Are EPS images supported with Apache-FOP 2.3 version? - apache-fop

I'm seeing this error when trying to add .EPS file to my PDF document,
Can anyone please help me to fix this issue in
Apache-FOP setup : SEVERE: Image not available. URI: ../graphics/icon-note.eps (application/postscript).
Reason: org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader.ImageException: Cannot load image (no suitable loader/converter combination available) for ../graphics/icon-note.eps (application/postscript) (No context info available)
org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader.ImageException: Cannot load image (no suitable loader/converter combination available) for ../graphics/icon-note.eps (application/postscript)
Are .EPS files supported by Apache-FOP ??

See the Apache FOP support web site.
I would note that I do not believe EPS was ever supported in PDF output. As is the case with many formatters, EPS are available to use in Postscript output only. PDF as an image is normally available in PDF output. Some formatters allow EPS in PDF as long as the EPS has the associated TIFF embedded inside (in which the TIFF image is used so that is no different that having a TIFF image).
Your solution is to use a tool to convert you EPS images into something else that is supported in PDF output or output Postscript and use a product to convert the Postscript to PDF.


How to convert .SFF file format to .BMP or .PNG or .JPG?

I need to convert my SFF file to PDF, then i need verify the document. i.e SFF file and converted file.
For that, I think to convert SFF file to image file and PDF file to image file.
Then comparing the both file using image processing.
To do this method:
Im searching for a program to convert SFF to BMP
Does anyone know such a program or has another idea how to do the job?
Thank you in advance...
Looks like you need reaConvertor. It appears to be a matured tool you can rely on. There is an online version of the tool here
I think:
will do what you need (convert sff -> tiff/jpeg/..) and then you can use imageMagic (for example) to go to PDF.
Clearly not a current well used image format, however if you have legacy.sff Structured Fax Format, they are similar (not exactly identical) to a Monochrome G4 format.
By far the simplest programmable method to convert is using IrfanView which can Read Modify and Resave as other formats in batches.
Out put can be any other modern image type including Mono.BMP, G4.fax or as PDF (with or without GhostScript)

IPython notebook embed postscript

How can we render postscript documents in IPython notebook?
I saw there is support for other file formats such as jpg, png, pdf and svg but couldn't find any mention about postscript.
PostScript isn't a 'file format', its a programming language. In order to render PostScript you will need a complete PostScript interpreter.
Presumably you could write one in Python, the last time I saw an estimate for the amount of time required to write a full PostScript interpreter it was 5 man years, its probably a bit more now.
Or you could render the program externally using Ghostscript, to produce something you can already read. Since you say PDF is already supported it would seem sensible to convert to that instead; since its not a bitmap format you won't lose scalability.

Method to decompress a PDF (non-Adobe) while retaining form fields?

I found a similar question that involves Acrobat, but in this case the PDF was made with a combination of MS Word and CenoPDF v3, with which I'm unfamiliar. Additionally the PDF is version 1.3. I'd like to decompress it, to see its low-level workings and make some changes. It's easy with GhostScript's -dCompressPages=false parameter, but that simultaneously strips all the fill-in form functionality. Is there a method for decompressing the file while leaving everything else intact? A quick search of the docs for tcpdf and fpdi (cited in the link) didn't reveal a compression option.
Ghostscript and pdfwrite isn't a good combination. The PDF file you get out is NOT the same as the one you put in. This is because of the way that Ghostscript and pdfwrite work; the input is fully interpreted to a sequence of graphics primitives, which is sent to the Ghostscript graphics library. These are then sent to the requested device, most devices then render the result to a bitmap, but the pdfwrite family reassemble those graphics primitives int a new PDF file.
Note that the contents of the new PDF file have no relationship to the original, other than the appearance when rendered. Ghostscript and pdfwrite do maintain much of the non-marking content of PDF files such as hyperlinks and so on (which obviously don't get turned into graphics primitives), by interpreting them into pdfmark operations (an extension to the PostScript language defined by Adobe). However, even if Ghostscript and pdfwrite maintained all this content, the resulting PDF file wouldn't be the same as the original one decompressed....
There are tools which will decompress PDF files, and I would recommend one of our other products, MuPDF. A part of this is mutool, and "mutool clean -d in.pdf out.pdf" will decompress pretty much everything in a PDF file
QPDF can decompress PDF documents (among other things). I used this tool in the past and it preserved forms and data.
The tool has some issues with large PDFs (can take too much time and memory for decompression). The tool can produce incomplete output (with warnings in console) for some partially broken / nonstandard PDFs.

PDF output from MATLAB and inclusion in LaTeX

I'm printing some figures in MATLAB in PDF form, and can view them fine with the Evince PDF viewer on Fedora 16.
When I try to include them in LaTeX (TeXLive 2011), however, I get an error
!pdfTeX error: /usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/x86_64-linux/pdflatex (file ./caroti
d_amp_mod_log.pdf): xpdf: reading PDF image failed
However, I can take an example PDF image generated in Mathematica and include it just fine, which tells me that the problem is with the PDF's generated by MATLAB and not with PDF's in general.
Might it have something to do with the set(0,'defaultfigurepaperpositionmode','auto')I put in my startup.m file so that pages would auto-fit the images?
EDIT: I just tried using saveas(figure(1), 'filename.pdf') instead of print(figure(1), 'filename.pdf') and it worked fine, but the PaperPositionMode property is ignored. Any way around this?
Finally found the problem. The correct way to print images is to use the print(handle, '-dformat', 'filename') syntax.
So, for PDF's, we need print(figure(1), '-dpdf', 'myfigure'). See MATLAB documentation on graphics file formats for more information.
Using print(figure(1), 'filename.pdf') still produces a valid PDF for viewing, but it can't be included in LaTeX.
You can try using
to include pdf files. However, you need to use pdflatex only, as you are doing right now.

Does PDF::API2 support reading PDF 1.5+ with compressed XRef?

It appears that PDF::API2 does not support PDF 1.5 (and later) compression of the xref table. This type of file is more common since Acrobat 9 & 10 write them by default. The other compression scheme is compressed object streams.
I get the following error:
Malformed xref in PDF file at /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.3/PDF/API2/Basic/PDF/ line 1140.
Do any of the Perl PDF modules support reading a PDF with a compressed XRef?
CAM::PDF can read a compressed XRef. The documentation says:
The file format through PDF 1.5 is well-supported, with the exception
of the "linearized" or "optimized" output format, which this module
can read but not write.
I haven't worked with CAM::PDF. But I looked it over and the api feels strange after coming from PDF::API2. It is more low level or something. There are advantages and disadvantages to both libraries though.
We use PDF::API2 at work and ask our designers to save as PDF v1.4 when they give us stuff. You can also use ghostscript to convert them to PDF 1.4 which is supported by PDF::API2.
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -o out.pdf in.pdf