Shedlock for locking Quartz scheduler - quartz-scheduler

I am looking for a locking solution for my scheduled tasks. I cannot use the in-built Quartz mechanism as I am not using JDBC. I came across Shedlock, but it seems to be tightly integrated with Spring Scheduler. I also came across, which suggests that it is an alternative to Quartz. Is my understanding correct that it is not a good option to use with Quartz scheduler?
Thanks in advance.

In theory it should be possible to use Quartz with ShedLock using this approach.
But I am not sure that it's a good idea. It may be better to use custom jobstore Quartz class as described here.


Custom workflows in Cadence or Temporal

I am planning to use Cadence or Temporal Workflow for the architecture, however we plan to give the users a lot of power in deciding the workflow. Both Cadence and Temporal mention in their Use Cases that Custom DSL are supported by their SDK, but I couldn't see that feature. Will you please help me out?
Yes, custom DSLs can be implemented on top of Cadence/Temporal with a relative ease. The basic idea is that Temporal workflow definition is code and you have to write a simple interpreter of the DSL using that code. As code is fault tolerant and durable the DSL will get all the benefits of Cadence / Temporal.
Here is a DSL sample using Go SDK. We are going to add the Java one later.

Diagram tool for actors

Is there any thing that can generate a sequence diagram between actors in akka?
Or any kind of diagram in akka?
I use sbt 0.13.13 with scala 2.11.8, akka 2.4.16
The idea of general visualization of akka actors (mailboxes) is quite fresh, so there is not much in terms of existing frameworks for it. The one I came around and seemed closest to kind of general solution was akka-visualmailbox.
They also have sample project and comprehensive installation instructions in README.
The best part of this one is that it does not require code changes.
Another one that does is akka-message-visualization however I did not see any simple setup guides out there for it.
Use Lightbend Telemetry Visualization tools
Specially look into Vizceral Visualization tool
I'm currently building one called Muse, it's still in early stages, but I have already begun using it at the office. You can select one or more messages and generate a sequence diagram from them.

How does torque/pbs scheduler work?

I looked online for a while and besides the source code on github, there are only tutorials on how to use torque.
Can someone give and overview of how it actually work? what are the algorithms?
I'm asking this because i'm trying to understand what is the scaling complexity, how it compares with spark/hadoop in terms of startup time of for jobs. I think these question will clarify with a basic understanding of how things work. For example, is it similar to linux's CFS?
In Torque a scheduler is decoupled from the queue, job and process management. That means that one can run different schedulers.
The two no cost schedulers provided with Torque are
The basic scheduler pbs_sched that implements a fifo with constraints.
MAUI that implements several scheduling policies, such as fairshare, backfill based on wallclock limits, and a tunable FIFO policy.
Also read on MOAB, a commercially available scheduler for torque.

Process/ Work Flow Engine

I am working on a solution for which I need a work flow/process flow engine. My work flow contains some Java based processes(classes) and some Linux Shell scripts. The flow would not be static and the execution of each process depends on the state/outcome of the previous process, and there would be multiple paths and the path would be determined the state of the previous processes.
I tried looking at jBPM, but I do not find a suitable support for invoking shell scripts. Please suggest me a suitable alternative for my requirement.
Many thanks.
well you can use jBPM5, it's extremely simple to add support for running shell scripts, we can help you with that.
Can you elaborate a little bit more on the requirements that you have?

Gearman Scheduler

Anybody have experience or thoughts on a scheduler to couple with a persistent Gearman queue?
Obviously there's crontab available, but i'd like some more functionality. We're looking at Java Quartz.
Please weigh in if you've done this before in any capacity!
While quartz is quite capable of handling this, it is a pretty large package so you might want to get started a bit lighter at least at first. I have been exploring using either cron or at for scheduling and I'm leaning toward "at". I've never found a Unix-like os that didn't have at.
I'm using the MySQL Event Scheduler. Full timezone support, etc. Gearman has MySQL UDF's you can use.