Perl Module install to mentioned directory - perl

I want to install a Perl module to a particular directory which I am mentioning while executing a command.
I want this module to be installed in a mentioned path.
Command I tried is
$ env PERL_MM_OPT='INSTALL_BASE=/home/vinod/my_test_folder/perl_practice/scripts' cpanm Log::Log4perl
But this by default installed in /home/vinod/my_test_folder/perl_practice/scripts/lib/perl5.
What could be the reason? How to install the module in particular directory which I am mentioning?

See the documentation of INSTALL_BASE. You seem to be interested in changing just the INSTALLPRIVLIB path. Maybe you want to set the LIB attribute only, described in the next section?


how to change configuration of CPAN from local::lib to sudo preference

Hi am new to using perl and installed CPAN using the code:
$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
and i got the following prompt:
To install modules, you need to configure a local Perl library directory or escalate your privileges. CPAN can help you by bootstrapping the local::lib module or by configuring itself to use 'sudo' (if available). You may also resolve this problem manually if you need to customize your setup.
What approach do you want? (Choose 'local::lib', 'sudo' or 'manual')
I selected local::lib, but i realized that may not be the best for what I want to do and now would like to switch to sudo to build modules not in a local library. I have tried to build libraries but they always get put in a local library.
How would I do this?
CPAN may store its configuration and the choice you made in several places, however, you should take a look first at /etc/perl/CPAN/ and/or $HOME/.cpan/CPAN/
Deleting these file (you may move them as a backup if you're not sure) will reset CPAN to default behavior.
You may also have a look inside these files, find the exact parameter, and remove the corresponding line.
try grep local::lib ~/.cpan/CPAN/ for example...
To disable local::lib and get the configuration prompt again you must remove:
export PATH;
export PERL5LIB;
PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base \"/home/.../perl5\"";
export PERL_MB_OPT;
export PERL_MM_OPT;
From ~/.bashrc

How can I configure rpmbuild to use lib64/perl5 as an install path?

I am running CentOS7 (RHEL7) and I am trying to build a Perl module with rpmbuild. I have generated the SPEC file and it builds all the way until it installs, which fails.
error: File not found by glob: /home/user/rpm/BUILDROOT/perl-Data-Dumper-2.167_02-1.el7.centos.x86_64/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/*
I see that in the .spec file, it is looking for %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/* so it's looking in the right place (same place that yum installs pre-built rpms for perl modules.)
HOWEVER, when doing the install phase, it seems rpmbuild is trying to use (via the MakeMaker generated Makefile) my PERL5LIB /home/user/perl5/lib/perl5. I can change the INSTALL_DIR via the spec to /usr, however, I can't figure out how to change the suffix to lib/perl5
Is there anyway to tell MakeMaker to use a different suffix?

CPAN first launching configuration

I'm taking a look into Perl as a total beginner. I want to try some CPAN modules.
When I run an install command on my Osx console, CPAN asks for a configuration with the following statement :
To install modules, you need to configure a local Perl library
directory or escalate your privileges. CPAN can help you by
bootstrapping the local::lib module or by configuring itself to use
'sudo' (if available). You may also resolve this problem manually if
you need to customize your setup.
What approach do you want? (Choose 'local::lib', 'sudo' or 'manual')
What is the difference between local::lib and sudo options ?
If I understand it well, it installs some modules locally on my computer. But I don't see any difference between the two config above.
If you use sudo, CPAN will use root to install the libraries in a central location where all users on the machine can access the files without any special configuration. If you use 'local::lib', it will create a library in your home directory and install the modules such that only perl programs that have been configured to look for modules in your home directory will find the modules.
Perl uses the special variable #INC to search for module paths. So you can install modules anywhere as long as you set #INC properly before you use them. This article explains the basics.
You can do all kinds of fun stuff with #INC; one of my favorite hacks it to put a function pointer in there and use custom perl code to lookup modules.
Good question. When you use local::lib, you can install Modules via CPAN User specific in an given directory. Assume you choose sudo as approach, you install Modules global.
Its like installing Node.js via npm. When you install a module with npm install -g <Modul>, its global installed and you can use it everywhere. But withouth that -g flag, its just available inside your current directory.
Its about the same here, except that you choose the default way of installing CPAN Modules.

Perl - Use lib with perl module which have dependencies

I have a Perl script which uses the module Net::SSH::Any. Since it does not belong to the “default” Perl installation, I have to use the use lib functionality to include it in my script.
Now, I have the directory c:\lib\net\ssh\any\ on my drive and I specify this: use lib c:/lib; at the beginning of my script.
It “works”: it didn’t say that the module is missing but it says that it couldn’t locate auto/Net/SSH2/autosplit.ix and at the end no backend available at...
When I add the auto directory (containing the correct structure) in the c:\lib\ directory and launch the script, I get this error:
No backend available at...
Which is an internal error of Net::SSH::Any mentioning it could not access the backend directory (which is already included :/)
Does anyone know how to solve something like that? I hope I was clear enough.
You need to use Local::Lib.
This will let you install and load a whole bunch of libraries and their dependencies in an alternate location. I use cpanm to manage my modules and a command something like this (which I put in a wrapper script).
cpanm -L $cpandir $M --no-skip-installed
Where $cpandir is your locallibdir and $M is the module you are trying to install.
Then in your code you would specify
use local::lib '~/foo';
However, I recommend setting a PERL5LIB environment variable, which will append your custom location to #INC and make the extra use local::lib line unnecessary. You would typically edit .bashrc or .profile in your home directory with a line like:
export PERL5LIB=/home/myusername/mymods/
The issue was caused by the fact that the module was downloaded and installed on a 32bits windows but I tried to run it on a perl 64bits installation! So the Net::SSH2 required module couldn't be executed properly.
To resume:
-How to detect the issue: by executing this command: (thanks to Salva)
"perl -Ic:\lib -MNet::SSH2 -e1"
-Modules definitions in my script:
use lib 'c:\lib';

Local cpan builds

I'd like to use a home directory specific, non-root directory for stuff I install from cpan. How can I configure it?
Normal CPAN configuration tries to install packages into /usr. After adding 'makepl_arg' => q[PREFIX=~/cpan_local], simple packages seem to build, but I cannot build a package that pulls its dependencies - the dependency is not found.
After I changed it to 'makepl_arg' => q[PREFIX=~/cpan_local LIB=~/cpan_local], I get the following message: Warning: Prerequisite 'ExtUtils::CBuilder => 0.27' for 'D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Module-Build-0.3607.tar.gz' already installed but installation looks suspicious. Skipping another installation attempt, to prevent looping endlessly.
How can I configure this properly? I want everything that's built to do to ~/cpan_local automatically. (or for people familiar with python, I'd like this to work like virtual-env and running easy_install from it).
Even better, install App::cpanminus first. Then just use it to install modules as a regular user. If this user can't write to the /usr/local/lib/perl* directories it will resort to writing in its home directory, or you pass it the -l or --local-lib option to directly install it in your home directory without it figuring out if it can install them system wide.
Finally, installing local::lib and setting up your environment automatically with your .bashrc file will allow you to omit the --local-lib option and install to your home directory directly.
Use local::lib. The bootstrap instructions should do the trick for you.