Split a string in scala based on string lengths - scala

I have a table with two columns, one is an id and the other a value. My value column contains 1488 characters. I have to split this column into multiple rows with 12 characters each. Example:
ID Value
1 123456789987653ABCDEFGHI
Expected output:
ID Value
1 123456789987
How can this be done in Spark?

Create an UDF to split a string into equal length parts using grouped. Then use explode on the resulting list of string to flatten it.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def splitOnLength(len: Int) = udf((str: String) => {
df.withColumn("Value", explode(splitOnString(12)($"Value")))


What is the most elegant way to extract 2 values from a spark dataframe?

I have a scala method that reads a dataframe that will always consist of 2 int values in a single column (epochs)
What is the most elegant way to extract these values into 2 int vals in Scala?
You can use val Array(...):
val Array(first, second) = df.map(_.getInt(0)).collect()

Converting Column of Dataframe to Seq[Columns] Scala

I am trying to make the next operation:
var test = df.groupBy(keys.map(col(_)): _*).agg(sequence.head, sequence.tail: _*)
I know that the required parameter inside the agg should be a Seq[Columns].
I have then a dataframe "expr" containing the next:
The column sequence is of string type and I want to use the values of each row as input of the agg, but I am not capable to reach those.
Any idea of how to give it a try?
If you can change the strings in the sequences column to be SQL commands, then it would be possible to solve. Spark provides a function expr that takes a SQL string and converts it into a column. Example dataframe with working commands:
val df2 = Seq("sum(case when A like 2 then A end) as A", "count(B) as B").toDF("sequences")
To convert the dataframe to Seq[Column]s do:
val seqs = df2.as[String].collect().map(expr(_))
Then the groupBy and agg:
df.groupBy(...).agg(seqs.head, seqs.tail:_*)

How to update multiple columns of Dataframe from given set of maps in Scala?

I have below dataframe
val df=Seq(("manuj","kumar","CEO","Info"),("Alice","Beb","Miniger","gogle"),("Ram","Kumar","Developer","Info Delhi")).toDF("fname","lname","designation","company")
|fname|lname|designation| company|
|manuj|kumar| CEO| Info|
|Alice| Beb| Miniger| gogle|
| Ram|Kumar| Developer|Info Delhi|
Below is the given maps for individual column
val fnameMap=Map("manuj"->"Manoj")
val lnameMap=Map("Beb"->"Bob")
val designationMap=Map("Miniger"->"Manager")
val companyMap=Map("Info"->"Info Ltd","gogle"->"Google","Info Delhi"->"Info Ltd")
I also have list of columns which need to be updated so my requirement is that update all the columns of dataframe(df) which are in given list of columns using given maps.
val colList=Iterator("fname","lname","designation","company")
Output must be like
|fname|lname|designation| company|
|Manoj|kumar| CEO|Info Ltd|
|Alice| Bob| Manager| Google|
| Ram|Kumar| Developer|Info Ltd|
Edit: Dataframe may have around 1200 columns and colList will have less than 1200 column names so I need to iterate over colList and update value of corresponding column from corresponding map.
Since DataFrames are immutable, in this example it can be processed progressively column by column, by creating a new DataFrame containing an intermediate column with replaced values, then renaming this column to initial name and finally overwriting the original DataFrame.
To achieve all this, several steps will be necessary.
First, we'll need a udf that returns a replacement value if it occurs in the provided map:
def replaceValueIfMapped(mappedValues: Map[String, String]) = udf((cellValue: String) =>
mappedValues.getOrElse(cellValue, cellValue)
Second, we'll need a generic function that expects a DataFrame, a column name and its replacements map. This function produces a dataframe with a temporary column, containing replaced values, drops the original column, renames the temporary one to the original name and finally returns the produced DataFrame:
def replaceColumnValues(toReplaceDf: DataFrame, column: String, mappedValues: Map[String, String]): DataFrame = {
val replacedColumn = column + "_replaced"
toReplaceDf.withColumn(replacedColumn, replaceValueIfMapped(mappedValues)(col(column)))
.withColumnRenamed(replacedColumn, column)
Third, instead of having an Iterator on column names for replacements, we'll use a Map, where each column name is associated with a replacements map:
val colsToReplace = Map("fname" -> fnameMap,
"lname" -> lnameMap,
"designation" -> designationMap,
"company" -> companyMap)
Finally, we can call foldLeft on this map in order to execute all the replacements:
val replacedDf = colsToReplace.foldLeft(sourceDf){ case(alreadyReplaced, toReplace) =>
replaceColumnValues(alreadyReplaced, toReplace._1, toReplace._2)
replacedDf now contains the expected result.
To make the lookup dynamic at this level, you'll probably need to change the way you map your values to make then dynamically searchable. I would make maps of maps, with keys being the names of the columns, as expected to be passed in:
val fnameMap=Map("manuj"->"Manoj")
val lnameMap=Map("Beb"->"Bob")
val designationMap=Map("Miniger"->"Manager")
val companyMap=Map("Info"->"Info Ltd","gogle"->"Google","Info Delhi"->"Info Ltd")
val allMaps = Map("fname"->fnameMap,
"lname" -> lnameMap,
"designation" -> designationMap,
"company" -> companyMap)
This may make sense as the maps are relatively small, but you may need to consider using broadcast variables.
You can then dynamically look up based on field names.
* [ if you've seen that my scala code is bad, it's because it is. So here's a java version for you to translate] *
List<String> allColumns = Arrays.asList(dataFrame.columns());
.map(row ->
//this rewrites the row (that's a warning)
.map(dfColumn -> {
if(!colList.contains(dfColumn)) {
//column not requested for mapping, use old value
return row.get(allColumns.indexOf(dfColumn));
} else {
Object colValue =
// in case of [2], you'd have to call:
//Modified value
return allMaps.get(dfColumn)
//Assuming strings, you may need to cast
.getOrDefault(colValue, colValue);

Spark convert dataframe to RowMatrix

Say I have a dataframe resulted from a sequence of transformations. It looks like the following:
id matrixRow
0 [1,2,3]
1 [4,5,6]
2 [7,8,9]
each row actually corresponds to a row of a matrix.
How can I convert the matrixRow column of the dataframe to RowMatrix?
After numerous tries, here's one solution:
val rdd = df.rdd.map(
row => Vectors.dense(row.getAs[Seq[Double]](1).toArray)//get the second column value as Seq[Double], then as Array, then cast to Vector
val row = new RowMatrix(rdd)

Dynamically select column content based on other column from the same row

I am using Spark 1.6.1. Lets say my data frame looks like:
|categoryName|catA |catB|
| catA |0.25 |0.75|
| catB |0.5 |0.5 |
Where categoryName has String type, and cat* are Double. I would like to add column that will contain value from column which name is in the categoryName column:
|categoryName|catA |catB| score |
| catA |0.25 |0.75| 0.25 | ('score' has value from column name 'catA')
| catB |0.5 |0.7 | 0.7 | ('score' value from column name 'catB')
I need such extraction to some later calculations. Any ideas?
Important: I don't know names of category columns. Solution needs to be dynamic.
Spark 2.0:
You can do this (for any number of category columns) by creating a temporary column which holds a map of categroyName -> categoryValue, and then selecting from it:
// sequence of any number of category columns
val catCols = input.columns.filterNot(_ == "categoryName")
// create a map of category -> value, and then select from that map using categoryName:
.withColumn("asMap", map(catCols.flatMap(c => Seq(lit(c), col(c))): _*))
.withColumn("score", $"asMap".apply($"categoryName"))
Spark 1.6: Similar idea, but using an array and a UDF to select from it:
// sequence of any number of category columns
val catCols = input.columns.filterNot(_ == "categoryName")
// UDF to select from array by index of colName in catCols
val getByColName = udf[Double, String, mutable.WrappedArray[Double]] {
case (colName, colValues) =>
val index = catCols.zipWithIndex.find(_._1 == colName).map(_._2)
// create an array of category values and select from it using UDF:
.withColumn("asArray", array(catCols.map(col): _*))
.withColumn("score", getByColName($"categoryName", $"asArray"))
You have several options:
If you are using scala you can use the Dataset API in which case you would simply create a map which does the calculation.
You can move to RDD from dataframe and use a map
You can create a UDF which receives all relevant columns as input and do the calculation inside
you can use a bunch of when/otherwise clauses to do the search (e.g. when(col1 == CatA, col(CatA)).otherwise(col(CatB)))