Restrict the Subscribers of certain whitelist IPs to connect to Topic in google pub sub - publish-subscribe

How can we restrict the subscribers of certain whitelist ips have the access to the Topic in google pub sub?
Some other program which have the topic name is reading messages from the Topic, so we want to know how can we restrict the access to the Topic messages.

One of Google recommendation is "don't trust the network". And there are right. Prefer the service account identity.
However, some customers, or use cases, required to rely on network. That's why Cloud Armor exists, but it's only for VMs/loadbalancer.
Sorry, you can't directly. The not recommended solution could be to set up a proxy on a VM to filter this. Or to offer a HTTP endpoint on a VM which simply get the message and publish it to PubSub.
It's not recommended because you are doing what google want to avoid (trust the network) and you have to manage yourself the scalability and the high availability.


User limitation on Postgresql synthetic monitoring using Airflow

I am trying to write a synthetic monitoring for my on-prem postgresql service, using airflow. The monitoring should return if a cluster is available for creating tables, writing and reading data, and deleting tables.
The clusters on my service are using SSL certificates for authentication, which means a client is required to provide a suitable client certificate in order to connect to the cluster.
Currently, I have implemented my monitoring by creating a global user which will have a certificate with permissions to all the cluster. The user will have permissions to create, write and read only on one schema, dedicated to this monitoring. Using airflow, I will connect with this user each of my postgresql clusters and try to create a table, write to it, read, and then delete it. If one of the actions fails - the DAG will write a log describing the reason for failure.
My main problem with this solution it not being able to limit such a powerful user with accessibility to all of my clusters. In case an intruder will get the user's client certificate, he would be able to explode the DB storage by writing huge amount of data or overload queries and fail the cluster.
I am looking for some ideas for limiting this user so it will be able to act only for it's purpose- the simple actions required for this monitoring, and could not be exploit by an attacker. Alternatively, I would appreciate any suggestions for different implementation for this monitoring.
I searched for build in postgresql configurations that will allow me to limit the dedicated monitoring schema / limiting the amount of queries performed by the user.

Application Performance monitoring on Swisscom Application Cloud

I am investigating options for monitoring our installation in Swisscom's cloud-foundry. My objectives are the following:
monitor performance indicators for deployed application (such as cpu, disk, memory)
monitor performance indicators for services (slow queries, number of queries, ideally also some metrics on hitting quotas)
So far, I understand the options are the following (including some BUTs):
I used a very nice TOP cf-plugin (github)
This works very well. It seems that it registers itself to get the required firehose nozzles and consume data.
That is very useful for tracing / ad-hoc monitoring, but not very good for a serious infrastructure monitoring.
Another way I found is to use firehose-syslog solution.
This can be deployed as an app to (as far as I understand) do the job in similar way, as the TOP cf plugin.
The problem is, that it requires registered client, so it can authenticate with the doppler endpoint. For some reason, the top-cf-plugin does that automatically / in another way.
Last option i am considering is to build the monitoring itself to the App (using a special buildpack)
That can be for example done with Datadog. But it seems to also require a dedicated uaa client to register the Nozzle.
I would like to check, if somebody is (was) on the similar road, has some findings.
Eventually I would like to raise the following questions towards the swisscom community support:
is it possible to register uaac client to be able to ingest events through the firehose nozzle from external service? (this requires admin credentials if I was reading correctly)
is there an alternative way to authenticate with the nozzle (for example using a special user and his authentication token?)
is there any alternative to monitor the CF deployments in Swisscom? Eventually, is there a paper, blogpost or other form of documentation, that would be helpful in this respect (also for other users of AppCloud)?
Since it requires admin permissions, we can not give out UAA clients for the firehose.
However, there are different ways to get metrics in context of a user.
You can obtain basic metrics of a specific app by polling the CF API:
However, since you have to poll (and for each app), it's not the recommended way.
Metrics in syslog drain
CF allows devs to forward their logs to syslog drains; in more recent versions, CF also sends metrics to this syslog drain (see
For example, you could use Swisscom's Elasticsearch service to store these metrics and then analyze it using Kibana.
Metrics using loggregator (firehose)
The firehose allows streaming logs to clients for two types of roles:
Streaming all logs to admins (which requires a UAA client with admin permissions) and streaming app logs and metrics to devs with permissions in the app's space. This is also what the cf logs command uses. cf top also works this way (it enumerates all apps and streams the logs of each app).
However, you will find out that most open source tools that leverage the firehose only work in admin mode, since they're written for the platform operator.
Of course you also have the possibility to monitor your app by instrumenting it (white box approach), for example by configuring Spring actuator in a Spring boot app or by including an agent of your favourite APM vendor (Dynatrace, AppDynamics, ...)
I guess this is the most common approach; we've seen a lot of teams having success by instrumenting their applications. Especially since advanced monitoring anyway requires you to create your own metrics as the firehose provided cpu/memory metrics are not that powerful in a microservice world.
However, option 2. would be worth a try as well, especially since the ELK's stack metric support is getting better and better.

Service Fabric Strategies for Bi-Directional Communication with External Devices

My company is interested in using a stand-alone Service Fabric cluster to manage communications with robots. In our scenario, each robot would host its own rosbridge server, and our Service Fabric application would maintain WebSocket clients to each robot. I envision a stateful service partitioned along device ids which opens connections on startup. It should monitor connection health via heartbeats, pass messages from the robots to some protocol gateway service, and listen to other services for messages to pass to the robots.
I have not seen discussion of this style of external communications in the Service Fabric documentation - I cannot tell if this is because:
There are no special considerations for managing WebSockets (or any two-way network protocol) this way from Service Fabric. I've seen no discussion of restrictions and see no reason, conceptually, why I can't do this. I originally thought replication would be problematic (duplicate messages?), but since only one replica can be primary at any time this appears to be a non-issue.
Service Fabric is not well-suited to bi-directional communication with external devices
I would appreciate some guidance on whether this architecture is feasible. If not, discussion on why it won't work will be helpful. General discussion of limitations around bi-directional communication between Service Fabric services and external devices is welcome. I would prefer if we could keep discussion to stand-alone clusters - we have no plans to use Azure services at this time.
Any particular reason you want SF to host the client and not the other way around?
Doing the way you suggest, I think you will face big challenges to make SF find these devices on your network and keep track of them, for example, Firewall, IPs, NAT, planned maintenance, failures, connection issues, unless you are planning to do it by hand.
From the brief description I saw in the docs your provided about rosbridge server, I could understand that you have to host it on a Server(like you would with a service fabric service) and your devices would connect to it, in this case, your devices would have installed the ROS to make this communication.
Regarding your concerns about the communication, service fabric services are just executable programs you would normally run on your local machine, if it works there will likely work on service fabric environment on premise, the only extra care you have to worry is the external access to the cluster(if in azure or network configurations) and service discovery.
In my point of view, you should use SF as the central point of communication, and each device would connect to SF services.
The other approach would be using Azure IoT Hub to bridge the communication between both. There is a nice Iot Hub + Service Fabric Sample that might be suitable for your needs.
Because you want to avoid Azure, you could in this case replace IoT Hub with another messaging platform or implement the rosbridge in your service to handle the calls.
I hope I understood everything right.
About the obstacles:
I think the major issue here is that bi-directional connection can be established between service replica and the robot.
This has two major problems:
Only primary replica has write access - i.e. only one replica would be able to modify state. This issue hence could be mitigated by creating a separate partition for each robot (but please remember that you can't change partition count after the service was created) or by creating a separate service instance for each robot (this would allow you to dynamically add or remove robots but would require additional logic related to service discoverability).
The replica can be shutdown (terminated), moved to another node (shutdown and start of new replica) or even demoted (the primary replica get's demoted to secondary and another secondary replica get's promoted to primary) by various reasons. So the service code and robot communication code should be able to handle this.
About WebSockets
This looks possible by implementing custom ICommunicationListener and other things using WebSockets.

How to use kafka and storm on cloudfoundry?

I want to know if it is possible to run kafka as a cloud-native application, and can I create a kafka cluster as a service on Pivotal Web Services. I don't want only client integration, I want to run the kafka cluster/service itself?
I can point you at a few starting points, there would be some work involved to go from those starting points to something fully functional.
One option is to deploy the kafka cluster on Cloud Foundry (e.g. Pivotal Web Services) using docker images. Spotify has Dockerized kafka and kafka-proxy (including Zookeeper). One thing to keep in mind is that PWS currently doesn't support apps with persistence (although this work is starting) so if you were to go this route right now, you would lose the data in kafka when the application is rolled. Looking at that Spotify repo, it looks like the docker images are generally run without any mounted volumes, so this persistence-less kafka seems like it may be a valid use case (I don't know enough about kafka to say).
The other option is to deploy kafka directly on some IaaS (e.g. AWS) using BOSH. BOSH can be hard if you're seeing it for the first time, but it is the ideal way to deploy any distributed software that you want running on VMs. You will also be able to have persistent volumes attached to your kafka VMs if necessary. Here is a kafka BOSH release which may work.
Once you have your cluster running, you have two ways to integrate your Cloud Foundry applications with it. The simplest is just to provide it to your applications as a "user-provided service", which lets you flow kafka cluster access info to your apps. The alternative would to put a service broker in front of your cluster, which would be especially useful if you have many different people who will be pushing apps that need to talk to the kafka cluster. Rather than you having to manually tell people the access info each time, they can do something simple like cf bind-service SOME_APP YOUR_KAFKA_SERVICE. Here is a kafka service broker along with more info about service brokers in general.
According to the 12-factor app description (, Kafka should not run as an application on top of Cloud Foundry:
Twelve-factor processes are stateless and share-nothing. Any data that needs to persist must be stored in a stateful backing service, typically a database.
Kafka is often considered a "distributed commit log" and as such carries a large amount of state. Many companies use it to keep all events flowing through their distributed system of micro services for a long (sometimes unlimited) amount of time.
Therefore I would strongly recommend to go for the second option in the accepted answer: Kafka topics should be bound to your applications in the form of stateful services.

MSMQ redundancy

I'm looking into WCF/MSMQ.
Does anyone know how one handles redudancy with MSMQ? It is my understanding that the queue sits on the server, but what if the server goes down and is not recoverable, how does one prevent the messages from being lost?
Any good articles on this topic?
There is a good article on using MSMQ in the enterprise here.
Tip 8 is the one you should read.
"Using Microsoft's Windows Clustering tool, queues will failover from one machine to another if one of the queue server machines stops functioning normally. The failover process moves the queue and its contents from the failed machine to the backup machine. Microsoft's clustering works, but in my experience, it is difficult to configure correctly and malfunctions often. In addition, to run Microsoft's Cluster Server you must also run Windows Server Enterprise Edition—a costly operating system to license. Together, these problems warrant searching for a replacement.
One alternative to using Microsoft's Cluster Server is to use a third-party IP load-balancing solution, of which several are commercially available. These devices attach to your network like a standard network switch, and once configured, load balance IP sessions among the configured devices. To load-balance MSMQ, you simply need to setup a virtual IP address on the load-balancing device and configure it to load balance port 1801. To connect to an MSMQ queue, sending applications specify the virtual IP address hosted by the load-balancing device, which then distributes the load efficiently across the configured machines hosting the receiving applications. Not only does this increase the capacity of the messages you can process (by letting you just add more machines to the server farm) but it also protects you from downtime events caused by failed servers.
To use a hardware load balancer, you need to create identical queues on each of the servers configured to be used in load balancing, letting the load balancer connect the sending application to any one of the machines in the group. To add an additional layer of robustness, you can also configure all of the receiving applications to monitor the queues of all the other machines in the group, which helps prevent problems when one or more machines is unavailable. The cost for such queue-monitoring on remote machines is high (it's almost always more efficient to read messages from a local queue) but the additional level of availability may be worth the cost."
Not to be snide, but you kind of answered your own question. If the server is unrecoverable, then you can't recover the messages.
That being said, you might want to back up the message folder regularly. This TechNet article will tell you how to do it:
Also, it will not back up express messages, so that is something you have to be aware of.
If you prefer, you might want to store the actual messages for processing in a database upon receipt, and have the service be the consumer in a producer/consumer pattern.