Can't subscribe to ValueObservable after all StreamSubscriptions are closed - flutter

I have a situation where when all the StreamSubscriptions listening to a ValueObservable are closed, no new StreamSubscriptions that subscribe after that receive any data events.
Is this proper behavior? And if so how can I prevent it?

The best way here is used BloC pattern and in the bloc, you can handle the observables and the streams you need to do something like this:
class LoginBloC implements BaseBloC {
UserRepository _userRepository;
BehaviorSubject<Result<String>> _loginController = new BehaviorSubject();
Stream<Result<String>> get loginResult =>;
void login(String email, String password) async {
isLoading = true;
final res = await _userRepository.login(email, password);
sinkAdd(_loginController, res);
isLoading = false;
void dispose() {
As you can see in this example you create the streams and later you close them on the dispose method
So in your view, you use the strem doing this:
void initState() {
bloc.loginResult.listen((res) {
if (res is ResultSuccess<String>) {
In this case, you execute navigation when the response of the login is success


Flutter and realtime table in Supabase

I am using Provider to listen to realtime changes in a Supabase table.
Using MVVM the view is initialised by listening to the realtime table "poll_options"
void initState() {
Future<void> asyncLoadData() async {
await Provider.of<PollScreenViewModel>(context, listen: false)
The ViewModel has a function that subscribes to realtime changes:
Future<void> subscribeToRealtimeVoteTable(String name) async {
var client = _supabaseService.getClient();
client.from(name).on(SupabaseEventTypes.all, (x) {
if (_pollPresentation != null) {
_pollPresentation = PollScreenPresentation(
id: x.newRecord['id'],
homeScreenImageUrl: x.newRecord['homeScreenImageUrl'],
My question is: How do I remove the subscription when using Provider and MVVM when the view is disposed?
void dispose() {
// TODO: implement dispose
If I would have all the code in the same class I would just call:
You could probably create a dispose() method in your poll_screen_viewmodel.dart and call it from your dispose() method within the widget?
Add this to your poll_screen_viewmodel.dart
void dispose() {
Add this on poll_screen.dart
void dispose() {
Provider.of<PollScreenViewModel>(context, listen: false).dispose();

How do I cancel a StreamSubscription inside a Cubit?

I have a cubit that listens to a stream of messages, and emits a state which holds the messages.
In the screen, I am using a BlocProvider to access the cubit, and a BlocBuilder to display
the messages.
In instances like below, do I need to close the StreamSubscription created on listen()? Is there a clean way to do it?
class MessageCubit extends Cubit<MessageState> {
final GetMessagesUseCase getMessagesUseCase;
MessageCubit({this.getMessagesUseCase}) : super(MessageInitial());
Future<void> getMessages({String senderId, String recipientId}) async {
try {
final messagesStreamData =;
//This is where I listen to a stream
messagesStreamData.listen((messages) {
emit(MessageLoaded(messages: messages));
} on SocketException catch (_) {
} catch (_) {
You don't need to close the subscription, but you should as good practice to avoid potential memory leaks. Since it is so straightforward it's not any sacrifice.
Create a class variable of type StreamSubscription<your type>. Let's say it's named sub.
In getMessages before listen: await sub?.cancel()
Then sub = messagesStreamData.listen(...
Override the Cubit's close method and run the same command as in bullet 2.
Full code:
class MessageCubit extends Cubit<MessageState> {
final GetMessagesUseCase getMessagesUseCase;
// Added
StreamSubscription<YOUR_MESSAGES_TYPE> sub;
MessageCubit({this.getMessagesUseCase}) : super(MessageInitial());
Future<void> getMessages({String senderId, String recipientId}) async {
try {
final messagesStreamData =;
// Added
await sub?.cancel();
//This is where I listen to a stream
sub = messagesStreamData.listen((messages) {
emit(MessageLoaded(messages: messages));
} on SocketException catch (_) {
} catch (_) {
// Added
Future<void> close() async {
await sub?.cancel();
return super.close();

Data for Flutter Page not loading when routing via MaterialPageRoute, but Hot Reloading loads the data correctly?

I'm building a Flutter app, and have a page with a table that is populated with data. I load the data like so:
class _AccountMenuState extends State<AccountMenu> { {
List<Account> accounts;
Future<List<Account>> getAccounts() async {
final response = await http.get('http://localhost:5000/accounts/' + globals.userId);
return jsonDecode(response);
setAccounts() async {
accounts = await getAccounts();
void initState() {
This works as expected when hot reloading the page, but when I route to this page via MaterialPageRoute,
like so: Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => AccountMenu()));
then the data is not there.
What am I missing? I thought initState() gets called whenever a page loads?
You cannot do setState inside initState directly but you can wrap the initialization inside a PostFrameCallback to make sure that the initState lifecycle of the Widget is done.
class _AccountMenuState extends State<AccountMenu> { {
List<Account> accounts;
Future<List<Account>> getAccounts() async {
final response = await http.get('http://localhost:5000/accounts/' + globals.userId);
return jsonDecode(response);
setAccounts() async {
accounts = await getAccounts();
setState(() {})
void initState() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) => setAccounts());
initState() will not wait for setAccounts() to finish execution. In the method setAccounts() call setState after loading data.
setAccounts() async {
accounts = await getAccounts();
initState does not await. It only loads functions before the widget builder but it does not await.
you need to await loading widgets with data until accounts.length is not empty.
Show loading widget while data still loads or use FutureBuilder
List<Account> accounts;
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
accounts.length > 0 ? SHOW_DATA_HERE : LOADING_WIDGET_HERE

flutter_bloc share state for many blocs

let's say I want to check for internet connection every time I call Api, if there's no internet the call with throw exception like NoInternetException and then show a state screen to the user tells him to check their connection.
How can I achieve that without creating a new state for every bloc in flutter_bloc library?
You can do this in the bloc that manages your root pages like authentication_page and homepage.
Create a state for noConnectivity.
NoConnectivity extends AuthenticationState{
final String message;
const NoConnectivity({ this.message });
Now create an event for noConnectivity.
NoConnectivityEvent extends AuthenticationEvent{}
Finally, create a StreamSubscription in your AuthenticationBloc to continuously listen to connecitvityState change and if the state is connectivity.none we'll trigger the NoConnecitivity state.
class AuthenticationBloc
extends Bloc<AuthenticationEvent, AuthenticationState> {
StreamSubscription subscription;
AuthenticationState get initialState => initialState();
Stream<AuthenticationState> mapEventToState(
AuthenticationEvent event,
) async* {
// ... all other state map
else if(event is NoConnectivityEvent) {
yield* _mapNoConnectivityEventToState();
Stream<AuthenticationState> _mapNoConnectivityEventToState() async * {
//Edit to handle android internet connectivity.
subscription = Connectivity()
.listen((ConnectivityResult result) {
if(Platform.isAndroid) {
try {
final lookupResult = InternetAddress.lookup('');
if (lookupResult.isNotEmpty && lookupResult[0].rawAddress.isNotEmpty) {
} on SocketException catch (error) {
return add(NoConnectivityState(message: error.message ));
} else if(result == ConnectivityResult.none ) {
return add(NoConnectivityState(message: "Noconnection")) ;
Future<void> close() {
return super.close();
This subscription Stream will forever listen to a no connection and push the appropriate page you like to the state.
Required packages
Hope it helps!
you need base class bloc let's say his name "BaseBloc" and he shall inherit from the "Bloc" class, and implement "mapToStateEvent" method to process "noInternet" exception, and after that call method let's say his name "internalMapToStateEvent" you created, this method it's override method, and inherited all your bloc class from "BaseBloc" and you need same that for pages to draw one widget "noInternetWidget"

How to pop screen using Mobx in flutter

I have a Food object that contains properties like name, id, calories, etc. With a series of screens, the user populates the food object properties.
Once done, the user can press the submit button, that will call the addFood method in the store.
The problem is, after uploading the food to the server, i want to pop the screen or show error message in toast based on the response. I just don't know how to do this.
Following is my code (only the important bits):
class FoodDetailStore = _FoodDetailStore with _$FoodDetailStore;
abstract class _FoodDetailStore with Store {
Repository _repository;
Food _food;
String msg = '';
// ... Other Observables and actions
addFood(bool toAdd) {
if (toAdd) {
_repository.addFood(food).then((docId) {
if (docId != null) {
// need to pop the screen
}).catchError((e) {
// show error to the user.
// I tried this, but it didn't work
msg = 'there was an error with message ${e.toString()}. please try again.';
// .. other helper methods.
FoodDetailScreen.dart (Ignore the bloc references, I am currently refactoring code to mobx)
class FoodDataScreen extends StatefulWidget {
final String foodId;
final Serving prevSelectedServing;
final bool fromNewRecipe;
FoodDataScreen({#required this.foodId, this.prevSelectedServing, this.fromNewRecipe});
_FoodDataScreenState createState() => _FoodDataScreenState(
class _FoodDataScreenState extends State<FoodDataScreen> {
final String foodId;
final Serving prevSelectedServing;
final bool fromNewRecipe;
FoodDataBloc _foodDataBloc;
FoodDetailStore store;
void initState() {
store = FoodDetailStore();
void didChangeDependencies() {
// I know this is silly, but this is what i tried. Didn't worked
builder: (_) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
// ... UI
_popScreen() {
_showMsg('Food Added');
_showMsg(String msg) {
Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: msg);
void dispose() {
Constructing an Observer instance inside the didChangeDependencies() is indeed "silly" as you have rightly noted already :)
Observer is a widget and widget needs to be inserted into the widgets tree in order to do something useful. In our case non-widget Mobx reactions come to the rescue.
I will show how I did it in my code for the case of showing a Snackbar upon observable change so you will get an idea how to transform your code.
First of all, import import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';.
Then in the didChangeDependencies() create a reaction which will use some of your observables. In my case these observables are _authStore.registrationError and _authStore.loggedIn :
final List<ReactionDisposer> _disposers = [];
void dispose(){
_disposers.forEach((disposer) => disposer());
void didChangeDependencies() {
_authStore = Provider.of<AuthStore>(context);
(_) {
if (_authStore.registrationError != null)
content: Text(_authStore.registrationError),
backgroundColor: Colors.redAccent,
duration: Duration(seconds: 4),
(_) => _authStore.loggedIn,
(_) => Navigator.of(context).pop(),
I use two types of Mobx reactions here: autorun and reaction. autorun triggers the first time immediately after you crate it and then every time the observable changes its value. reaction does not trigger the first time, only when the observable change.
Also pay attention to dispose the created reactions in the dispose() method to avoid resources leak.
Here is a code of my Mobx store class with used observables to complete the picture:
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
part "auth_store.g.dart";
class AuthStore = AuthStoreBase with _$AuthStore;
abstract class AuthStoreBase with Store{
String token;
String registrationError;
String loginError;
void setToken(String newValue){
token = newValue;
void setRegistrationError(String newValue){
registrationError = newValue;
void setLoginError(String newValue){
loginError = newValue;
void resetLoginError(){
loginError = null;
bool get loggedIn => token != null && token.length > 0;
Future<void> logOut() async{