disabled outside of that.
How can I get this application running in a container image with its arguments decided at run-time?
You can set quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint to any container entrypoint command you want, including scripts. An example in the doc is quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint=/deployments/ You could make use of $CLI_ARGUMENTS in such a script. Even something like quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint=/bin/sh,-c,'/deployments/ $CLI_ARGUMENTS' should work too, as long as you place the script at /deployments in the image. The possibility is limitless.
Also see this SO answer if there's an issue. (The OP in the link put a customer script at src/main/jib/docker/ (src/main/jib is Jib's default "extra files directory") so that Jib places the script in the image at /docker/
I was able to find a solution to the problem with a bit of experimenting this morning.
With the quarkus-container-image-docker extension (instead of quarkus.jib.jvm-arguments) I was able to take the template Dockerfile.jvm and extend it to pass through arguments to the CLI. The only line that needed changing was the ENTRYPOINT (details included in the snippet below). I changed the ENTRYPOINT form (from exec to shell) and added an environment variable as an argument to pass-through program arguments.
ARG JAVA_PACKAGE=java-11-openjdk-headless
# Install java and the run-java script
# Also set up permissions for user `1001`
RUN microdnf install curl ca-certificates ${JAVA_PACKAGE} \
&& microdnf update \
&& microdnf clean all \
&& mkdir /deployments \
&& chown 1001 /deployments \
&& chmod "g+rwX" /deployments \
&& chown 1001:root /deployments \
&& curl${RUN_JAVA_VERSION}/run-java-sh-${RUN_JAVA_VERSION} -o /deployments/ \
&& chown 1001 /deployments/ \
&& chmod 540 /deployments/ \
&& echo "securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom" >> /etc/alternatives/jre/lib/security/
# Configure the JAVA_OPTIONS, you can add -XshowSettings:vm to also display the heap size.
ENV JAVA_OPTIONS=" -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager"
# We make four distinct layers so if there are application changes the library layers can be re-used
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/lib/ /deployments/lib/
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/*.jar /deployments/
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/app/ /deployments/app/
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/quarkus/ /deployments/quarkus/
USER 1001
# [== BEFORE ==]
# ENTRYPOINT [ "/deployments/" ]
# [== AFTER ==]
I have tried the above approaches but they didn't work with the default quarkus JIB's ubi8/openjdk-17-runtime image. This is because this base image doesn't use /work as the WORKIR, but instead the /home/jboss.
Therefore, I created a custom start-up script and referenced it on the properties file as following. This approach works better if there's a need to set application params using environment variables:
File: src/main/jib/home/jboss/
-jar quarkus-run.jar

Yocto: Nothing provides python-re-native

I'm running into an issue including python pyparted as a native dependency in one of my image creation bbclasses.
There is a python scrip that runs to create a partitioned image file, normally I run sudo apt install python-pyparted to have pyparted in the environment in ubuntu. But I'm not sure what I did (update??), the ubuntu environment is completely ignored now. I tried figuring out how to make sure the dependencies are correct in my sdimage bbclass.
do_image_sdimage[depends] = "parted-native:do_populate_sysroot \
dosfstools-native:do_populate_sysroot \
mtools-native:do_populate_sysroot \
virtual/kernel:do_deploy \
splash-images:do_deploy \
python3-native:do_populate_sysroot \
python3-pyparted-native:do_populate_sysroot \
${#d.getVar('IMAGE_BOOTLOADER', True) and d.getVar('IMAGE_BOOTLOADER', True) + ':do_deploy' or ''}"
I get an error showing
ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'python3-re-native' (but virtual:native:/home/dev/app/OS/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-python/recipes-extended/python-pyparted/ DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it). Close matches:
python3-native RPROVIDES python3-re-native
ERROR: Required build target 'my-image-default' has no buildable providers.
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['my-image-default', 'python3-pyparted-native', 'python3-re-native']
based on this it looks like I should be able to do this, but the depency chain ignores python3-native's RPROVIDES?

passing parameters via dataproc workflow-templates

I understand that dataproc workflow-templates is still in beta, but how do you pass parameters via the add-job into the executable sql? Here is a basic example:
echo DatePartition: $DATE_PARTITION
# sample job
gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates add-job hive \
--step-id=0_first-job \
--workflow-template=my-template \
--file='gs://mybucket/first-job.sql' \
gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates run $WORK_FLOW
gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates remove-job $WORK_FLOW --step-
echo `date`
Here is my first-job.sql file called from the shell:
SET mapred.output.compress=true;
SET hive.exec.compress.output=true;
USE mydb;
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE if not exists data_raw (
field1 string,
field2 string
LOCATION 'gs://data/first-job/';
In the ALTER TABLE statement, what is the correct syntax? I’ve tried what feels like over 15 variations but nothing works. If I hard code it like this (ALTER TABLE data_raw ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(dt="2017-10-31");) the partition gets created, but unfortunately it needs to be parameterized.
BTW – The error I receive is consistently like this:
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:48 cannot recognize input near '${DATE_PARTITION}' ')' '' in constant
I am probably close but not sure what I am missing.
Update: Dataproc now has workflow template parameterization, a beta feature:
For your specific case, you can do the following:
Create an empty template
gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates create my-template
Add a job with a placeholder for the value you want to parameterize
gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates add-job hive \
--step-id=0_first-job \
--workflow-template=my-template \
--file='gs://mybucket/first-job.sql' \
Export the template configuration to a file
gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates export my-template \
Edit the file to add a parameter
- hiveJob:
queryFileUri: gs://mybucket/first-job.sql
stepId: 0_first-job
- jobs['0_first-job'].hiveJob.scriptVariables['DATE_PARTITION']
Import the changes
gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates import my-template \
Add a managed cluster or cluster selector
gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster my-template \
--cluster-name=my-cluster \
Run your template with parameters
gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates instantiate my-template \
Thanks for trying out Workflows! First-class support for parameterization is part of our roadmap. However for now your remove-job/add-job trick is the best way to go.
Regarding your specific question:
Values passed via params are accessed as ${hivevar:PARAM} (see [1]). Alternatively, you can set --properties which are accessed as ${PARAM}
The brackets around params are not needed. If it's intended to handle spaces in parameter values use quotations like: --params="FOO=a b c,BAR=X"
Finally, I noticed an errant space here DATE_PARTITION =$1 which probably results in empty DATE_PARTITION value
Hope this helps!
[1] How to use params/properties flag values when executing hive job on google dataproc

bitbake failed with ExpansionError

I'm following the NXP i.MX7 Reference to build a Linux image for the i.MX 7 SABRE board. This process went smoothly, and I was successful in building and loading the krogoth image on the board. The problem arise when I tried to add the openembedded-core layer to my image. I immediately get the error below. I included my bblayers.conf for reference. Any help would be appreciated. I don't even need sqlite, so if there's a way to bypass it, then that would be fine.
ERROR: ExpansionError during parsing /fsl-community-bsp-platform/sources/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-support/sqlite/ Failure expanding variable SQLITE_PV, expression was ${#sqlite_download_version(d)} which triggered exception TypeError: getVar() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)
BSPDIR := "${#os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(d.getVar('FILE', True)) + '/../..')}"
${BSPDIR}/sources/poky/meta \
${BSPDIR}/sources/poky/meta-poky \
${BSPDIR}/sources/openembedded-core/meta \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-fsl-arm \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-fsl-arm-extra \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-fsl-demos \
The only difference between a successful build, and a failling build is the line: ${BSPDIR}/sources/openembedded-core/meta.
Don't add openembedded-core/meta to your bblayers.conf!
In your list, BBLAYERS =, the two entries
${BSPDIR}/sources/poky/meta \
${BSPDIR}/sources/openembedded-core/meta \
are both the same layer. meta in Poky, is taken directly from OpenEmbedded. The Poky repository is combined from multiple upstream repositoris using a script, combo-layer. (Which in my opinion is unfortunate, though I can see why it's being done).
If you wan't e.g. a newer version of meta, you need to update poky, or remove poky completely, and download openembedded-core and bitbake separately.
In my experience building BSP with yocto, specifically with NXP imx7, I have got ExpansionError very frequent. Most of the time, I found out that there is redundant package or layer or recipe in some cases. Once you remove them from installation, It works smooth.
In your case, Just remove following from the build and It should be fine.
${BSPDIR}/sources/openembedded-core/meta \

hadoop-streaming example failed to run - Type mismatch in key from map

I was running $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-streaming.jar \
-D \
-D \
-input myInputDirs \
-output myOutputDir \
-mapper org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.IdentityMapper \
-reducer org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.IdentityReducer
What hould be the input file when IdentityMapper is the mapper?
I was hoping to see it can sort on certain selected keys and not the entire keys. My input file is simple
"aa bb".
"cc dd"
Not sure what did I miss? I always get this error
java.lang.Exception: Type mismatch in key from map: expected, recieved
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$
Caused by: Type mismatch in key from map: expected, recieved
This is a known bug and here is the JIRA. The bug has been identified in Hadoop 0.21.0, but I don't think it's in any of the Hadoop release version. If you are really interested to fix this, you can
download the source code for Hadoop (for the release you are working)
download the patch from JIRA and apply it
build and test Hadoop
Here are the instructions on how to apply a patch.
Or instead of using an IdentityMapper and the IdentityReducder, use a python/perl scripts which will read the k/v pairs from STDIN and then write the same k/v pairs to the STDOUT without any processing. It's like creating your own IdentityMapper and the IdentityReducder not using Java.
I was trying my hands on Hadoop with my own example, but got the same error. I used KeyValueTextInputFormat to resolve the issue. You can have a look at following blog for the same.
Hope it helps you.
Sanket Raut