How to add h2Settings in deployNodes task of Corda? - deployment

I want to add h2 database settings in the Corda deployNodes gradle task. I saw we can specify it using h2Port field. But I want to specify IP/container name instead of localhost.
In node.conf file, it can be achieved
h2Settings {
address: "localhost:12345"
I also found a way using extraConfig option, but it is not working for other than localhost.
extraConfig = ['h2Settings.address' : 'localhost:12345']
Is there a way to achieve it?

Corda currently does not support the remote H2 database.
The primary use of h2Settings is permitting external access of the h2 database from a remote machine.
More information can be found here:


Connecting Postgres instance to AppEngine - Google Cloud, with SpringBoot

I've nearly got a SpringBoot app running on Google Cloud services that is connected to a Postgres instance.
I've ran through the steps on their guide, located here and have gotten to the point where I need to set my variables up for the app to find the database instance:
The problem encountered is two fold:
I don't know where and how to set these
My server logs report this error:
meaning that the Spring application is trying to find the database like it would on my local.
I set the following values in the app.yaml (assuming this is where they should be?)
runtime: java11
instance_class: F1
SQL_USER: quickstart-user
SQL_PASSWORD: <password>
SQL_DATABASE: quickstart_db
INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME: quickstart-instance
So, my question(s) are:
Is this the correct place to set them?
If not, do I need a appengine-web.xml file instead (And does anyone have an example of what this looks like, I can't find one)
How do I stop the app from looking for the local database?

Authentication DB setting not working using mongoDB URI configuration

I am triyng to connect pyeve with a MongoDB Atlas replica set ( I've connected successfully DB management tools from the same host, to make sure the deployment is working OK.
One particularity is that using Atlas, all users must authenticate against auth database, I cannot put my users in the application database, so I need to set authSource in MONGO_URI.
Now, when defining the MONGO_URI for the replica set, in, like this:
MONGO_URI = mongodb://<USER>:<PASS>,,<MY_DB>?ssl=true&replicaSet=my-shard-0&authSource=admin
The authSource=admin parameter seems to be ignored, (I've checked debugging pymongo's auth and the authentication source used is None).
MONGO_AUTH_SOURCE could be used to set the authorization database, but it has no effect since MONGO_URI is used in preference of the other configuration variables, according to eve's documentation.
Is this an issue or am I doing it wrong?
Found out that the problem was that I was using version 0.4.1 for flask-pymongo. Updating it to version 0.5.1 fixed the problem.

Two Configuration files in Scala-Spray framework

I have REST API, that is developed using Scala and Spray framework. I am able to execute and launch my Api from localhost. The API is connected to the database. The IP Address(localhost) and port of Database is read from the "application.conf" file under the resources.
Everything works fine till I start using Docker. In Docker I have :
1. One Docker container of Rest API
2. One Docker container of Database.
The IP address of Database changes for each docker instance, therefore I need to update my "application.conf" file. Although I can use the hostname of Db instance that remains the same.
My issue is : Can I have two "application.conf" files , one for localhost and one for Docker instance? IS there a way to change the "application.conf" file at the run time.
P.s I am using "sbt run" to run the application and as per documentation it does not support java system properties or environment variables
Yes, you can choose the config at runtime. spray & akka use the typesafe config library which allows setting single settings or the whole configuration using JVM properties.
From the documentation of config:
For applications using application.{conf,json,properties}, system
properties can be used to force a different config source:
config.resource specifies a resource name - not a basename, i.e. application.conf not application
config.file specifies a filesystem path, again it should include the extension, not be a basename
config.url specifies a URL
These system properties specify a replacement for
application.{conf,json,properties}, not an addition. They only
affect apps using the default ConfigFactory.load() configuration. In
the replacement config file, you can use include "application" to
include the original default config file; after the include statement
you could go on to override certain settings.

Binding to MongoDB service from Grails application deployed on Cloudfoundry

I'm currently writing a Grails app using Grails 2.2.2 and MySQL, and have been deploying it to Cloudfoundry.
Until recently I've just used a single MySQL datasource for my domain, which Cloudfoundry detects and automagically creates and binds a MySQL service instance to.
I now have a requirement to store potentially large files somewhere, so I figured I'd take a look at MongoDB's GridFS. Cloudfoundry supports MongoDB, so I'd assumed Cloudfoundry would do some more magic when I deployed my app and would provide me with a MongoDB datasource as well.
Unfortunately I'm not prompted to create/bind a MongoDB service when I deploy my app, and I think this may be down to the way I'm connecting to Mongo.
I'm not using the MongoDB plugin, as this conflicts with another plugin I'm using, and in any case I don't need to persist any of my domain to Mongo - just some large files - so I'm using the Mongo java driver directly (similar to this -
I'm unsure how Cloudfoundry detects that your application requires a particular datasource, but I'd assumed it would figure this out somehow from DataSource.groovy.
Mine looks like this...
environments {
development {
dataSource {
driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
dbCreate = "create-drop"
dataSourceMongo {
host = "localhost"
port = 27017
dbName = "my_mongo_database_name"
Is there something I'm missing? Or do I need to manually bind the MongoDB service somehow?
Using answer instead of comments for better formatting. :)
I guess you have already followed step to create the MongoDB service in Cloudfoundry as mentioned here otherwise this has to be done. Plus, it will be lot easier if you use the Groovy wrapper of the Java Driver of MongoDB called GMongo. Refer the GitHUb Source and this Mongo blog for more details.

Scala Lift - Connect to remote MongoDB

I currently have my app running on my local machine, in Boot.scala I have:
MongoAddress(MongoHost("", 27017), "platform")
I've successfully deployed the app to a cloud provider, and am in the process of setting up a database #
What would I need to change to enable the app to connect? I've taken a look here:
But am a little confused by the connection details provided by mongohq, all they provide is:
Mongo URI
Thanks in advance for any help, much appreciated :)
I am not familiar with MongoHQ in particular, but you should be able to put something in Boot like this:
new Mongo(new ServerAddress("<host>", <port>)),
Where the <*> variables are the particular part of the connection URI that were provided to you when you signed up for MongoHQ.