How can I connect to Google Cloud SQL database as an external mysql database from Google App Maker? - google-cloud-sql

I am trying to connect to a Google Cloud SQL database from my Google App Maker app. Unfortunately, my IT staff hasn't set up Google App Maker to use Google Cloud SQL as the default so I'm trying to connect to the database the same way I have connected to external MySQL databases in the past but it's not working with the public IP address.
I have created a Google Cloud SQL database and I'm able to connect to it from MySQLWorkbench using the public IP address. I had to add my the IP address for my home computer in order to connect the database. I did not need to use SSL.
I created a Google service account for my Google App Maker app. I then included this service account in the Google project that contains the Cloud SQL database. I assigned it permissions for Cloud SQL Admin and Cloud SQL Client.
I am using this code in App Maker to try and connect. It's the same code I have used with other external MySQL databases. The ip address 34.xx.xx.xx is the public IP address listed in the overview page of the Google Cloud SQL instance.
// App Settings
// Important Note: This is for demo purposes only, storing passwords in scripts
// is not recommended in production applications.
// DB Credentials (you need to provide these)
var address = '34.xx.xx.xx';
var db = 'Kenco_IoT_Template';
var dbUrl = 'jdbc:mysql://' + address + '/' + db;
var user = 'real_username';
var userPwd = 'real_password';
I receive this error message:
"Executing query for datasource ActivityTable: (Error) : Failed to establish a database connection. Check connection string, username and password. Please refer to the ReadMe and edit your database settings!"
My guess is the issue is with setting up the Cloud SQL database to accept the connection from Google App Maker. The best solution will be to enable Cloud SQL as the default for Google App Maker but I'm hoping there is some alternative I can use for now.
Any help appreciated.

To make this an answer so others can more easily find it:
The answer is that you needed to whitelist the IP ranges for appscript. Public IPs on Cloud SQL instances either require whitelisting of the IP addresses for access, or they need to use the Cloud SQL Proxy.
The OP also mentioned that they had to switch which Jdbc method they used from getConnection() to getCloudSqlConnection().


Cloudsql access from ai-platform job

Google has nice ways to connect to cloudsql from other google services but I cannot see how to connect from ai-platform jobs. As part of our training job, we need to update our cloudsql db with metrics but the only I could get it to work is by whitelisting all IPs (don't want that!) in the cloudsql and connecting via the public IP. I don't see an option to add cloud-sql-proxy to the trainer instance. Since the IP of the trainer instance is dynamic, we cannot reliably add specific IP address to whitelist. Any other ways to handle this?
It looks like AI Platform supports VPC peering, so you should be able to connect to Cloud SQL using private IP.
Since Cloud SQL also uses VPC peering, you'll likely need to do the following to get the resources to connect:
Create a VPC to share (or use the "default" VPC)
Follow the steps here to setup VPC peering for AI Platform in your VPC.
Follow the steps here to setup a private IP for your instance in your VPC.
Since the resources are technically in different networks, you may need to export custom routes (Step #2) to allow the AI platform access to your Cloud SQL instance.
Alternatively to using private IP, you could keep using public IP w/ an IP allowlist coupled with Authorizing with SSL/TLS certificates. This still isn't as secure as using the proxy or private IP (as users are technically able to connect to your instance), but they'll be unable to interact with the database engine without the correct certificates.
Can you publish a PubSub message from within your training job and have it trigger a cloud function that connects to the database? AI Platform training seems to have IAM restrictions that I too am curious how to control.

Google Cloud SQL - PostgreSQL database connection from QGIS for third parties

I have a Google Cloud SQL PostgreSQL database in which I can connect by using SSL and by entering my IP address in allowed connection settings. However, I do not want to list all the IP addresses that is going to connect to this database (because I do not know all the IP addresses). I have around 15 people which I want them to login to my database using QGIS and they should be able to change the data as this is a research. Security is not a big issue as this database will be online for a very short period of time. What connection method can you suggest? The users are not very proficient so I need to setup everything.
I hope you're doing fine.
I would like to suggest to set the connections with the Cloud SQL proxy as it will provide the security needed without using ssl or the need of authorize any network. so basically the set up is to:
Enable the API
Install the proxy client on your local machine
Determine how you will authenticate the proxy
If required by your authentication method, create a service account
Also you can find the steps on "Connecting to Cloud SQL from external applications"
Hope this works for you as I have never used it with QGIS but I believe that as you are using a proxy it won't be hard from there to use it with QGIS as if you connected to a local server.

Error Connecting Azure Database from Thingworx

I am trying to connect my thingworx to azure postgres database. I have two azure accounts. When I am creating my postgresql database in one of the accounts and connecting then it is working fine.
But when I am trying to connect to the azure postgres database present in the second account , the connection is failing and I am getting the error as follows:
Unable to Invoke Service GetStudentData on Database_Functions : FATAL: Client from Azure Virtual Networks is not allowed to access the server. Please make sure your Virtual Network is correctly configured.
Apparently, the postgresql is part of a Virtual Network service endpoint and a service endpoint tag was enabled.
To solve the problem disable the service endpoint and add the public IP to the Connection Security section.
It seems a firewall rule problem, not at all related to TW itself.

How to configure sailsjs DB connection with Google Cloud SQL

I'm running a Sails.js application that uses a Google Cloud Postgresql instance on Google App Engine. I'm getting a connection refused error when I deploy the application. This is my sailsjs connection config:
postgresGoogle: {
adapter: 'sails-postgresql',
socketPath: '/cloudsql/' + process.env.INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME,
user: 'xxxxx',
password: 'xxxxx',
database: 'postgres'
If I add the host, it throws a timeout error. Does anyone know the proper way to configure a sailsjs connection with GCP postresql?
Where exactly is your Sails.js application? Is it on App Engine Flex? I would recommend deploying to App Engine Flex, as described here and then connect to the PostgreSQL from the Flex environment. Otherwise, are you using any of the option steps described in this link for connection?
As of 16 December 2022...
I finally got Sails.js to work today with GCP SQL. If you follow the tutorials from Google you have either Unix Sockets or TCP options to try -- and sadly neither work with out of the box sails-postgres.
My workaround was to connect via a VPC connector with a dedicated IP address. This way I can connect to Cloud SQL using a regular Postgres connection string, directly to the DB.
Then I whitelisted the new dedicated IP in Cloud SQL security settings, and forced SSL to require valid SSL certificates.
It may not be best practice for now per Google's docs, but it works.

IBM Bluemix Secure gateway / public access

Should I be able to setup secure gateway to be able to connect to my on-prem SQL server DB, using SQL Server Management Studio on my laptop from home (not on prem)?
You don't "have to" use the secure gateway in order for your application on the cloud to see your local db. You could simply give your application the public ip (and port) of the local machine and they should work fine.
It is however a good practise to use the Secure Gateway service as it can ensure the security of the local-to-cloud communication. Make sure to have a look at the documentation to learn how the service works -