Upserting a postgres jsonb based on multiple properties in jsonb field - postgresql

I am trying to upsert into a table with jsonb field based on multiple json properties in the jsonb field using below query
insert into testtable(data) values('{
"key": "Key",
"id": "350B79AD",
"value": "Custom"
On conflict(data ->>'key',data ->>'id')
do update set data =data || '{"value":"Custom"}'
WHERE data ->> 'key' ='Key' and data ->> 'appid'='350B79AD'
Above query throws error as below
ERROR: syntax error at or near "->>"
LINE 8: On conflict(data ->>'key',data ->>'id')
am I missing something obvious here?

I suppose you want to insert unique id and key combination value into the table. Then you need a unique constraint for them :
create unique index on testtable ( (data->>'key'), (data->>'id') );
and also use extra parentheses for the on conflict clause as tuple :
on conflict( (data->>'key'), (data->>'id') )
and qualify the jsonb column name ( data ) by table name (testtable) whenever you meet after do update set or after where clauses as So, convert your statement to :
insert into testtable(data) values('{
"key": "Key",
"id": "350B79AD",
"value": "Custom1"
on conflict( (data->>'key'), (data->>'id') )
do update set data = || '{"value":"Custom2"}'
where ->> 'key' ='Key' and ->> 'id'='350B79AD';
btw, data ->> 'appid'='350B79AD' converted to data ->> 'id'='350B79AD' ( appid -> id )


Unable to make generated column in postgresql for Json data

I'm trying out generated column with postgres-12. I need to create a table with generated column with JSON data. I'm going to receive "name" field as key there . However, while doing so - I got below error:
postgres=# create table json_tab2 (data jsonb ,
postgres(# "json_tab2.pname" text generated always as (data ->> "name" ) stored
postgres(# );
ERROR: column "name" does not exist
LINE 2: ...on_tab2.pname" text generated always as (data ->> "name" ) ...
After this: I tried to alter existing table- because that has value into json data for generated column - so it should be able to identify "name" now. This time I ran below:
postgres=# alter table json_tab add column Pname text generated always as (data ->> "name") stored
ERROR: column "name" does not exist
However, "name" has value here:
{"age": 31, "city": "New York", "name": "John"}
I'm unable to understand - what I'm doing wrong here
The righthand side of the ->> operator should be a value. In this case, since it's a string, you need to surround it with single quotes ('):
create table json_tab2 (
data jsonb,
pname text generated always as (data ->> 'name') stored
-- Here ---------------------------------^----^

How to lower-case all the elements of a JSONB array of strings of each row in a table

I have a table with a field called "data" which is of JSONB type. The content of "data" is an object with one of the fields called "associated_emails", which is an array of strings.
I need to update the existing table so that the content of "associated_emails" is all lower-case. How to achieve that? This is my attempt so far (it triggers error: ERROR: cannot extract elements from a scalar)
update mytable my
"data" = safe_jsonb_set(
SELECT array_agg(x) FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(
) t(x)
my.mytype = 'something';
You would like to use JSONB_SET and UPDATE the column with something like given below below:
UPDATE jsonb_test
SET data = JSONB_SET(data, '{0,associated_emails}',
JSONB(LOWER(data ->> 'associated_emails'::TEXT)));

PostgreSQL - Add key to each objects of an JSONB array

My database contains a table which has a column with jsonb type, and I want to update a part of these data using functions/operators from postgreSQL. Given we have this:
Let's say we went to add a key with an empty array to objects from "A" array, in order to have:
{"index":"1", "myArray":[]},
{"index":"2", "myArray":[]}
How can I proceed?
I've already tried this kind of things without success:
UPDATE myTable SET myColumn = (myColumn::jsonb)->>'A' || '{"myArray":[]}'
UPDATE myTable SET myColumn = (
SELECT jsonb_agg(jsonb_set(
to_jsonb(((element ->> 'A')::jsonb || '{"myArray":[]}')::jsonb)
FROM jsonb_array_elements(myColumn::jsonb) element
UPDATE myTable SET myColumn = (
SELECT jsonb_each((element ->> 'A')::jsonb) || '{"myArray":[]}'::jsonb
FROM jsonb_array_elements(myColumn::jsonb) element
Obviously, all of these tests have been big failure. I have difficulties to understand how works postgreSQL functions.
Somebody can help?
The approach with jsonb_array_elements and jsonb_set was the right idea, but somehow you nested them the wrong way round:
UPDATE myTable SET myColumn = jsonb_set(myColumn, '{A}', (
SELECT jsonb_agg( element || '{"myArray":[]}' )
FROM jsonb_array_elements(myColumn -> 'A') element
(online demo)
Btw if your column already has jsonb data type, you shouldn't need any casts.

Postgresql: How to increase by 1 on a jsonb field

In Postgresql 9.6, There is a table contains a column data jsonb, it has a count field.
How to increase data->>count by 1 in a single sql? Like $inc from mongodb.
This is ugly but works. I'm just figuring this out now by readings the documentation, so there may very well be a better way of doing this.
Let's start with a simple table:
create table table1 (data jsonb);
Insert some JSON:
insert into table1 (data) values ('{"name": "example", "count": 0}');
Now, we want to update the value of the count key in the data column. Assuming that you have pg 9.5 or later, you can use the concatenation operator to merge two json (or jsonb) dictionaries, like this:
sandbox=# select data || '{"count": 1}' as data from table1;
{"name": "example", "count": 1}
So we know how to update a JSON key. But in the above example I'm using a static value in the replacement, while we actually want "one more than the current value of count". We can use the concatenation operating with strings to build the necessary JSON:
sandbox=# select '{"count": ' || ((data->>'count')::int + 1) || '}' as count from table1;
{"count": 1}
Putting that together:
sandbox=# update table1 set data = data || ('{"count": ' || ((data->>'count')::int + 1) || '}')::jsonb ;
Which gets us:
sandbox=# select * from table1;
{"name": "example", "count": 1}

postgres upsert json props

I'm not sure if this is possible or not, but I'm trying to get into the nitty gritty of what I can do in postgres 9.6.1 and this seems like maybe its possible. So given this table:
CREATE TABLE live_data (
rec_id TEXT,
control_data JSONB
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX rec_id_idx ON live_data (rec_id);
I want to be able to upsert individual props on the control_data json without having to upsert a whole new json string.
With no rows in that table yet I tried this:
INSERT INTO live_data(rec_id, control_data) VALUES ('1', '{"set":{"some_prop": 99}}')
ON CONFLICT (rec_id) DO UPDATE SET control_data->'set'->'some_prop' = 99;
FWIW I get this error on that query :
syntax error at or near "->"
Am I writing that query wrong and/or is what I want to do just not currently possible?
Use jsonb_set():
INSERT INTO live_data(rec_id, control_data)
VALUES ('1', '{"set":{"some_prop": 99}}');
INSERT INTO live_data(rec_id, control_data)
VALUES ('1', '{"set":{"some_prop": 88}}')
UPDATE SET control_data =
jsonb_set(live_data.control_data, array['set','some_prop'], '88', true)
rec_id | control_data
1 | {"set": {"some_prop": 88}}
(1 row)
If your json column has a value like below,
Below sql query will add the key-value pair OR update if exist at specified path. [Upsert will work like this way]
update tableName
SET columnName = jsonb_set(columnName, '{0,Amount,1,Bonus}', '200')