Gathering performance metrics for calls to Cloud Functions from Flutter - flutter

I am attempting to use Firebase Performance monitoring with Firebase Cloud Functions. When I run the following code I get the error URL host is null or invalid. Clearly that is because I am passing in a function name rather than a URL with a host.
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:cloud_functions/cloud_functions.dart';
import 'package:firebase_performance/firebase_performance.dart';
/// Handles tracking metrics while calling cloud functions.
class MetricCloudFunction {
Future<HttpsCallableResult> call(String functionName, [dynamic parameters]) async {
final HttpMetric metric = FirebasePerformance.instance
.newHttpMetric(functionName, HttpMethod.Get);
final HttpsCallable callable = CloudFunctions.instance.getHttpsCallable(
functionName: functionName,
await metric.start();
HttpsCallableResult response;
try {
response = await;
} catch(e) {
debugPrint('failed: ${e.toString()}');
} finally {
await metric.stop();
return response;
Is there some way to get the URL of the callable function so that I can create the metric for it? If not, is there another way that I can create an HTTP metric for it?

There is currently no way to programmatically get the URL for an HTTP callable type function. You can compose it by what you know about the function (the three variables are deployment region, project ID, name), or you can simply copy it from the Firebase console Functions dashboard and hard code it into your app.


Flutter / RiverPod - how to load StateProvider initial state from Firestore

I'm stuck with a situation where I am trying to use a RiverPod provider in my Flutter app to represent user preference data. In this case, the user preference data is stored in FireStore.
I'm stuck with understanding how to load provider state from Firestore. Currently, I'm trying to use the "userPreferencesFutureProvider" to load the 'GdUserPreferences" data from a service that calls Firestore, which then pushes the data into "userPreferencesProvider" using the 'overrideWith' method. However, when I access the user preference data via the 'userPreferencesProvider' provider the data loaded from Firestore is not present
final userPreferencesFutureProvider = FutureProvider<bool>( (ref) async {
final p =;
GdUserPreferences? aPrefs = await p.load();
if (aPrefs == null) {
aPrefs = GdUserPreferencesUtil.createDefault();
userPreferencesProvider.overrideWith((ref) => UserPreferencesNotifier(p,aPrefs!));
return true;
final userPreferencesProvider = StateNotifierProvider<UserPreferencesNotifier,GdUserPreferences>((ref) {
return UserPreferencesNotifier(,GdUserPreferences());
Any suggestions?
Further to the feedback received I have updated my code as shown below, but this still doesn't work...
final userPreferencesFutureProvider = FutureProvider<bool>( (ref) async {
// get service that wraps calls to Firestore
final p =;
// load data from Firestore
GdUserPreferences? aPrefs = await p.load();
// if none found then create default values
if (aPrefs == null) {
aPrefs = GdUserPreferencesUtil.createDefault();
// push state into a provider that will be used;
// this future returns a boolean as a way of indicating that the data load succeeded.
// elsewhere in the app access to the user preference data is via the userPreferencesProvider
return true;
final userPreferencesProvider = StateNotifierProvider<UserPreferencesNotifier,GdUserPreferences>((ref) {
print('default provider');
return UserPreferencesNotifier(,GdUserPreferences());
class UserPreferencesNotifier extends StateNotifier<GdUserPreferences> {
// service is a wrapper around FireStore collection call
final GdUserPreferencesService service;
UserPreferencesNotifier(this.service, super.state);
void update(GdUserPreferences aNewPrefs) {
print('update state');
state = aNewPrefs;
The purpose of having a separate FutureProvider and StateNotifierProvider, is that I can insert the FutureProvider when the app first loads. Then when I want to access the user preference data I can use the straight forward StateNotifierProvider, which avoids the complications of having Future Providers all over the app.
Note: using the print methods I can show that the 'update' method is called after the userPreferencesProvider is first created, so I can't understand why the data is not updated correctly
Apologies to all responders...
The problem was caused by a coding error on my side. I had two versions of 'userPreferencesProvider' defined in two different locations. Taking out the rogue duplicate definition and it now works fine.

mongo_dart error: A value of type 'Rational' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Decimal'

The code below tries to create a Dart server and open a Mongo database. When database section below is commented, then the server starts as expected. Uncommenting the database section dumps the below error on console.
2.0.1/lib/src/types/decimal_128.dart:36:58: Error: A value of type 'Rational' can't
be assigned to a variable of type 'Decimal'.
Environment: MacOS_x64 12.6, Dart SDK version: (dev)
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart';
import 'package:shelf_router/shelf_router.dart';
import 'package:mongo_dart/mongo_dart.dart';
// Configure routes.
final _router = Router()
..get('/', _rootHandler)
..get('/echo/<message>', _echoHandler);
Response _rootHandler(Request req) {
return Response.ok('Hello, World!\n');
Response _echoHandler(Request request) {
final message = request.params['message'];
return Response.ok('$message\n');
void main(List<String> args) async {
// Use any available host or container IP (usually ``).
final ip = InternetAddress.anyIPv4;
// Configure a pipeline that logs requests.
final handler = Pipeline().addMiddleware(logRequests()).addHandler(_router);
// For running in containers, we respect the PORT environment variable.
final port = int.parse(Platform.environment['PORT'] ?? '8080');
final server = await serve(handler, ip, port);
print('Server listening on port ${server.port}');
/// Database Section ///
final db = Db('mongodb://localhost:27017/testdb');
try {
print('Opening database\n');
print('database connected');
print('Database connected');
} catch (e) {
It would seem that the bson package is to blame for the error. I would post an issue ticket on their repository detailing this issue, and also post an issue on the mongo_dart package bringing it to their attention. Perhaps they are using an outdated version of the decimal or rational package. (Or maybe this has already been fixed in the bson package and it's the mongo_dart package that needs to update its dependencies.)
Per the documentation, Decimal.pow returns a Rational, and Decimal and Rational are not directly compatible types. They would need to use the extension method Rational.toDecimal to convert the value back to a Decimal.
// For example
final Decimal maxUint64 = Decimal(2).pow(64).toDecimal();

How to get AutoRefreshingAuthClient from AuthClient without any service account (Google Auth)

I need an AutoRefreshingAuthClient to use gsheet to play with authenticated users Google Sheet. I can get AuthClient using google_sign_in package.
So, How can I get AutoRefreshingAuthClient from AuthClient in a flutter application without any service account?
The reason I don't want to use a Service Account is,
If I use a Service Account, all files are saved into this Service Account. But, I want to read, write and use Google Sheet from the authenticated user's account.
I ended up using googleapis instead. Seems like gsheets was made to work specifically with Service Accounts so even if you create a valid AutoRefreshingAuthClient it'll check to see if it's a Service Account.
Here's how I did it with the SheetsApi (The GoogleAuthClient class was found after a lot of searching on GitHub and multiple users had the same thing):
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
class GoogleAuthClient extends http.BaseClient {
final Map<String, String> _headers;
final http.Client _client = new http.Client();
Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) {
return _client.send(request..headers.addAll(_headers));
final client = GoogleAuthClient((await _googleSignIn.currentUser.authHeaders));
_SheetApi = sheets.SheetsApi(client);
There is as decent amount of overhead on our side with SheetsApi compared to GSheets. Like appending rows or simply naming your Spreadsheet requires more lines of code and/or objects:
// Sheet creation
sheets.Spreadsheet request = sheets.Spreadsheet.fromJson({
'properties': {
'title': "$title",
sheets.Spreadsheet sh = getSheetApi().spreadsheets.create(request));
// Add first row
List<String> row = [...];
getSheetApi().spreadsheets.values.append(createSheetRows([columns]), sh.spreadsheetId, "Sheet1!$startLetter:$endLetter",
valueInputOption: 'USER_ENTERED');
static sheets.ValueRange createSheetRows(List<List<String>> row){
return sheets.ValueRange.fromJson({
"values": row,
"majorDimension": "ROWS"
static sheets.ValueRange createSheetRow(List<String> row){
return createSheetRows([row]);

Flutter Firebase Storage Futures issue

I'm having some problems with a line in the function below. The function is handling async gets from Firebase Storage. I'm using it to get the names and urls of files I have stored there.
The issues is with getting the Urls. Specifically on the line:
String url = element.getDownloadURL().toString();
getDownloadedURL() is a Firebase future. I tried to await it, but it won't recognise the await, I guess due to "element".
The over all effect is that when I'm using this in my UI via a Future builder, the name comes out fine but the Url doesn't. It is being retrieved as the print statement shows it. But it's not being waited for, so the UI is already updated.
Been trying lots of things, but haven't found a solution, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Future<void> getImageData() async {
final imagesFromStorage = await fb
imagesFromStorage.items.forEach((element) {
String url = element.getDownloadURL().toString();
imageData.add(ImageData(, url.toString()));
Many thanks
You can't use async in forEach.
Just use a for loop:
Future<void> getImageData() async {
final imagesFromStorage = await fb
for (var element in imagesFromStorage.items) {
String url = (await element.getDownloadURL()).toString();
imageData.add(ImageData(, url.toString()));

How to get Public IP in Flutter?

In my case, i need public IP Address. But, after research almost all documentary related to Local IP like: Get_IP, I want something like not Can someone give some advice?
As far as I'm aware, there's no way to get the public IP of a device from within that device. This is because the vast majority of the time, the device doesn't know it's own public IP. The public IP is assigned to the device from the ISP, and your device is usually separated from the ISP through any number of modems, routers, switches, etc.
You need to query some external resource or API (such as that will then tell you what your public IP is. You can do this with a simple HTTP request.
import 'package:http/http.dart';
Future<String> getPublicIP() async {
try {
const url = '';
var response = await http.get(url);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
// The response body is the IP in plain text, so just
// return it as-is.
return response.body;
} else {
// The request failed with a non-200 code
// The API has a lot of guaranteed uptime
// promises, so this shouldn't ever actually happen.
return null;
} catch (e) {
// Request failed due to an error, most likely because
// the phone isn't connected to the internet.
return null;
EDIT: There is now a Dart package for getting public IP information from the IPify service. You can use this package in place of the above manual solution:
import 'package:dart_ipify/dart_ipify.dart';
void main() async {
final ipv4 = await Ipify.ipv4();
print(ipv4); //
final ipv6 = await Ipify.ipv64();
print(ipv6); // or 2a00:1450:400f:80d::200e
final ipv4json = await Ipify.ipv64(format: Format.JSON);
print(ipv4json); //{"ip":""} or {"ip":"2a00:1450:400f:80d::200e"}
// The response type can be text, json or jsonp
I recently came across this package dart_ipify that can do this work.
Here is an example:
import 'package:dart_ipify/dart_ipify.dart';
void main() async {
final ipv6 = await Ipify.ipv64();
print(ipv6); // or 2a00:1450:400f:80d::200e
I came across this topic recently.
After investigating the issue, I found a solution using an external API.
I am using ipstack, it has a generous free tier.
Request a free access key
Make the following POST call
You can extract the ip parameter from the response