Writing SQL table directly to file in Scala - scala

I'm working on Azure databricks, I'm able to write a dataframe to CSV file using the following option:
.option("header", "true")
but I'm seeking an option to write data directly from SQL table to CSV in Scala.
Can someone please let me know if such options exist.

Yes data could be directly loaded between a sql table to Datafame and vice-versa. Reference: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-data-sources-jdbc.html
//JDBC -> DataFarme -> CSV
.option("url", "jdbc:postgresql:dbserver")
.option("dbtable", "schema.tablename")
.option("user", "username")
.option("password", "password")
.option("header", "true")
//DataFarme -> JDBC
.option("url", "jdbc:postgresql:dbserver")
.option("dbtable", "schema.tablename")
.option("user", "username")
.option("password", "password")


pyspark insert failed using spark.read method

def QueryDB(sqlQuery):
jdbcUrl = mssparkutils.credentials.getSecret("param1","DBJDBCConntring","param3")
spark=SparkSession.builder.appName("show results").getOrCreate()
dbcdf = (spark.read.format("jdbc")
.option("url", jdbcUrl)
.option("query", sqlQuery)
return jdbcdf
df= QueryDB("INSERT INTO schema.table1 (column1, column2) output inserted.column1 values('one', 'two')")
the notebook runs without any error but no rows are inserted. any suggestion or sample code to insert into table.
spark.read.format("jdbc") is to read JDBC. If you want to insert data to JDBC you'd want something like this
jdbcDF.write \
.format("jdbc") \
.option("url", "jdbc:postgresql:dbserver") \
.option("dbtable", "schema.tablename") \
.option("user", "username") \
.option("password", "password") \

How to execute SQL truncate table in pysark

Am trying to truncate an Oracle table using pyspark using the below code
truncatesql = """ truncate table mytable """
mape=spark.read \
.format("jdbc") \
.option("url", DB_URL) \
.option("driver", "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver") \
.option("dbtable", truncatesql) \
but it keeps throwing java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended how can I truncate a table using direct SQL query ?
Try by wrapping your query with an alias.
truncatesql = """(truncate table mytable)e"""
mape=spark.read \
.format("jdbc") \
.option("url", DB_URL) \
.option("driver", "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver") \
.option("dbtable", truncatesql) \

Pyspark Dataframe Insert with overwrite and having more then one partitions

I'm having dataframe with 2 partitions, inserting into postgres table with overwrite method.
df.write \
.format("jdbc") \
.option("driver", POSTGRESQL_DRIVER) \
.option("url", url) \
.option("user", user) \
.option("password", password) \
.option("dbtable", "test_table") \
.mode("overwrite") \
Partitions Vector : (0, 1)
Partition 0 will insert first followed by partition 1, here partition 0 records are over writing in table. Only partition 1 records are available.
How can i insert or save two partitions without overwrite of previous partitions ?
I can see below two possible workarounds for this problem.
1) As part of the write provide one more option to truncate the table and then append so that old data will be truncated and new data frame will be appended. Every time you will have only new dataset this way.
df.write \
.format("jdbc") \
.option("driver", POSTGRESQL_DRIVER) \
.option("url", url) \
.option("user", user) \
.option("password", password) \
.option("dbtable", "test_table") \
.option("truncate", True) \
.mode("append") \
2) As part of the spark 2.3 we got new option where we can truncate only specific partition instead of all partitions. If you are using the latest version of spark, you can give try of this feature.
Hope this helps.

Create Index thru SPARK for JDBC

I am trying to create Index on Postgres Table thru Spark and the code is as below:
val df3 = sqlContext.read.format("jdbc")
.option("url", "jdbc:postgresql://URL")
.option("user", "user")
.option("password", "password")
.option("dbtable", "(ALTER TABLE abc.test1 ADD PRIMARY KEY (test))as t")
.option("driver", "org.postgresql.Driver")
.option("lowerBound", 1L)
.option("upperBound", 10000000L)
.option("numPartitions", 100)
.option("fetchSize", "1000000")
The error is
Exception in thread "main" org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "TABLE"
Just wondering can we do that or the above Data frame is wrong. Appreciate your help.

Spark JDBC returning dataframe only with column names

I am trying to connect to a HiveTable using spark JDBC, with the following code:
val df = spark.read.format("jdbc").
option("driver", "org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver").
option("password", "").
option("url", jdbcUrl).
option("dbTable", tableName).load()
but the return I get is only an empty dataframe with modified columns name, like this:
tableName.uuid|tableName.name |
I've tried to read the dataframe in a lot of ways, but it always results the same.
I'm using JDBC Hive Driver, and this HiveTable is located in an EMR cluster. The code also runs in the same cluster.
Any help will be really appreciated.
Thank you all.
Please set fetchsize in option it should work.
Dataset<Row> referenceData
= sparkSession.read()
.option("fetchsize", "100")
.option("url", jdbc.getJdbcURL())
.option("user", "")
.option("password", "")
.option("dbtable", hiveTableName).load();