why do i get Error in NetBeans Installation - netbeans

I did the following
Step 01:
wget -c https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/netbeans/netbeans/11.2/Apache-NetBeans-11.2-bin-linux-x64.sh
Step 02:
chmod +x Apache-NetBeans-11.2-bin-linux-x64.sh
Step 03 :
./Apache-NetBeans-11.2-bin-linux-x64.sh: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
./Apache-NetBeans-11.2-bin-linux-x64.sh: line 1: <!DOCTYPE html>

You are downloading the website where you can choose a mirror to download NetBeans and try to execute that.
Try instead
wget -c
or any other mirror and repeat your steps.

This error is caused because you are downloading the apache website HTML, when you open your URL you'll find the real script link:
Website: https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/netbeans/netbeans-installers/14/Apache-NetBeans-14-bin-linux-x64.sh
Script: https://dlcdn.apache.org/netbeans/netbeans-installers/14/Apache-NetBeans-14-bin-linux-x64.sh


Running druid script for injestion spec failed - bin/post-index-task --file quickstart/tutorial/wikipedia-index.json

I am trying to follow the quickstart for running the script but it is failing with this error in druid router cli:
~ $ bin/post-index-task --file quickstart/tutorial/wikipedia-index.json
bin/post-index-task: /opt/druid/bin/post-index-task-main: /usr/bin/env: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
bin/post-index-task: line 31: /opt/druid/bin/post-index-task-main: No error information
bin/post-index-task is already present but it seem to throw an error of No such file or directory.
Please guide, thanks.

Viewing the cpanm error log in Bitbucket pipelines when installing a Perl module fails

I have a BitBucket Pipeline that installs a bunch of Perl modules using cpanm. One of them fails and this is the snippet I can see in the log:
Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/P/PE/PETDANCE/ack-v3.0.2.tar.gz ... OK
Configuring ack-v3.0.2 ... OK
==> Found dependencies: File::Next
--> Working on File::Next
Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/P/PE/PETDANCE/File-Next-1.16.tar.gz ... OK
Configuring File-Next-1.16 ... OK
Building and testing File-Next-1.16 ... OK
Successfully installed File-Next-1.16
! Installing App::Ack failed. See /root/.cpanm/work/1562605191.55/build.log for details. Retry with --force to force install it.
! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'App::Ack' is not installed
! Bailing out the installation for ..
Building and testing ack-v3.0.2 ... FAIL
How could I access the build.log that was created by the installation process?
Apparently recently Bitbucket added a feature called "after-script" so I could add the following and that would print the content of the log files.
- ls -1 /root/.cpanm/work/*/build.log | xargs cat
or maybe even this:
- cat /root/.cpanm/work/*/build.log
and the following, I think, will only show the content of the log files if the build failed:
- $BITBUCKET_EXIT_CODE && cat /root/.cpanm/work/*/build.log
Read more here: https://bitbucket.org/blog/after-scripts-now-available-for-bitbucket-pipelines

Unable to start bitbake server

I am trying to learn yocto by following the video tutorials on their main website. I installed the poky-rocko-18.0.0 and after setting up the build environment I tried to build the linux image using the following command:
bitbake core-image-minimal
However, I am getting the following error:
I am unsure how to start the bitbake server and so far have not found any good references for the same.
We also faced same issue with our bitbake server. It will worked after remove bitbacke.lock
file. Use below command for solution.
rm -rf bitbake.lock
###/build$ bitbake core-image-sato
Loading cache: 100% |#########################################################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:01
Loaded 3867 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100%
My problem was some missing packages on my build system.
Fixed it by installing the following packages (Debian):
sudo apt-get install chrpath
sudo apt-get install texinfo
On my Arch system:
sudo pacman -S rpcsvc-proto chrpath texinfo cpio diffstat
Just try this in your build folder:
rm -rf bitbake.lock
this shoud work
The reason for this is the state of the bitbake is locked during last bitbake execution. Once you stop intermittently, we need to remove the bitbake.lock
In my case it was solved with this answer from https://stackoverflow.com/a/45880855/5350353 (Unable to connect to bitbake server):
This is because new function findTopdir (Submitted on July 18, 2017) does not handle errors. For example, the lack of BBPATH environment variable and the inability to find conf/bblayers.conf in BBPATH. findTopdir just returns None in case of that errors.
Maybe caused by the absence of host application(s), like gawk, chrpath and texinfo.
Below is one example.
ERROR: Unable to start bitbake server (None)
ERROR: Server log for this session (/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/openembedded-core/build/bitbake-cookerdaemon.log):
--- Starting bitbake server pid 22675 at 2019-03-16 00:28:44.447008 ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/bitbake/lib/bb/cookerdata.py", line 290, in parseBaseConfiguration
bb.event.fire(bb.event.ConfigParsed(), self.data)
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/bitbake/lib/bb/event.py", line 225, in fire
fire_class_handlers(event, d)
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/bitbake/lib/bb/event.py", line 134, in fire_class_handlers
execute_handler(name, handler, event, d)
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/bitbake/lib/bb/event.py", line 106, in execute_handler
ret = handler(event)
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/openembedded-core/meta/classes/base.bbclass", line 238, in base_eventhandler
setup_hosttools_dir(d.getVar('HOSTTOOLS_DIR'), 'HOSTTOOLS', d)
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/openembedded-core/meta/classes/base.bbclass", line 142, in setup_hosttools_dir
bb.fatal("The following required tools (as specified by HOSTTOOLS) appear to be unavailable in PATH, please install them in order to proceed:\n %s" % " ".join(notfound))
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/bitbake/lib/bb/__init__.py", line 120, in fatal
raise BBHandledException()
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/bitbake/lib/bb/daemonize.py", line 83, in createDaemon
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/bitbake/lib/bb/server/process.py", line 469, in _startServer
self.cooker = bb.cooker.BBCooker(self.configuration, self.featureset)
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/bitbake/lib/bb/cooker.py", line 210, in __init__
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/bitbake/lib/bb/cooker.py", line 375, in initConfigurationData
File "/home/zephyr/workspace/w031/bitbake/lib/bb/cookerdata.py", line 317, in parseBaseConfiguration
raise bb.BBHandledException
ERROR: The following required tools (as specified by HOSTTOOLS) appear to be unavailable in PATH, please install them in order to proceed:
First, change local.conf, bblayers.conf to previous configuration.
Then, bitbake -c cleanall recipe_name.
It will be all right now!
Like the OP stated a package was missing on the build host. ( makeinfo in his case)
To properly prepare the build host, look into the documentation for your yocto version and your Distro.
In my case some playing with devtool caused a duplicated definition in bblayers.conf:
${TOPDIR}/../meta \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-poky \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-yocto-bsp \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-atmel \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-libgpiod \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-libuio \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-lsuio \
${TOPDIR}/workspace \
/home/me/yocto/poky/build/workspace \
I had to manually remove one of the two last lines as follows:
${TOPDIR}/../meta \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-poky \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-yocto-bsp \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-atmel \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-libgpiod \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-libuio \
${TOPDIR}/../meta-lsuio \
Then I retried and the issue was resolved.
In my case (PLNX 2018.2) I was not getting this problem because of the .Xil folder that was hidden in the root directory of the project, deleting it solves the problem.
I had a similar issue; with an additional Unicode Decode Error: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 5305: ordinal not in range(128) at the bottom of the list.
I resolved this by checking my 'locale' setting in Ubuntu 18.04. and running the following:
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"
bitbake-layers command worked perfectly after this.
Please shutdown and rerun that bitbake command then it will solve.

PHP Fatal error: Class 'Phar' not found in

When I deploy my commits via Git to the server, it runs a git hook that has the line
test -f composer.phar && ./composer.phar self-update || curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php;
That generates the error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Phar' not found in .../composer.phar on line 23
This is line 23 from composer.phar:
I did search other questions with the same problem and checked these things:
git hook's script already has permission to be executed
I can execute ./composer.phar without error when logged in server and inside the same folder as set in the git hook's script
PHP modules has Phar enabled, checked via php -m
There is no extension=phar.so in php.ini, but I dont think it has to be because it's already enabled
PHP version: PHP 5.5.3 (cli)
What else could be causing this?

'shp2pgsql' is not recognized : command not found error

I am trying to import shape file to postgis. I have problem configuring shp2pgsql.
I am getting this error :
-bash: shp2pgsql: command not found
I have read different threads without getting any results like: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/issues/19213
macbook$ locate shp2pgsql
macbook$ otool -L shp2psql
otool: can't open file: shp2psql (No such file or directory)
I tried to run which command
macbook$ which shp2pgsql
I got nothing .
macbook$ ls /usr/bin/shp2pgsql
First guess was that "shp2pgsql" is not linked. How can I link /usr/bin/shp2pgsql in postgres PostgreSQL when I tried to run :
sudo ln -s /Library/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin/shp2pgsql /usr/bin/shp2pgsql
It says that : : ln: /usr/bin/shp2pgsql: File exists
When I linked shp2pgsql
dyld: Library not loaded: #loader_path/../lib/liblwgeom-2.1.1.dylib
Referenced from: /Library/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin/shp2pgsql
Reason: image not found
When i tried to locate liblwgeom
macbook$ locate liblwgeom
Any thoughts how to resolve this problem.
Write echo $PATH in your bash console and tell us what it says.
Probably this can be fixed by
export PATH