How can I use Syncfusion Vue Examples with Stack blitz - syncfusion

I want to use stackblitz with syncfusion - specifically a grid inline editing example. I can almost get it going , but I can't get the Material design styles to display. I am a newbie to syncfusion and stack blitz

You can apply material style design by referring the material.css file in the sample as below.
#import "";


How to create this custom flowchart in flutter

I need help creating this flow chart in flutter. I've tried packages like graphite and syncfusion but they dont do the job. Any help is appreciated.
Link to image
You can create a similar look using a custom painter in flutter.
I solved this by editing the svg code and adding variables to colors and texts, thereby making them dynamic.

Render custom icons in Dart comment

I was wondering if there was a way to render custom icons in Dart comment, just as Material and Cupertino icons are.
To give a little bit of context, the project I'm currently working on uses TablerIcons and I wasn't able to find a package up to date and I was about to make one. So I was wondering if there is a way to display icons in Dart comment, the same way Material and Cupertino Icons are.
For example, with the icon 10k this piece of code is used: <i class="material-icons md-36">10k</i> — material icon named "10k" which would give you something like this in vscode:
I tried different ways but couldn't make it work so I'm asking you guys if you have any ideas on how to do that, or if it's even possible.

MUI Material UI Styling Text

I just switched to using MUI Material UI, and this is a question about best practices.
How do I get standard MUI styled text throughout my application? Do I need to use Typography everywhere? What about text that I directly render within divs in my components? What about raw header elements?
I guess this also applies to rendering of raw elements like <a>, for example when I use Nav Links from bootstrap (I'm also using react-bootstrap for some components it provides). Is there a way to get the default MUI typography for that?
I know this is a pretty basic question, just want to wrap my head around the best practices when using this library. Thanks!

Preventing vue2-leaflet map from overlaying itself on top of Vuetify's navigation drawer

I'm using Vuetify to build an app that displays local points of interest. The app uses vue2-leaflet to display the maps. Unfortunately the map pokes out of navigation drawers, dialogs, and darkener screen overlays. Here are images demonstrating it:
How can I fix it?
In my opinion if z-index needs to be changed: it's better modifying the map itself - rather than Vuetify's css which can affect other components across the app.
In the component where leaflet map is registered add
<style lang="scss">
.vue2leaflet-map {
z-index: 1;
This works for me using Vuetify + Vue2-leaflet (latest for today's date).
Haven't noticed any issues with other Vuetify components so far.
This is a z-index issue. Try adding the following to your CSS:
.v-navigation-drawer--temporary {
z-index: 1001;
You can see a working example on Codepen. I think this is the minimum z-index value that will get you the overlay that you want, but you may have to play around with it until you get the right value.
NOTE: this solution only works for navigation drawers. You'll probably have to tweak the z-index values in custom CSS separately for other types of components like dialogs. Alternatively, you might be able to find where the z-index is set in the Leaflet CSS and modify that instead. I'm more familiar with Vuetify so that's what I tweaked.

CSS modules using Create-React-App + Material UI combo

I am having trouble understanding the docs given on the material UI site, for overriding the css styles when using css modules. If there is conflicting styles, i need to use the !important hack to overwrite their styles.
I have tried to follow their suggestion of
css injection order
so that my custom css (using css modules) comes after the material UI css.
The link I have tried to follow is
If anyone is able to give me a simple step my step solution of how to do this with a component or a solution using codesandbox it would be very helpful.
Thank you and have a nice day.