How to perform silent installation using git bash - command-line

I am using git bash to perform installation of exe file.
my git bash located into below location
C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe
I opened that bash.exe and try to install my exe as below
$ ./Setup.exe /silent
But it still popup me for user indirection during installation .
and same command is working fine if I will execute using C:\cygwin64


Running git bash in background/as daemon

I'm running my git bash using Eclipse Builders, which will trigger npm run scripts when my javascript is updated. Whenever I save a javascript, the git bash terminal appears for a short while before it's dismissed. Is there any arguments that will make the bash not open at all?
In order to achieve running a command without the popup appearing (and vbscript doesn't work in Eclipse builder for some weird reason), I created a .bat file and a task folder in my project instead.
Current setup:
.bat file content
start /MIN cmd /c "npm run transpile"

Git Bash terminal in Eclipse on MS Windows

I have two different laptops running MS Windows and noticed on one laptop there was a Git Bash option for a new terminal window in the Terminal view in Eclipse, while it was not available on the other laptop.
After a little trial and error, I was able to determine the Git Bash option is only available if the git cli client from is installed.
I like to be able to run git from the command line in Eclipse without having to switch windows. Hope this helps someone trying to do the same thing.
You can use the Open A Terminal icon to open up Git Bash if Git Bash is already installed on your Windows machine.
Add Gitbash terminal to Eclipse:
Install this plugin on Eclipse Marketplace:
TM Terminal
After that, go to Window -> Preferences -> Terminal -> Local Terminal and add a entry with full path where Git Bash executable (bash.exe) was installed.
Then you can open Git Bash pressing CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+T.

Vim in Jupyter Notebook

# You may need the following to create the directoy
$ mkdir -p $(jupyter --data-dir)/nbextensions
# Now clone the repository
$ cd $(jupyter --data-dir)/nbextensions
$ git clone vim_binding
$ chmod -R go-w vim_binding
I found this installation guide to include vim in Jupyter. But I don't understand the above installation step.
I am using Windows 10 and Chrome. Where should I run those code? Anaconda prompt or cmd?
Those are instructions for a linux environment. You can use either cygwin or the Windows Linux Subsystem (WSL).

Actions on Google - Mac gactions won't run

I am trying to set up the Actions sdk as described here:
I downloaded gactions for a Mac 64-bit machine. If I try to open the file, it opens as text. When I am in the folder containing gactions, I try to run gactions init and get the response:
-bash: gactions: command not found
Any thoughts?
Try this:
Download Google gactions cli from gaction CLI
On Mac and Linux, to make the binary executable run from terminal:
$ cd folder_with_gactions
$ chmod +x gactions
Execute gactions
$ cd folder_with_gactions
$ ./gactions init
Also, you may find this tutorial interesting if you are trying to create an action in Google Home : How to create a custom private Google Home Action with API.AI and Google App Engine. In STEP 8 you can find an example of gactions.
If you have already setup google-cloud-sdk correctly, then you can drop the gactions file into the google-cloud-sdk/bin folder. Alternatively, you can add a path to bash directly to the folder you have gactions.
To add the gactions command CLI location to the System Paths:
Use “Go to the Folder” option of Finder, to search “~/.bash_profile”
Open the File “~/.bash_profile”
 in edit mode and add the following command, at the top the file, Save and Close.
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/gactionsCLI"
Note: Above path refers to the folder which contains the executable
file “Unix Executable”
Restart the Terminal and try the commands
Download gactions
copy downloaded gactions and put into a local Project folder
and then go to your project directory cd "project directory"
run following commands :
$ chmod +x gactions
$ ./gactions init
it will create action.json into your folder
Ensure you run chmod +x gactions to make the binary executable
Copy the binary executable into the project directory
Run ./gactions init from the terminal/command line

How to open cygwin & execute bash in Eclipse?

I am trying to build my custom-commands in Eclipse.
This is Eclipse plugin which I am using:
It looks like this (link to image):
Custom commands in Eclipse
I need eclipse variables in custom commands:
${resource_loc} , ${selected_resource_loc} , ${workspace_loc} , etc...
It should be something like this:
D:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe /bin/bash -l -c "cd ${workspace_loc}"
But mintty will close this window immediately. I need to execute command based on eclipse variable and go to bash interactive mode, without closing window.
To create a StartExplorer custom command, that opens a Cygwin terminal and
starts an interactive Bash shell in the filesystem location of the selected
resource, follow these steps:
Make sure to install chere
Cygwin package;
Install StartExplorer
Eclipse plugin;
In Eclipse Preferences for plugin StartExplorer, create a new custom
Command: D:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -e /bin/xhere /bin/bash
Enabled for Resources: yes
Name for Resources Menu: Cygwin Bash Here
Resource Type: Folders
Alternatively to steps 2 and 3, if you don't care about context-menu entry, no
need to install the StartExplorer plugin.
Eclipse Extenal Tools Configuration standard feature will do the trick.
In Run > Extenal Tools Configuration, create a new Program:
Name: Cygwin Bash Here
Location: D:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe
Arguments: -e /bin/xhere /bin/bash "${selected_resource_loc}"
Basically, the xhere script (part of chere package) performs the following steps:
indicate to the login shells not to cd $HOME (export CHERE_INVOKING=true, which is checked for in /etc/profile);
change to the directory passed as 2nd argument (cd "$2");
Execute the shell passed as 1st argument as a login shell (exec -l $1).
Note: if you replace /bin/bash with /etc/passwd, the current user's login shell read from /etc/passwd is used instead of bash.