Watchos app is uninstall automatically after some days - swift

Right now I don't have a developer account, so I used to install a watch app on Apple watch series 3 using Xcode. In the last few months, I observed that my app is usually uninstalled automatically after some days about one week even I run the app daily.
May I know what is it causes? What's the approach to find out it causes? Is there any solution for this?

It's because you don't have a paid developer account. A paid developer account will allow an app to remain for longer. Currently 90 days when signed/deployed through Test Flight.


Apple dev program expiration, can I renew later?

I signed up for an iPhone development program last December hoping to develop an app but got carried away by other projects in my life. Now I get messages from Apple that my developer account is expiring in a week. I will not be able to post anything in the App Store for the next 6 months at least, thus the question -- if I let it expire now, can I renew, say, in summer of the next year? And, will it have any consequences on my apple ID?
PS. I currently do not have any apps in the App Store, nor that I plan on testing my apps on a real device.
Yep, you can renew/reactivate. Went through a similar experience myself.
The answer is no. There no consequences. You can let your apple Dev expire since you don't have any apps and not wanting to test you don't need it for now. When you get ready again apply and get another one.

Can we restrict a Free app from being downloaded or installed for a 2nd time on an iOS device

I have to restrict a Free app from being downloaded or installed for a 2nd time on an iOS device, as I would like to user to purchase the paid version of the same. A first time user of the free App can download the Free App and install it on their iOS device, but after using the Free App for certain number of times, the Free App will work with limited functionality as I would like to promote my paid version, so I prompt the user to buy my Paid version of the App. At this time the user can delete my Free App and Re-Install the same from either the iTunes store or the iTunes on their computer or iCloud backup.
Question is how can I restrict the user from re-installing the same Free App on their iOS device a 2nd time ?
Is there any way to tell the iOS on the user's device to stop the 2nd time install of the same Free app ?
Or is there any other way to achieve the same results ?
Thank you.
You're unlikely to reliably get past Apple's review process with these restrictions.
Free/lite apps are supposed to be fully usable apps in their own right. So, using a todo app as an example:
You could limit it to ten TODO items
But you'd get into trouble if it stopped working after ten days
Clearly you can also limit in terms of what functionality you offer. My apps, for example, only allow editing in the paid version; the free one is read-only.
I'm not sure that you can reliably do what you want. (What about if I have to wipe my phone and restore from a backup? Does that count as reinstallation?) But even if you could, it wouldn't necessarily be a good idea.
i think the recommended way is to use in-app purchase. You can enable a full Version to the user when he buys it. So there is no reinstall needed.
I'm not sure why you have the requirements you do, but this does not fit the model of the App Store. You are likely to have your application rejected, even if you were to find a way to do this.
If you (or your stakeholder) are insistent in this approach, maybe the App Store is not for you.

What happens after submitting an iOS app for review?

I have been looking around for an answer for a specific question but just got hints for it here and there. I want to know when i submit an app for review for the AppStore:
First, how long does the review process usually take? I know that it may vary but just want to have rough estimate if possible
Second, when an app is accepted does it go automatically to the app store or the developer has the control over when to release it there?
check out details, which is my recent app on appstore,
It take 1 week for approval , As I remember, it was taken 3 days too once.
Time taken to publish is all in their hand.
App will be publish directly to appstore.
But you can remember the option for publish by you or apple :) at the time of submitting app
From my experience review takes about 2 weeks recently, but it varied from 2 days to about a month in the past.
When you submit an application you have an option - whether to make application available on appstore immediately after it was approved by Apple, or hold it before developer does that manually, so if you did not select that option then Application should be published on Appstore by default. (See pages 75-76 in iTunesConnect Guide (warning - large pdf file here))

iPhone Application Deploy without using iTunes

I want to build an application for the iPhone to be used inside a customer enterprise (very small, only 5 to 10 devices). But since they will be paying the application development, I don't want to distribute that application to the world inside the App Store in iTunes. How can I distribute this app to my customer? Should I get the Enterprise level subscription from the Apple Developer Program? Since I work as a freelancer, I think I can't subscribe to that program.
You should have the client purchase the Enterprise subscription.
The alternative, since there are only a few devices, is to regularly provide provisioning profiles for all devices. This sounds like a huge hassle to me. The profiles expire every 3 months last I checked, but it has changed before.
If you really want to scrape the barrel, there is also jailbreaking :)

iphone app avaiblity

We have just had our iPhone Application approved. Review App Store is set to USA.
When we uploaded the app we first made the availability date the 14th of Jan. Seeing is is now live, we have changed the availability date to the 12th.
The app still isn't able to be viewed or downloaded though.
How long does it take for the availability date to update?
The updates to itunes go out several times a day. A friend of mine at Apple calls it the 'train.' It can take anywhere from a few minutes if you are right on time, up to 8 hours if you just missed the last train.
In my experience, I've never seen one of my apps take more than 4 hours.
BTW, Congratulations on the launch!