How to use Insert in MongDB:s Function - mongodb

Goal: use MongoDB's function to add new row by using function.
It is similar concept to add a new row by using a stored procedure in SQL Server.
Problem: the code doesn't work and what part am I missing?
"message" : "db.Test.myAddFunction is not a function",
"stack" : "script:1:10"
Info: I'm new to MongoDB
{ item: "journal", qty: 25, tags: ["blank", "red"], size: { h: 14, w: 21, uom: "cm" } },
{ item: "mat", qty: 85, tags: ["gray"], size: { h: 27.9, w: 35.5, uom: "cm" } },
{ item: "mousepad", qty: 25, tags: ["gel", "blue"], size: { h: 19, w: 22.85, uom: "cm" } }
_id : "myAddFunction" ,
value : function (x, y)
{ item: "canvas", qty: 100, tags: ["cotton"], size: { h: 28, w: 35.5, uom: "cm" } }
return x + y;
db.Test.myAddFunction(2, 2);

You cannot.
Once you save a function in the system.js collection, you can use the function from any JavaScript context; e.g. $where operator, mapReduce command or db.collection.mapReduce().


How to loop through mongodb subdocument array find the matching elements and update the element fields with new values at once

For example, if a purchase order has line items like this:
and user from the client side send us line items to be updated in an array called lineItemsToUpdate and has a format like this:
{ unitCost: 342,
totalQuantity: 13,
acceptedQuantity: 6,
rejectedQuantity: 18,
title: 'Unbranded Concrete Pizza',
description: 'Soft',
variant: 5f2d5eb0195026e6dd549ef0 },
{ unitCost: 189,
totalQuantity: 95,
acceptedQuantity: 49,
rejectedQuantity: 16,
title: 'Handcrafted Rubber Cheese',
description: 'Assurance',
variant: 5f2d5eaf195026e6dd549b7d },
{ unitCost: 267,
totalQuantity: 18,
acceptedQuantity: 93,
rejectedQuantity: 11,
title: 'Incredible Soft Car',
description: 'solution-oriented',
variant: 5f2d5eb0195026e6dd549d3d },
here in the lineItemsToUpdate array, it's possible that the value of each element has been changed by the client and I want to update all the matching element by variant field in my sub-document if I describe it in the format of a user story:
update all lineItems "fields" according to lineItemsToUpdate array where the lineItemsToUpdate.[elem].variant === linitem.[elem].variant using $set, if possible $each and arrayFilters operators
I read some example through the mongodb documentation like this one:
{ },
{ $set: { "grades.$[elem].mean" : 100 } },
multi: true,
arrayFilters: [ { "elem.grade": { $gte: 85 } } ]
but the problem in here { $set: { "grades.$[elem].mean" : 100 } } is that the 100 value is constant and I want this part dynamic as I described in above.
Following is JS function you have to take help of.
var arr1 =;
{ },
{ $set: { "lineItems.$[elem].unitCost" : arr2[j].unitCost,"lineItems.$[elem].totalQuantity" : arr2[j].totalQuantity } .....},
{ multi: true,
arrayFilters: [ { "elem.variant": { $eq: arr2[j].variant } } ]
We have to pass 2 parameters: i) Mongo cursor and ii) An array.
Cursor is the collection to be updated. For your case, it is
Purchase Order. Array is lineItemsToUpdate array here.
Next we take 2 for loops to match variant field between cursor and
If there is a match, we update the Purchase Order using update
command and $set operator.
Go to your Mongo Shell. Ensure the current database has Purchase
Order collection.
Define modifyItems function as below.
var modifyItems=function(c1,arr2){
var arr1 =;
{ },
{ $set: { "lineItems.$[elem].unitCost" : arr2[j].unitCost,"lineItems.$[elem].totalQuantity" : arr2[j].totalQuantity }... },
{ multi: true,
arrayFilters: [ { "elem.variant": { $eq: arr2[j].variant } } ]
Define a variable arr which contains lineItemsToUpdate.
var arr=[
{ unitCost: 342,
totalQuantity: 13,
acceptedQuantity: 6,
rejectedQuantity: 18,
title: 'Unbranded Concrete Pizza',
description: 'Soft',
variant: 5f2d5eb0195026e6dd549ef0 },
{ unitCost: 189,
totalQuantity: 95,
acceptedQuantity: 49,
rejectedQuantity: 16,
title: 'Handcrafted Rubber Cheese',
description: 'Assurance',
variant: 5f2d5eaf195026e6dd549b7d },
{ unitCost: 267,
totalQuantity: 18,
acceptedQuantity: 93,
rejectedQuantity: 11,
title: 'Incredible Soft Car',
description: 'solution-oriented',
variant: 5f2d5eb0195026e6dd549d3d }
Now execute the JS function.
If there is no error, your Purchase Order line items will be now updated with the array values in one single shot.

Need desired outcome in populate block with customized result in mongodb

I have four collections person , other_details, occupation_details, bank_details as stated below
person =>[
id : 1,
name : 'john',
other_details : 1023
id : 2,
name : 'mark',
other_details : 99
other_details => [
id: 1023,
married: false,
occupation_details: 144,
bank_details : 10
id: 99,
married: true,
occupation_details: 45,
bank_details : 11
occupation_details => [
id: 144,
comp_name : 'oscorp inc.'
id: 45,
comp_name : 'tesla inc.'
bank_details => [
id: 10,
bank : 'Bank of canada'
id: 11,
bank : 'Peoples bank of canada'
I am using mongoose library with nodejs
// id = 1
path: 'other_details',
populate: [
path: 'occupation_details'
path: 'bank_details'
So the result for the above query comes like below
id : 1,
name : 'john',
other_details : {
id: 1023,
married: false,
occupation_details: {
id: 144,
comp_name : 'oscorp inc.'
bank_details : {
id: 10,
bank : 'Bank of canada'
But for some reasons I want the result like below
id : 1,
name : 'john',
other_details : {
id: 1023,
married: false,
occupation_details: {
id: 144,
comp_name : 'oscorp inc.'
bank_details : 10,
custom_bank_details : {
id: 10,
bank : 'Bank of canada'
The change I need is the following, The bank_details object should exist with id and the populated bank_details data from other collection should come in other object name as custom_bank_details
bank_details : 10,
custom_bank_details : {
id: 10,
bank : 'Bank of canada'
You could use virtual to populate bank details into a new field. Something like
OtherDetailsSchema.virtual('custom_bank_details', {
ref: 'BankDetails',
localField: 'bank_details',
foreignField: '_id',
justOne: true
path: 'other_details',
populate: [
{path: 'occupation_details'},
{path: 'custom_bank_details'}
I'm not a mongoose user so I'm not sure if it is possible to populate to new field name. If feasible you could quite easily achieve using aggregate with lookup.
Something like
Working example

Getting the index of matched value

I've created online cluster in mongodb atlas then created mongodb stitch app, in the stitch javascript editor, how can I get the index of x when match it ? example :
"_id": 5646546,
"items":[ {"x": 12, "y": 4} , {"x": 12, "y": 4} ]
so when x= 12 the index should be 0
You can write a javascript function in stitch like below :
const getIndex = (inputArray, match) => {
return inputArray.findIndex(element => element.x == match);
let obj = {
_id: 5646546,
items: [
{ x: 12, y: 4 },
{ x: 12, y: 4 }
let obj2 = {
_id: 5646547,
items: [
{ x: 121, y: 4 },
{ x: 12, y: 4 },
{ x: 122, y: 4 }
console.log(getIndex(obj.items, 12)); // prints 0
console.log(getIndex(obj2.items, 122)); // prints 2

Using $pull with Deployd method

I have a Deployd API which exposes a json structure like this:
{id: "1"
username: "john",
password: " ..... ",
email: "",
coins: 60,
badges: [ ],
{ id: "123456",
title: "Animals",
grades_per_module: [ [30], [28, 26], [25, 24]]
{ id: "112233",
title: "Food",
grades_per_module: [ [20, 25, 27], [22]]
{id: "2"
username: "mark",
password: " ..... ",
email: "",
coins: 40,
badges: [ ],
{ id: "123456",
title: "Animals",
grades_per_module: [ [27], [21, 30], [30, 30]]
Then I need to remove the intere course with id="112233" of the user "john" using an angular code.
So I use this code, but it doesn't work:
{ "courses": { $pull: { "id": 112233 } }
}).subscribe( ..... )
Deployd API returns me a positive message, but the course is not really removed from the user object.
Can anyone help me?

Column chart has repeating x-axis label

I am at a loss on why Google column chart is repeating the x-axis label.
Please find the CodePen URL:
You may notice that I have tried both the approaches:
arrayToDataTable (line #4 in code pen)
conventional datatable structure (line #5 in code pen)
Following is the code from CodePen link:
//console.log("Loading current Google charts");
google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
//let dataTable = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(GetJSONArray()); //This also has the same issue
let dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable(GetJSONData());
RenderChart(dataTable, "chart");
function RenderChart(dataTable, elementId) {
try {
const dateFormat = "MMM dd";
let numberOfRows = dataTable.getNumberOfRows();
let options = {
tooltip: { isHtml: true /*, trigger: 'selection'*/ },
height: 240,
legend: { position: "bottom" },
colors: ["#4CAF50"],
chartArea: { left: 80, top: 20, width: "90%" },
//isStacked: 'true',
hAxis: {
format: dateFormat
//gridlines: { count: numberOfRows }
vAxis: {
//format: '%',
title: "Percentage",
viewWindow: {
max: 100,
min: 0
if (numberOfRows === 1) {
//If there is only one date then Google chart messes up the chart, in that case it is must to set viewWindow
let hAxis = {
hAxis: {
viewWindow: {
min: dataTable.getValue(0, 0),
max: dataTable.getValue(numberOfRows - 1, 0)
options = $.extend(true, options, hAxis);
let wrapper = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
chartType: "ColumnChart",
dataTable: dataTable,
options: options,
containerId: elementId
} catch (e) {
function GetJSONArray(){
let data = [
['Date', 'Pass', { role: 'annotation' } , {'type': 'string', 'role': 'tooltip', 'p': {'html': true}} ],
[new Date(2018, 9, 6),96, "48 (96.00%)", "<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 8),96.55172413793103448275862069,"168 (96.55%)","<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 9),95.82409460458240946045824095,"2,593 (95.82%)","<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 10),96.81303116147308781869688385,"2,734 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 11),96.80555555555555555555555556,"2,788 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 12),96.863295880149812734082397,"2,069 (96.86%)","<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"]
return data;
function GetJSONData() {
return {
cols: [
{ type: "date", id: "Date", label: "Date" },
{ type: "number", id: "Pass", label: "Pass %" },
type: "string",
id: "Annotation",
label: "Annotation",
p: { role: "annotation" }
type: "string",
id: "ToolTip",
label: "ToolTip",
p: { html: "true", role: "tooltip" }
rows: [
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 6)" },
{ v: 96 },
{ v: "48 (96.00%)" },
"<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 8)" },
{ v: 96.55172413793103448275862069 },
{ v: "168 (96.55%)" },
"<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 9)" },
{ v: 95.82409460458240946045824095 },
{ v: "2,593 (95.82%)" },
"<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 10)" },
{ v: 96.81303116147308781869688385 },
{ v: "2,734 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 11)" },
{ v: 96.80555555555555555555555556 },
{ v: "2,788 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 12)" },
{ v: 96.863295880149812734082397 },
{ v: "2,069 (96.86%)" },
"<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"
I have also referred following URLs:
Duplicate label on x-axis, stacking bar chart (google charts)
since you're using datetime for x-axis,
the chart doesn't know it should only show one label for each day.
instead, it adds dates to fill the range of the x-axis.
and since the format does not include time,
labels are repeated.
to correct, use option hAxis.ticks to provide your own labels.
to build dynamically, use data table method --> getColumnRange
this will return the min and max dates in the table.
then build an array of dates for each day.
let dateRange = dataTable.getColumnRange(0);
for (var i = dateRange.min.getTime(); i <= dateRange.max.getTime(); i = i + oneDay) {
hAxisTicks.push(new Date(i));
see following working snippet...
google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
//let dataTable = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(GetJSONArray()); //This also has the same issue
let dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable(GetJSONData());
RenderChart(dataTable, "chart");
function RenderChart(dataTable, elementId) {
try {
const dateFormat = "MMM dd";
const oneDay = (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
let hAxisTicks = [];
let dateRange = dataTable.getColumnRange(0);
for (var i = dateRange.min.getTime(); i <= dateRange.max.getTime(); i = i + oneDay) {
hAxisTicks.push(new Date(i));
let numberOfRows = dataTable.getNumberOfRows();
let options = {
tooltip: { isHtml: true /*, trigger: 'selection'*/ },
height: 240,
legend: { position: "bottom" },
colors: ["#4CAF50"],
chartArea: { left: 80, top: 20, width: "90%" },
//isStacked: 'true',
hAxis: {
format: dateFormat,
ticks: hAxisTicks
//gridlines: { count: numberOfRows }
vAxis: {
//format: '%',
title: "Percentage",
viewWindow: {
max: 100,
min: 0
if (numberOfRows === 1) {
//If there is only one date then Google chart messes up the chart, in that case it is must to set viewWindow
let hAxis = {
hAxis: {
viewWindow: {
min: dataTable.getValue(0, 0),
max: dataTable.getValue(numberOfRows - 1, 0)
options = $.extend(true, options, hAxis);
let wrapper = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
chartType: "ColumnChart",
dataTable: dataTable,
options: options,
containerId: elementId
} catch (e) {
function GetJSONArray(){
let data = [
['Date', 'Pass', { role: 'annotation' } , {'type': 'string', 'role': 'tooltip', 'p': {'html': true}} ],
[new Date(2018, 9, 6),96, "48 (96.00%)", "<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 8),96.55172413793103448275862069,"168 (96.55%)","<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 9),95.82409460458240946045824095,"2,593 (95.82%)","<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 10),96.81303116147308781869688385,"2,734 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 11),96.80555555555555555555555556,"2,788 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 12),96.863295880149812734082397,"2,069 (96.86%)","<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"]
return data;
function GetJSONData() {
return {
cols: [
{ type: "date", id: "Date", label: "Date" },
{ type: "number", id: "Pass", label: "Pass %" },
type: "string",
id: "Annotation",
label: "Annotation",
p: { role: "annotation" }
type: "string",
id: "ToolTip",
label: "ToolTip",
p: { html: "true", role: "tooltip" }
rows: [
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 6)" },
{ v: 96 },
{ v: "48 (96.00%)" },
"<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 8)" },
{ v: 96.55172413793103448275862069 },
{ v: "168 (96.55%)" },
"<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 9)" },
{ v: 95.82409460458240946045824095 },
{ v: "2,593 (95.82%)" },
"<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 10)" },
{ v: 96.81303116147308781869688385 },
{ v: "2,734 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 11)" },
{ v: 96.80555555555555555555555556 },
{ v: "2,788 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 12)" },
{ v: 96.863295880149812734082397 },
{ v: "2,069 (96.86%)" },
"<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart"></div>