Why does my STEP file cause a segmentation fault? - step
I'm writing aerodynamic design software and want to export the geometry a user specifies as a STEP file. I've managed to generate a STEP file that to my inspection appears complete, but when I try to open it with FreeCAD, I get a segmentation fault. What's wrong with my file?
I've tried changing the entity type for the edge_curve to something besides line, but I keep getting the same error. I've also tried opening the file using Solidworks, but it is also unable to open the file.
Here's the error message from FreeCAD:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3ef20) [0x7f609a911f20]
#1 0x7f6009b06bd4 in StepShape_EdgeCurve::EdgeGeometry() const from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libTKSTEPBase.so.7+0x4
#2 0x7f600d92ae4e in StepToTopoDS_TranslateEdgeLoop::Init(opencascade::handle<StepShape_FaceBound> const&, TopoDS_Face const&, opencascade::handle<Geom_Surface> const&, opencascade::handle<StepGeom_Surface> const&, bool, StepToTopoDS_Tool&, StepToTopoDS_NMTool&) from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libTKSTEP.so.7+0x10de
There's more than that, but these lines seem to be the most relevant. Can anyone pinpoint where I've gone wrong?
I've made the changes suggested and now FreeCAD will open, but nothing shows in the design space. No errors are thrown either. I'm not sure what's going on now.
FILE_DESCRIPTION ( ( 'STEP AP203' ) , '1' ) ;
FILE_NAME ( 'test_plane.stp' , '', ('Author'), (''), 'MachUpX', 'MachUpX', 'Unknown' ) ;
#15 = SHAPE_DEFINITION_REPRESENTATION ( '', #16 , #101 ) ;
#16 = PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE ( 'test_plane' , 'NONE' , #18 ) ;
#18 = PRODUCT_DEFINITION ( 'NONE' , 'NONE' , #19 , #20 ) ;
#19 = PRODUCT_DEFINITION_FORMATION ( 'version1' , 'NONE' , #21 ) ;
#21 = PRODUCT ( 'no1' , 'test_plane' , 'Generated by MachUpX' , ( #22 ) ) ;
#22 = PRODUCT_CONTEXT ( 'NONE' , #23 , 'aeronautics' ) ;
#23 = APPLICATION_CONTEXT ( 'AP 203' ) ;
#200 = MANIFOLD_SOLID_BREP ( 'v_stab_right' , #201 ) ;
#201 = CLOSED_SHELL ( 'NONE' , ( #202 , #310 , #418 ) ) ;
#202 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE' , ( #203) , #204 , .T. ) ;
#203 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE' , #209 , .T. ) ;
#204 = PLANE ( 'NONE' , #205 ) ;
#205 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE' , #206 , #207 , #208 ) ;
#206 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.000000 , 0.000000 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#207 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -1.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#208 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.000000 , -1.000000 , -0.000000 ) ) ;
#210 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 211 , .T. ) ;
#211 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #212 , #214 , #216 , .T. ) ;
#212 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #213 ) ;
#213 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , 0.000000 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#214 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #215 ) ;
#215 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , 0.023681 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#216 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #217 , #218 ) ;
#217 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , 0.000000 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#218 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #219 , 0.2254588471561799 ) ;
#219 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( 0.994469 , 0.105034 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#220 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 221 , .T. ) ;
#221 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #222 , #224 , #226 , .T. ) ;
#222 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #223 ) ;
#223 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , 0.023681 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#224 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #225 ) ;
#225 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , 0.041113 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#226 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #227 , #228 ) ;
#227 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , 0.023681 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#228 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #229 , 0.22545914553885527 ) ;
#229 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( 0.997007 , 0.077315 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#230 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 231 , .T. ) ;
#231 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #232 , #234 , #236 , .T. ) ;
#232 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #233 ) ;
#233 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , 0.041113 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#234 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #235 ) ;
#235 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , 0.049881 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#236 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #237 , #238 ) ;
#237 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , 0.041113 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#238 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #239 , 0.22544175959974602 ) ;
#239 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( 0.999243 , 0.038895 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#240 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 241 , .T. ) ;
#241 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #242 , #244 , #246 , .T. ) ;
#242 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #243 ) ;
#243 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , 0.049881 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#244 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #245 ) ;
#245 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850712 , 0.039123 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#246 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #247 , #248 ) ;
#247 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , 0.049881 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#248 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #249 , 0.2252781083976028 ) ;
#249 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( 0.998859 , -0.047756 , -0.000000 ) ) ;
#250 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 251 , .T. ) ;
#251 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #252 , #254 , #256 , .T. ) ;
#252 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #253 ) ;
#253 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850712 , 0.039123 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#254 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #255 ) ;
#255 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850713 , -0.039123 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#256 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #257 , #258 ) ;
#257 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850712 , 0.039123 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#258 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #259 , 0.07824649394376136 ) ;
#259 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.000010 , -1.000000 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#260 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 261 , .T. ) ;
#261 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #262 , #264 , #266 , .T. ) ;
#262 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #263 ) ;
#263 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850713 , -0.039123 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#264 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #265 ) ;
#265 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , -0.049881 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#266 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #267 , #268 ) ;
#267 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850713 , -0.039123 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#268 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #269 , 0.22527736125091588 ) ;
#269 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.998859 , -0.047753 , -0.000000 ) ) ;
#270 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 271 , .T. ) ;
#271 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #272 , #274 , #276 , .T. ) ;
#272 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #273 ) ;
#273 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , -0.049881 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#274 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #275 ) ;
#275 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , -0.041113 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#276 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #277 , #278 ) ;
#277 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , -0.049881 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#278 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #279 , 0.22544172256288283 ) ;
#279 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.999243 , 0.038895 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#280 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 281 , .T. ) ;
#281 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #282 , #284 , #286 , .T. ) ;
#282 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #283 ) ;
#283 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , -0.041113 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#284 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #285 ) ;
#285 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , -0.023681 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#286 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #287 , #288 ) ;
#287 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , -0.041113 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#288 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #289 , 0.22545905822782863 ) ;
#289 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.997007 , 0.077315 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#290 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 291 , .T. ) ;
#291 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #292 , #294 , #296 , .T. ) ;
#292 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #293 ) ;
#293 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , -0.023681 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#294 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #295 ) ;
#295 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , -0.000000 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#296 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #297 , #298 ) ;
#297 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , -0.023681 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#298 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #299 , 0.22545886333367593 ) ;
#299 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.994469 , 0.105034 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#300 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 301 , .T. ) ;
#301 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #302 , #304 , #306 , .T. ) ;
#302 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #303 ) ;
#303 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , -0.000000 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#304 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #305 ) ;
#305 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , 0.000000 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#306 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #307 , #308 ) ;
#307 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , -0.000000 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#308 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #309 , 8.294702139732885e-07 ) ;
#309 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.007167 , 0.999974 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#209 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE' , ( #210 , #220 , #230 , #240 , #250 , #260 , #270 , #280 , #290 , #300 ) ) ;
#310 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE' , ( #311) , #312 , .T. ) ;
#311 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE' , #317 , .T. ) ;
#312 = PLANE ( 'NONE' , #313 ) ;
#313 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE' , #314 , #315 , #316 ) ;
#314 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.000000 , 0.000000 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#315 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -1.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#316 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.000000 , -1.000000 , -0.000000 ) ) ;
#318 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 319 , .T. ) ;
#319 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #320 , #322 , #324 , .T. ) ;
#320 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #321 ) ;
#321 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , 0.000000 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#322 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #323 ) ;
#323 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , 0.023681 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#324 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #325 , #326 ) ;
#325 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , 0.000000 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#326 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #327 , 0.2254588471561799 ) ;
#327 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( 0.994469 , 0.105034 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#328 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 329 , .T. ) ;
#329 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #330 , #332 , #334 , .T. ) ;
#330 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #331 ) ;
#331 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , 0.023681 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#332 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #333 ) ;
#333 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , 0.041113 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#334 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #335 , #336 ) ;
#335 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , 0.023681 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#336 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #337 , 0.22545914553885527 ) ;
#337 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( 0.997007 , 0.077315 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#338 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 339 , .T. ) ;
#339 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #340 , #342 , #344 , .T. ) ;
#340 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #341 ) ;
#341 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , 0.041113 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#342 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #343 ) ;
#343 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , 0.049881 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#344 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #345 , #346 ) ;
#345 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , 0.041113 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#346 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #347 , 0.22544175959974602 ) ;
#347 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( 0.999243 , 0.038895 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#348 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 349 , .T. ) ;
#349 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #350 , #352 , #354 , .T. ) ;
#350 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #351 ) ;
#351 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , 0.049881 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#352 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #353 ) ;
#353 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850712 , 0.039123 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#354 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #355 , #356 ) ;
#355 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , 0.049881 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#356 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #357 , 0.2252781083976028 ) ;
#357 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( 0.998859 , -0.047756 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#358 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 359 , .T. ) ;
#359 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #360 , #362 , #364 , .T. ) ;
#360 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #361 ) ;
#361 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850712 , 0.039123 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#362 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #363 ) ;
#363 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850713 , -0.039123 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#364 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #365 , #366 ) ;
#365 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850712 , 0.039123 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#366 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #367 , 0.07824649394376136 ) ;
#367 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.000010 , -1.000000 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#368 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 369 , .T. ) ;
#369 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #370 , #372 , #374 , .T. ) ;
#370 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #371 ) ;
#371 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850713 , -0.039123 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#372 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #373 ) ;
#373 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , -0.049881 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#374 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #375 , #376 ) ;
#375 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850713 , -0.039123 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#376 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #377 , 0.22527736125091588 ) ;
#377 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.998859 , -0.047753 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#378 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 379 , .T. ) ;
#379 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #380 , #382 , #384 , .T. ) ;
#380 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #381 ) ;
#381 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , -0.049881 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#382 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #383 ) ;
#383 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , -0.041113 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#384 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #385 , #386 ) ;
#385 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , -0.049881 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#386 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #387 , 0.22544172256288283 ) ;
#387 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.999243 , 0.038895 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#388 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 389 , .T. ) ;
#389 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #390 , #392 , #394 , .T. ) ;
#390 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #391 ) ;
#391 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , -0.041113 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#392 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #393 ) ;
#393 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , -0.023681 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#394 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #395 , #396 ) ;
#395 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , -0.041113 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#396 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #397 , 0.22545905822782863 ) ;
#397 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.997007 , 0.077315 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#398 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 399 , .T. ) ;
#399 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #400 , #402 , #404 , .T. ) ;
#400 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #401 ) ;
#401 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , -0.023681 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#402 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #403 ) ;
#403 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , -0.000000 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#404 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #405 , #406 ) ;
#405 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , -0.023681 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#406 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #407 , 0.22545886333367593 ) ;
#407 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.994469 , 0.105034 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#408 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE' , * , * , 409 , .T. ) ;
#409 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE' , #410 , #412 , #414 , .T. ) ;
#410 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #411 ) ;
#411 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , -0.000000 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#412 = VERTEX ( 'NONE' , #413 ) ;
#413 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , 0.000000 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#414 = LINE ( 'NONE' , #415 , #416 ) ;
#415 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , -0.000000 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#416 = VECTOR ( 'NONE' , #417 , 8.294702139732885e-07 ) ;
#417 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE' , ( -0.007167 , 0.999974 , 0.000000 ) ) ;
#317 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE' , ( #318 , #328 , #338 , #348 , #358 , #368 , #378 , #388 , #398 , #408 ) ) ;
#419 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , 0.000000 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#420 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , 0.023681 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#421 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , 0.041113 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#422 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , 0.049881 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#423 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850712 , 0.039123 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#424 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850713 , -0.039123 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#425 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , -0.049881 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#426 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , -0.041113 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#427 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , -0.023681 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#428 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , -0.000000 , -0.100000 ) ) ;
#429 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , 0.000000 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#430 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , 0.023681 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#431 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , 0.041113 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#432 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , 0.049881 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#433 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850712 , 0.039123 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#434 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -2.850713 , -0.039123 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#435 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.075733 , -0.049881 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#436 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.301004 , -0.041113 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#437 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.525788 , -0.023681 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#438 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE' , ( -3.750000 , -0.000000 , -2.100000 ) ) ;
#418 = B_SPLINE_SURFACE_WITH_KNOTS ( 'NONE' , 3 , 3 , ( ( #419 , #420 , #421 , #422 , #423 , #424 , #425 , #426 , #427 , #428 ), ( #429 , #430 , #431 , #432 , #433 , #434 , #435 , #436 , #437 , #438 ) ) , .UNSPECIFIED. , .F. , .F. , .F. , .UNSPECIFIED. , .UNSPECIFIED. , ( 0.0, 1.0 ) , ( 0.0, 0.1111111111111111, 0.2222222222222222, 0.3333333333333333, 0.4444444444444444, 0.5555555555555556, 0.6666666666666666, 0.7777777777777777, 0.8888888888888888, 1.0 ) , .UNSPECIFIED.) ;
#101 = ADVANCED_BREP_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION ( 'NONE' , ( #200 ) , #103 ) ;
FreeCAD relies on Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) library for reading STEP file.
If you will open your STEP file in CAD Assistant (free 3D viewer based on OCCT) you will see the following output in Message Window generated by OCCT reader:
20:29 Errors on Reading Header Entity N0.6:HeaderSection_FileSchema
20:29 Parameter #1 (schema_identifiers) is not a LIST
Error occurred transferring STEP file!
20:29 Count STEP Reader Failures for 'test.stp'
----- -----------
1 F: Parameter #1 (schema_identifiers) is not a LIST
1 F:SHAPE_DEFINITION_REPRESENTATION: Count of Parameters is not 2 for shape_definition_representation
1 F:CLOSED_SHELL: Parameter n0.3 (face) : Entity has illegal type
20 F:ORIENTED_EDGE: Parameter n0.4 (edge_element) not an Entity
40 F:VERTEX: Count of Parameters is not 1 for vertex
1 F:B_SPLINE_SURFACE_WITH_KNOTS: Parameter n0.9 (u_multiplicities) not a LIST
1 F:B_SPLINE_SURFACE_WITH_KNOTS: Parameter n0.10 (v_multiplicities) not a LIST
1 F:GEOMETRIC_REPRESENTATION_CONTEXT: Count of Parameters is not 3 for geometric_representation_context
Nb Total:66 for 8 items
These message could help to figure out what is wrong in STEP file, or at least what OCCT reader dislikes in the file.
There is a question, though, why writing STEP writer from the scratch and not using some existing library? I suppose that geometry structure to be exported is rather simple to make an own STEP writer worth efforts.
Power BI - SQL: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DECLARE'. Incorrect syntax near ')'
New to SQL and was given the query below to use in Power BI. It pulls the data table correctly on preview but fails when applying the change into Power BI Desktop. I don't know how to fix the syntax. I get this error: Power BI - SQL: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DECLARE'. Incorrect syntax near ')'. Here is the query: DECLARE #CLIENT AS NVARCHAR(32) DECLARE #FULLVERSION AS NVARCHAR(10) DECLARE #DATERUN AS DATETIME DECLARE #ANON AS INT --1 to set anonymised mode on, 0 to set it to off DECLARE #FROMDATE AS DATE --(FORMAT = YYYYMMDD) --UPDATE DECLARE #TODATE AS DATE --(FORMAT = YYYYMMDD) --UPDATE SET #CLIENT = 'HOGANS' --SET #FULLVERSION = (SELECT MAX(BH_Version) FROM BH_Version) SET #DATERUN = ( Getdate() ) SET #ANON = 0 SET #FROMDATE = '20211101' --(FORMAT = YYYYMMDD) --UPDATE SET #TODATE = '20211231' --(FORMAT = YYYYMMDD) --UPDATE -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET nocount ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here SELECT #Client AS ClientName, #DATERUN AS DateRun, #FROMDATE AS QueryVariable_FromDate, #TODATE AS QueryVariable_ToDate, -- #FULLVERSION as BHVersionWhenRun, T.bh_taskguid, RIGHT(Datepart(yy, T.bh_creationdate), 2) + RIGHT('00'+ CONVERT(NVARCHAR(2), Datepart(mm, T.bh_creationdate)), 2) + '-' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, T.bh_referenceid) AS TaskID, Auth.bh_userguid AS AuthorGUID, CASE WHEN #ANON = 0 THEN Auth.bh_username WHEN #ANON = 1 THEN NULL END AS AuthorName, AuthDept.bh_departmentname AS AuthorDepartmentName, (SELECT TOP 1 AD.bh_departmentname FROM bh_historic_report_departments AS AD WHERE AuthDept.bh_parentguid = AD.bh_departmentguid) AS AuthorDepartmentParent, --THIS CHECKS THE HISTORIC DEPT STRUCTURE TO GET THE NAME OF THE PARENT DEPARTMENT OF THE AUTHOR Sec.bh_userguid AS CompletedByGUID, CASE WHEN #ANON = 0 THEN Sec.bh_username WHEN #ANON = 1 THEN NULL END AS CompletedByName, SecDept.bh_departmentname AS CompletedByDepartmentName, (SELECT TOP 1 SD.bh_departmentname FROM bh_historic_report_departments AS SD WHERE SecDept.bh_parentguid = SD.bh_departmentguid) AS SecDepartmentParent, --THIS CHECKS THE HISTORIC DEPT STRUCTURE TO GET THE NAME OF THE PARENT DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY CASE WHEN #ANON = 0 THEN (SELECT TOP 1 HU.bh_username --BH_UserGuid and remove the join for GUID only FROM bh_historic_report_taskaudit HTA INNER JOIN bh_historic_report_users AS HU ON ( HU.bh_userguid = HTA.bh_userguid ) WHERE ( HTA.bh_taskguid = T.bh_taskguid ) ORDER BY bh_auditid ASC) WHEN #ANON = 1 THEN NULL END AS 'Submitted By (Name)', (SELECT TOP 1 bh_userguid FROM bh_historic_report_taskaudit WHERE ( bh_taskguid = T.bh_taskguid ) ORDER BY bh_auditid ASC) AS 'Submitted By (GUID)', (SELECT bh_username FROM bh_locks WHERE bh_objectguid = t.bh_taskguid) AS 'Locked By', CASE WHEN (SELECT bh_username FROM bh_locks WHERE bh_objectguid = t.bh_taskguid) IS NULL THEN 'Pending' WHEN Sec.bh_userguid IS NULL THEN 'In Progress' ELSE 'Complete' END AS 'TaskStatus', CASE WHEN (SELECT TOP 1 bh_userguid FROM bh_historic_report_taskaudit WHERE ( bh_taskguid = T.bh_taskguid ) ORDER BY bh_auditid ASC) = Auth.bh_userguid THEN 'Author' ELSE 'On Behalf' END AS 'Logged by', WF.bh_workflowname AS WorkflowName, CASE WHEN DT.bh_workflowname IS NOT NULL THEN DT.bh_workflowname ELSE 'Not Configured' END AS 'Work Type Should Go To', CASE WHEN ( DT.bh_workflowguid = T.bh_workflowguid ) THEN 'Correct Workflow' --If no default workflow is specified then we assume this is sent to the correct workflow. WHEN ( DT.bh_workflowguid IS NULL ) THEN 'No Default Workflow' ELSE 'Incorrect Workflow' END AS 'Sent To Correct Workflow', -- ONLY POSSIBLE ON V5 AND ABOVE CASE WHEN ( T.bh_source = '15' ) -- Sent from Forms Desktop Assistant --OR the below which includes iOS (10, 11), Android (12), Now Mail (4) and Hub (18) OR ( T.bh_lengthintenths = '0' AND T.bh_source IN ( '18', '10', '11', '12', '4' ) ) --AND T.BH_DocumentType NOT IN (SELECT BH_DocumentTypeName FROM BH_DocumentTypes)) -- assuming that if WT no longer exists and is zero length and is sent from Hub (i.e. not from Mobile, Classic etc which can't send Now tasks) then NOW THEN 'TASK' ELSE 'VOICE' END AS 'Task Type (TASK or VOICE)', --FOR V4, MANUALLY APPLYING ALL VOICE AS TASK TYPE -- 'VOICE' as 'Task Type (NOW or VOICE)', CASE WHEN #ANON = 0 THEN T.bh_title WHEN #ANON = 1 THEN NULL ELSE NULL END AS 'BH_Title', T.bh_documenttype AS WorkType , T.bh_creationdate, T.bh_senddate, T.bh_sentpriority, CASE WHEN TA.priorities > 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS 'PriorityChanged', T.bh_completiondate, CASE WHEN ( T.bh_requiredby IS NOT NULL ) AND ( T.bh_completiondate <= T.bh_requiredby ) THEN 'On Time' WHEN ( T.bh_requiredby IS NOT NULL ) AND ( T.bh_completiondate > T.bh_requiredby ) THEN 'Overdue' WHEN T.bh_requiredby IS NULL THEN 'No Deadline Set' END AS OnTime, T.bh_priorityname, T.bh_requiredby, CASE WHEN TA.requiredby > 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS 'RequiredByChanged', T.bh_sourcetimezone AS TimeZoneOffset, T.bh_turnaroundtime AS TurnaroundTimeInSec, --NOTE: this is the difference in seconds between the send date and the completion date -- ( -- RIGHT('000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, T.BH_TurnaroundTime / 3600 / 24),3) + ':' -- + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, T.BH_TurnaroundTime / 3600 % 24),2) + ':' -- + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, T.BH_TurnaroundTime / 60 % 60),2) + ':' -- + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,T.BH_TurnaroundTime % 60),2) -- ) AS TurnaroundTimeDays, T.bh_numreassignments, CASE WHEN ( T.bh_source = '0' ) THEN 'Classic Client' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '4' ) THEN 'Now Mail' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '5' ) THEN 'Web Client' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '6' ) THEN 'Windows Mobile' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '7' ) THEN 'BlackBerry' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '8' ) THEN 'Hosted Services Client' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '9' ) THEN 'Work Manager' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '10' ) THEN 'BigHand Go' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '11' ) THEN 'BigHand Mobile iPhone' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '12' ) THEN 'Android' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '13' ) THEN 'BlackBerry 10' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '14' ) THEN 'Windows Phone' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '15' ) THEN 'BigHand Now' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '16' ) THEN 'BigHand Go For Windows' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '17' ) THEN 'BigHand Go For Windows Phone' WHEN ( T.bh_source = '18' ) THEN 'Hub' END AS 'Source' , T.bh_sourcetimezone, --( -- RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (T.BH_LengthInTenths/10) / 3600 % 24),2) + ':' -- + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (T.BH_LengthInTenths/10) / 60 % 60),2) + ':' -- + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(T.BH_LengthInTenths/10) % 60),2) -- ) AS LengthInHours, ( T.bh_lengthintenths / 10 ) AS LengthInSeconds, ( T.bh_lengthintenths / 10 ) / 60 AS LengthInMins, (SELECT Sum(Datediff(second, bh_startdate, bh_enddate)) FROM bh_historic_report_taskaudit WHERE ( bh_taskguid = T.bh_taskguid )) AS 'Total Processing Time (Sec)', --( -- RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(datediff(SECOND,BH_StartDate, BH_EndDate)) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate) / 3600 % 24),2) + ':' --+ RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(datediff(SECOND,BH_StartDate, BH_EndDate)) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate) / 60 % 60),2) + ':' --+ RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(SELECT sum(datediff(SECOND,BH_StartDate, BH_EndDate)) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate) % 60),2) --) AS TotalProcessingHours, ( Isnull((SELECT Sum(Datediff(second, bh_startdate, bh_enddate)) FROM bh_historic_report_taskaudit WHERE ( bh_taskguid = T.bh_taskguid ) AND ( bh_userguid = T.bh_authorguid )), 0) ) AS 'Author Processing Time (Sec)', --(ISNULL(( -- RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(datediff(SECOND,BH_StartDate, BH_EndDate)) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid = T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) / 3600 % 24),2) + ':' -- + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(datediff(SECOND,BH_StartDate, BH_EndDate)) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid = T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) / 60 % 60),2) + ':' -- + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(SELECT sum(datediff(SECOND,BH_StartDate, BH_EndDate)) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid = T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) % 60),2)), '00:00:00') -- ) AS AuthorProcessingHours, ( Isnull((SELECT Sum(Datediff(second, bh_startdate, bh_enddate)) FROM bh_historic_report_taskaudit WHERE ( bh_taskguid = T.bh_taskguid ) AND ( bh_userguid <> T.bh_authorguid ) AND ( bh_startdate >= T.bh_senddate )), 0) ) AS 'Non-Author Processing Time (Sec)', --(ISNULL(( -- RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(datediff(SECOND,BH_StartDate, BH_EndDate)) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid <> T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) / 3600 % 24),2) + ':' --+ RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(datediff(SECOND,BH_StartDate, BH_EndDate)) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid <> T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) / 60 % 60),2) + ':' --+ RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(SELECT sum(datediff(SECOND,BH_StartDate, BH_EndDate)) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid <> T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) % 60),2)), '00:00:00') --) AS NonAuthorProcessingHours, (SELECT Sum(bh_playtime) FROM bh_historic_report_taskaudit WHERE ( bh_taskguid = T.bh_taskguid ) AND ( bh_startdate >= T.bh_senddate )) AS 'TotalPlay Time', --( -- RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(BH_PlayTime) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) / 3600 % 24),2) + ':' --+ RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(BH_PlayTime) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) / 60 % 60),2) + ':' --+ RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(SELECT sum(BH_PlayTime) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) % 60),2) --) AS TotalPlaytimeHours, ( Isnull((SELECT Sum(bh_playtime) FROM bh_historic_report_taskaudit WHERE ( bh_taskguid = T.bh_taskguid ) AND ( bh_userguid = T.bh_authorguid ) AND ( bh_startdate >= T.bh_senddate )), 0) ) AS 'Author Play Time (Sec)', -- (ISNULL(( -- RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(BH_PlayTime) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid = T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) / 3600 % 24),2) + ':' -- + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(BH_PlayTime) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid = T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) / 60 % 60),2) + ':' -- + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(SELECT sum(BH_PlayTime) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid = T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) % 60),2)), '00:00:00' ) -- ) AS AuthorPlaytimeHours, ( Isnull((SELECT Sum(bh_playtime) FROM bh_historic_report_taskaudit WHERE ( bh_taskguid = T.bh_taskguid ) AND ( bh_userguid <> T.bh_authorguid ) AND ( bh_startdate >= T.bh_senddate )), 0) ) AS 'Non-Author Play Time (Sec)' --(ISNULL(( -- RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(BH_PlayTime) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid <> T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) / 3600 % 24),2) + ':' --+ RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (SELECT sum(BH_PlayTime) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid <> T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) / 60 % 60),2) + ':' --+ RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(SELECT sum(BH_PlayTime) -- FROM BH_HISTORIC_REPORT_TASKAUDIT -- WHERE (BH_TaskGuid = T.BH_TaskGuid) AND (BH_UserGuid <> T.BH_AuthorGuid) AND (BH_StartDate >= T.BH_SendDate)) % 60),2) --), '00:00:00')) AS NonAuthorPlaytimeHours, FROM bh_historic_report_tasks AS T INNER JOIN bh_historic_report_users AS Auth ON ( T.bh_authorguid = Auth.bh_userguid ) LEFT OUTER JOIN bh_historic_report_users AS Sec ON ( T.bh_completedby = Sec.bh_userguid ) INNER JOIN bh_historic_report_departments AS AuthDept ON ( T.bh_authordept = AuthDept.bh_departmentguid ) LEFT OUTER JOIN bh_historic_report_departments AS SecDept ON ( T.bh_completedbydept = SecDept.bh_departmentguid ) INNER JOIN bh_historic_report_workflows AS WF ON ( T.bh_workflowguid = WF.bh_workflowguid ) LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT NULL AS Availability, A.bh_documenttypeguid, A.bh_documenttypename, A.bh_workflowguid, WF.bh_workflowname, A.bh_usage FROM bh_documenttypes AS A INNER JOIN bh_historic_report_workflows AS WF ON ( A.bh_workflowguid = WF.bh_workflowguid ) WHERE ( bh_isglobal = '1' AND bh_deleted = 0 AND bh_disabled = 0 ) UNION SELECT DocTypeDept.bh_departmentguid AS Availability, DOCTYPE.bh_documenttypeguid, DOCTYPE.bh_documenttypename, DOCTYPE.bh_workflowguid, WFLOW.bh_workflowname, DOCTYPE.bh_usage FROM bh_documenttypebydepartment AS DOCTYPEDEPT INNER JOIN bh_documenttypes AS DOCTYPE ON ( DOCTYPE.bh_documenttypeguid = DOCTYPEDEPT.bh_documenttypeguid ) LEFT OUTER JOIN bh_historic_report_workflows AS WFLOW ON ( DOCTYPE.bh_workflowguid = WFLOW.bh_workflowguid ) WHERE DOCTYPEDEPT.bh_departmentguid IN (SELECT DISTINCT tempT.bh_authordept FROM bh_historic_report_tasks AS TempT WHERE --TempT.BH_SendDate >='20170901' TempT.bh_completiondate >= #FROMDATE --Only include tasks sent after a certain date (FORMAT = YYYYMMDD) AND TempT.bh_completiondate < #TODATE --Only include tasks sent after a certain date (FORMAT = YYYYMMDD) ) AND DOCTYPE.bh_deleted = 0 AND DOCTYPE.bh_disabled = 0) AS DT ON ( T.bh_documenttype = DT.bh_documenttypename ) AND ( ( DT.availability = AuthDept.bh_departmentguid ) OR ( DT.availability IS NULL ) ) AND ( DT.bh_usage = ( CASE WHEN ( T.bh_source = '15' ) -- Sent from Now client OR ( T.bh_lengthintenths = '0' AND T.bh_source = '18' ) ----OR sent from Hub and zero length THEN '2' --NOW TYPE ELSE '1' --VOICE TYPE END ) ) --Joining on latest Audit row for the task so can return things like the latest Workflow stage etc. INNER JOIN (SELECT bh_taskguid, Max(bh_auditid) AS AuditID, Count(DISTINCT bh_requiredby) RequiredBy, Count(DISTINCT bh_priorityname) Priorities FROM bh_historic_report_taskaudit GROUP BY bh_taskguid) TA ON T.bh_taskguid = TA.bh_taskguid INNER JOIN bh_historic_report_taskaudit TAUD ON TA.auditid = TAUD.bh_auditid WHERE --T.BH_CompletionDate IS NOT NULL --Include completed tasks only AND --T.BH_CompletedByDept IS NOT NULL--Excludes Drafts created but not submitted--changed from--AND SecDept.BH_DepartmentName IS NOT NULL AND T.bh_completiondate >= #FROMDATE --Only include tasks created after a certain date (FORMAT = YYYYMMDD) AND T.bh_completiondate < #TODATE --Only include tasks created after a certain date (FORMAT = YYYYMMDD) AND TAUD.bh_startdate >= Dateadd(month, -1, #FROMDATE) AND TAUD.bh_startdate <= Dateadd(month, 1, #TODATE) --only includes processing audit times for activities started within 1 month prior to and post the Completion Date range
Power BI constructs a query like this: select * from ( ... your query goes here ... ) as SourceQuery So when it puts your query between the parenthesis, it isn't a valid query anymore. Power BI does that, because it needs to be able to add joins and filters to your query. Either rebuild the logic inside Power BI using M and DAX, or put your query in a view/UDF in the data source and select from it.
Run TSQL script on Redshift
I have a script that I once created and have been using on TSQL for years. It creates a calendar dimension. I converted my script from T-SQL to Redshift using http://www.sqlines.com/online. I executed it through DBeaver. It throws all kinds of errors. I tried correcting it but then found out Redshift does not support variables. Does anyone know whether (and if so, how) I can execute the script below on Redshift? The script below is pure T-SQL, do not hesitate to use it, change it, improve it out- or inside the context of this question. Parts of it are dutch but using the translations below you should be easily able to understand what it is doing dag = day maand = month jaar = year werkdag = workingday lang = long kort = short teller = counter naam = name feestdag = holiday set nocount on declare #begindatum as datetime = dateadd(year,-150,getdate()) declare #aantal_jaren as int = 1 -- betekent x - 100 jaren in de toekomst declare #einddatum as datetime = dateadd(year,#aantal_jaren,#begindatum) declare #rondedatum as datetime = #begindatum declare #print as varchar(max) set language dutch select 'Start', getdate() Declare #kalender as table ( [PeriodeID] [int] NOT NULL, [Datum] [date] NOT NULL, [DatumMedium] [varchar](25) NULL, [DatumLang] [varchar](25) NULL, [DatumExtraLangNOT] [varchar](25) NULL, [DatumVoluit] [varchar](50) NULL, [DagVanJaar] [int] NULL, [DagVanWeek] [int] NULL, [DagVanMaand] [int] NULL, [DagNaamKort] [nvarchar](4000) NULL, [DagNaamLang] [nvarchar](30) NULL, [WerkDag] [int] NULL, [Weekend] [int] NOT NULL, [Feestdag] [varchar](25) NULL, [Werkdagteller] [int] NOT NULL, [WeekNr] [int] NULL, [Iso_WeekNr] [int] NULL, [Maand] [int] NULL, [MaandNaamKort] [nvarchar](30) NULL, [MaandNaamLang] [nvarchar](4000) NULL, [Kwartaal] [int] NULL, [KwartaalNaamKort] [varchar](2) NULL, [KwartaalNaamLang] [varchar](25) NULL, [Jaar] [int] NOT NULL, [JaarKwartaal] int NULL, [JaarKwartaalNaam] [varchar](7) NULL, [JaarWeek] [int] NULL, [JaarWeekNaam] [varchar](25) NULL, [JaarIso_Week] [int] NULL, [JaarIso_WeekNaam] [varchar](25) NULL, [JaarMaand] [int] NULL, [JaarMaandNaamKort] [varchar](25) NULL, [JaarMaandNaamMedium] [varchar](25) NULL, [JaarMaandNaamLang] [varchar](25) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (PeriodeID) ) While #rondedatum <= #einddatum BEGIN Insert into #kalender SELECT cast(#rondedatum as int) as PeriodeID ,cast(#rondedatum as date) as Datum ,cast(DATEPART ( Day , #rondedatum ) as varchar(2)) + ' ' + Format(#rondedatum,'MMM') + ' '+ cast(year(#rondedatum) as varchar(4)) as DDMMMJJJJ ,cast(DATEPART ( Day , #rondedatum ) as varchar(2)) + ' ' + Format(#rondedatum,'MMMM') + ' '+ cast(year(#rondedatum) as varchar(4)) as DatumLang ,Format(#rondedatum,'ddd') + ' ' +cast(DATEPART ( Day , #rondedatum ) as varchar(2)) + ' ' + Format(#rondedatum,'MMMM') + cast(year(#rondedatum) as varchar(4)) as DatumExtraLang ,DATENAME(dw,#rondedatum) + ' ' +cast(DATEPART ( Day , #rondedatum ) as varchar(2)) + ' ' + Format(#rondedatum,'MMMM') + ' '+cast(year(#rondedatum) as varchar(4)) as DatumVoluit ,DATEPART ( DAYOFYEAR , #rondedatum ) as DagVanJaar ,DATEPART ( WEEKDAY , #rondedatum ) as DagVanWeek ,DATEPART ( Day , #rondedatum ) as DagVanMaand ,Format(#rondedatum,'ddd') as DagNaamKort ,DATENAME(dw,#rondedatum) as DagNaamLang ,IIF(DATEPART ( WEEKDAY , #rondedatum ) >=1 AND DATEPART ( WEEKDAY , #rondedatum ) <= 5,1,0) as WerkDag ,IIF(DATEPART ( WEEKDAY , #rondedatum ) in (6,7),1,0) as Weekend ,'' as Feestdag , 0 as Werkdagteller ,DATEPART ( WEEK , #rondedatum ) as WeekNr ,DATEPART ( ISO_WEEK , #rondedatum ) as Iso_WeekNr ,DATEPART ( MONTH , #rondedatum ) as Maand ,Format(#rondedatum,'MMM') as MaandNaamKort ,DATENAME(mm,#rondedatum) as MaandNaamLang ,DATEPART ( QUARTER , #rondedatum ) as Kwartaal ,'K' + cast(DATEPART ( QUARTER , #rondedatum ) as varchar(1)) as KwartaalNaamKort ,cast(DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum ) as varchar(4)) + ' K' + cast(DATEPART ( QUARTER , #rondedatum ) as varchar(1)) as KwartaalNaamLang ,DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum ) as Jaar ,DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum ) *100 + DATEPART ( QUARTER , #rondedatum ) as JaarKwartaal ,cast(DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum ) as varchar(4)) + ' K' + cast(DATEPART ( QUARTER , #rondedatum ) as varchar(1)) as JaarKwartaalNaam ,DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum )*100+ DATEPART ( WEEK , #rondedatum ) as JaarWeek ,Cast(DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum ) as varchar(4)) + ' - ' + cast(DATEPART ( WEEK , #rondedatum ) as varchar(2)) as JaarWeekNaam ,DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum )*100+ DATEPART ( ISO_WEEK , #rondedatum ) as JaarIso_Week ,Cast(DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum ) as varchar(4)) + ' - ' + cast(DATEPART ( iso_WEEK , #rondedatum ) as varchar(2)) as JaarIso_WeekNaam ,DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum )*100+ DATEPART ( MONTH , #rondedatum ) as JaarMaand ,Cast(DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum ) as varchar(4)) + ' - ' + cast(DATEPART ( MONTH , #rondedatum ) as varchar(2)) as JaarMaandNaamKort ,Format(#rondedatum,'MMM') + ' '+ Cast(DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum ) as varchar(4)) as JaarMaandNaamMedium ,Format(#rondedatum,'MMMM') + ' '+ Cast(DATEPART ( YEAR , #rondedatum ) as varchar(4)) as JaarMaandNaamLang set #rondedatum = dateadd(day,1,#rondedatum) --select cast(#rondedatum as date) END select 'Loop is klaar', getdate() select 'Kalender Updaten (Feestdagen)', getdate() update #kalender set werkdag = CASE WHEN DagVanMaand in (31) and maand = 12 THEN 0 WHEN DagVanMaand in (1) and maand = 1 THEN 0 WHEN DagVanMaand in (25,26) and maand = 12 THEN 0 WHEN DagVanMaand in (5) and maand = 5 AND Jaar < 2000 THEN 0 WHEN DagVanMaand in (5) and maand = 5 AND Jaar % 5 = 0 and jaar >= 2000 THEN 0 WHEN Jaar >= 2014 and dagvanMaand = 27 and maand = 4 THEN 0 WHEN Jaar >= 1898 and jaar <= 2013 and dagvanMaand = 30 and maand = 4 THEN 0 END, feestdag = CASE WHEN DagVanMaand in (31) and maand = 12 THEN 'Oudjaar' WHEN DagVanMaand in (1) and maand = 1 THEN 'Nieuwjaar' WHEN DagVanMaand in (25,26) and maand = 12 THEN 'Kerst' WHEN DagVanMaand in (5) and maand = 5 AND Jaar < 2000 THEN 'Bevrijdingsdag' WHEN DagVanMaand in (5) and maand = 5 AND Jaar % 5 = 0 and jaar >= 2000 THEN 'Bevrijdingsdag' WHEN Jaar >= 2014 and dagvanMaand = 27 and maand = 4 THEN 'Koningsdag' WHEN Jaar >= 1898 and jaar <= 2013 and dagvanMaand = 30 and maand = 4 THEN 'Koninginnedag' END select 'Kalender Updaten (Werkdagen + werkdagtellers)', getdate() --Werkdagteller runnen declare #i as int = 0 declare #current_value int = 0 declare #werkdag as int while #i < (select max(periodeid) from #kalender) BEGIN update #kalender set werkdagteller =iif(werkdag = 0 , #current_value , #current_value + 1) from #kalender where PeriodeID = #i set #werkdag = (select werkdag from #kalender where periodeid = #i) set #current_value = iif(#werkdag = 0 , #current_value , #current_value + 1) set #i = #i +1 set #print = cast(#i as varchar(max)) + ' van ' + cast((select max(periodeid) from #kalender) as varchar(max)) print #print END select 'Inserten in fysieke tabel', getdate() IF OBJECT_ID (N'shared.dim_kalender', N'U') IS NOT NULL BEGIN drop table shared.dim_kalender END CREATE TABLE [shared].[dim_kalender]( [PeriodeID] [int] DEFAULT 0, [Datum] [date] NOT NULL, [DatumMedium] [nvarchar](25) DEFAULT '', [DatumLang] [nvarchar](25) DEFAULT '', [DatumExtraLang] [nvarchar](25) DEFAULT '', [DatumVoluit] [nvarchar](50) DEFAULT '', [DagVanJaar] [int] DEFAULT 0, [DagVanWeek] [int] DEFAULT 0, [DagVanMaand] [int] DEFAULT 0, [DagNaamKort] [nvarchar](4000) DEFAULT '', [DagNaamLang] [nvarchar](30) DEFAULT '', [WerkDag] [int] DEFAULT 0, [Weekend] [int] DEFAULT 0, [Feestdag] [nvarchar](25) DEFAULT '', [Werkdagteller] [int] DEFAULT 0, [WeekNr] [int] DEFAULT 0, [Iso_WeekNr] [int] DEFAULT 0, [Maand] [int] DEFAULT 0, [MaandNaamKort] [nvarchar](30) DEFAULT '', [MaandNaamLang] [nvarchar](4000) DEFAULT '', [Kwartaal] [int] DEFAULT 0, [KwartaalNaamKort] [nvarchar](2) DEFAULT '', [KwartaalNaamLang] [nvarchar](25) DEFAULT '', [Jaar] [int] DEFAULT 0, [JaarKwartaal] [int] DEFAULT 0, [JaarKwartaalNaam] [nvarchar](7) DEFAULT '', [JaarWeek] [int] DEFAULT 0, [JaarWeekNaam] [nvarchar](25) DEFAULT '', [Jaar_IsoWeek] [int] DEFAULT 0, [Jaar_IsoWeekNaam] [nvarchar](25) DEFAULT '', [JaarMaand] [int] DEFAULT 0, [JaarMaandNaamKort] [nvarchar](25) DEFAULT '', [JaarMaandNaamMedium] [nvarchar](25) DEFAULT '', [JaarMaandNaamLang] [nvarchar](25) DEFAULT '' ) ON [PRIMARY] INSERT INTO [shared].[dim_kalender] select * from #kalender
No tsql on Redshift. No easy way to create a calendar table using Redshift. Redshift does not support any way to create rows on a table e.g. generate_series() is not supported Very easy to create a calendar table elsewhere (e.g. excel or python) and upload to redshift. Take a look here for a sample table that AWS provides https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/gsg/rs-gsg-create-sample-db.html Or you can search on stackoverflow and find a number of solutions. My preferred approach is something like this: First, create your table, (with diststyle all) then.. insert into dwh.dim_date select thisdate as date, date_part(year,thisdate) as year, date_part(mm,thisdate) as month, to_char(thisdate, 'Mon') as month_name, date_part(day,thisdate) as day_of_mon, date_part(dow,thisdate) as day_of_week_num, to_char(dat, 'thisdate') as day_of_week, date_part(week,thisdate) as week_of_year, date_part(doy,thisdate) as day_of_year, decode(date_part(dow,thisdate),0,true,6,true,false) as is_weekend from (select trunc(dateadd(day, ROW_NUMBER () over ()-1, '1960-01-01')) as thisdate from YOUR_BIG_TABLE ); where YOUR_BIG_TABLE is a table you have on redshift with a where clause to set the right number of future dates after year 1900
alternative way to TRIM for SSRS (not Crystal Reports)
I imported a report from Crystal to SSRS. When I run the query in Microsoft Management Console, it throws errors unless I declare variables before the SELECT statement. When I run the query from Visual Studio, it bypasses these variables and only throws an error on the TRIM function. From what I can tell a JOIN statement may be used instead of a TRIM, but I am not sure. This is the portion of a where clause that I am trying to change/adapt to work with SSRS, which is throwing an error -- any suggestions appreciated. Also, I am having issues with the DateSerial in the WHERE clause as follows: AND (CAST(#StartDate AS Date) <> DateSerial(1900, 01, 01)) AND
Trim does not work in SQL only in the report expressions you would have to use LTrim and RTrim to make this work. AND ( ( NOT ( #Status IS NULL ) AND RTrim(LTrim(#Status)) <> 'All' ) (( ( RTrim(Ltrim(#Status)) = 'Completed' ) AND RTrim(LTrim(#AssignedTo)) <> 'All' ) AND ( submission.assignedto IN ( #AssignedTo ) ) INCLUDING THE ENTIRE WHERE CLAUSE: WHERE ( #ParameterIds IS NOT NULL or ParameterIds = #ParameterIds ) AND #ParameterIds <> 0 ) AND ( requested_table.parameterid IN ( #ParameterIds ) ) ) AND requested_table.columnname = 'INSERT' AND ( ( NOT ( #Parameter2 IS NULL ) AND Trim(#Parameter2) <> 'All' ) AND (( ( Trim(#Parameter2) = 'Completed' ) AND (( requested_table.columnname = 'Dup' OR requested_table.columnname = 'IDup' OR requested_table.columnname = 'W/D' OR requested_table.columnname = 'Done' OR requested_table.columnname = 'QA Review Dup' OR requested_table.columnname = 'X' )) OR ( requested_table.columnname IN ( #Parameter2 ) ) )) ) AND ( ( #ParameterIds = 0 ) AND ( ( ( NOT ( #StartDate IS NULL ) AND ( Cast (#StartDate AS DATE) <> Dateserial(1900, 01, 01) ) ) AND ( submission.dateimported >= Datevalue (#StartDate) ) ) AND ( ( NOT ( #EndDate IS NULL ) AND ( Cast (#EndDate AS DATE) <> Dateserial(1900, 01, 01) ) ) AND ( table.dateimported <= Datevalue (#EndDate) ) ) ) ) AND ( ( #ParameterIds = 0 ) AND (( ( NOT ( #Parameter5 IS NULL ) AND Trim(#Parameter5) <> 'All' ) AND ( table.assignedto IN ( #Parameter5 ) ) )) ) Fix the Dateserial and this should work. WHERE ( #ParameterIds IS NOT NULL or ParameterIds = #ParameterIds ) AND (#ParameterIds <> 0 ) AND ( requested_table.parameterid IN ( #ParameterIds ) ) AND requested_table.columnname = 'INSERT' AND ( ( (#Parameter2 IS NOT NULL ) AND LTRIM(RTrim(#Parameter2)) <> 'All' ) AND (( ( LTRIM(RTrim((#Parameter2)) = 'Completed' ) AND (( requested_table.columnname = 'Dup' OR requested_table.columnname = 'IDup' OR requested_table.columnname = 'W/D' OR requested_table.columnname = 'Done' OR requested_table.columnname = 'QA Review Dup' OR requested_table.columnname = 'X' )) OR ( requested_table.columnname IN ( #Parameter2 ) ) )) ) AND ( ( #ParameterIds = 0 ) AND ( ( ( ( #StartDate IS NOT NULL ) AND ( Cast (#StartDate AS DATE) <> Dateserial(1900, 01, 01) ) ) AND ( submission.dateimported >= (#StartDate) ) ) AND ( ( ( #EndDate IS NOT NULL ) AND ( Cast (#EndDate AS DATE) <> Dateserial(1900, 01, 01) ) ) AND ( table.dateimported <= (#EndDate) ) ) ) ) AND ( ( #ParameterIds = 0 ) AND (( ( ( #Parameter5 IS NOT NULL ) AND RTRIM(LTrim(#Parameter5)) <> 'All' ) AND ( table.assignedto IN ( #Parameter5 ) ) )) )
Sql Server 2008 R2 Query Optimization
I have a Sql Ad-hoc query which is performing badly. Please help me or give me some suggestions to optimize it. Here is the query below: SELECT TOP 20 CustomerPrimaryExtID, Max(POSTimeStamp) AS TransactionDate, ExtLocationCode, 0 AS RedemptionAmount, 0 AS RedemptionCount, TerminalNum, LogixTransNum, POSTransNum AS TransNum, 0 AS DetailRecords, CustomerTypeID, PresentedCustomerID, PresentedCardTypeID, HHID, Replayed, 0 AS TransContext, isnull(TransTotal, 0) AS TransTotal FROM TransHist AS TH WITH(nolock) WHERE ( ( ( CustomerPrimaryExtID IN ( '' ) AND HHID IS NULL ) OR HHID = '0000000250000013408' AND CustomerTypeID <> 1 ) OR ( CustomerPrimaryExtID = '0000000250000013408' AND CustomerTypeID = 1 ) ) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT LogixTransNum FROM TransRedemptionView AS TR2 WHERE ( ( ( CustomerPrimaryExtID IN ( '' ) AND HHID IS NULL ) OR HHID = '0000000250000013408' AND CustomerTypeID <> 1 ) OR ( CustomerPrimaryExtID = '0000000250000013408' AND CustomerTypeID = 1 ) ) AND TH.LogixTransNum = TR2.LogixTransNum) GROUP BY CustomerPrimaryExtID, HHID, CustomerTypeID, PresentedCustomerID, PresentedCardTypeID, LogixTransNum, POSTransNum, TerminalNum, ExtLocationCode, Replayed, TransTotal ORDER BY TransactionDate DESC
Given the 62% cost on TransRedemption I would think an index on CustomerPrimaryExtID, HHID, CustomerTypeID and LogixTransNum would help that some. You could also look at doing: FROM TransHist TH LEFT OUTER JOIN TransRedemption TR2 ON TH.LogixTransNum = TR2.LogixTransNum Don't use the view in the sub query or the join unless something is being done in that view to limit the number of rows returned from TransRedemption. Then remove: AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT LogixTransNum FROM TransRedemptionView AS TR2 WHERE ( ( ( CustomerPrimaryExtID IN ( '' ) AND HHID IS NULL ) OR HHID = '0000000250000013408' AND CustomerTypeID <> 1 ) OR ( CustomerPrimaryExtID = '0000000250000013408' AND CustomerTypeID = 1 ) ) AND TH.LogixTransNum = TR2.LogixTransNum) from the where clause and replace with AND TR2.LogixTransNum IS NULL If TransRedemption has a lot of columns then you may want to limit the results in the join like so: FROM TransHist TH LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT LogixTransNum FROM TransRedemption ) TR2 ON TH.LogixTransNum = TR2.LogixTransNum
TSQL dbo.split including a key
So I have the function below. My question is how can I get the following query to use the function to to create a view. I'm trying to get p_c_id to be the #ValueID and notes to be the #List. select p_c_id, notes from dbo.product create FUNCTION [dbo].[Split2Value] ( #Delimiter varchar(5), #List varchar(8000), #ValueID bigint ) RETURNS #TableOfValues table ( RowID smallint IDENTITY(1,1), [Value] varchar(500), ValueID bigint ) AS BEGIN DECLARE #LenString int WHILE len( #List ) > 0 BEGIN SELECT #LenString = (CASE charindex( #Delimiter, #List ) WHEN 0 THEN len( #List ) ELSE ( charindex( #Delimiter, #List ) -1 ) END ) INSERT INTO #TableOfValues SELECT substring( #List, 1, #LenString ), #ValueID SELECT #List = (CASE ( len( #List ) - #LenString ) WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE right( #List, len( #List ) - #LenString - 1 ) END ) END RETURN END
select SV.RowID, SV.[Value], ValueID from dbo.product as P cross apply dbo.Split2Value('DELI?', P.notes, P.p_c_id) as SV