Is there any possible way for Data Replication? - postgresql

Suppose my Master server have 10-15 database registered.
And on my slave server only have one or two of them.
So is there any possible way to sync between master and slave for that two databases only.
Cause while configuring data replication, there are settings for configure server only.
So, Is there any configuration to specify databases which to replicate?


Streaming replication solution in Postgres

I'm reading the article below how to achieve streaming replication in Postgres DB.
Some things are not quite clear
1) Are both DB instances active OR the slave instance is just a clone of master (o it communicates with master, but not the backend?
2) If DB master node failed, what will happen until second node will get back online? Is this covered by default by just having wal sender and wal receiver processes or something else needs to be added?
3) Which DB_HOST:PORT should be configured in the backend app if for example I have two backend nodes (both of them are active)?
If hot_standby = on in postgresql.conf, clients can connect to the standby, but only read data and not modify them. The standby is an identical physical cooy of the primary, just as if you had copied it file by file.
If the primary fails, the standby will remain up and running, but you still can only read data until somebody promotes the standby. You have to understand that PostgreSQL does not ship with cluster software that allows this to happen automatically. You have to usr some other software like Patroni for that.
That depends on the API your software is using. With libpq (the C API) or JDBC you can have a connection string that contains both servers and will select the primary automatically, but with other clients you may have to use external load balancing software.

PostgreSQL Multi master Synchronisation

I have a scenario as follows,
One cloud server is running an application with PGSQL as DB
Multiple local servers are running with same application with PGSQL as DB
User may access the cloud server for read/write data
User may access any of the local server to read/write data
What I need is synchronisation between all these databases. The synchronisation can be done live if connectivity is available, or immediately when connectivity is available.
Please guide me with some inputs, where can i start from.
Rethink your requirements.
Multimaster replication is full of pitfalls, and it is easy to get your databases out of sync unless you plan carefully. You'd probably be better off with a single master node.
That said, you could look at BDR by 2ndQuadrant which provides such functionality.

Replicate via pglogical on a hot_standby setup

I am running two databases (PostgreSQL 9.5.7) in a master/slave setup. My application is connecting to a pgpool instance which routes to the master database (and slave for read only queries).
Now I am trying to scale out some data to another read-only database instance containing only a few tables.
This works perfectly using pglogical directly on the master database.
However if the master transitions to slave for some reason, pglogical can't replicate any longer because the node is in standby.
Tried following things:
subscribed on the slave since it's less likely to go down, or overheated: Can't replicate on standby node.
subscribed via pgpool server: pgpool doesn't accept replication connections.
subscribed to both servers: pglogical config gets replicated along, so can't give them different node names.
The only thing I can think of now is to write my own tcp proxy which regularly checks for the state of the server to which I can subscribe to.
Is there any other/easier way I can solve this ?
Am I using the wrong tools perhaps ?
Ok so it seems that there are no solutions for this problem just yet.
Since the data in my logically replicated database is not changing fast, there is no harm if the replication stops for a moment.
Actions on failover could be:
Re-subscribe to the promoted master.
or promote standby node back to master after failover.

Hosting Replicaset and Config servers MongoDB on other servers?

Should I keep the replicasets and config servers on separate servers? Or have one replicaset and one config server on one server? Can I have all replicasets on one server and all config servers on another one server? (Does this defeat the purpose of sharding?)
The purpose of sharding is distributing load on multiple servers. The purpose of replication is (mostly) redundancy by allowing one server to take the place of another when that server goes offline for some reason. Obviously, it does not make much sense in either case to run multiple instances on the same server. So yes, it would defeat the purpose of sharding.
However, when you only have two servers and have to choose between replication and sharding, you can get the best of both worlds by creating two shards where each shard has a secondary which runs on the server of the primary of the other shard. That way you have both the performance-improvement when everything is OK but don't lose access to half your data when one server goes down.
Regarding the config servers: MongoDB recommends to make them a separate replica-set which runs on separate servers. But when you are on a budget, it should technically be possible to put that replica-set on the same hardware which runs the actual database. The config servers are only required when a mongos process (re-)starts or when a chunk migration happens and are relatively idle the rest of the time. Unfortunately a chunk migration is also a phase where the involved shards are very busy, so running the config servers on the same hardware will make performance drops during chunk migrations even worse.

Can I keep two mongo databases synced?

I have an app that can run in offline mode. If offline it uses a local mongo database, if it has a data connection it will use a remote mongo database.
Is there an easy way to sync these two databases and make sure they both have the union of their collections and documents?
EDIT: Effectively there are two databases that could both have insertions and deletions happening on them that aren't happening on the other. At fixed points in time I would like to have both databases show the union of them both.
For example over a period of time.
DB1 = DB2 = {B, C}
EDIT2: Been doing some reading. It's not the intended purpose but could they be set up as slaves replica sets of the remote and used that way? Problem is that I think replicas need to have a replica hosts must be accessible by way of resolvable DNS. Not sure how the remote could access local host.
You could use replica set but MongoDB doesn’t support master-master replication. Let's assume if you have setup like this:
two nodes with priority 1 which will be used as remote servers
single arbiter to ensure majority if one of remotes dies
5 local dbs with priority set as 0
When your application goes offline, it will stay secondary so you won't be able to perform writes. When you go online it will sync changes from remote dbs but you still need some way of syncing local changes. One of dealing with could be using local fallback db which will be used for writes when you are offline. When you go online, you push all new records to master. A little bit trickier could be dealing with updates but it is doable.
Another problem is that it won't scale up if you'll need to add more applications. If I remember correctly, there is a 12 nodes per replica set limit. For small cluster DNS resolution could be solved by using ssh tunnels.
Another way of dealing with a problem could be using small restful service and document timestamps. Whenever app is online it can periodically push local inserts to remote and pull data from remote db.