How do I tell my graph coloring problem program to only assign color 1 one time? - answer-set-programming

Basically, I have a graph coloring program where each node with an edge to another node has to be different colors. Here, is my code:
{ assign(N,C) : color(C) } = 1 :- node(N).
1 { assign(N,1) : color(1) } 1 :- node(N). %line in question
:- edge(N,M), assign(N,C), assign(M,C).
How would I tell the program to only assign color 1, once? The line labeled %line in question is the line giving me problems. Here is another solution I tried that didn't work:
{ assign(N,C) : color(C) } = 1 :- node(N).
:- edge(N,M), assign(N,C), assign(M,C).
vtx(Node, Color) :- node(Node), color(Color).
1 { vtx(N, 1) : color(1) } 1 :- node(N).
#show vtx/2.
If anyone could help me out it would be much appreciated.

In this simple case of restricting a single color to be used once, you can write the a single constraint
:- assign(N, 1), assign(M, 1), node(N), node(M), N!=M.

Actually, the line you marked as in question :
1 { assign(N,1) : color(1) } 1 :- node(N). %line in question
can be translated as
If N is a node, we will (and we must) assign color(1) to node(N) and only assign once, i.e. If node(i) is true, we will have exactly one node(i, 1).
Therefore, with this rule and your facts node(1..4), you will immediately get assign(1,1), assign(2,1), assign(3,1), assign(4,1). This is defninitely unsatisfiable under color problem (with the last constraint).
Back to your requirement:
How would I tell the program to only assign color 1, once?
The problem here is the constraint you set in the line: "color 1 is assigned only once" applies to each node(i), i=1,2,3,4 instead of all nodes.
To make it clearer, you might as well consider that this line would be instantiated as:
1 { assign(1,1) : color(1) } 1 :- node(1).
1 { assign(2,1) : color(1) } 1 :- node(2).
1 { assign(3,1) : color(1) } 1 :- node(3).
1 { assign(4,1) : color(1) } 1 :- node(4).
With node(1..4) all true, we will have assign(1,1), assign(2,1), assign(3,1), assign(4,1).
What you want is assign(N, 1) appears once and only once in the answer, thus in your rule, this should be true with no premiere condition.
Therefore, change the problem line into:
{ assign(N,1): node(N), color(1) } = 1. %problem line changed
You will get the proper assignment:
clingo version 5.4.0
Reading from test.lp
Answer: 1
assign(2,2) assign(1,3) assign(3,3) assign(4,1)
Answer: 2
assign(1,2) assign(2,3) assign(3,2) assign(4,1)
Answer: 3
assign(2,1) assign(1,3) assign(3,3) assign(4,2)
Answer: 4
assign(2,1) assign(1,2) assign(3,2) assign(4,3)
Intuitively, this line means the assign(N, 1) should be in answer set under no condition, as long as N is a node. This will count all nodes instead of every single one.


Depth First Search Implementation - understanding swift code

I was going thru few tutorials for Tree DS and I found this code which is really confusing to understand. Please explain
public func forEachDepthFirst(visit: (TreeNode) -> Void) {
visit(self) // 1
children.forEach { // 2
$0.forEachDepthFirst(visit: visit)
Why do we have visit(self) here?
I see explanation here but its still not clear
Any recusive method has
1- base case : which ends the run and here it's
children.forEach // when children property is empty meaning a leaf node
2- recusive case
$0.forEachDepthFirst(visit: visit) // call the same method with it's children
Your method takes a closure / completion that's be called for every node inside the main root node
So suppose You have root
- 1
- 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.3
- 2
- 2.1 , 2.2 , 2.3
Here 0 node is called then when runnign your function
children.forEach { // = 1,2
for 0 > 1
children.forEach { // = 1.1,1.2,1.3
for 0 > 2
children.forEach { // = 2.1,2.2,2.3
Inner case
for 0 > 1 > 1.1
children.forEach { // end here as there is no childrens ( leaf node)
so on for 1.2,1,3
for 0 > 2 > 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 same as above case
How to call
your method is an instance method inside the tree so every node can call it , if you want to traverse nodes of 0 then do this
zeroNode.forEachDepthFirst { (item) in
print( // suppose node object has a name
Then you will get
0 , 1 , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.2 , 2.3
And that's as you called visit(NodeObject) for the main node and recursively all it's childrens
Why do we have visit(self) here?
Because if we didn't, we would never actually do anything to any of the nodes on the tree!
Consider this tree:
n1 -> n2 -> n3 -> n4
We now call our method forEachDepthFirst on n1. If we didn't have visit(self), we would immediately call forEachDepthFirst on n2, which would call it on n3, which would call it on n4. And then we'd stop. But at no time would we have called visit, so we would have looped through every node in the tree without doing anything to those nodes.

Scoping Issue with SparkContext.sequenceFile(...).foreach in Scala

My objective is to process a series of SequenceFile folders generated by calling org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[_].saveAsObjectFile(...). My folder structure is similar to this:
I need to extract some of the persisted data, however my collection - whether I use a ListBuffer, mutable.Map, or any other mutable type, loses scope and appears to be newed up on each iteration of sequenceFile(...).foreach
The following proof of concept generates a series of "Processing directory..." followed by "1 : 1" repeated and never increasing, as I expected counter and intList.size to do.
private def proofOfConcept(rootDirectoryName: String) = {
val intList = ListBuffer[Int]()
var counter: Int = 0
val config = new SparkConf().setAppName("local").setMaster("local[1]")
new File(rootDirectoryName).listFiles().map(_.toString).foreach { folderName =>
println(s"Processing directory $folderName...")
val sc = new SparkContext(config)
sc.sequenceFile(folderName, classOf[NullWritable], classOf[BytesWritable]).foreach(f => {
counter += 1
intList += counter
println(s" $counter : ${intList.size}")
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_111\bin\java" ...
Processing directory C:\MyRootDirectory\Batch0001...
17/05/24 09:30:25.228 WARN [main] org.apache.hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
[Stage 0:> (0 + 0) / 57] 1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
Processing directory C:\MyRootDirectory\Batch0002...
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
Processing directory C:\MyRootDirectory\Batch0003...
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
1 : 1
The function inside foreach is run in a spark worker JVM, not inside the client JVM, where the variable is defined. That worker gets a copy of that variable locally, increments it, and prints it. My guess is you are testing this locally? If you were running this in a production, distributed spark environment, you wouldn't even see the output of those prints.
More generally, pretty much any function you pass into one of RDD's methods will probably be actually executed remotely and will not have mutable access to any local variables or anything. It will get an essentially immutable snapshot of them.
If you want to move data from spark's distributed storage back to the client, use RDD's collect method. The reverse is done with sc.parallelize. But note that both of these are usually done very rarely, since they do not happen in parallel.

Panel doesn't execute )PNTS Section

I'm coding a ISPF Panel with "Point and shoot" elements. The elements say "yes" and "no" and the default cursor have to point to "yes".
1st Case:
Declaration of the fields: + TYPE(INPUT) PAS(ON)
When I use this declaration, the panel closes by pressing [enter] and generating rc = 0. However, the )PNTS section doesn't run.
2nd CASE:
Declaration of the fields: + TYPE (PS)
The )PNTS section runs by pressing [enter]. However, I cannot set the .cursor to the field "yes".
I tryed different ways with different field names (e.g. ZPS00001). I tryed to simulate Point and Shoot with Rexx, but nothing worked really fine.
Pressing enter will cause the point and shoot fields to be processed. However the cursor must be on one of the fields for the )PNTS section to set the value associated with a field. It would sound like panel may have not been coded correctly. PAS should be used for input or output fields and PS should be used for text fields. For instance if you have the following panel:
+ --------------------- +
+ ===>_ZCMD +
$Field1 : _FLD +
$Field2 : _ABC +
$Field3 : !IN1 +
$Field4 : !IN2 +
&INV1 = 111
&INV2 = 222
&INV3 = 333
With the following REXX exec:
/* REXX */
RCC = 0
INV1 = 0
INV2 = 1
SAY INV1 '-' INV2 '-' INV3
You can test the values of inv1, inv2 and inv3 based on where you put the cursor when you hit enter. You will get 1, 2, 3 or 4 if the cursor in on field1, field2, field3 or field4. If it is on IN1 or IN2 then you get ON or OFF. It all depends on where the cursor is positioned when ENTER is hit. Based on the example you can see point and shoot is not limited to Menus. Hope the example helps.
Marv Knight

Can't remove whitespace in rythm engine

I am using the rythmengine.
The output I want is: x=prefix:value without any whitespaces.
#def test(String param){
#{param="prefix:"+param} #param
2 x=#test("value")
output is: 2 x= prefix:value
#def test(String param){
2 x=#test("value")
output is: 2 x=param
This seems like a bug. Does anyone know a solution or workaround?
Try the following code on
#def test(String param){
2 x=#test("value")

Matlab - read unstructured file

I'm quite new with Matlab and I've been searching, unsucessfully, for the following issue: I have an unstructure txt file, with several rows I don't need, but there are a number of rows inside that file that have an structured format. I've been researching how to "load" the file to edit it, but cannot find anything.
Since i don't know if I was clear, let me show you the content in the file:
8782 PROJCS["UTM-39",GEOGC.......
1 676135.67755473056 2673731.9365976951 -15 0
2 663999.99999999302 2717629.9999999981 -14.00231124135486 3
3 709999.99999999162 2707679.2185399458 -10 2
4 679972.20003752434 2674637.5679516452 0.070000000000000007 1
5 676124.87132483651 2674327.3183533219 -18.94794942571912 0
6 682614.20527054626 2671000.0000000549 -1.6383425512446661 0
8780 682247.4593014461 2676571.1515358146 0.1541080392180566 0
8781 695426.98657108378 2698111.6168302582 -8.5039945992245904 0
8782 674723.80100125563 2675133.5486935056 -19.920312922947179 0
16997 3 21
1 2147 658 590
2 1855 2529 5623
I'd appreciate if someone can just tell me if there is the possibility to open the file to later load only the rows starting with 1 to the one starting with 8782. First row and all the others are not important.
I know than manually copy and paste to a new file would be a solution, but I'd like to know about the possibility to read the file and edit it for other ideas I have.
% Now lines{i} is the string of the i'th line.
lines = strsplit(fileread('filename'), '\n')
% Now elements{i}{j} is the j'th field of the i'th line.
elements = arrayfun(#(x){strsplit(x{1}, ' ')}, lines)
% Remove the first row:
elements(1) = []
% Take the first several rows:
n_rows = 8782
elements = elements(1:n_rows)
Or if the number of rows you need to take is not fixed, you can replace the last two statements above by:
firsts = arrayfun(#(x)str2num(x{1}{1}), elements)
n_rows = find((firsts(2:end) - firsts(1:end-1)) ~= 1, 1, 'first')
elements = elements(1:n_rows)