How to choose which events are sent to the user on an occasionally connected system using CQRS with event sourcing? - cqrs

I am building a web app that users can edit and share notes. Users should be connected to notes with roles (owner, read, read-write). This is an occasionally connected system so I chose to do the syncing using CQRS and event sourcing. Following Greg Young's presentation [36:20 - 38:40], the flow would be as follows:
Client does changes while offline.
Client connects to the Internet.
The "store and forward" sends the events that occurred while the client was offline.
Client compares the local events with the received events and does a merge, deciding what commands to keep. Then updates local view model.
Client sends the stored commands (created offline) to the server.
Server executes the commands and generates events that are stored in event store.
"store and forward" holds the events each user is interested in, until the users come back online.
The question is: How does the "store and foreword" decide what events should be sent to each user?
Obviously sending all events would compromise the security of other users.

Since your client knows which aggregates it displays, then it can just tell backend "hey, are there events for aggregateIds [...] since [timestamp]?".
This is how reSolve framework keeps UI reactive - client subscribes to events for particular aggregateId and receives them in real time via websockets.
So one answer to your question could be "let user ask for events (aggregateIds) he is interested in"


How I can send request to the nearest app user just like Uber in flutter

I want to create an application just like Uber using Firebase. I do not under stand how I can show the nearest application user on google map using costume markers and how I can send the request to the all nearest application users at same time just like Uber do.
Since you're already using Firebase, you can use Firebase Cloud Messaging. This is obviously a rather big feature that will envolve lots of sub-tasks, but here's a simplified overview of how it could be:
You have three players involved:
the "Uber user" client app
the "Uber driver" client app
your app server (which could be Firebase Cloud Functions, for a serverless backend)
The data flow could be as follows:
"Drivers" open their apps. This establishes a connection with the server, and keeps the server constantly updated with their geolocation.
A "user" opens his app. This triggers a request to the server sending the user's geolocation.
The server (which knows the realtime location of all drivers) calculates which drivers are near the user, and responds the user request with this data. The user client app can now render a map widget with the drivers locations (for this, you'll probably use a package like google_maps_flutter).
The user clicks a button to request a ride. This again triggers a request to the server.
The server receives the request, and notifies the nearby drivers using Cloud Messaging. FCM has a message type called Data message which is well suited for this; you can send custom data, and the client app will process it however it wants.
The drivers' apps receives this Data Message and render the UI showing there's a ride available. If the driver accepts the ride, this sends a request to the server.
Once the server sees the "accepted ride" request, it sends another message to all other drivers informing the ride is no longer available, as well as sends a message to the user informing the ride has been accepted.
As I said, this is not a simple feature. There are several tricky parts, such as race conditions, and making sure only a single driver accepts a ride. But this should be a high-level overview of how it can be done.
Finally, this schema is a quite technology agnostic; it isn't specific to Flutter. The architecture to have that feature could be implemented like this in pretty much any modern mobile framework - Flutter is just a UI framework.

RabbitMQ Structure For Private Messaging

I am currently looking to buildout a messaging service where users can send and receive messages privately between each other. I may have a need for multi-user chat, but for the most part, I only want single recipients to be able to read messages sent to them.
With looking at RabbitMQ, does it make sense to use one exchange, and create a queue for each user when they login and destroy each queue on logout? Are there major performance issues with creating a queue for each user or are there better alternatives?
I am building a REST API and plan on having users send messages to others through an endpoint (/send) and subscribe to their own message streams via websockets or something similar. I will probably store messages in MongoDB as well, so users can access all of their previous messages. Any suggestions on structure are appreciated.
I think your approach is correct. You event don't need an exchange if you will use the default exchange (AMQP Default). And during login create a new queue and keep queue name same as user name. (Just need to make sure user names are unique) And if you publish message to the default exchange with username (ie: queue name) as routing key, RbbitMQ will route that message to that queue only. And on logout if you delete the queue then user is going to miss the messages when he is not online. If it is OK then create queue after login and use the configuration exclusive which says queue gets deleted when there is no consumer. But if you want to keep offline messages then you need to create queue permanently during user signup.

What are the strategies for Pusher channel structures in social status update applications?

When building a social application it's common to follow other users or topics as an indication of interest in updates by the user or topic. For example, following other users on Twitter, Friending other people on Facebook or liking a product or brand on Facebook.
Pusher has the concept of channels that you subscribe to. Channels are a human readable string that provide a logical identifier to information (e.g. "some-channel-name") and therefore seems to naturally suggest that in a social application any updates on a user or topic should be sent on a channel specific to that item (e.g. "userX-status-updates" or "myBrand-status-updates").
However, this raises concerns about how efficient it is to subscribe to multiple channels if a user is following a high number of other users or topic.
Therefore, what are the appropriate strategies for structuring channels in an social status update style application that uses Pusher?
The first thing to clarify is that you need a mapping of who you are following so for the purposes of this answer I'm going to assume that it's stored in a DB on the server. It also assumed that status updates are triggered as follows:
Client (userX posts status update) -> Your Server (sanitize & validate)
Your Server -> Pusher
Pusher -> Clients (users interested in updates from UserX)
There are two possible solutions to the channel information architecture problem:
Channel Per User Status: A user subscribes to a userX-status-updates channel for all the users that they follow and users trigger update events on their own status update channel.
Users I'm Following Channel: When a user posts a status update you look up who is following that user and publish the update on a users-you-follow-updates channel.
Strategy 1. is the most optimal solution as it keeps interactions with your own infrastructure an Pusher to a minimum.
Here's the detail on these two strategies:
1. Channel Per User Status
The assumption here is that subscribing to channels is costly but that not entirely correct. Channels are simply a way of routing events. However, if you are using authenticated channels (private & presence) you need to authenticate the subscription via your own server. If you use the Pusher WebSocket libraries "out of the box" each subscription will result in a request to your server. So, a user is following 1,000 users that's 1,000 requests to your server.
But, for the pusher-js library there is a multi-auth plugin that can batch the authentication requests into a single call.
There is also a BatchAuthorizer for the Pusher WebSocket Java library, but it's only a sample solution to this scenario.
2. Users I'm Following Channel
Note: although this is an option it's probably only appropriate for smaller numbers of users
In this scenario a user sends their status update to the server, the server performs a lookup of which users are interested in the update and triggers and update even on a channel for each interested user.
For example, give users UserA, UserB and UserC each of those users will subscribe to their own update channel; UserA-followers-updates, UserB-followers-updates, and UserC-followers-updates respectively. If each of these users follows UserZ then when UserZ makes as status update that update is published on each of those channels.
This may also sound inefficient, however it is possible to trigger the same event on 10 channels at a time. So in the above example it would only require one call to the Pusher HTTP API to send the status update to all interested users. More information on multi-channel event publishing here.

xmpp protocol decentralized actual meaning?

I just started working on xmpp its wiki page says that "The architecture of the XMPP network is similar to email; anyone can run their own XMPP server and there is no central master server."Hence it is decentralized
In my application I want that user can create a specific group chat box on a click of button.
My question is if the main user who created chatbox become offline will the chat box created by him will remain alive as decentralized suggest that user who created will act as a server. If not , could anyone suggest what can be done for keeping chatboxes alive even when the user become offline.
Multi User Chats (called 'MUC' in the XMPP world) are hosted by a XMPP component. This means that the user who initiated the chat *does not act as chat provider, but this particular MUC component. This component runs usually on the same machine as your XMPP server. Therefore the chat exists - if the MUC is marked as permanent - even if the user quits the chat.
More information can be found in XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat

CQRS and email notification

Reading up on CQRS there is a lot of talk of email notification - i'm wondering where to get the data from. Imagine a senario where one user invites other users to an event. To inform a user that he has been invited to an event, he is sent an email.
The concrete steps might go like this:
A CreateEvent command with an associated collection of users to invite, is received by the server.
A new Meeting aggregate is created and a method InviteUser is called for each user that is to be invited.
Each time a user is invited to an event, a domain event UserWasInvitedToEvent is raised.
An email notification sender picks up the domain event and sends out the notification email.
Now my question is this: Where do I go for information to include in the email?
Say I want to include a description of the event as well as the user's name. Since this is CQRS I can't get it thru my domain model; All the properties of the domain objects are private! Should I then query the read side? Or maybe move email notification to a different service entirely?
In CQRS, you're separating the command from the query side. You will always want to go to the query side in order to get data for a given event handler. The write database is going to be a separate database that contains the data necessary for building up your domain objects and will not be optimized for reads, but for writes.
The domain should register and send an EventCreated event to the event handlers / processors. This could be raised from the constructor of the Meeting aggregate.
The event processing component would pick up the EventCreated event, and update the query database with the data contained in the event (ie, the Id of the event and its name).
The domain could register and send a UserWasInvitedToEvent event to the event processors.
The event processors would pick up the UserWasInvitedToEvent and update the query store with any reporting data necessary.
Another event processing component would also pick up the UserWasInvitedToEvent event. This process could have access to the query database and pull back all of the data necessary for sending the email.
The query database is nothing more than a reporting database, so you could even have a specific table that stores all of the data required for the email in one place.
In order to orchestrate several different events into a single handler (assuming the events might be processed in a different order at different times), you could utilize the concept of a Saga in your messaging bus. NServiceBus is an example of a messaging bus that supports Saga's. See this StackOverflow question as well: NServiceBus Delayed Message Processing.