convert scientific notations to numbers in Crystal report - crystal-reports

I have a running total field which has more than 15 charactersharacters and it's returning value in scientific notations.
Is there any way in SAP Crystal reports to convert scientific notations like 1.11e+017 to numbers ?

Please write formula like follow. I tried and It works for me.
Local StringVar Array x;
Local StringVar mantissa;
Local StringVar exponent := "0";
// Split into mantissa and exponent parts.
x:= Split("24.2233E+2", "e", 2, 1); // pass column name
mantissa := x[1];
If (UBound(x) = 2)
exponent := x[2];
// CDbl cannot interpret leading positive sign, so removie
If Left(mantissa, 1) = "+"
mantissa := Right(mantissa, Length(mantissa) - 1);
If Left(exponent, 1) = "+"
exponent := Right(exponent, Length(exponent) - 1);
// Compute number
CDbl(mantissa) * 10 ^ CDbl(exponent);
Source : Converting scientific notation string to number


How to split data every n-th character and make it into array in crystal report

i want to split data to make it into array. so given for example: 12345678
i want to get string array like this => ["234","678"]
is it possible in crystal report?
Yes, it is possible. But the requirements are not clear.
Data type of input (string or Number?)
Logic: discard 1st character? Then, groups of 3 skipping the 4th character?
Here is formula code that takes "12345678" and returns "^234^678":
local stringvar myString := "12345678";
local stringvar myDelimitedString := "";
local numbervar StringLength := Len(myString);
local numbervar i;
For i := 1 to StringLength step 4 do
myDelimitedString := myDelimitedString + "^" + MID(myString, i+ 1, 3);

mask a field with no fixed length in crystal reports 2008

I have a field in crystal reports that displays customer's names. the requirement however is to just display the first 5 characters, which includes spacing as well. whatever comes after the 5th character will be converted into * and the spacing shall be displayed as a space still. as the name field varies, how do i accomplish this?
currently i only have this, which displays the first 5 characters and replaces only the 6th character with an *
Unfortunately, it seems Crystal does not suport regex.
So, i would do a function. Try this:
stringvar input := {Command.CUST_NAME};
stringvar output := MID(input, 1, 5);
numbervar i;
for i:=5 to Length (input) step 1 do (
stringvar aChar := MID(input, i, 1);
if aChar <> " " then aChar := "*";
output := output + aChar;
Maybe you will have to handle if {Command.CUST_NAME} is smaller than 5 chars.

A month number must be between 1 and 12, Error<Month>

Error in formula .
'Stringvar Array strings := Split({?#V2_month}, ",");'
A month number must be between 1 and 12.
Above is the error that i get, {?#V2_month} is my report parameter.
Month is my formula field
Below is the formula in the Month formula field
Stringvar Array strings := Split({?#V2_month}, ",");
Stringvar result := "" ;
//populate array
Numbervar i;
for i := 1 to Ubound(strings)
do (
result := result + MonthName(ToNumber(strings[i]) , true)+", " ;
MID(result , 1 , len(result) - 2);
Any idea why this formula prompt this kind of error?
I got the same error as yours. You forgot to add comma in your input values of the parameter ?#V2_month making it more than 12 or less than 1. Make sure the value you entered is comma separated and number between 1 and 12.

Crystal Report formula issue :How to split multi line text value in to the array and how to fetch it by forloop in

I have one field in a dataset which has a multi-line textbox value. I want to split that record, store it into an array, and when I fetch the value from the array by a for-loop, I want to prepend a "*" to each line. I have written a formula for that but it's working only for 2 values. After that it's not working and I'm not able to get how to retrieve the value like this.
I want the result to be:
* 123
* 234
* 786
But I'm getting the result:
my formula is
Local StringVar y;
Local StringVar x;
Local NumberVar i;
y := ""+ chrw(10);
x := y;
Stringvar Array strings := Split({Touche.Concerns}, "\r\n");
Stringvar Array numbers;
For i :=1 To Ubound(strings) Do
y := y + chrw(10)+ "$" + strings[i];
Instead of a long formula which breaks into arrays and manipulates each line, why not just replace the line breaks with a line break and the asterisk?
"* " & replace(trim({Touche.Concerns}), "\r\n", "\r\n* ");
The leading '*' is to place the char on the first line and the trim function is called to remove any trailing line breaks (so there won't be a line with just the asterisk).
As a side note, use & when concatenating strings and not the + char. Use the + can sometimes cause coercion to where numeric values would be added together. For example "12" + "34" would yield 46 instead of 1234. The & char ensures string concatenation is used.

Number to String in a formula field

I am using a formula field to concatonate 2 decimal values separated by a dash. However, I want the result to trim all unneccesary trailing zeros and decimal points for both values.
For example, I want values 10 and 8.5 to be "10 - 8.5". Now it shows "10.00 - 8.50".
The formula I am using is CSTR({field1}) + " - " + CSTR({field2}).
I believe this is what you're looking for:
Convert Decimal Numbers to Text showing only the non-zero decimals
Especially this line might be helpful:
StringVar text := Totext ( {Your.NumberField} , 6 , "" ) ;
The first parameter is the decimal to be converted, the second parameter is the number of decimal places and the third parameter is the separator for thousands/millions etc.
CSTR({number_field}, 0, '')
The second placeholder is for decimals.
The last placeholder is for thousands separator.
i wrote a simple function for this:
Function (stringVar param)
Local stringVar oneChar := '0';
Local numberVar strLen := Length(param);
Local numberVar index := strLen;
oneChar = param[strLen];
while index > 0 and oneChar = '0' do
oneChar := param[index];
index := index - 1;
Left(param , index + 1);