Recursive difference equation MATLAB - matlab

I have a simple recursive equation, and the idea is for a given starting value of x, trace the future value of x, to see if there any convergence. I wrote a MATLAB code below which is simple, and obviously, x converges to a steady-state value 0.0292 pretty fast.
x(1) = 0.2;
for t = 1:1:100
x(t+1) = 0.12*x(t).^0.40;
However, for more complex equations I do not think I can apply the above code. What if, for example, I have:
x(t+1) = 0.12*(x(t)./(x(t+1)+x(t))).^0.40
How do I “solve” it to see (without trying to do any algebraic manipulations to isolate x(t+1) on the right-hand-side) to see what the path of x is?
Thank you.

As mentioned in the comments a simple approach would be give an initial guess for x(t+1) and try to converge to a solution for x(t+1) and then continue iterating.
recEq = #(p,q) 0.12 * (p ./ (q+p))^0.4;
x = nan(1, 100);
x(1) = 0.2;
for t = 1:100
kold = x(t);
k = recEq(x(t), kold);
while abs(k-kold) > 1e-8
kold = k;
k = recEq(x(t), kold);
x(t+1) = k;


SIR model using fsolve and Euler 3BDF

Hi i've been asked to solve SIR model using fsolve command in MATLAB, and Euler 3 point backward. I'm really confused on how to proceed, please help. This is what i have so far. I created a function for 3BDF scheme but i'm not sure how to proceed with fsolve and solve the system of nonlinear ODEs. The SIR model is shown as and 3BDF scheme is formulated as
clear all
ode1= #(R,S,I) -(beta*I*S)/(S+I+R);
ode2= #(R,S,I) (beta*I*S)/(S+I+R)-I*gamma;
ode3= #(I) gamma*I;
f(t,[S,I,R]) = [-(beta*I*S)/(S+I+R); (beta*I*S)/(S+I+R)-I*gamma; gamma*I];
fun = #root2d;
x0 = [0,0];
x = fsolve(fun,x0)
function [xs,yb] = ThreePointBDF(f,x0, xmax, h, y0)
% This function should return the numerical solution of y at x = xmax.
% (It should not return the entire time history of y.)
for i=1:length(xs)-1
R =R0;
y1(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - R, y1(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
S = S0;
y2(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - S, y2(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
I= I0;
y3(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - I, y3(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
You have an implicit equation
y(i+1) - 2*h/3*f(t(i+1),y(i+1)) = G = (4*y(i) - y(i-1))/3
where the right-side term G is constant in the call to fsolve, that is, during the solution of the implicit step equation.
Note that this is for the vector valued system y'(t)=f(t,y(t)) where
f(t,[S,I,R]) = [-(beta*I*S)/(S+I+R); (beta*I*S)/(S+I+R)-I*gamma; gamma*I];
To solve this write
G = (4*y(i,:) - y(i-1,:))/3
y(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - G, y(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
where a midpoint step is used to get an order 2 approximation as initial guess, F(i,:)=f(t(i),y(i,:)). Add solver options for error tolerances as necessary, you want the error in the implicit equation smaller than the truncation error O(h^3) of the step. One can also keep only a short array of function values, then one has to be careful for the correspondence of the position in the short array to the time index.
Using all that and a reference solution by a higher order standard solver produces the following error graphs for the components
where one can see that the first order error of the constant first step results in a first order global error, while with a second order error in the first step using the Euler method results in a clear second order global error.
Implement the method in general terms
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
def BDF2(f,t,y0,y1):
N, h = len(t)-1, t[1]-t[0];
y = (N+1)*[np.asarray(y0)];
y[1] = y1;
for i in range(1,N):
t1, G = t[i+1], (4*y[i]-y[i-1])/3
y[i+1] = fsolve(lambda u: u-2*h/3*f(t1,u)-G, y[i-1]+2*h*f(t[i],y[i]), xtol=1e-3*h**3)
return np.vstack(y)
Set up the model to be solved
print beta, gamma
y0 = np.array([8e6, 10, 0])
P = sum(y0); y0 = y0/P
def f(t,y): S,I,R = y; trns = beta*S*I/(S+I+R); recv=gamma*I; return np.array([-trns, trns-recv, recv])
Compute a reference solution and method solutions for the two initialization variants
from scipy.integrate import odeint
tg = np.linspace(0,120,25*128)
yg = odeint(f,y0,tg,atol=1e-12, rtol=1e-14, tfirst=True)
M = 16; # 8,4
t = tg[::M];
h = t[1]-t[0];
y1 = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0)
e1 = y1-yg[::M]
y2 = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0+h*f(0,y0))
e2 = y2-yg[::M]
Plot the errors, computation as above, but embedded in the plot commands, could be separated in principle by first computing a list of solutions
fig,ax = plt.subplots(3,2,figsize=(12,6))
for M in [16, 8, 4]:
t = tg[::M];
h = t[1]-t[0];
y = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0)
e = (y-yg[::M])
for k in range(3): ax[k,0].plot(t,e[:,k],'-o', ms=1, lw=0.5, label = "h=%.3f"%h)
y = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0+h*f(0,y0))
e = (y-yg[::M])
for k in range(3): ax[k,1].plot(t,e[:,k],'-o', ms=1, lw=0.5, label = "h=%.3f"%h)
for k in range(3):
for j in range(2): ax[k,j].set_ylabel(["$e_S$","$e_I$","$e_R$"][k]); ax[k,j].legend(); ax[k,j].grid()
ax[0,0].set_title("Errors: first step constant");
ax[0,1].set_title("Errors: first step Euler")

How to solve a second order non linear ode system with bvp4c?

I'm trying to solve a system of two second order non linear Odes and since it is a boundary valued problem I suppose I need to use the bvp4c function.
The system I'm talking about is the following:
f''(x) = F(f,f',x);
s''(x) = G(f, f',s,s',x)
with the conditions f(0) = pi, f(inf = 35) = s(inf = 35) = 0. The F and G functions are known and I assumed that 35 would be a decent replacement for infinity.
It is separable and I have already solved for f but I don't know how to solve it for s either.
The code that allegedly solves for f is the following:
options = bvpset('RelTol', 1e-5);
Xstart = 0.01;
Xend = 35;
solinit = bvpinit(linspace(Xstart, Xend, 1000), [0, 1]);
sol = bvp4c(#twoode, #twobc, solinit, options);
x = linspace(Xstart,Xend);
y = deval(sol,x);
function dydx = twoode(x,y)
dydx = [y(2); ((-1/(x^2 + 2+sin(y(1))^2))*(2*x*y(2) + sin(2*y(1))*y(2)^2 -
2*sin(2*y(1)) - (sin(y(1)^2)*sin(2*y(1)))/x^2) )];
function res = twobc(ya,yb)
res = [ya(1) - pi
So my question is how can I use the results I obtained for f in order to solve the equation for s? I have tried doing the same things I did for f but if I define a function for s that uses y(1,:) and y(2,:) it gives me an error message that says y is not defined.
Since I am quite new to solving dfferential equations with Matlab and to using Matlab in general I am probably making some trivial mistake but I have been looking for answers and couldn't find any. I hope someone with enough patience can help me.
Thanks in advance for any useful advice.

How to implement an guess correcting algorithm when solving a BVP with shooting method?

I have a boundary value problem (specified in the picture below) that is supposed to be solved with shooting method. Note that I am working with MATLAB when doing this question. I'm pretty sure that I have rewritten the differential equation from a 2nd order differential equation to a system of 1st order differential equations and also approximated the missed value for the derivative of this differential equation when x=0 using the secant method correctly, but you could verify this so you'll be sure.
I have done solving this BVP with shooting method and my codes currently for this problem is as follows:
clear, clf;
global I;
I = 0.1; %Strength of the electricity on the wire
L = 0.400; %The length of the wire
xStart = 0; %Start point
xSlut = L/2; %End point
yStart = 10; %Function value when x=0
err = 5e-10; %Error tolerance in calculations
g1 = 128; %First guess on y'(x) when x=0
g2 = 89; %Second guess on y'(x) when x=0
state = 0;
X = [];
Y = [];
[X,Y] = ode45(#calcWithSec,[xStart xSlut],[yStart g1]');
F1 = Y(end,2);
iter = 0;
h = 1;
currentY = Y;
while abs(h)>err && iter<100
[X,Y] = ode45(#calcWithSec,[xStart xSlut],[yStart g2]');
currentY = Y;
F2 = Y(end,2);
Fp = (g2-g1)/(F2-F1);
h = -F2*Fp;
g1 = g2;
g2 = g2 + h;
F1 = F2;
iter = iter + 1;
if iter == 100
disp('No convergence')
function fp = calcWithSec(x,y)
alpha = 0.01; %Constant
beta = 10^13; %Constant
global I;
fp = [y(2) alpha*(y(1)^4)-beta*(I^2)*10^(-8)*(1+y(1)/32.5)]';
My problem with this program is that for different given I's in the differential equation, I get strange curves that does not make any sense in physical meaning. For instance, the only "good" graph I get is when I=0.1. The graph to such differential equations is as follows:
But when I set I=0.2, then I get a graph that looks like this:
Again, in physical meaning and according to the given assignment, this should not happen since it gets hotter you closer you get to the middle of the mentioned wire. I want be able to calculate all I between 0.1 and 20, where I is the strength of the electricity.
I have a theory that it has something to do with my guessing values and therefore, my question is about if there is possible to implement an algorithm that forces the program to adjust the guessing values so I can get a graph that is "correct" in physical meaning? Or is it impossible to achieve this? If so, then explain why.
I have struggled with this assignment many days in row now, so all help I can get with this assignment is worth gold to me now.
Thank you all in advance for helping me out of this!

Need help plotting this function in Matlab

I recently started using Matlab and I am trying to plot Imaginary part of a function. I can see I am making a mistake somewhere because I have the graph showing what I need to get and I am getting something else. Here is the link of the graph that I need to get, that I am getting and a function that I am plotting:
I know that this function has a singularity at frequency around 270 Hz and I don't know if a 'quadgk' can solve integral then. You guys probably know but theta function inside the integral is a heaviside and I don't know if that is causing problem maybe? Is there something wrong I am doing here? Here is the matlab code I wrote:
clear all
for n = 1:numel(ff)
f = ff(n);
I1(n)= K1/f + (f/pi)*quadgk(#(x)(sinh(x/3)/(cosh(135/3)+cosh(x/3))-theta1(n))./((f^2)-4*(x.^2)), 0, inf);
plot(ff,I1, 'b');
hold on
axis([0 1000 -0.3 1])
First, I altered the expression for your heaviside function to what I think is the correct form.
Second, I introduced the definitions of mu and T explicitly.
Third, I broke down the integral into 4 components, as follows, and evaluated them individually (along the lines of what Fraukje proposed)
Fourth, I use quadl, although this is prob. of minor importance.
(edit) Changed the range of ff
Here's the code with changes:
ff=[1:fstep:265 275:fstep:1000];
T = 3;
mu = 135;
df = 0.01;
xmax = 10;
for n = 1:numel(ff)
f = ff(n);
sigm1 = #(x) sinh(x/T)./((f^2-4*x.^2).*(cosh(mu/T)+cosh(x/T)));
sigm2 = #(x) -theta1(n)./(f^2-4*x.^2);
I1(n) = K1/f + (f/pi)*quadl(sigm1,0,f/2-df); % term #1
% I1(n) = I1(n) + (f/pi)*quadl(sigm1,f/2+df,xmax); % term #2
% I1(n) = I1(n) + (f/pi)*quadl(sigm2,0,f/2-df); % term #3
% I1(n) = I1(n) + (f/pi)*quadl(sigm2,f/2+df,xmax); % term #4
I selected to split the integrals around x=f/2 since there is clearly a singularity there (division by 0). But additional problems occur for terms #2 and #4, that is when the integrals are evaluated for x>f/2, presumably due to all of the trigonometric terms.
If you keep only terms 1 and 3 you get something reasonably similar to the plot you show:
However you should probably inspect your function more closely and see what can be done to evaluate the integrals for x>f/2.
I inspected the code again and redefined the auxiliary integrals:
for n = 1:numel(ff)
f = ff(n);
sigm3 = #(x) sinh(x/T)./((f^2-4*x.^2).*(cosh(mu/T)+cosh(x/T))) -theta1(n)./(f^2-4*x.^2);
I1(n) = K1/f + (f/pi)*quadl(sigm3,0,f/2-df);
I2(n) = (f/pi)*quadl(sigm3,f/2+df,10);
I3(isnan(I3)) = 0;
I3 = I3 + I1;
This is how the output looks like now:
The green line is the integral of the function over 0<x<f/2 and seems ok. The red line is the integral over Inf>x>f/2 and clearly fails around f=270. The blue curve is the sum (the total integral) excluding the NaN contribution when integrating over Inf>x>f/2.
My conclusion is that there might be something wrong with the curve as you expect it to look.
So far I'd proceed this way:
T = 3;
mu = 135;
f = 1E-04:.1:1000;
theta = ones(size(f));
theta(f < 270)= 0;
integrative = zeros(size(f));
for ii = 1:numel(f)
ff = #(x) int_y(x, f(ii), theta(ii));
integrative(ii) = quad(ff,0,2000);
Imm = ((2*T)./(pi*f)).*log(2*cosh(mu/(2*T))) + (f/pi).*integrative;
Imm1 = exp(interp1(log(f(1:2399)),log(Imm(1:2399)),log(f(2400):.001:f(2700)),'linear','extrap'));
Imm2 = exp(interp1(log(f(2985:end)),log(Imm(2985:end)),log(f(2701):.001:f(2984)),'linear','extrap'));
plot([(f(2400):.001:f(2700)) (f(2701):.001:f(2984))],[Imm1 Imm2])
hold on
axis([0 1000 -1.0 1])
grid on
hold off
function rrr = int_y(x,f,theta)
T = 3;
mu = 135;
rrr = ( (sinh(x./T)./(cosh(mu/T) + cosh(x/T))) - theta ) ./ (f.^2 - 4.*(x.^2));
I've come up with this plot:

MATLAB How to vectorize these for loops?

I've searched a lot but didn't find any solution to my problem, could you please help me vectorizing (or just a way to make it way faster) these loops ?
% n is the size of C
h = 1/(n-1)
dt = 1e-6;
a = 1e-2;
t = 0.0;
for iter=1:12000
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
t = t + dt;
function i=ij(i) %Just to have a matrix as loop (the n+1 th cases are the 1 th and 0 the 0th are nth)
if i==0
elseif i==n+1
thanks a lot
EDIT: Found an answer, it was totally ridiculous and I was searching way too far
%n is still the size of C
h = 1/((n-1))
dt = 1e-6;
a = 1e-2;
var1=(a^2)/(h^2); %to make a bit less calculus
var2=dt/(h^2); % the same
t = 0.0;
for iter=1:12000
F=C.^3-C-var1*(C([n 1:n-1],1:n) + C([2:n 1], 1:n) + C(1:n, [n 1:n-1]) + C(1:n, [2:n 1]) - 4*C);
C = C + var2*(F([n 1:n-1], 1:n) + F([2:n 1], 1:n) + F(1:n, [n 1:n-1]) + F(1:n,[2:n 1]) - 4*F);
t = t + dt;
Found an answer, it was totally ridiculous and I was searching way too far
%n is still the size of C
h = 1/((n-1))
dt = 1e-6;
a = 1e-2;
var1=(a^2)/(h^2); %to make a bit less calculus
var2=dt/(h^2); % the same
prev = [n 1:n-1];
next = [2:n 1];
t = 0.0;
for iter=1:12000
F = C.*C.*C - C - var1*(C(:,next)+C(:,prev)+C(next,:)+C(prev,:)-4*C);
C = C + var2*(F(:,next)+F(:,prev)+F(next,:)+F(prev,:)-4*F);
t = t + dt;
The behavior of the inner loop looks like a 2-dimensional circular convolution. That's the same as multiplication in the FFT domain. Subtraction is invariant across a linear operation such as FFT.
You'll want to use the fft2 and ifft2 functions.
Once you do that, I think you'll find that the repeated convolution can be eliminated by raising the convolution kernel (element-wise) to the power iter. If that optimization is correct, I'm predicting a speedup of 5 orders of magnitude.
You can replace for example C(ij(i-1),j) by using circshift(C,[1,0]) or circshift(C,[1,0]) (i can't figure out witch one of two is correct)