How to install files in Yocto - yocto

I wrote Yocto recipe for library and try to install to image.
When I run command "bitbake myproject" I get follow error:
ERROR: sxe-0.1-r0 do_package: QA Issue: sxe: Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package:
Please set FILES such that these items are packaged. Alternatively if they are unneeded, avoid installing them or delete them within do_install.
sxe: 55 installed and not shipped files. [installed-vs-shipped]
ERROR: sxe-0.1-r0 do_package: Fatal QA errors found, failing task.
ERROR: sxe-0.1-r0 do_package: Function failed: do_package
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/local/SWTECNN/rkhairulin/imx-yocto-bspIII/build-wayland-imx8qmmekII/tmp/work/aarch64-poky-linux/sxe/0.1-r0/temp/log.do_package.32253
ERROR: Task (/home/local/SWTECNN/rkhairulin/imx-yocto-bspIII/sources/meta-sxe/recipes-example/example/ failed with exit code '1'
How can I fix the issue? What should I add to the ricpe?

By default, package with recipe name contains following files (see here):
FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/* ${sbindir}/* ${libexecdir}/* ${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBS} \
${sysconfdir} ${sharedstatedir} ${localstatedir} \
${base_bindir}/* ${base_sbindir}/* \
${base_libdir}/*${SOLIBS} \
${base_prefix}/lib/udev/rules.d ${prefix}/lib/udev/rules.d \
${datadir}/${BPN} ${libdir}/${BPN}/* \
${datadir}/pixmaps ${datadir}/applications \
${datadir}/idl ${datadir}/omf ${datadir}/sounds \
So files in /usr/share/sxm and /sxe are created in ${D} deploy folder, but they are not added to any package.
You have to add this line to your recipe (see here):
FILES_${PN} += "/sxe ${datadir}/sxm"
Note /usr/share is defined as ${datadir}
If you don't need those files you can remove them from ${D}:
rm -r ${D}/sxe
rm -r ${D}/${datadir}/sxm

You have to tell bitbake into which package the files shall go. Probably something like
FILES_sxe += " \
{root_prefix}/sxe \
{datadir}/sxe \
Having said that, placing something directly under / is strongly discouraged by the FHS. For more information on the predefined prefixes and directories, look at poky/meta/conf/bitbake.conf


How to fix the sdk_addon data copy build error?

I tried to build the Android SDK Addon System Image of halogenOS 13 (AOSP 13, nothing was changed in the AOSP source code yet).
The steps to build are as usual:
source build/
lunch aosp_sdk_phone_x86_64-eng
m sdk_addon
At 100%, the build fails with following error:
[100% 12483/12483] Packaging SDK Addon System-Image: out/host/linux-x86/sdk_addon/custom-eng.simao--
FAILED: out/host/linux-x86/sdk_addon/
/bin/bash -c "(cp -R out/target/product/emulator_x86_64/data out/host/linux-x86/obj/SDK_ADDON/custom_intermediates/custom-eng.simao--img/images/x86_64/data ) && (out/host/linux-x86/bin/soong_zip -o out/host/linux-x86/sdk_addon/ -C out/host/linux-x86/obj/SDK_ADDON/custom_intermediates/custom-eng.simao--img/images/ -D out/host/linux-x86/obj/SDK_ADDON/custom_intermediates/custom-eng.simao--img/images/x86_64 )"
cp: bad 'out/target/product/emulator_x86_64/data': No such file or directory
13:17:13 ninja failed with: exit status 1
If I just mkdir out/target/product/emulator_x86_64/data, of course, that just solves the build error but the SDK addon does not actually boot in the emulator due to encryption issues with the userdata partition so I think this is related. This makes me guess that in the data directory there should be some files in there but for some reason the are not created.
What's really odd here is that the file device/generic/goldfish/ explicitly adds some data files to PRODUCT_COPY_FILES, notably:
device/generic/goldfish/data/etc/dtb.img:dtb.img \
device/generic/goldfish/emulator-info.txt:data/misc/emulator/version.txt \
device/generic/goldfish/data/etc/apns-conf.xml:data/misc/apns/apns-conf.xml \
device/generic/goldfish/radio/RadioConfig/radioconfig.xml:data/misc/emulator/config/radioconfig.xml \
device/generic/goldfish/data/etc/iccprofile_for_sim0.xml:data/misc/modem_simulator/iccprofile_for_sim0.xml \
If I manually build them using, for example, m out/target/product/emulator_x86_64/data/misc/emulator/version.txt, the file is created at the correct location, as expected. Which leads me to wonder when entries PRODUCT_COPY_FILES are considered targets to be built and when they aren't.
I got the emulator to boot but the data directory is still not being created. (Creating manually or building one target in the data dir is a workaorund).

About the wrong URI in in Poky

I'm a new hand and try to build a xilinx by pocto.
As the guide, I cloned repositories (branch thud), source oe-... and change MACHINE="zedborad-zynq7", then bitbake petalinux-image-minimal, but I get following error:
ERROR: tcf-agent-1.7.0+gitAUTOINC+dad3a6f568-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher
failure: Fetch command ...
refs/:refs/ failed with exit code 128, output: fatal: repository
'' not
found ... ERROR: Task
failed with exit code '1'
The issue is that the statement in
SRC_URI = "git:// \
It is NOT the wrong address, In fact, I can clone successfully with this address. On the other hand, any my modify on this variable will NOT work either.
I already grep -rn "", but only find this file.
Any recommendation will be welcome.
Thanks lot.
I can't resolve this issue finally.
I find that the builder does NOT fetch from the address the SRC_URL offer at all, instead, it fetches from a mirror given somewhere.
As a test, I edited the .bb file, add PREMIRRORS="" and MIRROS="", and add protocal=git statement for the SRC_URI. The statements are effective realy, the builder fetches from the SRC_URL address, but the protocol is still HTTPS, the function still fails.
My solution is cloning the source manually, and putting it to corresponding directory, in order to let the builder know this, I also touch a package_name.done and chmod 777 in the same directory, then I can continue.
I've run into the exact same issue using Xilinx Yocto stack (rel-v2018.3 branch). For me, the problem wasn't in the recipe in core/meta/recipes-devtools/tcf-agent, but in the tcf-agent_%.bbappend file in meta-petalinux/recipes-devtools/tcf-agent. In there, I replaced
SRC_URI = " \
git://;branch=master;protocol=https \
file://fix_ranlib.patch;striplevel=2 \
file://ldflags.patch \
file://tcf-agent.init \
file://tcf-agent.service \
SRC_URI = " \
git://;branch=master \
file://fix_ranlib.patch;striplevel=2 \
file://ldflags.patch \
file://tcf-agent.init \
file://tcf-agent.service \
and it finishes building correctly.
The former used to work fine last time I built the image (a few months ago) but for some reason the protocol=https option makes it fail now.
Your SRC_URI seems wrong.
it should be
SRC_URI = "git:// \
This one is working perfect for me.
Note : The back slash () at the end means you have multiple line SRC_URI. correct it if you have only single line.
In December 2021, using branch rel-v2020.1, I needed to change the line into :
SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https \

Yocto: Create a New Directory in etcdir

I am new to Yocto,
I want to create a directory in /etc and copy my server certificates into that directory. I tried doing below, But it it not creating any directory in /etc, however i am not getting any compilation error:
DESCRIPTION = "OC sample service"
SUMMARY = "Install and start a systemd service and copy server certificates"
SRC_URI = "file://service.tar.gz"
inherit systemd
S = "${WORKDIR}/service"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "sample.service"
INSANE_SKIP_${PN} += "installed-vs-shipped"
do_configure() {
do_compile() {
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
install -m 0755 ${S}/sample.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
mkdir -p ${D}${etcdir}/oc_certs
install -m 0755 ${S}/certs/* ${D}${etcdir}/oc_certs
FILES_${PN} = "${systemd_unitdir}/system
Now the problem is, sample.service is successfully being placed to the location but /etc/oc_certs is not being created.
In addition to LetoThe2nd's answer: the ${etcdir} variable is usually empty. If you want a variable for /etc, it is ${sysconfdir}. So your files are probably installed to root directory.
Check output of bitbake -e <your_recipe> and try to find etcdir to verify.
Also drop INSANE_SKIP_${PN} += "installed-vs-shipped" which hides the error your are trying to find (you will see what is installed where but not shipped).
BTW LetoThe2nd's answer is also needed, because you are overwriting (instead of appending FILES_${PN}, otherwise it wouldn't be needed. The ${sysconfdir} is already part of FILES_${PN}.
"Not working" is a rather bad error description, but the most probable issue is that it does not get included in the image. This is because bitbakes packaging mechanisms do not know about that directory, so add it with:
FILES_${PN} += "${etcdir}/oc_certs"
If you need further assistance, please extend your question with a precise error description, respectively the corresponding log.
You are missing a / after ${D}. To create a directory say mydir in your /etc folder, just add the following code in the do_install() of your recipe.
do_install() {
install -d ${D}/etc/mydir

Travis CI failed because installing dependencies timed out

Travis CI for my Github repo keeps failing and I didn't know why, until I read through the Job log and figured out that many dependencies couldn't be downloaded on their machines.
For example, the xcolor package failed to install:
[20/23, 03:54/04:02] install: xcolor [17k]
did not succeed, please retry.
TLPDB::_install_package: couldn't unpack to /home/travis/texmf
which results in the following error:
Latexmk: Missing input file: 'xcolor.sty' from line
'! LaTeX Error: File `xcolor.sty' not found.'
Latexmk: Log file says no output from latex
Latexmk: For rule 'pdflatex', no output was made
The problem is I'm working on a LaTeX project, and LaTeX environments tend to be huge with lots of supporting packages. Here is the relevant part of my, which is already the minimal requirement:
sudo tlmgr install \
xkeyval ifthen amsmath bm \
longtable ctex tabu array \
colortbl berasans graphicx longtable \
etoolbox lastpage amssymb mathrsfs \
multirow xeCJK environ after \
booktabs hyperref epstopdf tabu \
fancyhdr listings amsfonts latexsym \
hhline CJK longtable pifont \
geometry ifpdf bmpsize hologo \
fancybox appendix amsbsy paralist \
tabularx xCJK2uni hologo calc \
fontenc ifxetex xcolor palatino
Can I make sure that all required packages are successfully downloaded & installed before the building phase, say, by letting the server to retry several times? If so, how?
From the Travis docs:
If you are getting network timeouts when trying to download dependencies, either use the built in retry feature of your dependency manager or wrap your install commands in the travis_retry function.
For example, in your .travis.yml:
install: travis_retry pip install myawesomepackage
travis_retry will attempt up three times if the return code is non-zero.

How can I change the installation path of an autotools-based Bitbake recipe?

I have an autotools-based BitBake recipe which I would like to have binaries installed in /usr/local/bin and libraries installed in /usr/local/lib (instead of /usr/bin and /usr/lib, which are the default target directories).
Here's a part of the autotools.bbclass file which I found important.
--host=${HOST_SYS} \
--target=${TARGET_SYS} \
--prefix=${prefix} \
--exec_prefix=${exec_prefix} \
--bindir=${bindir} \
--sbindir=${sbindir} \
--libexecdir=${libexecdir} \
--datadir=${datadir} \
--sysconfdir=${sysconfdir} \
--sharedstatedir=${sharedstatedir} \
--localstatedir=${localstatedir} \
--libdir=${libdir} \
I thought that the easiest way to accomplish what I wanted to do would be to simply change ${bindir} and ${libdir}, or perhaps change ${prefix} to /usr/local, but I haven't had any success in this area. Is there a way to change these installation variables, or am I thinking about this in the wrong way?
Strategy 1
As per Ross Burton's suggestion, I've tried adding the following to my recipe:
but this causes the build to fail during that recipe's do_configure() task, and returns the following:
| checking for GLIB... no
| configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.12.3) were not met:
| No package 'glib-2.0' found
This package can be found during a normal build without these modified variables. I thought that adding the following line might allow the system to find the package metadata for glib:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH = " ${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/usr/lib/pkgconfig "
but this seems to have made no difference.
Strategy 2
I've also tried Ross Burton's other suggestion to add these variable assignments into my distribution's configuration file, but this causes it to fail during meta/recipes-extended/tzdata's do_install() task. It returns that DEFAULT_TIMEZONE is set to an invalid value. Here's the source of the error from
# Install default timezone
if [ -e ${D}${datadir}/zoneinfo/${DEFAULT_TIMEZONE} ]; then
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
echo ${DEFAULT_TIMEZONE} > ${D}${sysconfdir}/timezone
ln -s ${datadir}/zoneinfo/${DEFAULT_TIMEZONE} ${D}${sysconfdir}/localtime
bberror "DEFAULT_TIMEZONE is set to an invalid value."
exit 1
I'm assuming that I've got a problem with ${datadir}, which references ${prefix}.
Do you want to change paths for everything or just one recipe? Not sure why you'd want to change just one recipe to /usr/local, but whatever.
If you want to change all of them, then the simple way is to set prefix in your local.conf or distro configuration (prefix = "/usr/local").
If you want to do it in a particular recipe, then just assigning prefix="/usr/local" and exec_prefix="/usr/local" in the recipe will work.
These variables are defined in meta/conf/bitbake.conf, where you can see that bindir is $exec_prefix/bin, which is probably why assigning prefix didn't work for you.
Your first strategy was on the right track, but you were clobbering more than you wanted by changing only "prefix". If you look in sources/poky/meta/conf/bitbake.conf you'll find everything you are clobbering when you set the variable "prefix" to something other than "/usr" (like it was in my case). In order to modify only the install path with what would manually be the "--prefix" option to configure, I needed to set all the variables listed here in that recipe: