NoSQL aggregation query Shakespeare’s dataset - mongodb

I'm trying to learn NoSQL aggregation queries and here is dataset (name - shakespeare_plays) structure:
"_id" : "Romeo and Juliet",
"acts" : [
"title" : "ACT I",
"scenes" : [
"title" : "SCENE I. Verona. A public place.",
"action" : [
"character" : "SAMPSON",
"says" : [
"Gregory, o' my word, we'll not carry coals."
"character" : "GREGORY",
"says" : [
"No, for then we should be colliers."
// ...
"character" : "GREGORY",
"says" : [
"To move is to stir; and to be valiant is to stand:",
"therefore, if thou art moved, thou runn'st away."
"character" : "SAMPSON",
"says" : [
"A dog of that house shall move me to stand: I will",
"take the wall of any man or maid of Montague's."
"character" : "GREGORY",
"says" : [
"That shows thee a weak slave; for the weakest goes",
"to the wall."
// ...
// ...
// ...
What tasks am I trying to do:
What characters are found in more than one play
How many replicas does Juliet have
Number of characters in Othello
Any tips how to do it via aggregate?

You're on the right track. Sharing some queries to achieve your goal.
From where you're right now, you can get a list of all characters by adding $group stage
$unwind: "$acts"
}, {
$unwind: "$acts.scenes"
}, {
$unwind: "$acts.scenes.action"
}, {
$group: {
_id: "$acts.scenes.action.character"
Going further, you want to see who has appeared how many times, you can use $sum operator inside $group
$unwind: "$acts"
}, {
$unwind: "$acts.scenes"
}, {
$unwind: "$acts.scenes.action"
}, {
$group: {
_id: "$acts.scenes.action.character",
count: {$sum: 1}
//Results : [{ "_id" : "GREGORY", "count" : 4 }]
You can export the results to an array and perform any logic you want to perform on the results which will give you all the answers you needed
var myResults = db.getCollection('shakespeare_plays').aggregate([pipelineQuery]).toArray();
//Here you can perform any logic on the variable myResults in your programming language
Read more about $group and $sum


MongoDB - joining two results of queries and dense_rank

I'm learning about MongoDB and I have some problems with understanding its concept.
I have a collection which looks like that:
"_id" : ObjectId("52af48b5d55148fa0c199646"),
"sender" : "",
"recipients" : [
"cc" : [ ],
"text" : "Mr. Christman:\n\nThank you for your invitation for Dr. Lay to speak at your upcoming forum in \nFrance, the format looks wonderful. Unfortunately, Dr. Lay has calendar \nconflicts and will be unable to participate.\n\nIf you should need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.\n\nTori Wells\nExecutive Assistant",
"mid" : "22263156.1075840285610.JavaMail.evans#thyme",
"fpath" : "enron_mail_20110402/maildir/lay-k/_sent/101.",
"bcc" : [ ],
"to" : [
"replyto" : null,
"ctype" : "text/plain; charset=us-ascii",
"fname" : "101.",
"date" : "2000-08-04 09:04:00-07:00",
"folder" : "_sent",
"subject" : "Wall Street Journal Millennium Forum"
It's the Enron database.
I'm trying to make a query which will return listed emails with amount of messages sent by it and amount of messages received by it.
I managed to make two queries which looks like that:{$group:{_id:"$sender",SendsAmount:{$sum:1}}},{$sort:{SendsAmount:-1}})
{ "_id" : "", "SendsAmount" : 849 }
{ "_id" : "", "SendsAmount" : 82 }
{ "_id" : "", "SendsAmount" : 78 }{$group:{_id:"$recipients",ReceivedAmount:{$sum:1}}},{$unwind:"$_id"},{$sort:{ReceivedAmount:-1}})
{ "_id" : "", "ReceivedAmount" : 1350 }
{ "_id" : "", "ReceivedAmount" : 912 }
{ "_id" : "", "ReceivedAmount" : 78 }
As you can see first one returns me emails and amount of emails sends from it and second one also returns emails and amount of received ones by it.
My point is to join(?) these two into one and get one query which will return something like:
{ "_id" : "", "SendsAmount" : 57, "ReceivedAmount": 43 }
I know there is $lookup but it can be used only with two collections, so my idea was to make two collections out of these two queries but I'm feeling like there is better way of solving my problem.
---My second problem is about trying to do some DENSE_RANK which is not present in MongoDB. I want to rank email adresses by amount of sent emails.
I used the $unwind and insertArrayIndex but I got something like ROW_NUMBER which is not I'm looking for.
I have written something like that:{$group:{"_id":"$sender",SendsAmount:{$sum:1},rank:0}},{$sort:{"ile":-1}}).forEach(function(x){
var howmany=0;
var{$group:{"_id":"$sender",SendsAmount:{$sum:1}}},{$match:{ile:{$gt:x.SendsAmount}}},{$group:{_id:null, HowManyGreater:{$sum:1}}});
print("email: "+ x._id + " SendsAmount: " + x.SendsAmount + " rank " + howmany+1);
Which is givig me the result I want, but it's not even the document but only printed information. I've read about MapReduce but I didn't get the idea how to use it in this case.
If you want to do all calculations in aggregate query, you can use $facet and $group stages as below[
$facet: {
send: [
$group: {
_id: "$sender",
SendsAmount: {
$sum: 1
$sort: {
SendsAmount: -1
recieve: [
$group: {
_id: "$recipients",
ReceivedAmount: {
$sum: 1
$unwind: "$_id"
$sort: {
ReceivedAmount: -1
$project: {
all: {
$concatArrays: [
$unwind: "$all"
$group: {
_id: "$all._id",
ReceivedAmount: {
$sum: {
$cond: {
if: {
$gt: [
then: "$all.ReceivedAmount",
else: 0
SendsAmount: {
$sum: {
$cond: {
if: {
$gt: [
then: "$all.SendsAmount",
else: 0

MongoDB- Subtract

Basically I want to subtract finish-start for each object.
So in the below example, the output should be 2 and 4 ((7-5=2) and (8-4=4)) and then I want to add that both fields into my existing documents.
How can I do this in MongoDB?
"title" : "The Hobbit",
"rating_average" : "???",
"ratings" : [
"title" : "best book ever",
"start" : 5,
"finish" : 7
"title" : "good book",
"start" : 4,
"finish" : 8
Not sure what exactly are the requirements for query output but this might help..
{ $unwind: "$ratings" },
{ $addFields: { "ratings.diff": { $subtract: [ "$ratings.finish", "$ratings.start" ] } } }
Pipeline Explanation:
Unwind the array because the $subtract cannot act on array data.
Add a new field called diff in the 'ratings' sub documents that has
the calculated value
OP asks for the results to be stored in the same subdocument. After discussions with friends and family I discovered this is possible but only with MongoDB version 4.2 or later. Here is an update statement that can achieve the desired results. This is an update not an aggregation.
Update: (MongoDB 4.2 or later specific)
$replaceWith: {
ratings: {
$map: {
input: "$ratings",
in: {
start: "$$this.start",
finish: "$$this.finish",
diff: {
$subtract: [

Project values of different columns into one field

"_id" : ObjectId("5ae84dd87f5b72618ba7a669"),
"main_sub" : "MATHS",
"reporting" : [
"teacher" : "ABC"
"subs" : [
"sub" : "GEOMETRIC",
"teacher" : "XYZ",
"_id" : ObjectId("5ae84dd87f5b72618ba7a669"),
"main_sub" : "SOCIAL SCIENCE",
"reporting" : [
"teacher" : "XYZ"
"subs" : [
"sub" : "CIVIL",
"teacher" : "ABC",
I have simplified the structure of the documents that i have.
The basic structure is that I have a parent subject with an array of reporting teachers and an array of sub-subjects(each having a teacher)
I now want to extract all the subject(parent/sub-subjects) along with the condition if they are sub-subjects or not which are taught by a particular teacher.
For eg:
for teacher ABC i want the following structure:
[{'subject':'MATHS', 'is_parent':'True'}, {'subject':'CIVIL', 'is_parent':'FALSE'}]
-- What is the most efficient query possible ..? I have tried $project with $cond and $switch but in both the cases I have had to repeat the conditional statement for 'subject' and 'is_parent'
-- Is it advised to do the computation in a query or should I get the data dump and then modify the structure in the server code? AS in, I could $unwind and get a mapping of the parent subjects with each sub-subject and then do a for loop.
I have tried
{$eq:['ABC', '$reporting.teacher']},
then I realised that even if i transform the else part into another query for the sub-subjects I will have to write the exact same thing for the property of is_parent
You have 2 arrays, so you need to unwind both - the reporting and the subs.
After that stage each document will have at most 1 parent teacher-subj and at most 1 sub teacher-subj pairs.
You need to unwind them again to have a single teacher-subj per document, and it's where you define whether it is parent or not.
Then you can group by teacher. No need for $conds, $filters, or $facets. E.g.:
{ $unwind: "$reporting" },
{ $unwind: "$subs" },
{ $project: {
teachers: [
{ teacher: "$reporting.teacher", sub: "$main_sub", is_parent: true },
{ teacher: "$subs.teacher", sub: "$subs.sub", is_parent: false }
} },
{ $unwind: "$teachers" },
{ $group: {
_id: "$teachers.teacher",
subs: { $push: {
subject: "$teachers.sub",
is_parent: "$teachers.is_parent"
} }
} }

Compare a date of two elements

My problem is difficult to explain :
In my website I save every action of my visitors (view, click, buy etc).
I have a simple collection named "flow" where my data is registered
"_id" : ObjectId("534d4a9a37e4fbfc0bf20483"),
"profile" : ObjectId("534bebc32939ffd316a34641"),
"activities" : [
"id" : ObjectId("534bebc42939ffd316a3af62"),
"date" : ISODate("2013-12-13T22:39:45.808Z"),
"verb" : "like",
"product" : "5"
"id" : ObjectId("534bebc52939ffd316a3f480"),
"date" : ISODate("2013-12-20T19:19:10.098Z"),
"verb" : "view",
"product" : "6"
"id" : ObjectId("534bebc32939ffd316a3690f"),
"date" : ISODate("2014-01-01T07:11:44.902Z"),
"verb" : "buy",
"product" : "5"
"id" : ObjectId("534bebc42939ffd316a3741b"),
"date" : ISODate("2014-01-11T08:49:02.684Z"),
"verb" : "favorite",
"product" : "26"
I would like to aggregate these data to retrieve the number of people who made an action (for example "view") and then another later in time (for example "buy"). To to that I need to compare "date" inside my "activities" array...
I tried to use aggregation framework to do that but I do not see how too make this request
This is my beginning :
{ $project: { profile: 1, activities: 1, _id: 0 } },
{ $match: { $and: [{'activities.verb': 'view'}, {'activities.verb': 'buy'}] }}, //First verb + second verb
{ $unwind: '$activities' },
{ $match: { 'activities.verb': {$in:['view', 'buy']} } }, //First verb + second verb,
$group: {
_id: '$profile',
view: { $push: { $cond: [ { $eq: [ "$activities.verb", "view" ] } , "$", null ] } },
buy: { $push: { $cond: [ { $eq: [ "$activities.verb", "buy" ] } , "$", null ] } }
Maybe the format of my collection "flow" is not the best to do what I want...If you have any better idea dont hesitate
Thank you for your help !
Here is the aggregation that will give you the total number of buyers who viewed first and then bought (though not necessarily the same product that they viewed).
{$match: {"activities.verb":{$all:["view","buy"]}}},
{$unwind :"$activities"},
{$match: {"activities.verb":{$in:["view","buy"]}}},
{$group: {
then : "$",
else : new Date(9999,0,1)
lastBought: {$max:{$cond:{
else:new Date(1900,0,1)}
{$project: {viewedThenBought:{$cond:{
Here you first pass through the pipeline only the documents that have all the "verbs" you are interested in. When you group the first time, you want to use the earliest "view" and the last "buy" and the next project compares them to see if they viewed before they bought.
The last step gives you the count of all the people who satisfied your criteria.
Be careful to leave out all $project phases that don't actually compute any new fields (like you very first $project). The aggregation framework is smart enough to never pass through any fields that it sees are not used in any later stages, so there is never a need to $project just to "eliminate" fields as that will happen automatically.
For your query:
I would like to aggregate these data to retrieve the number of people who made an action
Try this:
// De-normalize the array into individual documents
{"$unwind" : "$activities"},
// Match for the verbs you are interested in
{"$match" : {"activities.verb":{$in:["buy", "view"]}}},
// Group by verb to get the count
{"$group" : {_id:"$activities.verb", count:{$sum:1}}}
The above query would produce an output like:
"result" : [
"_id" : "buy",
"count" : 1
"_id" : "view",
"count" : 1
"ok" : 1
Note: The $and operator in your query ({ $match: { $and: [{'activities.verb': 'view'}, {'activities.verb': 'buy'}] }}) is not required as that's the default if you specify multiple conditions. Only if you need a logical OR, $or operator is required.
If you want to use the date in the aggregation query to do queries like how many "views by day", etc.. the Date Aggregation Operators will come in handy.
I see where you are going with this and I think you are basically on the right track. So more or less un-altered (but for formatting preference) and the few tweeks at the end:
// Try to $match "first" always to make sure you can get an index
{ "$match": {
"$and": [
{"activities.verb": "view"},
{"activities.verb": "buy"}
// Don't worry, the optimizer "sees" this and will sort of "blend" with
// with the first stage.
{ "$project": {
"profile": 1,
"activities": 1,
"_id": 0
{ "$unwind": "$activities" },
{ "$match": {
"activities.verb": { "$in":["view", "buy"] }
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$profile",
"view": { "$min": { "$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$activities.verb", "view" ] },
"buy": { "$max": { "$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$activities.verb", "buy" ] },
{ "$project": {
"viewFirst": { "$lt": [ "$view", "$buy" ] }
So essentially the $min and $max operators should be self explanatory in the context in that you should be looking for the "first" view to correspond with the "last" purchase. As for me, and would make sense, you would actually be matching these by product (but hint: "Grouping") but I'll leave that part up to you.
The other advantage here is that the false values will always be negated if there is an actual date to match the "verb". Otherwise this goes through as false and this turns out to be okay.
That is because the next thing you do is $project to "compare" the values and ask the question "Did the 'view' happen before the 'buy'?" which is a logical evaluation of the "less than" $lt operator.
As for the schema itself. If you are storing a lot of these "events" then you are probably better off flattening things out into separate documents and finding some way to mark each with the same "session" identifier if that is separate to "profile".
Getting away from large arrays ( which this seems to lead to ) if likely going to help performance, and with care, makes little different to the aggregation process.

MongoDB 2.2 Aggregation Framework group by field name

Is it possible to group-by field name? Or do I need a different structure so I can group-by value?
I know we can use group by on values and we can unwind arrays, but is it possible to get total apples, pears and oranges owned by John amongst the three houses here without specifying "apples", "pears" and "oranges" explicitly as part of the query? (so NOT like this);
// total all the fruit John has at each house
$group: {
_id: null,
"apples": { $sum: "$people.John.items.apples" },
"pears": { $sum: "$people.John.items.pears" },
"oranges": { $sum: "$people.John.items.oranges" },
In other words, can I group-by the first field-name under "items" and get the aggregate sum of apples:104, pears:202 and oranges:306, but also bananas, melons and anything else that might be there? Or do I need to restructure the data into an array of key/value pairs like categories?
House: "birmingham",
categories : [
k : "location",
v : { d : "central" }
people: {
John: {
items: {
apples: 2,
pears: 1,
oranges: 3,
Dave: {
items: {
apples: 30,
pears: 20,
oranges: 10,
House: "London", categories: [{ k: "location", v: { d: "central" } }, { k: "type", v: { d: "rented" } }],
people: {
John: { items: { apples: 2, pears: 1, oranges: 3, } },
Dave: { items: { apples: 30, pears: 20, oranges: 10, }, },
House: "Cambridge", categories: [{ k: "type", v: { d: "rented" } }],
people: {
John: { items: { apples: 100, pears: 200, oranges: 300, } },
Dave: { items: { apples: 0.3, pears: 0.2, oranges: 0.1, }, },
Secondly, and more importantly, could I then also group by "house.categories.k" ? In other words, is it possible to find out how many "apples" "John" has in "rented" vs "owned" or "friends" houses (so group by "categories.k.type")?
Finally - if this is even possible, is it sensible? At first I thought it was quite useful to create dictionaries of nested objects using actual field names of the object, as it seemed a logical use of a document database, and it seemed to make the MR queries easier to write vs arrays, but now I'm starting to wonder if this is all a bad idea and having variable field names makes it very tricky/inefficient to write aggregation queries.
OK, so I think I have this partially solved. At least for the shape of data in the initial question.
// How many of each type of fruit does John have at each location
$unwind: "$categories"
$match: { "categories.k": "location" }
$group: {
_id: "$categories.v.d",
"numberOf": { $sum: 1 },
"Total Apples": { $sum: "$people.John.items.apples" },
"Total Pears": { $sum: "$people.John.items.pears" },
which yields;
"result" : [
"_id" : "central",
"numberOf" : 2,
"Total Apples" : 4,
"Total Pears" : 2
"ok" : 1
Note that there's only "central", but if I had other "location"s in my DB I'd get a range of totals for each location. I wouldn't need the $unwind step if I had named properties instead of an array for "categories", but this is where I find the structure is at odds with itself. There are several keywords likely under "categories". The sample data shows "type" and "location" but there could be around 10 of these categorizations all with different values. So if I used named fields;
"categories": {
location: "london",
type: "owned",
...the problem I then have is indexing. I can't afford to simply index "location" since those are user-defined categories, and if 10,000 users choose 10,000 different ways of categorizing their houses I'd need 10,000 indexes, one for each field. But by making it an array I only need one on the array field itself. The downside is the $unwind step. I ran into this before with MapReduce. The last thing you want to be doing is a ForEach loop in JavaScript to cycle an array if you can help it. What you really want is to filter out the fields by name because it's much quicker.
Now this is all well and good where I already know what fruit I'm looking for, but if I don't, it's much harder. I can't (as far as I can see) $unwind or otherwise ForEach "people.John.items" here. If I could, I'd be overjoyed. So since the names of fruit are again user-defined, it looks like I need to convert them to an array as well, like this;
"people" : {
"John" : {
"items" : [
{ k:"apples", v:100 },
{ k:"pears", v:200 },
{ k:"oranges", v:300 },
So that now allows me get the fruit (where I don't know which fruit to look for) totalled, again by location;
$unwind: "$categories"
$match: { "categories.k": "location" }
$unwind: "$people.John.items"
$group: { // compound key - thanks to Jenna
_id: { fruit:"$people.John.items.k", location:"$categories.v.v" },
"numberOf": { $sum: 1 },
"Total Fruit": { $sum: "$people.John.items.v" },
So now I'm doing TWO $unwinds. If you're thinking that looks grotesquely ineffecient, you'd be right. If I have just 10,000 house records, with 10 categories each, and 10 types of fruit, this query takes half a minute to run.
OK, so I can see that moving the $match before the $unwind improves things significantly but then it's the wrong output. I don't want an entry for every category, I want to filter out just the "location" categories.
I would have made this comment, but it's easier to format in a response text box.
{ _id: 1,
house: "New York",
people: {
John: {
items: {apples: 1, oranges:2}
Dave: {
items: {apples: 2, oranges: 1}
{ _id: 2,
house: "London",
people: {
John: {
items: {apples: 3, oranges:2}
Dave: {
items: {apples: 1, oranges:3}
Just to make sure I understand your question, is this what you're trying to accomplish?
{location: "New York", johnFruit:3}
{location: "London", johnFruit: 5}
Since categories is not nested under house, you can't group by "house.categories.k", but you can use a compound key for the _id of $group to get this result:
{ $group: _id: {house: "$House", category: "$categories.k"}
Although "k" doesn't contain the information that you're presumably trying to group by. And as for "categories.k.type", type is the value of k, so you can't use this syntax. You would have to group by "categories.v.d".
It may be possible with your current schema to accomplish this aggregation using $unwind, $project, possibly $match, and finally $group, but the command won't be pretty. If possible, I would highly recommend restructuring your data to make this aggregation much simpler. If you would like some help with schema, please let us know.
I'm not sure if this is a possible solution, but what if you begin the aggregation process by determining the number of different locations using distinct(), and run separate aggregation commands for each location? distinct() may not be efficient, but every subsequent aggregation will be able to use $match, and therefore, the index on categories. You could use the same logic to count the fruit for "categories.type".
"_id" : 1,
"house" : "New York",
"people" : {
"John" : [{"k" : "apples","v" : 1},{"k" : "oranges","v" : 2}],
"Dave" : [{"k" : "apples","v" : 2},{"k" : "oranges","v" : 1}]
"categories" : [{"location" : "central"},{"type" : "rented"}]
"_id" : 2,
"house" : "London",
"people" : {
"John" : [{"k" : "apples","v" : 3},{"k" : "oranges","v" : 2}],
"Dave" : [{"k" : "apples","v" : 3},{"k" : "oranges","v" : 1}]
"categories" : [{"location" : "suburb"},{"type" : "rented"}]
"_id" : 3,
"house" : "London",
"people" : {
"John" : [{"k" : "apples","v" : 0},{"k" : "oranges","v" : 1}],
"Dave" : [{"k" : "apples","v" : 2},{"k" : "oranges","v" : 4}]
"categories" : [{"location" : "central"},{"type" : "rented"}]
Run distinct() and iterate through the results by running aggregate() commands for each unique value of "categories.location":
[ "central", "suburb" ]
{$match: {categories: {location:"central"}}}, //the index entry is on the entire
{$unwind: "$people.John"}, //document {location:"central"}, so
{$group:{ //use this syntax to use the index
"numberOf": { $sum: 1 },
"Total Fruit": { $sum: "$people.John.v"}
"result" : [
"_id" : "oranges",
"numberOf" : 2,
"Total Fruit" : 3
"_id" : "apples",
"numberOf" : 2,
"Total Fruit" : 1
"ok" : 1