Is there a way to move between splitted windows using a shortcut or maybe a shortcut plugin in Netbeans? - netbeans

I'm using Apache Netbeans 11.1. I was wondering if there is a way to move between splitted views for a java class.
Im using the shortcut (CTRL + SHIFT + H) to create a clone and make an horizontal split for some java class and be able to work on two diferents parts of the file at the same time, but I can't find a a hotkey on the available shorcut's list in Netbeans (Tools → Options → Keymap) to move easely between this two panels. Is there a way to move with the keyboard without point and click with the mouse?, maybe some plugin instead?
splitted file
I also would like to know if there is a way to move between splitted windows when I use drag and drop to work the same way as described before but with different files:
-> dragging a file too make a splitted screen
-> final splitted screen
Thanks a lot in advance for your answers.


Can Eclipse hold multiple different 'Compare' windows at the same time?

Like in the topic - is there any default way or any plugin that lets you have multiple 'Compare' windows open and active at the same time? I find it very frustrating that while doing changes to few files at the same time, I can't have active 'Compare' window for each of them, to see my changes/original code.
I would use Window -> New Window, rerun Team -> Show History and then compare another file.
A compare window in Eclipse is placed inside a normal editor tab.
You can have several editor tabs, including compare windows, visible at the same time. To do this just drag the editor tab (the one on the top with the editor name) to somewhere inside the editor area. The editor area will get split in two, each one displaying one editor.
This works with more than two editors also.
If you find that you need more space for the compare windows because other views take up much space you can maximize the editor area by pressing Ctrl+M while the editor area has focus.
Go to preferences -> team -> General Team Preferences. For me, the "Reuse open compare editors when opening comparisons" was already checked by default. I unchecked that and now I can have multiple file comparison windows open! (I'm using Eclipse Oxygen.3a -- 4.7.3a)

Adding Alt + Space shortcut in Eclipse

I am using win7 and eclipse with Aptana plugin for trying some examples on Ruby. But I can't figure out how to add Alt + Space as a shortcut in Eclipse (I want to add it to complete already defined variables). The issue is that when I try to add that combination (Eclipse reads the keys clicked) and the menu window appears in the top left -> it is shown when you hit the Alt key.
Does anyone has a hint how to add the shortcut?
I found similar post, but don't know how and where to add the code there.
Autohotkey, remap Left Alt + Space to Control + Escape
In Eclipse, the code-completion shortcut is Ctrl+Space (it's called Content Assist in Eclipse lingo). Is that what you're looking for?
I'm pretty sure it can be mapped to a different keyboard combination. Open Preferences and navigate to General > Keys and then search for the Content Assist command to re-map.

Select active working set with hotkey in Open Resource window

I am using Eclipse (PDT) for developing websites in PHP. As I have many projects, I use working sets intensely. Besides this one, another of the best features of Eclipse is Open Resource (Ctrl + Shift + R by default), which also supports using working sets.
However, in the Open Resource window I have to use the mouse to click on the little black arrow in the upper right corner to roll down the working set menu. Is there a way to do the same using the keyboard? Assign a hotkey or maybe already has one?
So that's CTRL+F10 and then the number of the working set in the list.

Eclipse: keyboard shortcut to move tabs around?

Is there any way to setup an Eclipse keyboard shortcut which will split the current editor vertically and put the current tab on one side? For example, turning this:
Not directly with eclipse (3.4 or 3.5)
The closest plugin I have found which might enable what you are looking for is the Split file Editor
Usage: Open a file in Eclipse, then select Window -> New Split Editor from the main menu to open a split editor of the file.
(not exactly what you want but:)
Split editor opens in a new tab as opposed to appearing within the existing tab
(so while there may be 2 instances of the same file editor, you still have a situation with one file on one side, and the other files on the other tab group)

Eclipse IDE: How to zoom in on text?

I want the same behaviour Firefox has, when you use the scroll button in the mouse to zoom in and out on the current view.
Is there something like it for eclipse?
There is a project from a guy called 'tarlog' that made a plugin for eclipse at this google code site:
It has some other features for eclipse, amongst which is Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- to change the font size, it's frickin' awesome.
Too late but it could be helpful :
Go to Window Menu > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts
then go to Java > Java Editor Text Font > Edit
The Eclipse-Fonts extension will add toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts for changing font size. You can then use AutoHotkey to make Ctrl+Mousewheel zoom.
Under Help | Install New Software... in the menu, paste the update URL ( into the Works with: text box and press Enter. Expand the tree and select FontsFeature as in the following image:
Complete the installation and restart Eclipse, then you should see the A toolbar buttons (circled in red in the following image) and be able to use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+- and Ctrl+= to zoom (although you may have to unbind those keys from Eclipse first).
To get Ctrl+MouseWheel zooming, you can use AutoHotkey with the following script:
; Ctrl+MouseWheel zooming in Eclipse.
; Requires Eclipse-Fonts (
; Thank you for the unique window class, SWT/Eclipse.
#IfWinActive ahk_class SWT_Window0
^WheelUp:: Send ^{=}
^WheelDown:: Send ^-
Starting from tonight nightly build of 4.6/Neon, the Eclipse Platform includes a way to increase/decrease font size on text editors using Ctrl+ and Ctrl- (on Windows or Linux, Cmd= and Cmd- on Mac OS X) : . The implementation is shipped with any product using a recent build of the platform, and is more reliable that the one in the alternative plugins mentioned above.
It will be more widely available within weeks, when the IDE packages for Neon M4 will be available, and it will be part of the public Neon release in June 2016.
I've answered it here.
How can I change font size in Eclipse for Java text editors?
For Eclipse Neon
To Increase Ctrl +
To reduce Ctrl -
For Zoom In: CTRL + SHIFT + +
For Zoom Out: `CTRL + SHIFT + -
To zoom on Eclipse you can use : CTRL SHIFT + OR -
As per the recent changes you can use:
(1) Ctrl/Shift/(+) for Zoom-in
(2) Ctrl/Shift/(-) for Zoom-out
As mentioned in another answer, this plugin
makes Ctrl-+ and Ctrl-- zoom in and out. On MacOS that would be ⌘+ and ⌘-.
But at least on MacOS Lion and Eclipse Helios, ⌘- worked but not ⌘+ – no key combination (and I tried a bunch, including ⌘= and variants with Ctrl and Shift) would increase font size. However, by changing the key bindings, I was able to get it to work.
Preferences => General => Keys
Commands "Zoom Out" and "Decrease Font" were already set to ⌘- (and that seemed to work), so I set "Zoom In" and "Increase Font" to ⌘= (one of them was that and the other was ⌘+), and that worked.
go to Eclipse > Prefences > General > Appearance > Color and Fonts > Basic > Text Font
Font problem will resolved I guess.Dont need a any plugin for this.
Just by pressing Ctrl + Shift + '+' or '-'.
At least, it worked for me at Eclipse "2020-03" version.
Here is a cool way of ensuring zoom in and zoom out with mouse scroll-wheel in the Eclipse Editor. This one takes inspiration from the solution above from naveed ahmad which was not working for me.
1) First download Autohotkey from and install it, then run it.
2) Then download tarlog-plugins from
3) Put the downloaded .jar file in the eclipse/plugins folder.
4) Restart Eclipse.
5) Add the following Autohotkey script, save it then reload it (right click on Autohotkey icon in taskbar and click "Reload this script")
; Ctrl + MouseWheel zooming in Eclipse Editor.
; Requires Tarlog plugins (
#IfWinActive ahk_class SWT_Window0
^WheelUp:: Send ^{NumpadAdd}
^WheelDown:: Send ^{NumpadSub}
And you should be done. You can now zoom in or zoom out with ctrl+mousewheel up and ctrl+mousewheel down. The only caveat is that Autohotkey must be running for this solution to work so ensure that it starts with Windows or run it just before firing Eclipse up. Works fine in Eclipse Kepler and Luna.
The googlecode fontsupdate does not work anymore unfortunately. You can however just download the code from github:
Just download it as .zip, and add it in eclipse:
Adding a local plugin
Then you have the familiar buttons again!
On Mac you can do
Press 'Command' and '+' buttons to zoom in.
press 'Command' and '-' buttons to zoom out.
Even more reliable than #mifmif :
Go to Window Menu > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts
then go to Basic.
This section has about 5 different fonts in it, all of which contain a size. If you go to an item in any other section (like Java > Java Editor Text Font as #mifmif suggested) the Edit Default and Go to Default buttons will be enabled. Clicking the latter takes you to the corresponding item in the Basic section. Clicking the former lets you edit that item directly.
Changing the Basic font items will handle not only Java text but just about every other text in Eclipse that can be resized, as far as I can tell.
Here's a quicker way than multi-layer menus without resorting to plug-ins:
Use the Quick Access tool at the upper left corner.
Type in "font", then, from the list that drops down, click on the link for "Preferences->Colors and Fonts->General->Appearance".
One click replaces the 4 needed to get there through menus. I do it so often, my Quick Access tool pulls it up as a previous choice right at the top of the list so I can just type "font" with a tap on the enter key and Boom!, I'm there.
If you want a keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+3 sets the focus to the Quick Access tool. Better yet, this even automatically brings up a list with your previous choices. The last one you chose will be on top, in which case a simple Ctrl+3 followed by enter would bring you straight there! I use this all the time to make it bigger during long typing or reading sessions to ease eye strain, or to make it smaller if I need more text on the screen at one time to make it easier to find something.
It's not quite as nice as zooming with the scroll wheel, but it's a lot better than navigating through the menus every time!
What I am doing is using the Windows 10 magnifier. Not the same as zooming on firefox, but it has been quite useful.
The tarlog plugin, combined with removing -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.smallFonts from eclipse.ini, helps my tired eyes on MacOS Yosemite with Eclipse Luna (4.4).
Problem: Didn't work for me for a PyDev Python file.
Workaround: Open a file named - change the font size. Go back to and voila!! - the python font size matches the java font size.