Unity UIElemens changing style.cursor in code - unity3d

How do I set the cursor style for a VisualElement to one of the predefined classes in code? (Arrow, Text, Split Resize Left Down, etc)
I am aware the cursor can be set using the CursorStyle property
style.cursor = SomeCursorStyle;
The problem is I want to use the SplitResizeLeftRight cursor and I can't seem to find where the static classes are defined. Obviously I can do this though a stylesheet, but I want to do it through code. An alternative is to create my own CursorStyle and point it to the appropriate cursor textuer, but again, I can't seem to find where those are located.
According to these docs and the UIElement Debugger I know I can change the style of the cursors. I just can't figure out how to set it to one of those in code.

The UIElementsEditorUtility class no longer exists. I found a solution for the more recent version of Unity (2022.1.7 In my case) but it includes some C# Reflection...
//using System.Reflection;
public static void SetCursor(this VisualElement element, MouseCursor cursor)
object objCursor = new Cursor();
PropertyInfo fields = typeof(Cursor).GetProperty("defaultCursorId", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
fields.SetValue(objCursor, (int)cursor);
element.style.cursor = new StyleCursor((Cursor)objCursor);
I hope it will help those who have the same problem

Take a look at the MouceCursor enum:
"Custom mouse cursor shapes used with EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect."
It defines multiple cursor shapes, one of them is SplitResizeLeftRight. Usage example:
EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(20, 20, 140, 40), MouseCursor.SplitResizeLeftRight);
I hope this helps you.

By some miracle I stumbled upon this class: UIElementsEditorUtility
At the time of posting the class can not be found in Unity docs.
So here is an example of how to use it:
style.cursor = UIElementsEditorUtility.CreateDefaultCursorStyle(MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal);


Visual Studio Code: How to add checkbox in view container

I've been searching non-stop for this on the documentation but haven't been able to find any sort of information. I would like to know how to add checkboxes in my custom view container, similar to the breakpoints' checkboxes.
You can simulate the checkbox by playing with the icon, create a new TreeItem with a different icon when clicked.
Somehow they have knowledge on where on the TreeItem you click.
Looking with the dev tools, it is an <input type="checkbox"/>.
This means that you can do more with TreeItems than the docs explain.
Looking at the source code the BreakpointView is not implemented with a TreeItemProvider, it extends the ViewPane class and uses some kind of templates to render an item. Beside a checkbox it is also possible to have a combobox (SelectBox class).
I have added a feature request (101175) to extend the vscode API so extension developers can write Views with ViewItems that have additional UI-Elements like the Breakpoint view.
You can do this in the proposed api: treeItemCheckbox in Insiders v1.72 now and since it is a fairly simple new api I suspect it will be released with Stable 1.72.
You can play with this now, see using the proposed apis.
Instead of extending TreeItem you will extend TreeItem2 (which extends TreeItem) if you want to use checkboxes. Here is some sample code I put together:
export class TreeTab extends vscode.TreeItem2 {
if (tab.isActive) {
this.iconPath = new vscode.ThemeIcon("arrow-small-right", new vscode.ThemeColor("tab.unfocusedActiveBackground"));
this.checkboxState = vscode.TreeItemCheckboxState.Checked;
// this.checkboxState = {state: vscode.TreeItemCheckboxState.Checked, tooltip: "my nifty checkbox tooltip"};
and elsewhere in your code if you want to detect when that checkbox is clicked/unclicked:
// use your TreeView variable instead of 'tabView'
// from this.tabView = vscode.window.createTreeView(...);
const checkBoxListener = this.tabView.onDidChangeCheckboxState(async event => {
// event = {item: Array(n)}, which TreeItem's checkbox was clicked and its state after clicking:0/1 = on/off

ITextPDF - Link creation with PDFAnnotation

I have a question about hyperlinks within pdf documents created with itext. Currently, using the following code written in java, I am able to successfully create links. However, when I hover over the link, the link text is displayed. The client does not want the link text to appear upon hover-over. How can I either remove the hover-over, or give it alternate text to display (e.g. "Course Info")? I am using itext version 5.5.9. I have looked at "iText in Action" chapter 7 but was not able to find what I needed. Is there a better way to create the links? Any help and examples will be appreciated. Thanks.
package edu.ucsd.act.academic.studente2t.util;
import com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfAction;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfAnnotation;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfBorderArray;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCellEvent;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
class LinkInCellEvent implements PdfPCellEvent
protected String url;
public LinkInCellEvent(String url)
this.url = url;
public void cellLayout(PdfPCell cell, Rectangle position,
PdfContentByte[] canvases)
PdfWriter writer = canvases[0].getPdfWriter();
PdfAction action = new PdfAction(url);
PdfAnnotation link = PdfAnnotation.createLink(writer, position,
PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT, action);
PdfBorderArray border = new PdfBorderArray(0, 0, 0);
This is not an iText problem. It's inherent to PDF. The PDF specification (ISO-32000-1) doesn't say anything about the way viewers should present tool tips for link annotations.
Your client (who probably should also be our client), may be confused by the following concepts:
Additional actions
The only occurrence of the word "tool tip" is in a NOTE when the E (enter) and X (exit) event are described in the section about additional actions. One can use additional actions, for instance on a widget annotation, to have a custom tool tip appear / disappear when someone hovers over a widget annotation.
When you study the PDF standard, you will see that there are several instances where you can define additional action (/AA), but link annotations aren't one of them.
Alternative field name
There's also the /TU entry (formerly known as the user name entry), which is (I quote the spec) an alternative field name that shall be used in place of the actual field name wherever the field shall be identified in the user interface (such as in error or status messages referring to the field). This text is also useful when extracting the document’s contents in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes. The value of the /TU entry is often used by viewers as a tool tip, but as you can tell from the description, the /TU entry is specific for fields, not for annotations. It can only be used in a field dictionary, not in an annotation dictionary.
Whatever is shown when someone hovers over a link annotation is not described in the specification. Every vendor of a PDF viewer may decide what to show (if anything) when a user hovers over a link annotation. There is no way to add something to the PDF that can force the viewer to show something else (or nothing).

Not translate select options in Zend Framework 1

I have a big form with a lot of select elements with a lot of options each one. All translations work well (labels, descriptions, errors), but i don't want to translate the options shown in the select element.
The official guide says nothing about it, please check the following link: http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.form.standardElements.html#zend.form.standardElements.select
However here it says: http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.form.standardElements.html#zend.form.standardElements.multiselect "If a translation adapter is registered with the form and/or element, option values will be translated for display purposes. "
I can't remove the translation adapter, so my question is: Is it possible to ignore this element options?
Looking forward to your news.
Add $this->setTranslator(new Zend_Translate_Adapter_Array(array())); at beginning of your form. This will override default translator, and because new one is empty then it will not translate anything.
The Zend_Form_Element_Multi have this:
if ($this->translatorIsDisabled()) {
return false;
And there exist this method on Zend_Form_Element
public function setDisableTranslator($flag)
$this->_translatorDisabled = (bool) $flag;
return $this;
So I've created a method that extends Zend_Form_Element_Select and call:
That solved my question.

How to get user's input from WicketStuff's TinyMCE

Pretty straight-forward question, but I can't find this anywhere. I'm using WicketStuff's TinyMCE to make a Rich Text Editor in my application, and can't find anywhere how to get the input from the text area. For brevity's sake, the following is a simplified version of the code I'm using.
private String input;
TinyMCESettings settings = new TinyMCESettings(TinyMCESettings.Theme.simple);
TextArea<String> textArea = new TextArea<String>("editor", new PropertyModel<String>(this, "input"));
textArea.add(new TinyMceBehavior(settings));
Using this, I would expect the usual manner to simply use my String 'input' since it's set as the model. This always results in null as the model isn't being updated.
I tried using the auto-save plugin in case it was expecting the save button to be clicked (which doesn't update the model either), and neither worked. The only thing I've been able to do to get the user's input is to add a HiddenField, with a new model, and make a JavaScript call like
document.getElementById('hiddenField').value = tinyMCE.get('editor').getContent();
but this has led to other problems with trying to call the JS in the desired place and to get it to work properly. I feel this shouldn't be necessary anyways, as surely someone must have implemented a method to get the contents of the text area being used.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to a blog post at Nevermind Solutions, the way to get the model updated is to add the following JavaScript to the form's submitting button:
My text area is inside a panel with the button outside of the panel, so it doesn't directly work for me. The trick was to add the JavaScript call to the button's onSubmit, move the logic into the onAfterSubmit, and to make the button MultiPart so that it could call the save trigger before doing the other logic associated to the model.
Hope this might help some others in the future.
You have to add a modifier to the submit button so that the model can update.
AjaxButton btnSubmit = new AjaxButton("btnSubmit", new Model()) {
public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
btnSubmit.add(new TinyMceAjaxSubmitModifier());
Have a look here for more info

How to provide a custom component in the existing Web page Editor Palette

I want to add a new custom component in the Web page Editor Palete named "myHTMLComponent".
So, as soon as user opens any html page with WPE, myHTMLComponentM should be present there.
How can I do the needful, moreover this component will as well need to generate the code changes accordingly. How to achieve the desired result.
Is there any input I can get for this.
I already created standardmetadata tag, but what next!
Finally, I found the solution of the problem.
For adding new categories in the palette, we need to use pagedesignerextension in plugin.xml as following -
Where CustomEditorPaletteFactory will be extending AbstractPaletteFactory. Here in createPaletteRoot(), we can add our category.
public PaletteRoot createPaletteRoot(IEditorInput editorInput){
PaletteRoot paletteRoot = new PaletteRoot();
return paletteRoot;
//return null;
private static PaletteContainer createStandardComponents() {
PaletteDrawer componentsDrawer = new PaletteDrawer("CustomHTMLComponent");
TagToolPaletteEntry paletteEntry = new TagToolPaletteEntry(
new FormPaletteComponent(".....);
return componentsDrawer;
This will create the component category in the palette and we can add as many components as needed using the componentsdrawer.
For adding a new category in the existing one -
Add this in the constructor -
this._paletteContext = PaletteItemManager.createPaletteContext(file);
this._manager = PaletteItemManager.getInstance(_paletteContext);
Then use Palette Grouping like this -
PaletteGroup controls = new PaletteGroup("CUST HTML");
ToolEntry tool = new SelectionToolEntry("CUST Cursor",
//Custom Marquee
controls.add(new MarqueeToolEntry("Marquee", "Marquee Desc"));
controls.add(new PaletteSeparator());
//This class maintins or load all categories features
controls.add(new CustomComponentToolEntry("Custom Component", "Custom Component Descrition",
This really is a good start but I can't find any tutorial or book that get deeper in this matter. For instance, I don't want to replace the default palette but this code does with "new PaletteRoot()" and I lost my HTML tags. Also I want that my new custom components behave as HTML Tags using Drag and Drop, but I don't know how?????????
More Info:
I discovered this code, that was very helpful, whereas file come from ((FileEditorInput)editorInput).getFile()
PaletteRoot paletteRoot = DesignerPaletteRootFactory.createPaletteRoot(file);
This is very interesting topic and I think we are pioneer documenting this feature of eclipse. Here other good point, I want to personalize the tag... e.g. something similiar what I want to achieve is add a tag like "MY TRUEFALSE TAG" and then when is selected and place it in the HTML Designer, I want to become something like <select><option>YES</option><option>NO</option></select> and I guess that I can achieve it by doing something with the tagTransformOperation extension... if you know how to implement it, please let me know. also there is others extensions(tagConverterFactory, elValueResolver). I am guessing here! please I would like your help.
<extension point="org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner.pageDesignerExtension">
<paletteFactory ...>
<tagTransformOperation id="plugin.tagTransformOperation1XXXXXX">...
SOLUTION?? (Chinese) -solved with tagConverterFactory