Controlling the user experience when doing canary or A/B deployments with Istio - kubernetes

I have an application with multiple services called from a primary application service. I understand the basics of doing canary and A/B deployments, however all the examples I see show a round robin where each request switches between versions.
What I'd prefer is that once a given user/session is associated with a certain version it stays that way to avoid giving a confusing experience to the user.
How can this be achieved with Kubernetes or Istio/Envoy?

You can do this with Istio using Request Routing - Route based on user identity but I don't know how mature the feature is. It may also be possible to route based on cookies or header values.

We've been grappling with this because we want to deploy test microservices into production and expose them only if the first request contains a "dark release" header.
As mentioned by Jonas, cookies and header values can in theory be used to achieve what you're looking for. It's very easy to achieve if the service that you are canarying is on the edge, and your user is directly accessing.
The problem is, you mention you have multiple services. If you have a chain where the user accesses edge service A which is then making calls to service B, service C etc, the headers or cookies will not be propagated from one service to another.
This is the same problem that we hit when trying to do distributed tracing. The Istio documents currently have this FAQ:
The long and short of that is that you will have to do header propagation manually. Luckily most of my microservices are built on Spring Boot and I can achieve header propagation with a simple 5-line class that intercepts all outgoing calls. But it is nonetheless invasive and has to be done everywhere. The antithesis of a service mesh.
It's possible there is a clever way around this but it's hard to infer from the docs what is possible and what isn't. I've seen a few github issues raised by Istio developers to address this but every one I've seen has gone stale after initial enthusiasm.


Kubernetes - How can I route pod egress traffic based on ingress

I have an application that currently is deployed multiple times to an Kubernetes cluster because it needs to call different sources based on the URLs that it is called with. You could call them lanes. These deployments are well automated by a CI/CD pipeline.
The problem is, most of these lanes are not frequently used, yet they still need to be available. And we have a lot of applications following this pattern. I'd love to be able to deploy less pods that can handle the traffic of all lanes and still call the appropriate dependencies.
I know we could 'fix' this problem by incorporating switching logic within the application and passing the lane in a header or something, but that seems like a can of worms and can be problematic in production if that logic isn't necessary there.
I know you can have a single deployment with multiple ingresses.
Is it possible to use the ingress API to accomplish something like this in my kube.yml where I could choose or rewrite outgoing urls based on which ingress was called?
Is there something in the nginx API that I could use in my kube.yml to accomplish this?
Thanks for the help!

Implementing REST using JDBC Tables

Currently we are implementing REST API's using the spring-boot. Since our API's are growing in number we are thinking of a solution to implement the REST API's using a different approach.
The approach is as below :
Expose a single service to receive all the HTTP requests.
We will have the URI's configured in a data base table to call the
next set of services. These service are configured to listen to
particular JMS messages.
The next set of services will receive the JMS messages and process
the data.
Below are my questions :
Will the above approach still represent the REST architecture ?
What are the downsides of above approach(we are aware of network
latency) any thing other then network latency ?
What are the REST architecture benefits will we be missing.
Or can we just say that our approach is the REST architecture done differently ?
You're making 2 major choices, each can be decided separately:
1) Having a single HTTP service
2) Using JMS as the communication between this service and the underlying microservices
Regarding #1, if you do this, you can no longer call your services REST since the whole point of REST is to use HTTP verbs together with your domain objects for a predicable set of endpoints. GET on /objects/ means the object is being fetched, POST on /objects means a new object is being created, etc... Now, this is OK, you can do it this way and it can work, though it will be "non-standard".
In fact, you might want to check out GraphQL as its pretty close to what you're trying to do.
These days really either REST or GraphQL seems to be the two popular approaches.
Another way to do REST, if you're looking to simply expose REST services on your domain objects without having to write a lot of code, is Spring Data REST: and if you're comfortable with Spring already, this should be pretty easy to understand.
For #2, your choice of communication between your single gateway service and the underlying services. Do most of your calls require synchronous answers, such as a UI asking for data to display in a browser or phone? If so, JMS is not a good approach. JMS would be an ok approach if the majority of your services were asyncronous - for example someone submitting a stock trade request. The UI would just need to know the request was submitted, but it will actually be processed some time later and the result will be fetched asyncronously.
Without knowing much about your application, I would recommend sticking with HTTP between your services for simplicity sake unless there is a good reason to switch to JMS.

How does it connect various microservices with Docker?

I have two microservices into Docker and I want to connect one with other, but I don´t know to do it. The two (and the future apps) are API Rest with Spring-boot, I am searching info, tutorials... but I don`t see nothing. My idea is have an main app that it is be able to connect with the other microservices that they are API Rest and afterwards this main app publish and all this I want to have it inside of the container (Docker).
Is it possible?
Anyone knows any tutorial that explain this?
Thanks so much!
What you are describing could be an API Gateway. Here is a great tutorial explaining this pattern.
Implement an API gateway that is the single entry point for all clients. The API gateway handles requests in one of two ways. Some requests are simply proxied/routed to the appropriate service. It handles other requests by fanning out to multiple services.
A variation of this pattern is the Backend for Front-End pattern. It defines a separate API gateway for each kind of client.
Using an API gateway has the following benefits:
Insulates the clients from how the application is partitioned into microservices
Insulates the clients from the problem of determining the locations of service instances
Provides the optimal API for each client
Reduces the number of requests/roundtrips. For example, the API gateway enables clients to retrieve data from multiple services with a single round-trip. Fewer requests also means less overhead and improves the user experience. An API gateway is essential for mobile applications.
Simplifies the client by moving logic for calling multiple services from the client to API gateway
Translates from a “standard” public web-friendly API protocol to whatever protocols are used internally
The API gateway pattern has some drawbacks:
Increased complexity - the API gateway is yet another moving part that must be developed, deployed and managed
Increased response time due to the additional network hop through the API gateway - however, for most applications the cost of an extra roundtrip is insignificant.
How implement the API gateway?
An event-driven/reactive approach is best if it must scale to scale to handle high loads. On the JVM, NIO-based libraries such as Netty, Spring Reactor, etc. make sense. NodeJS is another option.
Just give you the simplest answer:
In general containers can communicate among each others with any protocols (http,ftp,tcp,udp) not limit to only rest(http/s)
using the internal/ external IPs and ports
using the internal/ external names (dns):
in your Micro-service is in the same cluster on multi-host -> you should be able to write the program in your Springboot to call http://{{container service name}} , It's the built-in feature of containers
if you have more microservices in different cluster or hosts or the internet , you can use APIM (API management) or reverse-proxy(NGINX,HAProxy) to manages the service name eg. —> container1 or service1(cluster) —> container2 or service 2(cluster)—> container2 or service 2(cluster)—> container1 or service1(cluster)
PS . there are more sophisticated techniques out there but it fundamentally come down above approaches.

Microservice, amqp and service registry / discovery

I m studying Microservices architecture and I m actually wondering something.
I m quite okay with the fact of using (back) service discovery to make request able on REST based microservices. I need to know where's the service (or at least the front of the server cluster) to make requests. So it make sense to be able to discover an ip:port in that case.
But I was wondering what could be the aim of using service registry / discovery when dealing with AMQP (based only, without HTTP possible calls) ?
I mean, using AMQP is just like "I need that, and I expect somebody to answer me", I dont have to know who's the server that sent me back the response.
So what is the aim of using service registry / discovery with AMQP based microservice ?
Thanks for your help
AMQP (any MOM, actually) provides a way for processes to communicate without having to mind about actual IP addresses, communication security, routing, among other concerns. That does not necessarily means that any process can trust or even has any information about the processes it communicates with.
Message queues do solve half of the process: how to reach the remote service. But they do not solve the other half: which service is the right one for me. In other words, which service:
has the resources I need
can be trusted (is hosted on a reliable server, has a satisfactory service implementation, is located in a country where the local laws are compatible with your requirements, etc)
charges what you want to pay (although people rarely discuss cost when it comes to microservices)
will be there during the whole time window needed to process your service -- keep in mind that servers are becoming more and more volatile. Some servers are actually containers that can last for a couple minutes.
Those two problems are almost linearly independent. To solve the second kind of problems, you have resource brokers in Grid computing. There is also resource allocation in order to make sure that the last item above is correctly managed.
There are some alternative strategies such as multicasting the intention to use a service and waiting for replies with offers. You may have reverse auction in such a case, for instance.
In short, the rule of thumb is that if you do not have an a priori knowledge about which service you are going to use (hardcoded or in some configuration file), your agent will have to negotiate, which includes dynamic service discovery.

Why bother with service discovery when message oriented middleware does the job?

I get the problem that etcd/consul/$whatever are trying to solve. Service consumers need to talk to service providers, a hugely fluid distributed system needs a mechanism to marry the two.
However, the problem of "where do service consumers go with their requests?" is old and IMO has been solved with MOM -- message oriented middleware.
In MOM, the idea is that service consumers do not care where the service providers live. They simply send a message and have the messaging bus take care of routing the message to the appropriate consumer. There can be multiple providers all doing the same thing (queue-based round-robin) or versioned providers (/v1/request goes to one, /v2/request goes to another).
This is a simple, powerful integration pattern that completely decouples a service interface from its implementation.
And yet I see this bizarre obsession with discovering service providers, which appears to create tight coupling between consumers and providers (in addition to a few other anti-patterns as well.)
So, what am I missing here? TIA.
In MOM, everything flows through the bus, so it might become a bottleneck. With service discovery, a consumer looks up a producer "once" (ok it might have to check back again after a while), and then "directly" (ok could be through a proxy) talks to it.
Or if you prefer catchy phrases: smart endpoints & dumb pipes vs (i guess) dumb endpoints & smart pipes.
Personally I don't see the two as either or for this type of architecture. You could use the service discovery to see what services are available at the moment and subscribe to the MOM for the events you then know will be there. If you can't find services you depend on you can raise an alert. Not all MOM's let you know when there is no publisher for a channel.
You can also combine them in the way that the service discovery is where you find the services you want to contact directly, for example a data store that does no job, and still use the MOM to subscribe to events for changes that other systems do. Not all use cases fit well with job queuing either, as some tasks must be solved synchronously, and then the service discovery is a great way to have a dynamic environment.
I do prefer the asynchronous MQ myself, and I think that if you do it right, with load balancing, redundancy, clustering with separate readers and writers etc you can easily have great stability, scalability and a standardized way for all your components to communicate.